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IwoRkouTsI I Date at left of horses name is last workout. | I Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; j I h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u. eased up. [ j Fastest time at Each Distance Shown in BLACK FACE Type j FRIDAY, MAY 5- CIIURCKELL DOWNS. "Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Bettys Bob. :37%h 5-2 On Location. :37%b 5-3 El Chico.... :34%h 5-2 Olivia Saxon :39 b 5-3 Ginger Ted.. :38%b 5-3 Our Mat.... :37b 5-3 Grass Cutter :37%b 4-29 Riney Girl... :39 b Kenneth K.. :36%d 5-2 Royal Man.. :354ih 5-1 King Torch.. :37 h Rhythm.... :37%b 5-2 Lexbrook ... :37 h 4-21 Syracuse .... :39%b Master Key.. :40 b 4-29 Shland Beau :38 b 4-26 Mars Man... 38 h 5-3 Tyr :37%b Mucho Gusto :38 b 5-1 Tryem :37%h 4- 8 Mjority Vote :40 b 5-3 Up the Creek :37%b 5- 3 More Lustre. :38%b 5-3 Valtite :38%b 5-2 Night Lady.. :36 h 5-2 Wise Fox.... :39 b 4-16 Nightland ... :37%b 5-3 Warwil ..... 38 b One-Half Mile. Albert Jay. . :49%h 4-26 Judges Sister :50 h 4-28 Bd Bibescot :54%b Jennie May.. :49%h 4-28 Bdie Treacy :52 b 5-2 Joy Bet :52%b 4- 28 Broomian ... -.52 b 4-29 Just Buck... :49%b 5- 2 Betty Sweep. :49 h 5-1 LinaMac... -.51 b 5-2 Barbara A... :52%b 5-2 Linden Way. :48%h 5-2 Challedon ... :51%b 4-21 Military Girl. :50%h 4- 30 Chalphone .. :52%b 4-27 Moselem .... :51%b 5-2 Cross Keys.. :51 b 4-28 Naadja :53 b 4-28 Dewy Dawn.« :49 h 5-1 Opera Star.. :54 b 5- 2 Dixieland ... :52 b 4-24 Perfect Maid :51%h 4- 30 Double R... :54%b 4-29 Swift Knight :52%b 5- 2 Dogrose .... :48%h 5-1 Timeful .... :52%b 5-1 Gin Fritters. :54 b 5-3 Try Hard.... :49%b 3- 23 Gold Brush.. :52 h 5-1 Viscounty .. :50 b 4- 29 Hermosillo .. :52%b 4-30 Unerring ... :52%b 5- 2 Henry :51 b Five-Eighth* Mile, _ 5-1 Brilliant Nelll:04 h 4-18 Magic Moon. 1:10 b 3- 1 Blue Play... l:05%b 4-29 Miss Premierl:03 h 4- 25 Crumpet ....1:10 b 5-2 Red Sash.. . .1:06 b 5- 1 Heel Dust... 1.-06 b 4-28 Royal Blue. .1:05 b 4-261 Chase l:05%b 5-2 Red Witch. .1:06 b 4- 28 Indignant ...1:06 b 4-28 R. Awkening1:01?£h 5- 2 Kenosha ....1:06 b 4-30 Spin On 1:03 h 4- 28 Little Jack.. 1:05 b Tippity 1:06 h 5- 2 Minnatonka .l:03%b 4-27 Technician ..1:03 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-2 Bills Marge. 1:21 b 4-28 Miss Sarah. .l:16%h 5-2 Betabit .....l:22%b 5-2 Nana Kate.. 1-J8%b 5-1 Eye Knocker1:15h 5-2 Ocean Tide. .1:21 b 5-4 Euneva ....l:18%h 4-30 Robert L....l:18%b 4- 26 Fay D 1:21 b 5-2- Sp Thoroughl:23%b 5- 3 Germanicus .l:15%h 5-1 Split Silk.. . .1:19 b 5-1 Guarantor . .l:18%b 5-3 Treadnecdle 1:20 b 5-2 Myrica .....1:18 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Busy Morn.. 1:32 b 5-2 Olney 1:29%h 5-2 Chi l:314ib 5-4 Pameiob 1:34 h 5-4 Dellor l:31%b One Mile. 5-4 Alsang l:45%b 5-4 Eagle Pass.. 1:54 b 5-4 AI au Fou...l:45%b 5-2 Lassator ... .1:54 b 4- 25 Busy Girl... 1:48 h 5-1 Nimble Pins.l:48%b 5- 1 Broadus ....1:48 b 4-25 Sorties Son. 1:54 b 5-1 Clivo l:46%h 5-1 Stairs .1:45 h 5-4 Diavolo Boy .1:54 b 4-28 Viragin 1:54 b El Chico has his good speed. Dogrose and Linden Way were together in their good work from the gate. Challedon had an easy blow-out. Technician was well in hand in his final preparation for the Derby. Rude Awakening showed a good effort. Germanicus is nearing good form. Eye Knocker worked creditably. Alsang and AI Au Feu worked evenly in company. Stairs accomplished a creditable mile work. