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KiliitTdK ONT. ENTRIES Weather cloudy; track good.; :, Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 r. m.. First Race 3-4 Milr. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and! Upward; Claiming;. Track Record: Priscillian, June 19, 1911 111 6r-113. Tndex. Post t-BestatDistance- WL.Haimr No; Pos. Horse. Track Wt- Time- AgeToday; Erica; 42948 1 Gay Water. Thf 109 1:14 3 111. 42553 2 Easter Hatter. . L.B;115 112; 8.111X- 45790 3 Anacreon .L.B 110 1:12 5115.. 44258 4 Noble SpiritF.E 115 113 6 IIS.. 44148s 5 R: Pinchot.Nar 111 1:13 6 113X 44146 6 Dixie Princess. Hia 115 1:11 5112X 42951 7 Allons . . . .Suf 110 1:14. 3: 105. .. 44164 8 Simosee ...F.E110 1:12 5 1D9X 44167 9Gogglcs ...FIE 115 1:13 5 107X, 43879 10 Maple TintsF.E" 109 1:13, 4 UZX 44151 11 Golden Silence. Stm 115 112 3 102X 44146: 12 Gentle Knight. L.B 113 112 6 1L7X 44258 13 Aunt Flor. .Trp 112 111, 6 115X Erindala Stable entry Gay. Water, Golden Silcnca. Second Race 3-4 Mile; Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds. Foaled, in. Canada. Record: Priscillian, June 19, 19111115113. I 44151s 1 Pagan King-. . . .? Wdb 114 112 113X 441491 Mn5 n 2 Green Tris M ., , ..E.B 9J115 106 44148 3 Barbara May M....Ham 103 1:16 106.. 43223? 4 Fore Isus..L.B 109 114 111X 43034 5 Worth Trying. . LB, 111 1:13 113 33954 and c Rural Mail.ThE 112 1:14 LUX. 43309: I Slycat MWdb 112 116s- 108.. Third Race 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-Year-OIds. Maidens. Foaled, in Canada. Claiming. Track Record Coflior, June 24, 1933: 9 2 111. 43132 1 Sinecure- ..Thf 106 1-03 113 nlT 2 Marsail .Thf 107 103. 113X 44056 3 Mariola tt 44056 4Skyros Jif" 42063 5Heydona ..Th113 104 1C8" i 43877 6 Rapid. DoonL-B: 113-105m 113 44056 7Maskod Frome. Thf 110 103 lfland. 44056 .,ncci 8 0 Pearl Tipped. . . Thf 113 104 113-.. Fourth Race 1. Mile: and 7tt Yards- Turf Course.. ; Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming-Track Record: Dark Mission, Aug-. 3", 1335 143 6 115. " 44167 1 Governor Bill.. 4, U5x 41306 2 Chrysmute .-. 6 113 42163 3 Winged Flight. 5 115 43584 4 Crinoline 4 I13X 42065 5 Fair Countess.. 5 113X 44148 6 Geologist y rig 44258s 7 Lisraro 5 hqx Erindale Stable entry Winged Flight, Fair Countess. Fifth Racfr 1 1,16 Miles-Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward- Allowances. Track Record:. Clotho, Aug. 7 1933 144 4 113. 44150 1 Jack Patches.. L.B-109.144 4112X 44150s 2 Movicman .L.B 112 1:46 3 109 42160 s 3 Mr. Maginnis M S log.. .. " 43587s- 4 Battling GirlTrp 106 145 1 110X 43309 5 Stormblown L.B 107" 1:46 4 107; 44150s 6 Epicurus .. .L.B 105 1:45 5 110X 44150 7 Dark Sun.. Ham 105 1:47 3" 109 44151 8 Rosepath ..Nar 109 1:46 6 105X 44148 9 Penrill Suf 109 1:46 5 11AX 43585. 10 Trickys Son.F.E 105 145 7 1Q7X 44148s 11 White Hot.. L.B 107 1:47 3 106X Parkwood Stable entry Mr. Maginnis, Epicurua.. Four Ls Stable entry Battling Girl, Rosopatli. Cos-grave Stable entry Jack Patches, Penrill. Sixth Race 1 1-ff Miles-Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming." Track Record: Ocean Bound, June 22, 1912 1:50 5 115. 44166s 1 Miss Gormley L.B 115 156, 8 105X 44165 2 Fort Dearborn.. Trp 115 1:55 10 117X 44152s 3 Troubanova . . . ...Wdb 1041:55 10 110X 44167 4 Paravant 4 112X 43584s 5 Yellow Metal... F.G 110 153 8 110X . 44257s 6 Blast Wdb 112 1:55 9 112X 44167 7 Chat Eagle. RE 110 1:54 7 115X . Seventh Race 1 1-NT Miles. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Foaled-in. Canada. Claiming. Track Record: Clotho, Aug; 7 1953 1:44 4 113. 43977 1 Gay Sympathy. Trp 108 1:47 5 108X 43684 2 Auld Reekie.... 3 109X 43311s 3 Tommy Rose. . . 3 104X 44163 4 Prince McGee.. 3109.. 44166 5EiIeen D;...FE 106 1:48 5 108X 43977 6 Silviris ...Wdb 103 1:47 4115X. 44163 7 Icanwin 3 102 44149 8 Lady Challenge. Ham 113 1:48 4 113..