untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-03


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AMERICAS TURf AUTHORITY _ fOCNDED IN IKM Official Newspaper of the National Association «l State Uacirjs Commissioners Published daily, except Sunday, by TltlASuLE rCULICATIONS.. Inc. DAILY RACING FOBH J Samuel PerlmaD. .. .. .Editor and lUDIlsnei Dap Lyons... Chief Torf Editor ASSOCIATED PAPERS: 731 Plymouth Court.. Chicago 5. Illinois 525 Wist 52nd Street New York 10. Sew Ior» 1540 N. Vermont Avenue..... Los Anseles 27. Colli SO Richmond St.. East. ...Toronto 1. Ont.. Canada 4133 University Way Seattle 5. Washlnstoii 2134 N W. Miami Court. .„ Miami 37. Florida KENTCCKI DCRCAD 145 East nigh Street... Lcilpgton. Keotoct; Enrered as second class matter. May 2G. 1115. at the po?T office at Chicago. Ill- under the Act of-March 3. 1S73. Member of Audit Dorean of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Month One Year Second Class J11.00 32.00 First Class.... 14.90 178.S0 Air Ma;1 18.SO 225.00 Minimum «un*-riEfion period is 1 month of 20 lssnc» Ha-k noniber single copy price. 50 cents. Aodress nil communications, make all remittances and send all manuscripts to daily racing form 731 Plymouth Court. Chlcajo 5. I1L Telephone: WA bash 2-O3C0 Herbert S. Kamln. Business Manager Cli.irt number of first race in 1958 wa« 41117

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958050301/drf1958050301_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1958050301_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800