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PLANNING MEXICAN TRACK Promoter Expected at Brownsville, Texas, to Push Plans for Track Across U. S. Border. BROWNSVIELE, Texas, June 14 Louis Swed, a promoter, is said to be on his way today from this city to Mexico City to complete plans for building a race track at Matamoras, which is across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, and the holding of a 90-day meeting to begin November 1. Swed, who is said to have secured a concession from the Mexican government for racing at Matamoras, has, according to local representatives, been in conference with backers in Kansas City and New York. R. B. Creager has been retained as attorney and is accompanying Swed to Mexico City. Plans, which will not be officially announced until their return, call for the erection of a 250,000 plant, to include a mile and a quarter track and stables to accommodate 1,200 horses. It is said that SWed has had representatives soliciting the shipping of a large number of horses that formerly have raced on Texas tracks.