Daily Racing Form Charts: Narragansett Park, Daily Racing Form, 1939-05-06

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NARRAGANSETT PARK THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT NARRAGANSETT PARK FRIDAY PAID 7.10 FOR . PAWTUCKET, R. I., FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1939.— Narragansett Park 1 mile. Twelfth day. Narragansett Racing Association. Spring meeting of 19 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Day Camera. Weather clear. Steward representing Rhode Island Racing Commission, F. J. Bryan. Stewards, T. Thorp and S. Nuckols. Judges, 11. Reynolds, P. C. Galligcr and W. It. Dahlstrom. Starter, G. R. Wingficld. Racing Secretary, R. S. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 1:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10.6— 3— 111.. JTOCTI Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. 3-ycar-olds, • V*-** 103 lbs.; 4-ycar-oIds, 113 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Claiming price, §1,000. way-a-JS-Nar Net ya|ue t0 winner S700; sccond 5175; third §75. fourthi §59. Index Horses Eq*t A Wt PP St Y*. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73379 SUN ARBOR wsri3103 4 3 1U l*i l3 l3 faylorWL Mrs M It Lewis 205-100 73340 COUNTRY JIM w»4113 6 2 2-* 2U 2-k 22i ChalmersJ J Boden 785-100 730962*OLD MAIN ROAD wn 4 108 5 7 6 _. 42 32A Z-k I.cBlancE Jerry McCarthy Stables 175-100 70494 TRUCKIN wb3100 3 9 7« 61 52A 42i McrrittR P Bieber 1340-100 73124"JUNE O. v«5 103 9 1 81 7 6_. 5 MalonovE W W Lord 1660-100 73378 MISS MICHIGAN w 3 98 7 4 9- 8A 73 6A KrovitzII Mrs H Young 1735-100 73379 GENGS KHAN II. wn 4 113 10 8 4A 3U 4* 72 PiersonNL Mrs E D Jacobs 3380-100 72406 FICKLE MOOD w 4 110 2 6 5J. 92 82 8l SmockF Mrs B Chapman 3995-100 73378 TRANSFINN wn 3 99 11 11 11 11 11 9U HarrcllJ W W Adams 3265-100 59184*ARTIST KNIGHT v8111 8 10 104 10iMOA. 103 BattsD Longue Vuc Farm 7410-100 67807 SCOUTING GIRL wn3101J 1 5 3J 51* 9A. 11 SchuttoII MrsM F Casey 3015-100 Time, :23%, :47?. 1:13. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELB PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SUN ARBOR $ 6.10 $ 3.70 $ 2.60 205—100 85—100 30—100 COUNTRY JIM 8.40 3.40 320—100 70—100 OLD MAIN ROAD 2.40 20—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Sim Briar — Whiskmond, by Whisk Broom II. or Peter Pan trained by M. Simmons; bred bv Messrs. W. S. Kilmer and Herring Bros.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:17. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SUN ARBOR, away well, opened a daylight advantage in the first quarter mile while still racing restrained, increased his advantage steadily to win with speed to spare. COUNTRY JIM, prominent from the outset and hard ridden all the way, held on gamely, although no match for the winner. OLD MAIN ROAD, unable to keep up during the first three-eighths, closed a good gap thereafter after saving all possible ground. TRUCKIN made up ground. JUNE O. was unable to "keep up. GENGIS KAHN II. moved up steadily on the outside but jockey had to take up ncaring the eighth post when he bore in. SCOUTING GIRL quit badlv after displaving brief early speed. Scratched— 73379Star Pupil, 111; 73384 Miss L. P., 103; 73378 Hi Honey, 98; 73096 Headmistress, 108; 73378 Cordate, 93; 72213 Sunabell, 103; Consultation, 103. Overweight — Truckin, 2 pounds; June O., 2; Fickle Mood, 2; Transfinn, 1; Scouting Girl, 3. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935—1:10—3—111. 70 -i T7 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since OOI4 April 21. 