Jamaica Turf Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1939-05-06


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f I 9 * ■ " 1 | 1 j ■ ; ; : • J * ] i 1 JAMAICA TURF _ MOTES | ® J- Pace claimed Slave Charm out of the 500raCe Friday from J* H* Whitney for Jockey Don Meade will go to Narragansett to ride Early Delivery in a stake engage-t ment there Saturday. Meade will be back here to ride on Monday. Sir Damion was given a trial for his Dixie engagement over the main course at Bel- ?fJ0ntufr. fi;iday and win shiP Monday. Marshall Fields starter will be saddled by trainer G. M. Odom. y Walter _ Faust, associated with Frank Shannon m the clubhouse,, is on the ailing list with la grippe. ♦*.LoV Jwan of Los AnSeles was among the club house visitors for the afternoon. He later left for Europe on a vacation. P D. Lee Watts is due here Sunday from Pimlico and will stable at Belmont Park. John Kelly, under call to Norman Tallman accepted his first mount in over one year The apprentice rode five races in his career and. has yet to ride a winner. Thirteen additional horses owned by T P and W. F. Morgan arrived at Belmont Park ™£ ??£.iIM,rmng consigned to trainer L. T. Whitehill. „T,welve horses were breezed through the Widener Course at Belmont Park Friday morning. The occasion was the opening of that course to public trainers. Tuesdays and Friday s have been set aside for the future [to tram over the course. Ed Snyder sent a draft of the C. V Whitney two-year-olds to the barrier Friday morning for schooling purposes. The youngsters were broken from the gate installed in the Widener course.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939050602/drf1939050602_43_3
Local Identifier: drf1939050602_43_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800