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ARLINGTON CAFE Where Eating Is a Pleasure De/icioiis 7-Course Table PHote Sunday Dinners On Northwest Highway. Phones 708 and 1463 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL " ••• " ""■ ■ ■■,- ..■! . m m-mk m jiiti.a,« Mint, JandUlhtt it n GRAND. ITS SO EASY TO GET THERE «JtS3 CHICAGO and NORTH WfSTIRN IfBW AIR-CONDITIONED Bi"11 ■ STREAMLINER SERVICE! The Arlington "400," Diesel Air Conditioned streamliner dairy at 1 2:40 p.m., Saturdays and holidays at 1 2:1 5 p.m Modern, air-conditioned cars on all trains. C. and N.W.Arlington specials weekdays from 12:15 to 1:10. late* trains at 1:28 and 2:25. Saturdays and Holidays, from 1 1:30 a.m. to 1:10 p.m BY AUTO: U.S. 1 4, or III. 83, 53 or 72 direct to track. 8Y BUS: Specials leaving from Sherman Hotel. Loop, Svnnyside-Sheridan, Howard St. "L," Milwaukee, Lawrence, Crawford-Washington, 63rd-Cottage Grove. 63rd-Sangamon, 7°th-Stony bland, 11 a.m.-1:10 p.m 1st Race Week days: 2 p.m. S«f«rd«ys * Holidays: 1 :30 p.m. ffcortatf* HARNESS RACES OPEN JUNE 23rd