3-year-olds, 103 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Non-May-5-39-Nar winners in 1939 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 752242*FRENCH TRAP wh 8 109 2 11 10 7£ 52 l1 VanTasslW W Kirkley 255-100 73226*MARCABALA wn 6 111 10 8 61 52 2" 2 SenaD Mrs F West 355-100 73268*TIME INTERVAL w 4 103 5 5 4* 3 In 3 LoBlancE P Bieber 485-100 73343 LADDIE STONE wn 7 116 4 7 5«* 4 3 42A. WhoIeyR Mrs M Simmons 340-100 72736*PADDYS SISTER w 7 103 8 10 92 82 7A. 5" HarrcllJ C Moscarelli 4615-100 73224*SCOTCH THISTLE wn 5 106 6 4 2k. 1« 6A; c** SniderA Blue Ribbon Stock Farm 4160-100 73074*PRINCE CLOUD wb 4 111 9 1 11 10 9A; 72 Bowcn J R A Coward 2525-100 72176 OLD DOMINION wb 6 113 7 9 8" 11 lOJ 84 MerrittR Mrs E Anient 1645-100 73379 MAESTRUNG wb 3 104 3 3 14 2* 4°k 9J RobartE W W Adams 7365-100 70606 FELSA wb 6 110 11 2 3 * 6_, 8_. 104 LoTurcoA T F Swords 1830-100 73425 MADONNA wb 5 108 1 6 7n 911 11 AshcroftJ Miss E Collins 8275-100 Time, :23, :464£, 1:13?£. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . FRENCH TRAP $ 7.10 $ 3.40 $ 2.80 255—100 70—100 40—100 MACABALA . 5.10 3.60 155—100 80—100 TIME INTERVAL 3.20 60—100 Winner — Ch. m, by The Satrap — Triste do Cocur, by Ncgofol trained by J. Boden; bred by Foxcatchcr Farms. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:47. AT POST— 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FRENCH TRAP, slow to settle into her best stride and far back until the last three-eighths, was fortunate in obtaining clear sailing on the inside when bettering her position, came to the extreme outside ■when reaching the stretch and, closing with a rush, won drawing out. MARCABALA worked his way up gradually, gained the lead midway of the stretch and, while holding on gamely, was unable to cope with the closing bid of the winner. TIME INTERVAL, restrained early, raced to the front with a rush when reaching the stretch, only to tire during the last sixteenth. LADDIE STONE, well placed and hard ridden, was unable to close any ground in the final drive. SCOTCH THISTLE had speed for the first half mile. PRINCE CLOUD was never able to engace the leaders. FELSA tired. Scratched— 73340:Primer, 108; 73156 Sun Voter, 113; 73157 Working Girl, 111; 73340 Bag-o-Tricks, 105; 73224 Bay Boy, 108. Overweight — French Trap, 3 pounds; Maestrung, 4; Fclsa, 2. THIRD RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935—1:41—5—117. Purse /TOCT"! C ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since April 21. iUulO Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners since April 21 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, May-5-39-Nar ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73273 *STEPACOLA wb106 4 1 In 1«* 14 1$ 1" RobartE H McLeod +215-100 73103 *PEACHYPIE wb106 1 5 32 3* 2 22_. 22 SniderA" R Metcalf 300-100 732732*LADY HAV wl03 6 3 4A; 53 52 44 3 TaylorWL Med way Stable 465-100 733463WITCHSWALL wb 106A. 7 4 51* 4A. 3"* 3 ik 4£ AshcroftJ R Robertson 780-100 73273 ELLEN H. w 108 5 2 24 22 44 53 5* McCombsK G Toothakcr + 73273 HEAVY MIST wn 108 3 8 7h, 7_. 64 6= 64 EccardR M J Reed 675-100 73089*FIDDLE FADDLE wb 103 2 6 64 73 8 72 LcBIancE Mrs J D Wilson 1090-100 73221 PRIBABY w 105 8 7 8 8 8 7"* 8 WilsonJG H and H Stock Farm 2175-100 •fCoupIed as H. McLcod and G. Toothakcr entry. Time, :2Z%, :47?£, 1:13%. 1:40. 1:45%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , H. McLEOD AND G. TOOTHAKER ENTRY ■. $ 6.30 $ 2.80 $ 2.30 215—100 40—100 15—100 PEACHYPIE 3.40 2.80 70—100 40—100 LADY HAV 2.80 40—100 Winner — B. f, by Stepenfctchit — Areola, by Ncgofol trained by W. Hodson; bred by Mr. J. H. Whitney. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. ■ WENT TO POST— 3:21. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. STEPACOLA, quickest to begin, was under steadying restraint while showing slightly in advance of her stablcmatc for almost the first five-eighths. She drew clear before reaching the stretch, met bold opposition from PEACHYPIE through the last eighth and outlasted her at the close. PEACHYPIE, under slight restraint, moved to the leader readily when called upon entering the stretch, attempted to bear in and hung after getting on almost even terms with the winner during the last sixteenth. LADY HAY, reserved early, moved up gamely ncaring the stretch, but was unable to make up any ground in the drive. ELLEN H. tired in the last five-sixteenths. Overweight — Witchswall, 1A; pounds. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10 J6— 3— 111. WQtri Q Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since i.oDAtF April 21. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Non-winners in 1939 allowed May-5-39-Nar 3 ]hs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winners 37.50 each; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73227 f STEEL KING wn 4 114 2 2 2* 2i, 1 1A. DelpinoE Mrs S A Kctchcll 1570-100 731692 -ON THE DOT wn4114 1 4 li l»k 21 1A. AshcroftJ A E Webber 245-100 731G9*GOSTER w 5 111 3 1 V7 42 3A. 32 BowenJ G H Coylc 275-100 73381 MINIMUM wn4114 4 5 4» 3"k 4A. 44 Schuttell Mrs E Dencmark 235-100 63777*ARAHO LASS wb4102J.5 6 5A. 5A. 51 5J LcBIancE B F Lister 1095-100 73381*CANDY HERO w 4 109 6 3 6 6 6 6 TaylorWL DFIi Stable 745-100 iDcadhcat. Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS " STEEL KING 2.0 1.70 $ 5.80 540—100 485—100 190—100 ON THE DOT 4.20 4.10 2.90 110—100 105—100 45—100 GOSTER 3.00 50—100 Winners — Steel King, br. g, by Sir Greystcel — Jeanne Adclc, by Sir Barton trained by S. A. Kctchcll; bred by Rcnappi Corp.; On the Dot, ch. g, by The Scout — Dormy, by Pennant trained by W. Donnelly; bred by Mrs. P. Corning. Winners entered to be claimed for ,000 each. WENT TO POST— 3:49. AT POST — 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; third the same. STEEL KING was under pressure to hold a forward position, moved up on the outside when reaching the stretch and, fighting it out stubbornly the entire length of the stretch, reached the finish locked with ON THE DOT. The latter, hustled to the front in the run through the back stretch, was down on the inside through the stretch run and fought it out in courageous fashion. A claim of foul was lodged, hut it was not allowed. GOSTER, quickest to begin, raced well placed all the way and closed gamely in the final drive. MINIMUM, on the inside while within striking distance of the pace, was unable to close any ground through the stretch. AltAHO LASS was unable to threaten. Scratched-71766 Mixwell, 108. Overweight — Araho Lais, 1_ pounds. Continued on twenty-first page. f NARRAGANSETT PARK Continued from twelfth page. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10 %— 3— 111. ITOerOfl Mattapoisett Purse. Purse ,200. 4-jcar-olds and upward. Allowances. »i Non-winners of 25 twice other than claiming since October 15. 4-year- t « « May-5-39-Nar „lds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Non-winners of 25 since October 15 allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner M48; second, S210; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Tin Jockeys Omni Equiv. Odds Strt 676WCOURT DANCE wb4106 6 1 1«1 U V 1 Schutteli Mrs E Dencmark 335-100 73100«CHIEF NADI w 4 109 7 2 3» 2J 2* VanTasslW W F Mannagh 485-100 731365GALLANT STROKEwb 4 114 16 4J 4 3« 3* FiersonNL G Felkner 475-100 72538SEPTIME «-4111 5 3 6 6* 5h 4 ComptonC J I Labelle 1175-100 68995 TODDLE ON wB4109 2 5 5 5J 6=J 5 McCombsK Mrs E Trueman 325-100 73344:SILK MASK us 7 113 3 4 2" 2h 4* 6"" DickinsonT Rosedale Stable 475-100 72330 SHES RIGHT wb 4 109 4 7 7 7 77 AshcroftJ F L Kellev 1895-100 Time. Oils- :4S. 1:12. Track fast. . « atUIHELS PAID — , , OFTICIAL B00KIK0 OBDS COURT DANCE .70 .00 $ 3.40 315—100 150—100 70—100 CHIEF NADI 5.10 3.10 155—100 55—100 GALLANT STROKE 3.50 75—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Jamestown— Flag Dance, by Pennant trained by J. Carter; bred by Mr. J. II. Lewis. WENT TO POST — 4:19. