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DAltYfiLandH 3m- ONLY 10 CENTS "WR AGAIN BASSETT SHOWS THE WAY SATURDAYS SUFFOLK DOWNS SELECTIONS: Baby Sweep, 5.20, Won Thumbs Down, 2.80, Won UP AND UP, $ 5.80, WON HUSKIE BOY, $ 5.60, WON FAIR KNIGHTESS, $ 3.80, WON AT DETROIT: PROPOSING, 9.40, WON SI AM, $ 3.60, WON AT WASHINGTON PARK: SUN TRYST, $ 8.00, WON WELL REWARDED, $ 7.20, WON BOW TO ME, $ 4.20, WON The above winners really need no comment, for prices such as those SPEAK OUT LOUD FOR THEMSELVES. Saturday was just another day for Bassett, who picks winners at prices every day throughout the racing year. o REGREN NAMED THE FOLLOWING: AT LATONIA: GEO. GABLE, 4.20, WON MASKED PLANE Entry, 1.40, WON REAPING REWARD, $ 3.80, WON BRILLIANT LIGHT, $ 3.20, WON AT OMAHA: HELL DIVER, 8.00, WON PRAIRIE KING, 4.60, WON PHYLLIS C, $ 5.90, WON AT LONG BRANCH: CRATAEGUS, $ 8.30, WON TEDDY HASLAM, $ 7.80, WON LINGSTER, $ 5.40, WON AUNTFLOR, $ 3.90, WON GOSTER, $ 3.70, WON Regrens followers also had a good day on Saturday this handi-capper having had FOUR WINNERS on the Derby Day card at Latonia and FIVE WINNERS on the seven-race card at Long Branch. In order to secure the latest and best in turf information, it is necessary to obtain a copy of the "Pink Sheet" every day. Never miss an issue of this valuable paper. . TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: SUFFOLK DOWNS Sand-36-22-32. DETROIT Street-42-25-44. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. .60 per Month by First Class Mail X0 per Hontb by Air Mail WEEKLY FORM II BOOK NO. 107 PRICE, 35 CENTS I I NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE II Know Which Horses Are Ready II WEEKLY FORM POINTS EM OUT II SATURDAYS PLAYS INCLUDED: II PREFERRED PLAY COLUMN: Baby Sweep, 5.20, Won I CLOCKERS CHOICES: Gyral, 3.40, Won II CEASE FIRE, 2.95, WON MONEY PROSPECT: II Thumbs Down, 2.80, Won BEST BET! II WEEKLY FORM SPECIAL: Well Rewarded, .20, Won II THE GROOM HAD: I UP AND UP, $ 5.80, WON 1 1 TRACKMENS BEST BETS: II HUSKIE BOY, $ 5.60, WON II BILL FARNSWORTH, $ 5.20, WON 1 1 Through Weekly Form, players from coast to coast can keep abreast of the situation at all major tracks. Weekly 1 1. Form has the facilities to furnish all players with information I I not to be had elsewhere. Dont delay ! Get Weekly Form in II advance by first-class mail. II TEN ISSUES tTWO MONTHS .00 Two Free Codes Daily "Spot" Horses II TODAYS FREE CODE RELEASES: SEE BOOK NO. 106 I I SUFFOLK Wheel-21-19-4. DETROIT Clean-14r23-2S- I WEEKLY FORM PUB. CO. I 443 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILLV. MANSWAR 25 TURF WEEKLY 25 AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT Saddie-40-36-31-16. THORP RACING WEEKLY 35 Cents Per Copy At All Newsstands TODAYS TWO FREE CODES: SUFFOLK Red-Kid-Jam-Ran-Gun. SUFFOLK Green-Joy-Eat-Ran-Paw. THORP RACING WEEKLY 63 Park Row, Suite 884 New York City ffliM AMERICAS AUTHORITY CSfJr RACING SW The Turfs Newest and Best Monthly Magazine AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: 4th WASHINGTON: Tea-Fish-Oats-Hogs. 2nd SUFFOLK DOWNS: Ham-Rye-Hogs-Coffee. To decipher, write POST TIME for particulars. THE JUNE NUMBER IS NOW ON SALE This number contains The Class System, by Bob Tagney, and gives a list of the horses which won no less than fifty per cent of their starts during 1936, and which may well be expected to do as well this season. When searching for winners this season, do not overlook the winners of last season. The Class System is a new idea, and it produces many winners. Ralph Munson, the veteran writer of Systems, contributes Profit by Reason, out of Chance. This System is practical. It works so well that various bookies have invited Mr. Munson to take his business elsewhere as they could make no money handling his play. Read this article and learn how he does it. H. W. Coates contributes an article on Vanderpool, the horse which won sixteen consecutive starts. Jockey S. Roberts tells of bis early experiences as a race rider. . Charles Hatton shows what happens when the right trainer takes charge of a horse that has not been highly successful. E. C. Thome has prepared an article which would seem to prove that weight does not stop real good horses. It is true to turf history and most enlightening. These and other articles combine to make POST TIME the best racing magazine in America. Stop at your favorite stand and get your copy today. POST TIME, 542 S. Dearborn St. Room 1403. Chicago. III.: Herewith enclosed find .00, for which send me a copy of THE GREEN BOOK OF SYSTEMS by return mail and place my name on your subscription fist for one year. Yours truly, NAME STREET AND NUMBER... , CITY .. STATE ;.i