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CHART-A-RACE YESTERDAYS STANDOUT FIGURE WINNER: . JW STEPONIT, 0.60, WON PE. : , Last week CHART-A-RACE showed a very nic profit for all its users. They acclaim it tht ! . "tops." Nothing intricate. Just simple operations to go through to accurately rate horses. CHART- . A-RACE DOES ALL THE FIGURING FOR YOU. EWT ROSEMONT BEATS OMAHA aT CHART-A-RACE RATE FIGURE SHOWED THE HORSE IT HAD A GOOD CHANCE TO DO JUST WHAT HE DID , .: CHART-A-RACE WILL DO JUST WHAT WE STATE IT WILL ACCURATELY RATE BY FIGURE ; HORSES AND IT HAS CONSISTENTLY SHOWN PROFITS FOR ITS USERS djO GET THIS WONDERFUL! OUTFIT! JOIN Q pO THE HAPPY WINNING FAMILY P5 i NOTICE DONT SEND MONEY AND ASK US TO SEND TWO HORSES THAT IS NOT OUR I LINE OF BUSINESS SEND ALL REMITTANCES TO CHART-A-RACE DISTRIBUTORS Suite 1513431 South Dearborn Street Chicago, III. IB VSSP3tV. M J3Kk Americas Authority on Racing iSjfBB MfJ T U THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MONTHLY Rfj A MM 3Land MAGAZINE jO KfW AT A11 NEWSSTANDS --T ONE MONTHS CODE SERVICE FREE WITH EVERY COPY OF POST TIME FREE FREE FREE CODES CODES CODES WINNERS! TODAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: 1st Rockingham: Sausage-Tuna-Mackerel-Alfalfa. 4th Washington: Sausage-Fish-Pork-Tuna. v To decipher, see page 21, June Post Time. For 25 cents you can buy POST TIME, the turfs smartest magazine, well worth twice or three times the price. In POST TIME, you receive, free, the codes for the current month. Three red hot codes weekly are yours FOR NOTHING, codes that are .advertised in all leading daily racing publications. BUY POST TIME TODAY AND RECEIVE POST TIME FREE CODES FOR ONE MONTH ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. fc ! Gold Seal System Horses to Be Played Today TODAYS GOLD SEAL 1-2-3 SYSTEM PLAYS: THE SYSTEM FOR WHICH SUPREME FLASH PAID 65,000 AT PRIVATE SALE PLAY: PLAY: PLAY: No. 475 No. 637 No. 385 GOLD SEAL 1-2-3 SYSTEM PLAYS ALL THE RIGHTS IN BOTH AMERICA AND CANADA HAVE BEEN BOUGHT BY THE ONLY 24-PAGE TURF WEEKLY IN AMERICA SETTING A NEW STANDARD OF HONOR, INTEGRITY. AND EXCELLENCE THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH-NEW ISSUE JUST OUT 35 CENTS THE COPY .YESTERDAYS 00 FREE CODE: TORITA, .90, WON PREVIOUS MONDAYS, MAY 20TH, 00 FREE CODE: FRED ALMY, 0.00, WON W TODAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 4 8 7 I TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: " LATONIA Yellow-21-17. WASHINGTON PARK 2-7. YESTERDAYS GOLD SEAL 1-2-3 SYSTEM PLAYS: PLAY: PLAY: PLAY: HORSE NO. 318 HORSE NO. 392 HORSE NO. 636 GENERAL LEJEUNE KOWTOW WAR TIDE ,70, LOST .10, WON 1.30, LOST. SATURDAYS GOLD SEAL 1-2-3 SYSTEM PLAYS: 1 PLAY: PLAY: PLAY: HORSE NO. 317 HORSE NO. 297 HORSE NO. 292 OTTOMAN BALIOS RACCOON 0.40, WON 5.80, WON 4.60, WON THIS SYSTEM HAS NO EARTHLY CHANCE TO LOSE It cost 65,000 at private sale. It has a corps of experts, mathematicians, co-operators, operatives, and its horses should win 80 or 90 per cent of all races run this summer. We have weeded out more than 3,000 horses as unfit, without class and "badge" horses. The rest are winners. We know that 75 per cent of our Number Code horses should win. PAYS FOR GOLD SEAL NUMBER CODE CARD ONLY No telegrams to pay no bookmakers to pay only one telegram that one the first. Number Card mailed within 30 minutes of the hour your subscription is received. The professors and owners of the Gold Seal System advise an extra heavy play today. You can play , or , as the system plans, or raise to , or or 0, 0 or 0, but always keep the proportion 1-2-3 the same proportion. Remember, the Law of