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i TREND OF RACING I JANUARY 1 TO JUNE 14, INCLUSIVE Statistics here are based on daily reports by the racing associations to the press a a a , Daily Average Attendance Meeting. 1952. Days. 1951 Days. Change. tAqueduct 24,082 3 223503 20 +7% Arizona Downs 2,862 26 2,083 23 +37% tAscot Park 4,327 11 3,624 43 +19% Bel Air 6,808 10 6,800 10 tBelmont Park 24,750 36 23,759 34 + 4% Beulah Park 5,496 19 4,325 20 +27% Bowie At Laurel 11,816 15 8,027 12 +47% Charles Town 4,737 19 4,781 16 —1% Churchill Downs 15,056 19 15.947 19 —6% Cranwood Park 4,492 25 3,151 30 43% tCumberland Fair 4,660 5 5,500 10 -15% tDelaware Park 13.849 15 12.782 32 4-8% tDetroit 12,508 20 10,568 56 +18% Fair Grounds 6.810 81 5.329 76 +27% tFairmount Park 7,937 12 7,333 29 f-8% Fort Miami 4,370 25 Garden State Park 20,569 25 17,112 25 - 20% Golden Gate Fields 11,802 45 9,081 41 +30% Gulfstream Park 13,774 41 11,543 42 +19% Hialeah Park 19,292 40 17,327 40 +11% tHollywood Park 26,118 25 25,799 50 + 1% Jamaica 29,223 24 26,900 36 +9% Keeneland 7,900 11 7,257 11 +13% Laurel Park 13.643 18 11,726 24 +16% Lincoln Downs 12,633 JO 11,294 30 +12% tLincoln Fields At Hawthorne.... 14,362 30 10,558 29 +36% tMonmouth Park 21,354 1 15,743 46 -!-36% OaJclawn Park 7,739 30 7,057 30 +10% tOmaha 7,773 20 8,005 33 +3% Phoenix Fair Grounds 3,014 29 2,565 23 +18% Phoenix Sportsmans Park 3,712 25 3,021 24 +23% Pimlico 12,748 15 10,938 19 +16% tRiver Downs :...-... 6,489 14 3,972 44 J-63% Santa Anita 26,549 50 23,813 50 +12% Sportsmans Park 12,912 12 9333 19 430% tSuffolk Downs 13,787 48 12,258 60 +12% Sunshine Park 3,511 49 2,209 43 +59% Tropical Park 9.705 41 8,446 41 +15% tUnited Hunts 17,806 2 16,829 2 +6% tWaterford Park 6,107 16 6,875 40 —11% trui-ronf tCurrent meeting. moofinn WOTF NOTE— — Average Avpcpop dailv daily attendance attendance and and mutuel mutuel handle handle foi for /—Dally Average Mutuel Handle— 1952. 1951. Change ,142,517 ,730,599 +24% 88,660 79,351 +12% 206,846 150,441 +37% 390,532 368,896 + 6% 2,207,453 1,882,014 +17% 221,424 161,122 +37% 992,029 591,788 +67% 317,546 240,817 +32% 816,039 695,337 +17% 250,167 181,837 +26% 173,086 212,110 —18% 985,499 864,609 +14% 707,347 600,378 4 18% 294,786 218.609 +35% 266,602 227,483 +17% 135,512 1,706,608 1,356,335 +26% 864,442 630,740 +37% 1,055,911 818,831 +29% 1,515,926 1,301,397 +16% 1,774,280 1,630,792 + 9% 2,457,773 2,120,051 +16% 365,804 295,721 4 24% 1,060,675 814,304 430% 798,234 697,283 413% 948,696 694,596 437% 1,455,864 1,232,779 415% 434,667 366,719 418% 334,363 325,341 4 3% 100,171 77,543 429% 118,589 76,295 455% 953,202 748,024 427% 255,795 173,936 +47% 1,837,385 1,518,925 +21% 768,009 596,254 - 29% 899,551 802,484 +12% 159,794 125,125 +27% 725,720 566.600 +28% 1,686,015 1,484,759 j-14% 260,824 183,196 +42% 1951 1951 is is for for the the entire entire meetina. meeting. The The a a a trui-ronf tCurrent meeting. moofinn WOTF NOTE— — Average Avpcpop dailv daily attendance attendance and and mutuel mutuel handle handle foi for 1951 1951 is is for for the the entire entire meetina. meeting. The The first meeting at Bowie in 1951 was held at Bowie racetrack, while the first meeting for 1952 was transferred to Laurel Race Course Sportsmans Park meeting suspended after racing of Saturday, May 3.