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast— Three-Eighths Mile. E-3 Arrowtraction :38 h 4-27 Mimical :42%b 1-5 BafCee :42 h 2-28 Marliant . . . . :43 b 4-22 Busy Lady... :39 b 5-3 Nickajack .. :36%h 4- 20 Emir :39 h • 4-17 Our Rcigh. . . :39 h 5- 2 Geo. Krebiel :38%h 4-8 Rockwick... :39%b 4- 28 Hildur Bridge :38 h 5-2 Shine o Nit :37%h 5- 1 King Carl... :38%h 5-2 Wilda H 38 h One-Half Mile. 4- 30 Avesta :56 b 5-1 Shaa Thrush :52%h 5- 3 G. and Grace :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-29 Dongy . 1:08 b 5-3 Town Leaguel.-05%h 4- 19 Sheknows ...1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5- 1 Alma Nugget.l:19 h 5-2 Presidential .1:17 h 4-27 All Devil.... l:19%h 5-3 Pharaboo . . .l:19%h 4- 30 Dark Socker.l:19%h 4-26 Rich Girl... .1:23 b 3- 25 Higher Up... 1:20 h 5-3 Techy l:19%h 5- 3 Mar Le l:23%b 3-2 Veneer l:19%h 4- 27 Prccss Torchl:18%h 4-30 Wowo l:18%h One Mile. 4-28 All Lady.... 1:45 h 5-2 Time to PIayl:52%h 4-6 Compulsion .1:59 b 5-1 Tepin 1:47 h Princess Torch worked handily. All Lady seemed eager to run after the first half mile. Tepin worked a handy mile. Alma Nugget and Veneer worked from the barrier. Presidential worked impressively. Arrowtraction and Nickajack were In company. AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-26 Glenastar . . , :38%b 4-29 May R :37%b 4-29 Faculty :40 b 5-3 Sty Passage. :37%b One-Hal/ Mile. 4-28 Bad Day.... :51%b 4-25 Mess :54 b 4- 25Ladys Beau. :53 b San Pedro... :54 b 5- 2 Michn Flyer :55 b 5-2 Speedy Ruth :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 30 Carrie K....l:04%b 4-23 Rcpercussn 1:05 b 5- 4 Chalmac ....lK3%b 4-25 Tilaana l:05%b 4-28 Mardromel ..1:03 b 5-3 Waves 1.04%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18 Addis 1:20 b 4-29 Neap l:17-5b 4- 28 Chalotaur ..l:17%b One Mile. 5- 3 Even Up. . . .l:44%h Chalotaur and Neap breezed in company. Chalmac is being kept in form. Tilaana was just galloping all the way. Even Up is fast rounding to form. TIMLICO. Weather clear; track fast — -Three-Eighths Mile, 4- 30 Accolade* ... :57%b 5-2 Morstep .... :39 b 5- 2 Amhurst ... :37 h Mr. Bun.... :38 b Blox :38 h 4-20 Miss Epe.... :37 h 4-26 Billy Bee... :38%h 4-29 Ms Selection :39 b 4-22 Dissembler.. :36h 5-2 Rissa :39 b Golden Boy.. :37 h 5-3 Ugin ....... :36%h 4-30 Giiyencourt.. :37%h War Scamp.. :36%h 3- 30 Kg Phrmd :39 b . One-Half Mile. 4- 30 Alms :49 h 4-29.Genl Mowlee :51 b 5- 2 Benjam .... :50 h 5-2 Hardware .. :54 h 5-3 Brown Moth. :49%h 4-9 Itsie Bitsie.. :52 b 5-2 Cele Carney. :50 h 4-28 Maecloud ... 2 b 5-3 Cravat :49%h 4-15 Marriage ... :53 b 4-28 Dark Raptre :50 h 5-2 Siam ....... :50 h 4-20 Dark Watch. :51 b 4-21 Sun Lover. .. :49 h 4-23 Dun Pickin.. :53 b 5-2 Yellow Tulip. £0 h 4-13DuIie :54 b 4-28 Yankee Lad. :50%h 4-28 Eveng Light :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 10 Alexandrine 1:04 h 5-1 Rodlin .1:03 h 5- 3 -Apprehend ..l:05%h 5-4 Sister Reigh.lKW h 5-3 Clingendaal .l:03%h 4-30 Time Beater.lKM h 4- 28 Conquer 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. Abbotts LarklSO h 5-4 High Tensionl:17 d 3- 31 Blind Tag... 1:18 h 5-2 Jay Jay l:15%h 5- 2 Balapin 1:19 h 4-22 My Elsie. . ..l:18%h 5-4 Ciencia 1:18 b 5-4 Old Rosebush1:15 h 5-2 Drosera ....1:20 h 4-30 Sun Egret. ..l:16%h 4- 28 Flying Lee. ..1:16 h 5-1 Sonoma ....l:17%h One Mile. 4-26 Burning Star1:44%h 4-12 Mr. Dcann.l:52 b 4-29 Coursing ...1:53 b 4-9 Scout About.13 b One and One-Quartet Miles. 