65th Kentucky Derby, Daily Racing Form, 1939-05-06


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; Col. M. J. Winn j., I TECHNICIAN VISCOUNTY JOHNSTOWN T. M. DORSET! ON LOCATION 65TH * KENTUCK A Qliarter Of a CentUry has elapsed since a real low-priced favorite won the Kentucky Derby. Back in 1914, just twenty-five years ago, Old Rosebud, a noted race horse, though one of the most remarkable "cripples" in the history of the American turf, won the famous Blue Grass classic at the short odds of 4 to 5. Old Rosebud in adding his name to the roster of winners established a new record of 2:03% for a mile and a quarter, which remained the race record until Twenty Grand lowered it to 2:01% in 1931. The 1939 running may furnish another odds-on winner of the Derby. At least it appears, certain now unless something unforeseen happens that Johnstown will * go to the post an odds-on choice, and if he wins may threaten Twenty Grands mark. He is gifted with an • unusual high order of speed and, if he can go the "route," the only serious question he has not answered, it would not be surprising to see an extremely fast race run and a new record. However, though his rivals for the coveted honor of winning Americas most renowned three-year-old stake event are small in numbers, with such as El Chico, Challedon, Technician, Heather Broom the most dangerous there is the probability of another Lawrin or Bold Venture surprising the experts and confounding even the most optimistic procrastinatbrs. Here are presented pictures of the probable odds-on choice, Johnstown, [and his opponents: I EL CHICO I HEATHER BROOM I CHALLENGE CHALLEDON OERBY * 65TH XALAPA CLOWN

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939050602/drf1939050602_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1939050602_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800