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start rood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. COURT DANCE raced into the lead immediately, opened up a good lead in the first quarter mile and, rated along in front, had enough in reserve to hold safe the challenge of CHIEF NADI. The latter, under brisk pressure to hold to a forward position while racing on the outside, was placed under punishment in the stretch and held on determinedly. GALLANT STROKE, reserved early, was unable to reach the first two. although finishing determinedly in the stretch drive. SEPTI.ME was unable to keep pace early, but made up some ground. TODDLE ON was unable to reach the leaders. SILK MASK dropped back through the last quarter mile. Overweight — Septime, 2 pounds. Corrected weight— Toddle On. 109. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Top Row, Oct. 20, 1934—1:43%— 5— 105. Purse ,000. ITOerO-| 4-3ear-oIds and upward. Claiming:. Non-winners of two races since m,Ht*h,7~ A,?rU 21" f-Jear-oIds. »* s.; older, 116 lbs. Non-winners since April 21 Way-5-39-Nar allowed 3 lbs. Claiming- price, ,500. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third. 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St H % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners - Equiv. Odds Strt 73138GUILD w4104 3 1 2U 2»J lJ 1J . I- RobartE C H Trotter 345-100 73227I*ISLEVORTH w»5103 9 9 9J 8°* 6J 3 2«J Snider A W Waterman 915-100 73175!*SEVTH INNING wb5103 6 4 4J 4*J 4« 2J 3J TaylorWL Medway Stable 750-100 73072=LOVICK wi41U 2 10 10 91 9 J 7°* 42 ComptonC II Runkle 935-100 73072«HARRYS DRM w»5106 8 8 8* and" 7J 6 5 LeBlancE W E Collins 705-100 73269 HARPEN BELLE w8108 7 3 3* 3= 3J 5"* 6i AshcroftJ J Mundinger 445-100 73385* WULFSTAN w»51U 1 S 1* 1 2* 4b 7 MaloneyE C W McKay 1130-100 73355 SETEMUP wb4111 5 2 6«kl0 10 - 9J 8i McCombsK K D Kolseth 1395-100 73138 ABBOTS HOUR wb 5 113 10 6 5J 5» 5J 8* 9* BergerM H D Cox 3505-100 73161*BUILDING TRADESw 6 113 4 7 7J 7 | 8J 10 10 EccardR L E Ogle 380-100 Time, 24, :474£, 1:13. 1:40. 1:48. Track fast. * M KUXUELS IAIO , . OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS C"IL,?„ $ ».90 .50 $ 3.40 345-100 125-100 70—100 ISLEWORTH S.70 5.S0 335—100 180-100 SEVENTH INNING 4.50 125-100 Winner— B. f, by Theatrical— Chimney Swift, by Sweep trained by C. H. Trotter; bred by Mr. H. G. Barnes. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 4:50. AT POST— 1 minutes. Start rood and slow. _ Won driving; second and third the same. u.Vib?" "nder studying restraint while following along in nearest attendance of the pace established by WULFSTAN, raced to the front when the pacemaker began tiring, opened up a good lead, but had to be hard ridden at the close and barely held on long enough. ISLEWORTH worked his way up gradually, came to the outside for the closing test and was catching the winner with every stride at the end. SEVENTH INNING, restrained while well placed for the first three-quarters, loomed up menacingly when straightened out in the stretch, but was unable to close any ground on the first two in the drive LOVICK came with a belated rush after trailing early. WULFSTAN faltered after going three quarters. HARPEN BELLE, well placed, tired in the last five-sixteenths. BUILDING TRADES was never a factor Scratched— 73347Mere blaze, 111; 73341Boston Pal. 116. SEVENTH-RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935—1:41—5—117. Purse rrOrTOO S1.000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Non-winners In 1939. 3-year-w.Vq w,r oIds 103 lbs-: 4-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older. 116 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May-a-M-Nar Net valig t» winner 00; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *Jj M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 73347 SINGERS FOLLY w6116 2 5 8 7* 41 4* V BergerM Mrs F C Dunn 280-100 73347 QUICK ACTION wx4108 4 1 1* ll 11 lh Wilson JG J Mundinger 1735-100 73347SCUDDER w611l 5 3 2*J 2U 21 3* 3 SniderA Mrs A F Beard 12SO-100 73347 BLUE FLAME wsi4114 6 7 41 31 3 J 2b 4J HilemanW II and H Stock Farm 2260-100 70364SPANISH FLY wb4103 7 4 61 5 f 6i 6* 5J MaloneyE Mrs F Rossiler 1375-100 73341**SAILORMAN w51U 3 2 3J 41 52 and* 6«j BrennanJ Mrs C E Stewart 400-100 73384"WROUGHTIRONw,6111 8 8 7« 6 - 7« 7* 7» RobartE Fanfare Farms 250-100 2502 PLAYING DAN n5U6 I 6 S* 8 8 8 8 AshcroftJ P Ainsworth 640-100 Time, 24, 1:14«. 