4- 27 Jolly Tar. ... .2:09 h Ciencia was hard held. Burning Star worked handily. Old Rosebush retains his edge. Jay Jay showed a high turn of early speed and was eased up. Sun Egret worked handily. Redlin and Conquer worked handily in company. ■ Alexandrine and Sister Reigh worked evenly in company. Cravat and Brown Moth worked handily m company. Jolly Tar worked handily. Clingendaal is rounding to form. Sun Lover and Alms showed speed in company. FATRMOUNT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5- 3 Arctic Star.. :40 b • Lady Mayo. . :37%h 5-2 Bedight .... :36%h 5-3 Manor Dell.. :40 b Big Chariot. :37 h 5-3 Prince Argo. :36 h 5-2 Bar Play.... :39 b 2-14 Petty Taw.. . :38 h 3-19 B. Coventry. :37%h 3-27 Prevaricate . :37 h 5-1 Blind Star... :38 b 5-3 Radio Charm :36 h 5-2 CeeJane.... :37%b Sonny Bov.. :36 b Clear Fork.. :37 b 3-9 Scar-Finn*... :36 h 5-2 Fast Move.. :35%h 5-2 Town Silver. :35 h 5-3 Grdmas Boy :38 b Three Sands. :38 h 5-3 Gai Jest...... :36%d Thrift Stamp :37%h 3- 27Hadnogal ... :39 b 2-22 Zipalong .. . . :38%h 5-3 Jubilee C.i. :38 b One-Half Mile. 4- 19 Ann Gip.... :51%h 5-2 Queen Ship.. :50 h 5- 1 Big Sam £1 h 5-2 Reciprocal .. :51%b 3-20 Bahadur .... :51%h 4-23 Rosa Dear.. . :52%h 5-2 Dusky Maid. :52%h 5-2 Trip........ -51 h 5-1 Flashg Thru :52%b 5-2 Tureen :54 b 3-25 Par-Queen .. :51%h 5-3 The Mayor.. :51%b 5-2 Prince Pad.. :54 b 1-4 Wenet :50 h 5"2 Proof :50 h 5-3 Waygood Lad :51 h 3-26Queena :48%h Zelady ..... :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. _ Alrosc 1:02 h 5-3 Little Hig. . .1:02 h 3-20 Bston Soundl:02%h 3-21 Maria Juliet.lK2%h B. Baron.... l:02%h Miss Vep. .. .1:05 b 5-1 Carl B 1:05 h 5-3 Nigrette ....1:03 h 3-29Earlyin l:02%d 5-3 Ouray 1-07 b 3-23 Eternal Wavel:06%b 3-6 Salaam 1:05 h French Witchl:03%h 2-24 Sanctity ....1:05 b 5-1 John Shouse. 1.-04 h The Nizam.. l:02%d Linkville ...l:08%b 5-1 Waltz 1:07 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-3 Blackie 1:21 h 3-19 Little Kiev.. l:21%h 3- 27Corvus 1:15 h Maddening ..l:19%h 5-2 Chipeta ....l:16%h Osmuck ....1:15 d 5-3 John Francisl:18 b 3-23 Teddy Carl. .l:21%h Kai Harri...l:18 h Town Silver showed speed from the gate. Radio Charm and Prince Argo also worked from the gate. Fast Move acts and looks fit. Quenna worked handily in her speed test. Little Hig and French Witch worked In company. Corvus worked evenly in his good work. BEULAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 21 Ancnt Times :40 h 4-27 Palm Island. :37 h 4-28 Delius :41 b 5-3 Scircle Elan :39 h 4-19 Fort Estil... :40 h 5-3 The Spotter. :41 h 1-29 Funderburg . :44%b 2-24 Thoth -:37%d 4- 30 Maxie Binder :41%h 5-3 Wayaloft ... :37 h 5- 1 Nedporte ... -.40 h 5-1 Whoa Back.. :37%h Pickwick ... 1 h One-Half Mile. 1 4- 29 Ann Wood.. . :51%h 5-2 Knowing ... :50 b 5- 2 Ann Brock.. :51%d 5-2 Leaky Roof.. :51%h 3- 12 Black Anna.. :51 h 4-25 McKcll :51%h 4- 26 Capt. Nadi.. :50 h 4-30 Rough Lane. :49%h 4- 30 Coll Horton :51%d 3-22 Prince Jean. :50 h 5- 2 Flying Blaze :51%d 5-2 Top Star.... :50 d 4- 5 Gino Capture :51%d 4-23 Topway .... :56 b 5- 2 Kath. Wattle :50 h 5-2 Zevson :51%b Five-EightHs Mile. 5-3 Chelap 1:04 d 5-1 Sporting Fat.l:09 b 4-27 Bee Mary... 1:04 d 5-2 Supremo KinlK6 h 4-29 Dcing Piratel.-04%d 4-30 Trace Boy.. .l:07%b 4- 24 Lockstep ...1.-03 h 4-28 Worpoise . ..1:03 h 5- 3 Nan Stein. . .l:04%d Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18Bilkan l:17%h 5-4 Free Spirit.. 