Most Cosmopolitan Crowd, Daily Racing Form, 1939-05-06


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MOST COSMOPOLITAN CROWD LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 5.— The most cosmopolitan gathering to attend any sports venture in the country annually gathers at Churchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Day and in todays crowd at the spacious local race course were persons from every station in the social, economic and political life of the nation. Louisville is thronged with visitors, as it is every year at this time, and todays attendance at Churchill Downs was probably the biggest ever to test the capa-! city of the Derby plant and its accommodations. The governors of a dozen states and others high in national officialdom were hosts or guests of large parties, while also helping to swell the crowd were prominent social figures, business and financial tycoons, stars of stage and screen and others of national eminence. Official Washington was represented by Postmaster General James A. Farley, who is no stranger to Churchill Downs while extending Kentuckys welcome to the nation were Governor A. B. Chandler and Louisvilles mayor, J. D. Sholtz, both enthusiastic Derby fans and both gracious hosts.

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Local Identifier: drf1939050602_1_6
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