1:41% 1:45. Track fast. M WIHEM f AID , , OFFICIAL BOOKIKO ODDS . «•„,,.,-,„..-„..., «V/,™RS./™V,Y J 7-60 S 5-10 $ 4-40 280-100 155-100 120-100 nnrADCTI°N 15-20 8 B0 ««»-"» 330- °° r, SC"DDER 6.S0 230-100 "ln,ncTB- K by RoyaI Minstrel— Fluffy, by Pennant trained by F. C. Dunn; bred by Mr. C V. Whitney. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST — 5:18. AT POST— J minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SINGERS FOLLY, as usual, was slow to begin and trailed his field until midway down the back stretch, began moving to the leaders gradually and. under intermittent punishment the entire last three-eighths, drew out in the last seventy yards. QUICK ACTION outran her field from the start, was rated JrTmnJi" * restramt .»nd h*W « ■ willingly, although no match for the winner in the closing test. SfViti. I" i" .n"rest Pursu,t of ,the "ry Pace, continued willingly when placed under punishment. BLUE wivKirft v Wiy UP S"dVa,l on the ins! 1*. but was unable to keep pace in the closing test. SPANISH "as ner a serious threat SAILORMAN dropped back gradually after reaching the back stretch. WROUGHT IRON was far back the entire trip. Overweight — Blue Flame. 1 pound. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935—1:41—5—117 Purse 5J.000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Non-winners in 19391 3-year- Hayi.39.Nar way a .» Nar 2 f5* ?°3 IbSV 45,ds 113 Jbs-; oIder- 116 ,bs- Cumins price, ,000. Net vl!ue t0 w|nner sm. itcanii fm. th|rdj 5. fourth 0 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSttt % % Str Fin Jockeys Ownen Equir. Odds Strt ZSiK?RACE GRIER w5103 1 1 lnk11 Ji lh lh MaloneyE Jerry McCarthy Stables 410-100 ££?: RAMn0D W,7U1 8 6 4J 2i 2nk2i 2"V SniderA Blue Ribbon Stock Farm 355-100 733845PRINCE DEAN w7U5 7 7 6J 51 5 3* 3«i KrovitiH O L Eagan 445-100 733475*HARRY G. w»4108 6 4 3" 44*441 BowenJ F Nelson 945-100 73347 BOB C wsa4113 2 2 243431 5* 5 McCombsK Fanfare Farms ,525-100 MAULER w. 7 111 3 5 7J 66* 6« 6=1 LeBlancE Hanna Bros 385-100 73384*MAUCE w.6.106 9 8 8* V3 V 7« 7» TaylorWL A E Rowe 3235-100 73340«HYMARQUE w 7 106 5 9 9 9 9 8* 8 GordonH W W Adams 7455-100 73263 MISS ALINE w61U 4 3 5»i 84 8nk 9 9 DriscolID C Adams 9600-100 Time, :235s- :47%. 1:14. 1:41. 1:46. Track fast. — W KUTDFXS TA1B , , OFFICIAL BOOKTHO ODDS . £?.A.S£PR,E-R „ J10-20 5 5-78 * 3 10 410-100 185-100 90-100 Snftrr nr.VT 4 80 3-70 1 40-10 0 85-100 PRINCE DEAN 3.5J 75—100 .WiJ.n!r— C;h- m* b Jf,hn P- Grier— Miss Lou. by Sir Barton trained by E. T. Miller: bred by Mr. H. A. Colgate. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST-5:4S. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GRACE GRIER went to the front at once, met determined early opposition from BOB C, disposed of Mm. drew clear in the run through the back stretch, surrendered the lead briefly in the stretch to RAMROD, but, coming again, raced to the front in the last few strides. RAMROD, under stout restraint while moving to the leaders, showed in front briefly when reaching the stretch and, while holding on stubbornly, was not quite good enough. PRINCE DEAN, slow to settle into his best stride, came stoutly on the outside through the stretch. HARRY G.. well placed, was unable to make up any ground in the drive. BOB C tired in the last five-sixteenths. THE MAULER was unable to reach the leaders. HYMARQUE lacked speed and was far back all the way. Overweight — Grace Grier, 2 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939050602/drf1939050602_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1939050602_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800