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Order Martian Returned To J. E. Widener Stable STANTON, Del.,Jiine 27. George W. Brown, Jr., Herman P. Conklin and William Harron, stewards" of the Delaware Steeplechase and Race Association, issued the following ruling today: "The horse Martian, claimed June 4 at Delaware Park from J. E. Widener, has been ordered to be returned following an investigation which proves to our satisfaction that the eight-year-old chestnut gelding, Gold Band, was not registered here in good faith for racing purposes; nor was the party giving orders and directing thej management of said horse in good standing. Trainer Henry Antoliano Gondrands temporary license has been revoked, and owner John W. Toth, of Detroit, Mich., has been ordered to appear before the stewards at the earliest possible moment, to explain his position in the matter Gold Band was well beaten in his only start here.