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FAIRMOUNT PARK OFFICIALS COLLINSVILLE, HI., May 5.— With the appointments by the Illinois commission of . Christopher J. FitzGerald, Jr., Oscar Bach-man and J..L. Stortz to serve as its reprc sentatives, general manager D. C. Burnett announced today the entire personnel of officials for the twenty-seven day meeting at Fairmount Park, commencing Saturday. FitzGerald will be steward, but in this capacity he will be aided by John T. Ireland and R. A. Leigh, Sr. Bachman will be director of mutuels, while Stortz will be veterinarian. R. A. Leigh, Sr., is also racing ! secretaiy. Placing judges will be R. A. Leigh, Jr., R. S. Eddy III. and Frederic Crafton. R. A. Leigh, Jr., will also be clerk of scales. Roy "Boots" Dickerson, regular starter at Arlington Park, Chicago, is .the I new field dispatcher