Daily Racing Form Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-05-28

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JAIIJG FORM . mSHING"SfRK ; r THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES j AT WASHINGTON PARK MONDAY PAID 49.96 FOR . ;H0MEW00D, ILL., MONDAY, MAY 27, 1935. Washington Park 1 1-8 miles. Second day. Washington Park Jockey Club, Inc. Summer meeting of 31 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. m : - Steward representing Illinois State Racing Commission, C. J. FitzGerald. Stewards, G. Brown, Jr., and C. J. FitzGerald. Judges, S. S. Brown, C. A. Kenney and C. J. FitzGerald, Jr. Starter, R. Dickerson. Racing Secretary, C. J. McLennan. . zz. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago daylight saving time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers.. Figures In parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight parried, indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Judge Leer, Oct. 7, 1933 1:052 109. Purse jij Q A m ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of three races. Weight, 118 LLvF Ot: 4 lbs. Non-winners of two races allowed 4 lbs.; maidens, 6 lbs. Claiming May-27-35-Was price, 2,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Net value to winner 00; second 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt l0524 SANDY BEACH will 5 4 l2 l5 l5 l5 HainesG H P Headley 378-100 10212TIME LIGHT will 7 6 2 3 2and 2 TildenR P Kelley 739-100 110259 OPENING NIGHT wl07 3 2 3 2 33 34 WestropeJ T C Worden 95-100 1935.sh421 WHIPOWILL wb108 4 1 ll 61 63 4i HankaW D B Midkiff 4146-100 10088 OUT PUT wb 107 6 5 52 4s 44 5 AlbrechtH Milky Way Farms Stable 1397-100 Q9849 CANROCK w 112 13 4h 52 5$ 6and HaasL A C Compton 1122-100 D9754 FIRM HAND wl08 8 7 6s 7 73 71 MozerR Southland Stable 13975-100 SAILORS GIFT w 110 2 8 8 8 8 8 ArcaroE Mrs R Carruthers 1824-100 j Time, :23$, :48, 1:00, 1:07. Track good. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . SANDY BEACH ..56 .34 $ 2.74 378100 167100 37100 TIME LIGHT 8.42 3.10 321100 55100 OPENING NIGHT 2.20 10100 Winner Br. f, by Pharamond II. Sandy Land, by Rock View trained by D. A. Headley; bred by Mr. H. P. Headley. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 2:18. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. . SANDY BEACH, sent into command under strong riding, drew out fast on the stretch turn and, sustaining fine speed thereafter, won with something left. TIME LIGHT was raced wide throughout and held on gamely in a good effort. OPENING NIGHT, slightly jostled about in the first three-sixteenths, was on the inside the Jast three-eighths and tired slightly near the end. WHIPOWILL made up ground on the inside in the stretch. OUT PUT had to race wide much of the trip. CANROCK failed to keep up. SAILORS GIFT raced greenly. Overweight Firm Hand, 3 pounds ; Sailors Gift, 1. SECOND RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Gold Signet, June 21, 1934-1:23 3 109. 10848 Purse 3-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. tylay-27-35-Was Net value to winner 00; second 50; third,.00; fourth, 0. ndex Horses EqtAWtPPSt Yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 64951 FOGGY NIGHT wll5 3 3 44 2 22 14 1 BalaskiL J S Klein 301-100 09910 LITTLE DOGGIE w 116 5 2 7 "4h 3h 34 24 WoolfG Dixiana 2106-100 08909 BALLY WISE wb115 1 6 5 7 62 44 3n TinkerH Woodward and Smith 692-100 ! CANUSEE wll5 2 4 31 64 52 52 4s WestropeJ Milky Way Farms Stable 385-100 10424 PRINCE JOHN wb 115 6 1 2 3 44 6 5and HaasL J Marsch 184-100 SURCOUF wll5 7 5 14 I2 l3 2 6 HankaW Rosedale Stable 1743-100 089662RUTLAND wb115 4 7 6 4 52 7 7 7 HelmM L T Whitehill 2601-100 Time, :23, :47, 1:13, 1:27. Track good. , 12 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOXXH8 ODDB , FOGGY NIGHT $ 8.02 $ 4.06 $ 3.74 301100 103100 87100 UTTLE DOGGIE 10.64 8.68 432100 334100 PALLY WISE 4.88 144100 Winner Ch. f, by Nocturnal Dark Phantom, by Light Brigade trained by E. Trotter; bred by Brook-xheada Stable. WENT TO POST 2:45. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FOGGY NIGHT, under steadying restraint for five-eighths, took command with a rush and was shaken VP while coming away. LITTLE DOGGIE, away fast but unable to keep up, began to improve his position slowly after reaching the final half mile and closed resolutely. BALLY WISE raced wide much of the trip and, slow to begin, came with a rush in the final quarter. CANUSEE cantered off an eighth before the start, showed speed in spots and finished well. PRINCE JOHN quit after showing speed for five-eighths, SURCOUF had speed for three-quarters, then quit badly. Scratched Black Hat, 115; Lee Laffoon, 110. " Overweight Little Doggie, 1 pound. THIRD RACE 5-8 MILE. Jimmy Moran, June 3, 1929 :59 2 116.. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. ljQzj.Q May-27-35-Was net value to winner 00; second 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 09973tERIN TORCH wllO 9 7 V- l2 l3 1 ArcaroE Dixiana J919-100 ITHATAGAL wl03 3 6 6 41 4and 2 RenickJ Dixiana GRAND DUKE w 106 1 2 24 32 3n 3and HankaW B Combs 5384-100 096383BLACK HIGHBROW w 115 6 5 4 63 54 4i MartinezA L E Komorous 443-100 10324MERRIVEATHER wl09 4 8 76 73 73 5 HaasL K Daingerfield Jr 2412-100 09709 DNIEPER wll5 2 1 5h 5and 61 61 BalaskiL Mrs P A B Widener 367-100 104152HIGHER CLOUD wb109 7 9 9 8a 812 74 HainesG H P Headley 2136-100 09964JMY COLIN wll5 5 3 34 2 24 8" LandoltC J Hartman 178-100 08451 DUNLIN LADY wl07$ 8 4 8 9 9 9 TildenR N Evans 792-100 Disqualified. tCoupled as Dixiana entry. Time, :23, :47, 1:00. Track good. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOMHfi ODDB GRAND DUKE , 09.68 2.98 2.98 6384100 4049100 1049100 BLACK HIGHBROW ....... 7.60 4.58 280100 129100 MERRIWEATHER 13.12 556100 Winner Ch. c, by Stimulus Humanity, by Voter trained by R. A, Kindred; bred by Mr. B. Combs, ell Combs. WENT TO POST 3:16. AT POST 1 minute. . Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ERIN TORCH bore over sharply while racing to the front in the first three-sixteenths, increased his margin under light pressure entering the stretch and held sway thereafter, but was disqualifid for fouling. THATAGAL, in close quarters early, bettered her position gradually when clear and finished with determination, but, coupld with ERIN TORCH, also was disqualified. GRAND DUKE, quick to begin and missing the crowding, was under pressure throughout afld held on well. BLACK HIGHBROW, impeded soon after the start, was on the outside in the stretch. MERRIWEATHER made up ground in the stretch. DNIEPER had to be cased soon after the start and lacked speed when clear. HIGHER CLOUD began slowly MY COLIN quit badly. DUNLIN LADY almost fell while in close quarters shortly after the start Overweight Erin Torch, 4 pounds; Dunlin Lady, 1$. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Bedight, Oct. 14, 19331:113110. Purse 1,000. 3-year-old 10850 lowances- May-27-35-Was Net value to winner 00 ; second 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Y Yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT. Odds Strt 103293SPANISH BABE w 105 2 5 51 34 l3 l2 RenickJ Mrs F M Grabner 792-100 99267 BORN HAPPY wb 110 1 2 34 44 2 2and BalaskiL E R Bradley 1200-100 . 087213ANN ORULEY wb 108 4 1 4and 54 41 3 TildenR Mrs A A Baroni 340-100 094783CHANCEVIEW wll5 6 6 6 6 52 4 TinkerH J J Flanigan and Son 199-100 04727MARV w 108 7 7 7 7 62 5 HainesG Dixiana 1652-100 09750 FRENCH PRINCESS w 107 3 3 H l3 3and 6 HaasL Mrs J Marsch 427-100 04367VERY WISE wb104 5 4 2 24 7 7- ParvinC Southland-Stable 1264-100 Time, :22, :46, 1:13. Track good. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SPANISH BABE 7.84 0.46 $ 5.88 792100 423100 194100 BORN HAPPY 10.02 7.40 401100 270100 ANN ORULEY 6.32 - 216100 Winner Ch. f, by Spanish Prince II. Eileen, by Plaudit or Star Shoot trained by P. Reilly; bred by Audley Farm and H. Altsheler. WENT TO POST 3:46. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SPANISH BABE, on the inside in the early stages, came out entering the stretch, took command quickly as FRENCH PRINCESS blocked VERY WISE in swerving into the inner rail," but was briskly shaken up iii the last sixteenth. BORN HAPPY, also brought out in the stretch, stood a drive gamely. ANN ORULEY, on the extreme outside throughout, dropped back slightly on the turn, but was going well in the late stages.; CHANCEVIEW began slowly and also raced wide throughout. MARV, fractious at the post, began slowly FRENCH PRINCESS had speed, but was tiring badly when she swerved into the rail nearing the last eighth VERY WISE was blocked in the stretch, but quit badly when clear. Scratched 10663 Blue Armor, 113; Sickle Hour, 104. Overweight French Princess, 4. pounds. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Bedight, Oct. 14, 19331:113110. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds, 10851 AUowances May-27-35-Was Net vaue to winner 00; second 50; third, 00; fourth, 0.- : : 1 ". Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Y Vx Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 103292MID VICTORIAN wb108 7 5 24 2 2 11 LandoltC Mrs S B Mason 89-100 037663SLIM ROSIE w 106 4 1 l1 1J lnk 22 KingJ. , Aarons and Weil 565-100 10419 WHOPPER wb113 14 3i 32 3 3 HairiesQ H P Headley . 379-10Q 03103 MY BLONDE w!02 5 6 4s 44 42 4and HankaW Mrs R Sullivan 2313-100 089693COUNTESS ANN wb 103 3 3 7 7 61 52 HelmM A A Young 4265-100 10327 GAMALIEL wb 113 2 2 54 5s 52 6 BalaskiL Mrs R B Fairbanks 1481-100 09327 SOUTH GALLANT wb 110 6 7 65 6 7 7 WestropeJ Milky Way Farms Stable 1729-100. Time, :22, :46, 1:12. Track slow. t 52 MUTUELS PAID t OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS h MID VICTORIAN . $ 3.78 $ 2.90 $ 2.38 89100 45100 19100 SLIM ROSIE 5.28 3.14 164100 57100 WHOPPER 2.76 38100 Winner Br. f, by Victorian Black Betty, by Black Toney trained by W. J. Hlrsch; bred by Mr. S. B. Mason. WENT TO POST 4:16. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MID VICTORIAN forced a fast pace under occasional pressure, was forced wide by SLIM ROSIE entering the stretch, gained slowly in a hard drive and, after getting up, came away fast in the closing strides. SLIM, ROSIE had fine speed, swerved out in the stretch and tired suddenly in the last fifty yards. WHOPPER,: on the inside early, came out in the stretch and withstood a drive gamely, but did not threaten the leaders. MY BLONDE had no mishaps. COUNTESS ANN dropped far out of it before going a quarter. GAMALIEL! began fast, but could not keep up. SOUTH GALLANT raced wide. Scratched 09155 Conte, 110. Overweight Mid Victorian, 3 pounds; Slim Rosie, 3; My Blonde, 3; Countess Ann, 4. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE Out of Chute. Gallant Knight, June 21, 1932 1:35 5 122.; 10852 Englewood Handicap. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. May-27-35-Was Net vaue to wjnner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 0. ; : : Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Str$ 091122QUATRE BRAS H. wb7 108 3 1 la I1 14 l1 l1 BalaskiL Three Ds Stock Farm Sta 203-100 099573WATCH HIM wb 6 112 2 2 22 22 23 2 2" ArcaroE Mr J Herti 137-100 05895 COTTON CLUB wb4 101 4 3 35 3 3 38 34 MartinezA Woodward and Smith 900-100 085583GUSTO wb6117 144 4 4 4 4 WoolfG L T Whitehill 357-lOQ Time, :24, :47, 1:12JS, 1:37and. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB i QUATRE BRAS II $ 6.06 $ 2.86 No show prices. 203100 43100 WATCH HIM 2.46 23100 Winner B. h, by Teddy Plucky Liege, by Spearmint trained by W. M. Wallace; bred in France bjr Mr. J. D. Cohn. WENT TO POST 4:45J. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. QUATRE BRAS n., going in his best form and aided by clever rating, was steadied along for three-quarters, stood pressure gamely to the final eighth and came again slightly after being all but headed within a few strides of the finish. WATCH HIM was under strong riding after five-eighths, came to the outside in. the stretch and weakened after nearing the lead near the finish. COTTON CLUB quit badly after seveni eighths, but outstayed GUSTO. The latter was outrun throughout and bore out slightly in the stretch. Scratched 09987Bold Lover, 109. Overweight Quatre Bras II., 1 pound; Cotton Club, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE Out of Chute. Gallant Knight, June 21, 1932 1:35 5 122. -g rQQ Purse 1,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 106 lbs.; lUoDd older, 118 lbs. Non-winners twice since February 15 allowed 3 lbs.; one May-27-35-Was raCet 6 lbs. Claiming price, ?2,000; if for less, lbs. allowed for each 250 to 1,500. Net value to winner 00; second 50; third, 00; fourth, 0; Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Yi Yx Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt . 