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TRUE COWHORSE SIRE TYPE LEXINGTON, Ky., June 14. Acting for John A. Thompson, noted rancher and breeder at Springerville, Arizona, Thomas B. Cromwell purchased from W. E. Caskey, Bramble Farm, Lexington, and shipped to Springerville, the yearling bay colt by Rolls Royce Lady Carolyn, by Escoba. The colt, a true western cowhorse sire type, may have a chance at racing as a two- and three-year-old, but it is Mr. Thompsons" plan to have him for his personal ranch mount as a four-year-old and to use him also as a stallion for the production of cowboy mounts. Combining the blood of The Tetrarch and Ben Brush in tail-male lines, this colt is quick as a flash in his actions, is heavy boned and muscled and is strongly and com- j pactly put together.