Averages, Science, Is With You and Not Against You Wire for the Gold Seal Number Card, Good for Six Days Go right now and do the best two things you ever did in speculation. Send via Western Union ot Postal Telegraph or call at office, and then, at the newstand nearest your telegraph office, buy a copy of Supreme Flash Turf Weekly the paper beyond compare, its endeavor for you without price or reward and its character unblemished. It asks nothing except you get GOLD SEAL SYSTEM PLAYS. Remit and address GOLD SEAL SYSTEM PLAYS SUPREME FLASH, 799 Broadway Suite 407, New York City "REMEMBER, IF YOU HAVE NO SUPREME FLASH, YOU HAVE NO RACING WEEKLY" J 11 ""fv1 TVTV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: WASHINGTON PARK E-23-17-26-20. LATONIA S-17-2-1-2. WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. CLOCKERS REVIEW FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35c PER COPY 26 Years of Successful Service TODAYS DURANTE PARLAY: ROCK. Packard-20-6. ROCK. Lincoln-32-9. TERMS PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE, Care Clockers Review 41 Union Square, W. Suite 1011, New York City LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price, 15 Cents TODAYS CODE PARLAY: DETROIT Cadillac-53-43. WASH. Chrysler-21-73. TODAYS ROCKINGHAM CLOCKERS: ROCKINGHAM Black-294-236. 00 pays for Rockingham Clockers Code Card for Rockingham meeting. Todays ,000 Free Code: ROCK. Bid-24-56. wSIy MAN O WAR "St FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: DETROIT Cap-34-42-11-11. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ROCKINGHAM Albert-51-43-31-47. DETROIT Harry-35-41-43-45. 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS 35 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: G EORGE Pink-28-24-1 2-48. fflQTURE WEEKLY TgK AT NEWSSTANDS RACE TODAY AT WASHINGTON PARK WINNER FREE By simply turning to page 2, Silver "6" Turf Weekly, second column, first horse from the bottom. Todayi Free Code: MAN Shoe-19-17. To decipher, see page 3, Silver "6" Turf Weekly. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: DETROIT Rust-22-46. WASHINGTON Gray-80-46. To decipher, get Silver "6" Daily Parlay Code Cards. SILVER "6" TURF WEEKLY. 152 West 42nd St., Cor. Bway New York City GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY. Price, 15 Cents, Sold on All Newsstands YESTERDAYS LATONIA MONEY CODE: MARY TERRY, S19.60, WON Todays Latonia Money Code: TROY 324-214. YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: WAR TIDE, 1.30, .70, 2ND Todays Free Code: ROCKINGHAM Corn-123-118. GRANDSTAND JOCKEY PARLAYS YESTERDAYS JOCKEY PARLAY: SPANISH BABE, 7.84, WON BLACK MISS, 6.20, WON pays for six days parlays, with the understanding that you must get four win parlays out of six, otherwise you will receive an additional six days Jockey Parlays absolutely free. GRANDSTAND PUBLISHING CO. 307 Washington St. Brooklyn, N. Y, RACE RATINGSHHjWj IS A NEW JfffflM KENTUCKY-BRED rQjiiiBff9ll method JimyH mtmmamammmmmm THIS NEW KENTUCKY. F LONG SHOT SYSTEM WMQHHkH is yours WTiiyyAJiVMm only .00 nffnpHH D. B. NEAL WmXllmmmW 805 E- Man St.; PLAY HORSES THAT WIN I THE BLAKELEY METHOD TELLS YOU HOW Have a practical, proven method that wins consistently at all tracks. Here is something really worthwhile. It will pay you to investigate. Write today for particulars and proof. No obligations. W. J. BLAKELEY P. 0. BOX 632 BALTIMORE, MD. I WIN 0 PER WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the races we will put you next to a little trainers secret that should place you above want as Ions as you live. No obligations. Just send your name and address to I SECOR PUB. CO. AURORA, 1L.