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BEULAH PARK THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT B EULAH PARK FRIDAY PAID 7.00 FOR . COLUMBUS, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1939.— Beulah Park 1 mile. Twelfth day. Beulah Park Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 25 days. Waitc Stall Gate used. Bell and Howell Camera. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, T. C. Bradley. Stewards, E. W. Stribling and O. E. Pons. Judges, F. Burton, E. W. Stribling and R. Dicnst, Jr. Starter, W. C. Daly. Racing Secretary, F. Burton. Racine; starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. FIRST RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Dominant Darby, May 28, 1937— :55— 2— 114 1-2. rr K A t l"rsc 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens and winners of one race. Allowances. ZoDlV Weight, 116 lbs. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. May-5-39-Beu Net va|ue to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 72145 FRIARS SCOUT wl08 4 1 l1 l2 1" PagcW H II Price 200-100 73113 JEANS PRIDE- w 111 1 6 52 32 23 DobsonJ J Binstock 380-100 73448 FAIR LA JUNE w 110 5 3 2nk 2i 32 WattcrsJ E A Purdy 520*199 RANDY wll3 6 4 42 42 41 WilsonJW Mrs H Weincr 430-100 AZOTE wbIU 2 7 7 6 53 KingT W T Crosthwaite 1320-100 NADINE OMAR w 110i 7 5 6i 5 6 HartleC Pcnn Villa Farm 3280-100 73113JOUR DAUGHTER wll3 3 2 31 Pul. up. GrillF Dallas Stable 490-100 Time, :23%, A1*A, :55%. Track fast. A-*2 MUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB , FRIARS SCOUT % 6.00 $ 3.40 $ 2.80 200—100 70—100 40—100 JEANS PRIDE 3.80 3.40 90-100 70-100 FAIR LA JUNE 3.60 80-100 Winner— Ch. f, by The Scout— Friars Love, by Friar Rock trained by S. D. Hudson; bred by Mrs. C. O. Iselin. WENT JO POST— 2:22. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FRIARS SCOUT displayed keen speed throughout, but was hard pressed during the last few yards to retain her slight advantage. JEANS PRIDE broke slowly, but closed up very fast on the inside through the stretch and was rapidly "overhauling the winner at the end. FAIR LA JUNE displayed good speed to the last eighth, then tired, but held the others safe. RANDY raced evenly. OUR DAUGHTER raced close up for the first quarter, then suddenly dropped out of contention and was pulled up. Overweight — Fair La June, 2 pounds; Randy, 5; Nadine Omar, 2. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Gold Thorn, Sept. 8, 1937—1:12—8—109 1-2. TQk/fl Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of 25 since August 6 or a race since April 21. Weight, 115 lbs. Claiming price, 00. May-5-39-Beu Net vaue t0 w]nner 5300; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % rk Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 732863RAFTER w 5 115 10 2 V2 l2 l3 1* HorvathK H A Deep 270-100 73184*MOHK CHOKEE .wb 7 110 8 4 3 23 2= 23 MilliganP R J Mooro 640-100 734523*HASTY COLONEL w 5 110 9 6 62 4* 31 3" KciperP F Guciardo 230-100 73286 COLONEL JR. w 7 115 3 9 8* I1 4 43 DobsonJ Wheatley Bros 1410-100 73231 WILD ROSEBUD w 8 110 4 3 5» 5 6* 5» MillsC Geyer and Jordan 2460-100 734503*ODD BLAZE w 7 110 2 7 U 83 8 6 PageW J Oran 390-100 61018 UNCLE MIKE wb 6 115 5 5 41 6* 7n 7h MartinczAF O Gregg 2730-100 73115*LEROS wb 11 110 1 10 9 9 9 8_; GrantP . Woodcock and King 880-100 67040 THEODORE A. w5115 7 1 2 3__ 5_. 