1:17%d 4-30 Big Gay 1:24 b 4-30 Hi Ben l:19%h One Mile. 4-29 Just Bud.... 1:50 b 4-25 Ryal Hunter1:49 h Knowing was under slight restraint. Free Spirit was under a mild drive: Just Bud was only breezing. Worpoise worked handily. NARRAGANSET PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile- 4- 23 Blacky Bee.. :37%h 4-20 Nellie Mc. .. :37 h 5- 2 Drk Palatine :39%h 4-19 Nicholas S... :38b 4-30Dreel :37 h 5-3 Polly Girl... :38%h 4-30 Dona Montez :364ih 5-2 Paganism .. :37 h 4- 27Erech ...... :40 b 5-2* Short Cake.. :36%h 5- 3 Early Delivy :36%h 5-1 Stage Beauty :36 h 5-4 Gdbye Peace :38%h 4-30 Skipped .... :37- h 5-3 Higher Cloud :37zh 5-1 Shyno :37%h 4- 30Hittie :36 h 3-26 Sht Measure :37 h 5- 1 Infidox :37 b 4-30 Topee :37 b Ly Bcwithus -AQ%h 4-5 Volo Snow. .. :38 h 3- 29 Lilting :38%h 4-28 War Minstrel :37%h 5-3 Leo D :37 h 4-26 Way Yonder. :38andh 4- 26 My Day..... :39 b One-Half. Mile. 5- 1 Be Blue :48%h 5-2 Kantar Beau :50%h 5-1 Bright View. :48 h 4-21 Moralist ... :53%h 5-2 Branch Wtr :51%h 5-1 Mervin B.... :53%b 4-25Cavnur .... :52 h 5-1 Schnozzola .. :49%h 4-29 Dark Phaona :50%h 5-1 Some Boy... :53%h 4- 29Dancg Doll. :51%h 5-1 Slump :51%h 5- 2 Dark Melus.. :49h Sir Golden.. :54 h 4- 26 Deep Sumr. :48 h 5-1 Sarah Cash.. :50%h 5- 1 Flag Orland. :52%s 5-1 Sweet Joan.. :49%h 4-28 Five O Five. :51%h 4-26 The Runner. :48%h 4- 17 Free a. Clear :54 h 4-23 Terpsichore. :53 b 5- 2 Ginos Alley. :53 h 4-23 Waxwing . . . :52%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Almac l:06%h 5-2 "Nabob 1:04 h 5-2 Hopton Lassl:04%h 4-29 Open Gate. .1:02?£h 4- 22Kantaka ...l:04%h 5-2 Peaceful ....1:05 h 5- 2 Marienne ...1:04 h Slpy Howardl:05%h Three-Quarters Mile. All Agog 1:21 h 5-1 Miscreant ..1:16 h 4-28 Baron Lynn.12 b 4-26 Old Maid... .1:17 h 4- 30Goldfm l:17%h 5-3 Sun Fighter.. l:23%h 5- 2 .Joaney B....l:21 b 5-1 Time to Go. 1:27 h 4- 28Marson 1:17 h 4-26 Uneasy 1:15%h 5- 1 Martin Boy..l:15%d 4-28 Wage Earnerl:16%h One Mile. 6- 2 Forn Legion1:43£h 5-1 Rams Head..l:52%h 4- 30 Indian Head.l:44%h- Sun Kit and Sun Patty worked in company. Be Blue had early speed and was only breezing after going three-eighths in :34%. Dark Melus, Kantar Beau and Dark Phaona worked from the gate. Flag Orland pulled himself up after going half mile and sulked. Martin Boy and Uneasy worked together, the former was under a hard drive. Indian Head pulled up slightly lame. BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile, 5- 2 Arcadian ... :36 h 4-26 Mahdi :38 b 5-2 Bulwark .... :35%h 5-3 Thanksgiving :37%h 5-2 Burnup :37%h One-Half Mile. 4-29 Aunt Chaney :50 h 4-25 Hood Tide.. :50%b 4- 26Amerosa :50 h 5-3 Gerieralis ... :50%b 5- 2 Annie Reieh. :47 h 5-3 In Charge... :52 b 4- 22 Book Plafe.. :474ih 4-29 Ma Minnie. .. :50 h 5- 2 Crpy Mouse :48%h 2-17 Sir Heather.. :47 h 5-2 Dungeon ... :48%h 5-2 The Chief... :47%h 4-28 Equestrian... :52 b 4-28 Tatdemalion :48%h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 22Ansar l:03%h 4-22 Sun PZume. .1:02h 5- 2 Housework .1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4- 21 Boycott ...,l:15%h 4-26 Old Refrain.. l:16%h 5- 2 Count Elevenl:15%h 4-28 RyI Venturel:17 h 5-1 Cnt Edward.l:16%h 5-2 Substantial .1:20 b 4-21 Grand Flara.l:17 h 5-3 Whisperer ..120%h 4-2lLanceman ..l:15y5h 5-2 War Sack... 1:16 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4- 25 Handcuff ...1:29 b 5-2 Personage ..1:29 h One Mile. 5- 4 Anthology ..1:45 h 5-2 Morun .l:45%h 5-2 Cnt Arthur.l:44 h 4-1 Nipponese ..1:47 b 5-2 Mothel l-.45%h 5-2 Sweepstaff . .1:43 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-3 Bright Thornl:59 h 4-28 Money Mdle.l:58 h 5-3 Great Union.1:56 h 5-3 Time Sheet. .1:59 h Generalis is being kept on edge. Thanksgiving was under restraint. Great Union is being kept on edge* Handcuff looks fit and ready. Sweepstaff is improving. The Chief is ready for a good effort. Book Plate has early speed. BELMONT PARK. Training Track. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Corydon .... :38%h 5-2 Quasimodo ..: 36%h 4- 30Gannct :40%h 4-24 Red Time. . .. :36 h 5- 2 Piquet :35%h 4-26 Rock Maker. :36%h Paul Fry.... :38%h 4-29 Settler :35%h One-Half Mile. 5-2 Birthday ... -50 h 5-3 Strabo :50%h 4- 18 James N :55 b 3-2 Sunphantom. :50 h 5- 2 Lcgender .. :51%h 4-3 Sickle T :54 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-27Entracte ....1:20 b 5-2 Time Passesl:22 b 4- 16 Flying Lancerl:20 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5- 2 Transmitter .1:34 b One Mile. 4- 26 Grandever ..1:48 b 5-2 Gpr De Salo1:47 b One and One-Eighth Miles. 5- 3 Day Off l:54%h JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Caballero II.. :39 b 5-2 Selmalad ... :36 d 4- 27 Donna Leona :36%h 4-24 Sassy Lady.. -28%b 5- 1 Giboir :37 h 5-2 Star Runner :36%h 5-1 Nollip :37%h 5-2 T. Triumvir. :38 b 4- 15Rctlaw :37 h One-Half Mite. 5- 2 Cisneros ... :50 h 5-2 Iron Bar.... :50%h 5-2 Chalsign .... :50 d 5-3 Our Ketcham :49%h 4-28 Chronicle ... :52 b 5-3 White Hot.. :50%h 4-30 Dollarville... :49 d 5-2 Williamstown -J51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 30 Brit a. Early1:02 d 4-12 Merry Meg.. lK5%b 5- 1 Colored Postl:07%b 4-28 Sun Ivy l:03%d 5-2 Flit Call....l:03/5d 5-2 Sams Boy. .1:05 b 4-29 Lady Balko..l:05%b 4-27 Virginia Boyl:05%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-30 Bailiwick ..1:17 h 5-2 Miquelon ...1:19 b 4- 25Gayset 1:23 b 5-2 Pastry 1:19 b 5- 3 Kens Revgel:16%h 5-2 Peter Pine. .1:15 d 5-2 Little SIeepcrl:19 b 5-3 Speed Limit. l:16%h 5-1 Mr. Jersey.. l:16%h 5-2 Tiberius ...,l:164ih Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Seamy th ...l:30%h One Mile. 4- 23 Chf Onawayl:44 h 5-2 Sure Lad... .1:43 d 5- 3 Samakov ...1.43 d Our Ketcham is in good form. Bright and Early showed a nice effort. Peter Pine showed improvement. Kens Revenge worked from the gate. Samakov and Sure Lad were on even . terms. | ! Tiberius is nearing racing condition. . ! WOODBINE PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. . 5-3 Barford .... :40 h Missouri Jim :39%h Back Fence.. .41 b 5-3 Mere Frolic. :39 h 3- 10 Historic Era. :41 b Plain Ben... :38%h Islcwood ... :39%h Roche DOr.. :39 h 5-2 In Front.... :59 h 5-3 Star Gaiety. :39%h One-Half Mile. 5-2 Allons :514ih No Surrender :51%h 5-2 Ardawn .... :52%h 5-3 Primbud ... :55 b 5-2 Background. :51%h 5-3 Tombo Tuck. :52%h Circulet .... :51 h 5-1 Toby T :52%h 5-3 Lovely Jo... :52 h Vicereine ... :52%h More Flowers :53 h Wicklow ... £l%h 5-3 Marbuer .... :49%h Five-Eighth* Mile- 5-2 Aurangzeb ..1:06 h 5-3 Hayknife ...l:06%h .5-2 Boscobel ...1:09 h 5-2 Little Hetty. 1:05 h 5-2 Beechview ..1:08 b Lingster ....l:03?£h Calson lK4%h 5-2 Maple Tints. 1:05 h 4- 4 Dalamac ....l:06%h 5-2 Masked Bud.l:04%h 3-29 Denote 1:05 h Parma Violetl:06%h Diabroom ...l:02%h 5-3 Speyford ...l:06%h 3- 12 Grand Light. 