4, 099603BE SHY wb4108 13 4 4 l2 l4 12 BalaskiL E R Bradley 1660-100 j 099902INTEGRITY wb6U3 7 2 62 6 72 3$ 23 dePeriniE Mrs E Haughton 463-100 10142 NAVAL CADET wb 4 112 5 7 7 7$ 5and 2and 3and HainesG Shandon Farm Stable 2239-100 099662MANAGER BILL w4115 2 4 3and 2 2- 51 4$ TildenR A C Compton 192-100 10199 HAGGERSON wb6114 3 6 52 4 6and 4 52 HaberR A Pelleted 447-100 090753LILY MAY w4108 4 8 2 3J 3 6and 6 BrammerD N Evans 814-100 10330 PRINCE TORCH wb4U5 6 9 8 8li 82 7 7 KnightM J Emery 1578-100 10424 ALBERT D. w3101 9 5 4h 54 42 88 84 MartinezA L E Komorouf 1713-100 097713TECHNOCRACY wb 4 115 8 1 9 9 9 9 9 ArcaroE C E Davison 2191-100 Time, :23, :47, 1:13, 1:40. Track slow. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BE SHY , ti.ttuii 5.20 4.46 $ 7.50 1660100 623100 275100 INTEGRITY ...tfrf:.;-f?V.ir.TTr, 5.86 3.80 193100 90100 NAVAL CADET t. 10.28 41410$ Winner Br. g, by Apprehension Bit of White, by Sunstar trained by W. Hurley j bred by Idle Hout Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500,, WENT TO POST 5:15. AT POST J minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BE SHY, inclined to loaf and under strong pressure throughout, worked his way to the front before going a quarter, came away fast on the stretch turn, but tired, yet stalled off INTEGRITY. The latter, forced very wide on the turn, closed with a rush on the outside in the stretch. NAVAL CADET, slow to get going, moved up with a rush on the inside in the stretch, but weakened in the late stages. MANAGER BILL weakenedi HAGGERSON dropped out of it, but came again. LILY MAY quit in the stretch. PRINCE TORCH laWed in the going. ALBERT D. swerved out when beginning to falter entering the stretch. Scratched 10201lChance Flight, 115; 09127lMiss Corinne, 108; 09026The Singer, 113; 09982 WilL-113; 10330 Glittering, 103; 09875Caw Caw, 116; 10484 Bolinty, 114, 08971 Our Admiral, 118, Overweight Albert Dy 3 pounds. " iGoniiwfikand oh twffitlefii page$ .WASHINGTON PARK Continued from third page. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Montanaro, June 26, 1929 1:50 4 95. Purse ,000. "1 084. 3-year"olds nd upward. Claiming. Non-winners since May 10. S-year-wh ?7 wT ?lds 107 lbs; oItler 117 lbs- Non-winners of two races in 1935 allowed 3 May.z7-dij.was ibs.; non-winners in 1935, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net vafue to winner 00; second 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 046743BLAST w7111 4 6 6 54 V- 23 In LandoItC Mrs C Porter 266-100 10370 RANGE BOSS w4111 3 2 4441 1and lh 2 EnvinS Canfield and Barron 1331-100 S?!LIEBCHEN wd 3 101 1 7 3h 21 34 33 31 RenickJ Thomott Stable 1590-100 09034 ATCINES vb6109 6 3 5 61 62 5 4 BrammerD Mrs J M Irwin 996-100 102852WILLIAM C. wb5104 7 5 l3 H 41 44 58 dePeriniE Mrs E Haughton 1059-100 10048 PARA FOUR w 4 111 5 4 7 7 7 6 6 ArcaroE J Emery 192-100 10047 MR. MACK w 3 1022 1 21 3n 53 L. rider.HankaW T C Piatt - 575-100 Time, :25, :50, 1:16, 1:43, 1:58. Track muddy. . . r 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s -. 5 7.32 $ 4.50 $ 3.82 266-100 125-100 91-100 RAMrrRncc tVr vS " 11-10 5.92 455-100 196-100 1 UEBCHEN r u 7.84 292100 Winner B. g, by Thunderer lyddite, by McKinley trained by C. Porter: bred by Mr. J. W. Marr.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:43. AT POST 6 minutes. . Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. BLAST, strongly restraint until reaching the final half mile, moved up gradually on the lower turn and outgamcd RANGE BOSS in the drive.- The latter, also reserved off the early pace, responded gamely when called upon, but was not good enough. LIEBCHEN, given a hustling ride, tired after seven-eighths. ATONES liad no mishaps. WILLIAM C. quit. PARA FOUR lacked speed and was far back throughout. MR: MACK was racing well up when he lost his rider as his saddle slipped on the stretch ..... turn. Scratched 10263 Old Lady, 101. Overweight Liebchen, 5 pounds; Para Four, 2; Mr. Mack, 1. Corrected weight Liebchen, 101. -

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935052801/drf1935052801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1935052801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800