9 MartinezP W H Gardner 5240-100 72034 FREELANDER w 4 115 6 8 Pulled up. SmithCW T W Wienenga 5110-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:14. Track fast. » MUTUE1S PAID . . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB RAFTER $ 7.40 $ 4.20 $ 2.80 270—100 110—100 40—100 MOHAWK CHEROKEE 6.20 3.60 210-100 80—100 HASTY COLON El 3.00 50—100 Winner— Br. g, by High Time— Sweet Beam, by Sweep trained by H. A. Deep; bred by Mr. C. T. Fisher. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:49. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. RAFTER assumed command in the first quarter, showed the most speed and drew away into an easy lead through the stretch. MOHAWK CHEROKEE as easily disposed of the remainder in the run home. HASTY COLONEL worked way up on the outside rounding the stretch turn and held on fairly well at the end. COLONEL JR. closed much ground and came strongly in the final eighth. WILD ROSEBUD raced evenly. THEODORE A. quit badly after showing early speed. Scratched— 73367:Sanders, 115; 73406 Catsweep, 115; 69694 Miss Salute, 110. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Gold Thorn, Sept. 8, 1937—1:12—8—109 1-2. /■fOET Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. Non- • ODI winners since September 2. Weight, 114 lbs. Claiming price, 00. May-5-39-Beu Net vaIue t0 winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 734042*COPPER KITTY w 4 109 10 3 31 2* l l2 MilliganP Mrs F Stafford 150-100 73450*ONE KNOT w 6 109 6 7 52 31 2* HolcombRL Woodman and Holton 510-100 73451 1C1AXIE BINDER wb 11 114 7 2 2| 1 2 32 VailS A Shaffer 1740-100 66344 SCOTLD BEAUTY w 10 114 19 10 91 64 4n DobsonJ S Dowler 3730-100 73283*COWETA wb 4 109 4 10 54 4* 4* 52 SorsenA J C Ellis 280-100 53277 COHORT LASS w 6.114 2 6 82 7"k 5nk 61 HillJR J Brcckenridge 1240-100 67378 RIDING HOOD w6114 8 5 7« 81 7n 71* MooreET- W Allan 2830-100 73403 MARY THRU w 5 114 5 4 4 6_ 84 81 WilsonJW C W Kinsler 3440-100 73450*BYPATH w 5 109 3 8 9« 10 93 95 SylvesterA H Fletcher 5110-100 67988*BETTY REJOICE w 8 109 9 1 lh 3*10 10 PaceW Mrs H Wiener 590-100 Time, :23%, :48 1:15%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS COPPER KITTY $ 5.00 $ 2.80 $ 3.00 150—100 40—100 50—100 ONE KNOT 5.00 5.20 150—100 160—100 MAXIE BINDER 9.60 380—100 Winner — B. f, by Cherokee — Kitty Maude, by Hessian or The Finn trained by S. Stafford; bred by Mr. J. S. Mullins. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:14. AT POST— H minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily f second and third driving. COPPER KITTY moved up on the outside of the leaders entering the stretch and, taking the lead, drew away handily in the final eighth. ONE KNOT steadily improved position and closed stronclv throuch the stretch. MAXIE BINDER was a keen factor from the outset, but finished tiring. SCOTLAND BEAUTY closed a wide gap in the last half mile, finishing fast. COWETA quickly rushed up into contention but she tired in the stretch. BETTY REJOICE quit to a walk after going a cood half mile. Scratched— 73402 Belle of Midway, 109; 73404 Vola Bowers, 114; 73188 Tail-Light, 109. Corrected weight — Scotland Beauty, 114. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Gold Thorn, Sept. 8, 1937—1:12—8—109 1-2. /yoer/IQ Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race • OOtO since September 24. Weight, 116 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May-5-39-Beu Net va|ue t0 wjnner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 732322*APROPOS wit 4 106 5 2 lh 22 2* 1A KciperP W E Hamed 260-100 731842"ODD STAR w 9 111 1 1 2" 1" l 2" PagcW Mrs J Bronnenbcrg 150-100 68363 DONNA BARONA wn 8 111 9 5 52 52 42 3 * PayncC Mrs D Hoffman 1230-100 73186 WHISKORA wn8116 4 4 4* 43 3l 4* GrillF L Rodriguez 6310-100 73232DEPEND w«4106 8 6 6 6U 51 5* HolcombRL Mrs M H Powclson SSO-100 71876 MAEPOP w«4116 6 9 81 7i 6U 6* McCadnW Mrs H A Allen 1720-100 73233*FLUSH w 5 111 3 8 7* 8* 8l 7»k MilliganP Mrs E Terry 13-IO-100 734023SHEPHERD ROY wn9116 2 7 9 9 9 8 IlomG Mrs R Russell 1460-100 63793 FLYING ARK wn4116 7 3 Z* 3" 7» 9 MillcrG D Bryson 640-100 Time, .232$, .472;:, V.W,k. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS APROPOS $ 7.20 $ 3.40 $ 2.80 260—100 70—100 40—100 ODD STAR 3.20 2.40 60—100 20—100 DONNA BARONA 4.20 110—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Drastic— Bello Sono, by Hallucination trained by W. E. Harncd; bred by Mr. M. W, Carroll, Jr.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:41. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. APROPOS was a forward factor throughout, responded gamely to kern urging when called upon for tlic-final test and got up in the last few yards. ODD STAR raced forwardly from the- start nndjichl on well at the end. DONNA BARONA came strongly on the inside through the stretch, fmishinglast. WHISKORA raced on the outside of opposition in tho run home, but showed a good effort. DEPEND raced evenly. FLY* 1NG ARK quit after showing early speed. Scrntchcd-GG675 Stuinpiown, 116; 64895 Servant Pride, 11G. Corrected weight— Shepherd Boy, 116. Continued on twenty-fourth page. " " BEULAH PARK I Continued from twelfth page. 1 a FIFTH RACE 3-4 MsXE Out of Chute. Gold Thorn Sept. 8, "37-1:12-8-109 p 118 lbs. JNon i A A Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, r-rof 73544 21 allowed 2 lbs.; one race, d winners of two or more races since April May-5-39-Beu 4 lbs.; since February 27, 6 lbs.; in 1939, 8 lbs. Claiming price, 00. = Net value to winner M; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. " s Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockey, Owner, Equiv. Odds Strt f 722152MAYSTICK *vb8112 1 1 1-* H 1= 1= McCadnW Mrs H A Allen 270-100 I "73231*SKY CLOUD wo b 111 5 5 41 41 2» 2"* KeiperP RteoU iSonm 720362 TYNEMOUTH w6107 4 4 54 514; 3» BrooksS T BandWV Miller 18 0-100 9 73232 THE WINK w 5 111 8 6 6* 64 51 4h DobsonJ J B.nstock 540 10U 73406SPEY CREST w 10 107 9 7 7J V 62 f SorsenA Mrs C J Patchett 5910-100 73406*BEAVER LAKE wb71U 6 3 2" 2* 3» 62 PageW Major and Lugmbuel 280-100 _ 72660 FLETUS « G111 2 9 9 9 7"* ? 4 GlcasonG E J 9™r,dd MJ 73364 ABERCROMBIE w 7 1114 7 8 8= 8* 82 8* SimmonsH II Shields -j 71176*WHISK COLE w 4 105 3 2 f . 3* 9 9 ConroyJ A L Hunt 2370 100 , MAYSTICK -T7.40 $ 4 3.80 40 , «jj 3.0« Be-UI Ig-JJ «Eg h SKY CLOUD 190—108 N5¥e™B;*g;by SanuiarMany Thorns, by Eternal trained by M. Allen; bred by Mr. L. J. , Marks. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:12. AT POST— H minutes. tZTrtS — jf« «* dr Hf "enter SS MTSyl eighth Stta.SSyLK TINK tisl S£* BEAVER LAKE saved Sround in the stretch, but gave up when the final test came, WHISK COLE quit as if short. Overweight — Fletus, 1 pound; Abercrombie, 1B. , Thorn, Sept. 8, 1937— 1:12— 8— 109 1-2. Gold SIXTH SIXTH RACE RACE 3-4 MILE 1 Out of Chute. 3£ree s-year-olds and upward. Claiming. S-year-olds 108 lbs.; older, 7 d540 118 lbs. 4-year-olds and upward non-winners since April 21 allowed 4 lbs. May-5-39-Beu Claiming price, ,200; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. . Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt irze.v*n T7IPHTV u-fi 1P9 11 14 l3 l3 l2 KeiperP A Zitnik 190-100 ™BAL?Ss7lAID wn51114 3 9 9 9 4* 2* SimmonsH T W Wienenga 520-100 SrmON ZVm 7 8 81 8h 54 3n*GrantP Woodcock : * Kin, gO-100 73234 KIEV GAFFNEY wb 3 1044 2 2 2 * 24 2"k 41 ConroyJ Riverby Stock Farm 1830-100 73232s DRBY DUKE w»4109 8 3 44 31 34 5* PageW Darby Dan Farm 1540-100 /7wL*RPFKTWD LD wb 6 111 6 7 54 51 64 6* MilliganP Mrs H F Berry 690-100 rSl FYLFS 4* SmithCW I J Collins 420-100 wb4118 5 4 3i 74 74 SSISaY vb 5 116 4 5 72 7nk 81 82| HiHJR Maywood Stable 2860-100 SSSS SS 9 6 64 MB 9 MartlnezC J Hoskins Time, :23%. :47%, 1:135s. Track tast. _nnTnin nnT„, OFFICIAL BOOXIHa ODDS 12 JCUTUELS PAID k / » «, BLIGHTY rrruTv S 5 80 S ™ 3.00 $ » 2.80 190—100 58—188 40—100 12_180 l5e_10o BALKOS MAID «••■" ■ *20— 100 "EDi wlda"r*-Gia io"a. by Dark Ronald trained by J. Zitnik; bred by Mr. H. P. Russell. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 4:40. AT POST— 3 minutes. . Start pond and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. I B EIGHTY shook off opposition after rounding the far turn and held the race safe all through the .trotM, RAT KOS MAID closed with a brilliant rush during the run home, saving ground and finishing fast raced well up from the start. DARBY DUKE tired in the last seventy yards. FYLFOT tired after reaching Ovenveight— Kiev Gaffney, 14 pounds; Balkos Maid. 24; Termotime, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Cabotin, Sept. 13, 1937-1:46-6-115. Purse 00. C A £5 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since September 70040 2. Weight, 113 lbs. Claiming price, 00. May-5-39-Beu net value to winner 00; second. 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. - Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fm Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73115 BONNIE CAIN w9U3 2 5 44 61 3= 2*4 1* LoweW R Dolloway 300-100 SSrmiPUTER w«8113 7 7 7* 54 22 Ink 2h SimmonsH H D King 610-100 ?S*B?BY JoE v5108 8 5"Mh 51 34 H MilliganP C Storms 390-100 Si nmrur mfioDY 1 8 108 6 4 8* 8* 62 5* 4? McCadnW Mrs H A Allen 220-100 aSTwJ-sS 5 6 51 3-lU 41 5; DePrngE Mrs M Entwistle 2760 100 !Sr«IE KIRK lis 113 8 2 2t" 41 73 ~ 72 8 MooreET W Allan 4370-100 73935 AiAMtn MASTETtEAU bmu wB7113 9 3 H H 9 Bled. HorvathK H A Deep 640-100 Time Time, -244 -4924, 1:15?£. 1:42. 1:49. Track fast. •M/5»s-g.-1JJ pAID— - -OFFICIAL BOOKIMS ODDS 1 3.20 300-100 160-100 60—100 onwutr BONNIE CAIN r AIM 5 00 $ * »• 5.20 $ * 7.80 4.20 290—100 110—100 COMPUTER BAinnC7-Brby"Vulcain-BnniPbelle, by Pennant trained by R. Dolloway; bred by Mr. A. Schut-tin»er. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. * WENT TO POST— 5:05. AT POST — 2 minutes. . . . . Start cood and slow. Won handily; second and third „ driving. BONNIE CAIN closed courageously on the outside of her opposition entering the stretch and the lead in th last sixteenth, was Fn hand in the last few strides. COMPUTER moved up fast on the outside the stretch drive. BABY JOE came very fast near the inner rad the f r turn and held on well during on at the end when m close quarters. HASTY "n the final eighth. BRIGHT MELODY was going strongly WAVE S, but was much the best of the remainder. MASTER BEAU was leading when he bled and was pullod up, causing interference to JIMMIE KIRK on the far turn. Overweight— Hasty Wave, 2 pounds. —-———=— =========================== SCHTH-RACE 1 MILE. Fast Move, May 7, 1938-1 :37%-7-118. Purse 00 j 3-year--OKirT olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race in 1938-39. 3-year-olds, T o547 108 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Maidens allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, 00. | " May-5-39-Beu net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Eqt A Wt PP St % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. OddsStrt : 73371*BLK SERGEANT wb 5 111 6 5 3«* 3* l2 1* 124 KeiperP K P Triplett 410-100 ™*MFRGE MERGE wn5111 vBOXi 7 1 2i 2i 23 22 2| HolcombRL R Mozer 3f™ Jg71 , 3 p w q e Wlt 180-100 g 0E£.1Y US 8 4 lh 6l 63 4f 44 HorvathK Miss S Bal.eras 570-100 J 73454*ALL FORGIVEN wb5 106 1 7 54 5*4 5* 52 53 ConroyJ J Irs G Mayer 1260-100 73367-LAURETTA JAY w5106 5 8 8» 9* 8h 82 64 MilliganP Mrs E Rucbusch 810-100 n 2 73371 COUNT UP w6113 3 11 11G 10l5 9X4 74 71 HiHJR Maywood Stable 740-100 73451 BLAZING TORCH wb 5 116 11 3 4»i 4* 4h 61 8* GrillF E J Greenaway t930-lUO n ? 67114-*OUR GALE w 8 111 12 6 7i 71 7h 9* 9 BrooksS O W Fulks • -„ft-,nS j. 67612 MERE LIGHT w4113 4 10 101 ll7 11G 11G 10*4 SylviaE * Mrs R H Wesselman 7340-100 0 73367*BOOKIE BILL wb 4 103 10 9 94 8102 10*-11* SylvesterA E Albright M1J t 75229 MAGIC SHADOW wb3105 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 ClutterA M Portanova 3a4U-lUU 0 7M»t«.l field. Time, *4%, -JKs-ITrack f B00Knio 0DDS_ FLACK SERGEANT SERGEANT 0.20 *,u,u $ 5.40 $ 4.20 410-100 170-100 110-100 0 ■yj-F 42.00 10.00 2000-100 480-100 0 IPzUM 3-60 80-100 ? Winncr-BlkVgVby CoioVSergeant-Birdassa. by Assagai trained by I. Shields; bred by Mr. M. E. Casey. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST — 5:35. AT POST— 1J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BLACK SERGEANT raced around the leaders with a rush on the outside at the far turn and a drew Arw w through tt stretch to score with ease. MERGE was a forward factor throughout and held or , fairly well .wav Z? in the stretch and finished resolutely. BIOGRAI HY th* »t„? GFF7IIM came acain when called upon dosed some ground Ma th? las? quarter. ALL FORGIVEN raced evenly. BLAZING TORCH tired. The. DlherSd-73285 Obstinate Boy, 113; 73371 Hobbys Girl. 103; 73185 Royal Hunter, 113; 73454 Hazel ; Brown, 113 : 73371 Love Boy, 113. ; Overweight— Count Up, 2 pounds; Magic Shadow, 5. _