1:05 h 5-2 Tommy Rosel:06 h 5- 2 Hi-Peggy ...l:08%h 5-3 Uva l:02%h Three-Quarter* Mila 5-4 Archworth ..1:12%h 5-4 Kings Crcst.l:13 h 5-2 Bobs First.. l:17%h 5-2 Nights End..l:174ih 5-2 Cup Winner. l:19%b 5-2 Peglius l:18%h 4- 3 Candar .....l:18%h 5-3 Sir Beviderel:18 b One Mile. 5- 3 Cease Fire.. .1:50 b 5-3 Rye Grass. ..l:46%h 5-3 Lightful ....1:48 h 5-3 Shicahri ....1:48 h 5-3 Making Hay.l:46%h One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-2 Milius 1:58 h Accompanied by Kings Crest, Archworths six furlongs was one of the fastest ever recorded for a Kings Plate candidate. His fractions were :22%, :465s, :595s and 1:12%. Milius turned in an impressive trial, his fractions being :25, :50%, 1:15%, 1:43, and galloping out the nine furlongs in 1:58 han-•dily. Making Hay and Rye Grass worked together in their good moves. Diabroom showed fine speed. Cajson worked well. Cease Fire is rounding to form. Uva is well advanced in training. Denote and Grand Light e being kept 01 edge. Tombo Tuck has his speed. Kings Crest was never better. Wicklow looks and acts good. AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mila. 5-2 Alice Byrd.. :39 b Mary L :38%b 4- 25 Armingel . . . :37%b 4-21 Mtain Apple :42 b 5- 2 Angonsan... :41 b 5-3 Madrush :39 b 4-7 Bright Pam.. :39 b 429 Nojoqui .... sb 4-18 Cstal Streak :38isb 52 Ornge Prince :37%b 4-28 Dr. Ford.... :39 b Porte Andy. . :39 b 4-27 Eddis Choice :38 b 4-28 Posilipo .... :ZbVsb 4-18 Fiddledeedee.. :38%b 4-27 Pat Bane :39%b 4-22 Greenwald .. :Z8%b 5-3 Race Craft.. :Z7%b 4-28 Gliding Alng :36«b 4-28 Sny Princess :38 b 4-29 Hand Tree.. :40 b 5-2 Sun Thrills.. :40 b 4-28Hasorm Ele.. :37%b 4-28 Shsta Spark :36%b 4- 23 Ltle Conard :364ib 4-18 Star Crystal. :38 b 5- 3 Lazi Canter. :42- b 4-25 Sky FJghter. :36%b 4- 28 Leader :37%b 5-3 Sky Shower.. :37 b 5- 2 May Roam.. :41 b 5-2 Thrillson ... :36%b 3- 17Morclass ... :40%b 5-4 Thistle Dell., :37 b 4- 29 My Tom.... :361f.b 4-21 Verda Flower :38 b One-Half Mile- 4- 27 Bexhill :52 b 4-18 Nonpreil Lad :51 b 5- 2 Budy Carlos :52%b 4-28 Oolibama . . . :51%b 5-3 Crstal Lover :51 b 2-23 Rare Tree. .. :53%b 4-29 Elko Boy... :51%b 4-27 Red Checker :54%b 4-28 His Prim.... :51 b 4-28 San Lu :49%b 4-28 Judge Pan.. :51%b 4-25 Simmering .. :53%b 4-29 Ltle Cartago :48 b 4-27 Sir Thomas.. :51 b 4- 27 Mar Quick... :48Vsb 4-19 Sky Shine. . . :54 b 5- 2 My Florence :49%b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-28 Camomile ..1:06 b 4-28 Playnot ....l:03%b Kenarose ...1:06 b 4-28 Tellwick ... .1:05. b 4-19 Mogolon ... .lK5%b 4-27 Thirsk l:03%b 4-27 Patrington .1:10 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-28 Indian Wind.l:20 b 5-2 Peggy George1:19%b 4- 2andNovito 1:21 b 5-2 Thornaugh .l:20%b One Mile. 5- 3 Come Hither1:46 b 4-27 Redress ....1:54 b BAY MEADOWS. Weather cloudy; track fast — One-Quarter Mile. Iron Heart.. :25=sb 5-2 Iron Rock... :24 h Three-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Black Jack.. :37 b 5-3 Pvos Prince :35%h 5-2 Blor Dinner :37 b 5-2 Shta Racket :36%b Crstal Ridge :36%b 5-2 Sirgay :40 b 5-2 Gold Volt... :38?Bb 5-2 Spazz :39 b 4- 13 Hadtobe :41 b 4-26 Sntimentalist :36 h 5- 1 Infinite Lady :39 b 4-18 Tall Oak.... :38%b 4-26 Pit Bull :36%b One-Half Mile. 4-28 Au Man :51%b Gd Weather :52h 4-28 Best Beau... :52 b Little Eric. :51%b 4-30 Balkan War. :48%h MissAmie... 0%h 4-30 Easy Pkings :50%b Macabre .... :52!/Sh 4- 27Fredda T.... :48%h 3-30 Mask a. Wig :48%h 5- 2 Goeswell ... :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 28 Cngressman 1:02 h 4-21 Scaline l:04?sb 5- 4 Fast Flight.. l:07%b 4-21 Wcstys Girl. 1: 03 h 5-4 Palmar .....lKM%b 5-1 Xenoras Foxl:04%b 4- 29 Retake .....l:05%b Three-Quarters Mile. 5- 2 Bald Shot... l:14*Bh 5-2 Gold Duke.. .l:18%b 5-2 Capt. Gilbcrtl:21 b 4-9 Pep Talk. .. .l:16%b 5-2 Distribute ..l:14%h 5-1 San Jose.... 1:17 b 2-20 Decuria ....1:14 h 5-2 Sky Baby... l:18%b 4- 29 Fair Lead.. ,l:17%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5- 2 Reproach ...l:29%b One Mile. 5-1 Blaze of Gly1:41%b 4-30 Stop Scout. .1:43 h 4-6 Gert EIstonl:53 b 3-1 Tristrap 1:50 b Polvos Prince displayed good speed, as did Sentimentalist. Balkan War was snugged all the way. Fredda T. achieved a good half mile trial. Mask and Wig was slightly restrained throughout. Good Weather, Little Eric and Macabre were in company from the gate. Congressman worked an impressive five-eighths mile trial. Westys Girl was well in hand throughout. Distribute wore blinkers and worked creditably from the gate. Decuria is rounding into form. Fair Lead was slightly restrained all the way. . Pep Talk accomplished a good three-quarters mile trial. Blaze of Glory wore blinkers and was unattended in his trial. r Continued on forty-first page. WORKOlTSn Continued on thirty-ninth page. TANFORAN. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Chatnan .... :37%b 4-29 Wild Top. . . . :39%b 4- 29 Hilsingcr ... :39%b One-Hal/ Mile. 5- 3 Jane Bruce.. :49%h 4-27 Wild Turkey. :50%h 5-4 Say Judge... :48 h One Mile. 2-11 Payne l:42%d .WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track fast— Three-Eighths Mile. 4-29 Accrington . :36%b 4-27 Hazv Port.. :37 b 4-11 Crossbcck . . :40%b 4-18 No Fooling. . :37 b 4-27Doduood ... :37%b 4-25 Sky Shower. :40 b 4-5 Girlie V :37 b Sir Seth :38 b 4-20 Gibbons Lad :37 b Star Laris... :38%b High Fern... :38 b 4-28 Thames .... :36%b One-Half Mile. 4-29 Beaches .... :50 b 4-21 Geisboro ... :49%b 4-20Bateley .... :51 b 4-25 Injun Baby.. :56 b 4-6 County Clerk :51 b 4-29 Jim Dandy. . :52 b 4-5 Chilnorc ... :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-28Acapulco ...l:06%b 2-15 Race Craft. .l:03%b 4-20 Crtal Lover.l:03andb 4-28 Speed Rival 1:03 b 4-29 Nidiah F....l:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-28 Abide 1:20 b 4-27 Michaelmas 1:17 b 4-19 Come Hither.l:17%b 4-21 Monte View.l:19%b 4-25 Dads Bday l:17%b 4-27 Masliam ....l:17%b 4-21 Fair Heart.. 1:21 b 3-24 Red Bluffer.l:25 b 4-29Leerie .....1:25 b 4-21 Salmore ....l:19%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-29 Kievan 1:32 b 4-28 Sky Star.... 1:34 b 4-29 Sky Mark. .1:34 b One Mile. 4-27 Alice Mine.. 1:53 b 4-28 Lazi Canter. 1:51 b 4-28 Brilt Queen 1:53 b 4-28 Madrush ...l:47%b 4-21 Bit o Scotdl:46%b 4-20 Yancey .....1:52 b 4-25 Carla Mar ..1:44%b THURSDAY, MAY 4 AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-29 Balkan Land :41%b 4-29 Goole :40 b 4-22 Baby Al iSl b 4-21 Pern Knight :38 b Bbling Lake :40 b 3-29 Rcgo , :40 b 4-28 Dnacna Kid :39 b 4-27 San Ardo... :38%b 2-7 Genitum ... :37%b 5-2 Scout Flag.. :38 b 4-29 Glazemvood . :39 b 1-8 Tanhauser .. :38%b One-Half Mile, 4-27 Donna Bonita :49 b 5-2 Our Johnny. :50%b 4-25 Little Clown. :55 b 4-25 Parade Step. :52%b 4-27Lanny Girl.. :53%b 5-2 Sky Comet.. :50 b 4-28 Nncy Rogge :51%b 5-2 Sky Gal :49 b 4-29Nakasun ... £0 b 5-2 Very French. :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-29 Eight Ball.. .l:03%b 4-28 Runrowe . . .l:03%b 4- 19 Flossmoor ..1:03 b 4-29 Ralty Checkl:06 b 5- 3 Geisboro ...1:08 b 4-28 Red Canoe. .l:06%b 5-3 Liverpool ...1:10 b 4-28 Solable .....1:05 b 4-27 Little Stein.. 1:05 b 4-19 Sky Dandy. .1:08 b 4-29 Lee Hastingsl:03%b 4-29 Tartarus ... .1:09 b 4-29 Ler Brigadel:04 b 4-5 Torev l:04%b 4-19MirelIa l:03%b 4-28 Van Ele..... 1:05 b 4-27Myannie ....l:03%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-12 Barbadoes ..1:16 b 4-8 Roll Home. .l:18%b 3- 11 Hurtle .....1:19 b 4-19 Red Cab. . . .l:19%b 4- 28 Liveka 1:18 b 5-2 Thistle Dell..l:25 b 4- 29 Rain Cheer. .1:19 b One Mile. 5- 2 Boom Town. l:48%b 4-27 Hieh Haste. .1:45 b 5-2 Ezechias ....1:44%b 5-2 Quite l:48%b 5-2 Glen Brush.. 1:46 b 4-19 Rolodo 1:45 b FAIRMOUNT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Amiio :39 b 5-1 Guess :39 b 4- 24 Brown Ben.. :39%h 3-18 Goldkin .... :394£h 3-27 Bucks Rosa. :37%h 3-24 Lrl Wreath. :35%h 3-10 Clean Cut... :38%h 3-17 Miss Selma.. :39%h Dora Belle... :38%h 3-20 Off Time.... :25%h 3-22 Fob :39 h 3 4 Red Sails... :37%h Dick Peters.. :38%h 3-17 Ronnie Bane :354/f,h 3-3 Grn Country :37%h 3-21 Victory Mch :39%h 3-22Goln Quest. :36%h One-Half Mile. 3-23 Bandalorc . . -51 b Lucky Quest :49%h Brown Cloud. :51 h Mt. Washtn :51h Board Bill... :49 h 4-23 Moorish .... :50%h Chicinger . . :52 h 5-1 Park City... :50 h Captn Logan :51%h Proposinp; .. :49%h Cloudet .... :49h 3-31 Sleepy Irish.. :50 h 5- 1 Hi-Wave ... :49%h 3-25 Sun Henry.. :48%d 3-27 Falermian .. :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-13Atholton ...l:014id 3-15 Miss Monte.. l:014ih 3-28 Bucks Geinel:06 h 2-20 Muriellynn .l:05%h Brillnt Glowl:07 b 2-20 Miss Webb. .1:03 h 3-28 Be Discreet. l:01%d 4-29 Mightily ....l:04%h 5-2 Dr. McLrnylKS h 3-17 Neil Jay... -.1:03 h 3-29 Dixie Dora.. l.-06%h 3-13 Nim l:02%h 3-14Flit of Goldli.h 3-22Normn Sloatl:01%h 3-22 Gaming ....l:03%h 5-1 Oxford Lad. .1:02 h 3-17 Hich Man.. .1:05 h 3-17 Panatela ...l:01%h 3-17Helmor l:03%h 3-17 Queen Ircne.l:03%h 2- 9 Inscolt l:02%h 3-21 Ryl Trsurel:05%h 3- 9 Joe Jay lK5%h 5-1 Transview ..l:02#.h 3-14 Justification. l:04%h 2-9 Tuo l:05%h 3-30 Kayak l:03%h 3-17 Tiger John.. 1:05 h Monks Time. 1:08 b Three-Quarters Mile. Communist .l:21%h Miss Kiev.. .1:19 h 5-2 Charles J...l:20%h 5-1 Ncrvs Lady.l:16%h 3-29 Crbincs Cntl:18%h 5-1 Our Justice.. 1:17 h 5-1 Grecian Timcl:16%h 3-15 Prcc Pharh.l:16 h 5-1 Gannonic ...1:21 h 5-1 Pfesr Paul..l:16 h 3-22Getalong ...1:18 h Sam K l:17%h 3-23 Khar Fair... l:18andh 2-8 Stormy Sea.. 1:18 h 3-21 Letty Ormontl:18%h 5-1 Warg Witchl:19%h 3-20 Masterpiece 1:18 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 3-24 Dolly E l:30%h 3-24 Runmilton .1:31 h 3-29 Hiddenite ..1:28h One Mile. 2- 7 Fair Mole.. .1:49 h 5-2 The Break. .1:48 h 3- 17 Java Ho.... 1:49 b 5-1 Vanscout ...l:44%h 3-18 Night Gail..1:43%h * I Ronnie Bane showed fine speed. Getalong and Masterpiece worked together, the latter breezing. Transview accompanied Professor Paul for first five-eighths. Miss Monte and Panatela worked together; latter was best. Dr. McLarney and Oxford Lad worked evenly together. Norman Sloat had good speed in his fine trial. Hiddenite worked extra well. Night Gail worked a useful mile. Grecian Time acts and looks good. Following horses came from the gate: Carbines Count, Charles J., Off Time, Gannonic, Laurel Wreath, Miss Kiev, Prince Pharoah and Van Scout. Horses in Wednesdays works reading Sun Lu in half mile and De Orla in half mile work should read Dodloo and DOrla. t |