Saturdays Late Churchill Downs Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-05

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HJ3 h U K M Tuesday, Moy 5, 1942 Saturdays Late CHURCHILL DOWNS Charts EIGHTH RACE 1 3-16 MILES. Olga Star, May 25, 1916— 1: 59— 6— 105. Purse 9 9 H ft 1 llOOO. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 117 lbs.; i. i. O O I older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since April 24 allowed 2 lbs.; since May 2-42— C.D April 8, 4 lbs.; in 1942, 6 lbs. Claiming price, 81,250. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jj % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds f 1 Strt 22593 CHATTED wb 5 114*3 4 l« 1« l3 F l3i SkellyJ Mrs C Gregory 2.90 22752 DANCING LIGHT wi 5 118 2 6 3i 3J 33 2* 2« CraigA K G Marshall 1.30 22252*FAIR PLAYER wb4108 1 3 2l 22 2i 32 3 LongaC Hanks and Smith 24.10 227523TEDDER jn 5 114 6 2 4« 43 44 4 i 4*i AdamsJ Miss M Woolwine 3.20 22753 PARI CALL wb 6 107 4 1 6 6 52 52 5"k BrooksS C Graham 8.50 22594 SOME COUNT w7112 5 5 52 5i 6 6 6 CkshankB Mrs G Alexander 16.70 Time, :2425, :49, 1 : 1 4 5 . 1:40, 1:50% equals track record. Track fast. *.A..|...sJ D»/ Ak CHATTED 7.80 4.00 3.40 2.90 1.00 .70 /VIU1U6I I NCCS DANCING LIGHT 3.00 2.40 .50 .20 FAIR PLAYER 5.80 1.90 Winner — Ch. h, by Diavolo — Stonechat, by Chdtterton, trained by J. R. Gregory ; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 6:25J. OFF AT 6:25* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. CHATTED went to the front before going a quarter, established a good lead and easily retained his advantage to the close. DANCING LIGHT saved ground while racing within striking distance of the leader to the stretch, came determinedly when subjected to punishment, but could not reach the winner. FAIR PLAYER forced the pace for three-quarters and then faltered. TEDDER was never dangerous and failed to respond when hard urged in the drive. PARI CALL was always outrun. SOME COUNT could not keep up. Scratched— 22753 Veiled Prophet, 106. Overweight — Chatted, 2* pounds. NINTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Dr. Clark, Oct. 20, 1921—1:49—4—119. Purse 1 1 ft ft 1 ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 110 lbs.; z. x. O O L. older, 111 lbs. Winners, 2 lbs. extra for each race won at one May 2-42 — C.D miie or over since April 24. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,750, 2 lbs. extra. Net value to winners 50 each ; third, 5 ; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St hi rk % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22594 tKAI-HI wb5115 7 3 l2 l2 22 22 1» AdamsJ W B Simpson TfJO 22113 tBURNING STICK wb 5 113 8 6 22 2i lh lh 15 ScurlockO E A Bischoff 6 50 226592GOODANWARM wb 4 110 4 1 4 3 » il 33 34£ ClarkS T F Bledsoe 14.70 22659 MAD MACAW w 4 110 2 2 6i 5£ 6£ 5i 42 BeasvC Mr and Mrs Paul F Miller 23.80 22753 HUP NANCY w 4 109 6 8 8 8 l» 6» 5± EadsW C Leist 9.00 227532FAY D. wb 6 109 1 5 5i 4h 4£ 4J 6* CraigA E C A Berger 4.20 217882ESSJAYTEE ■ 7 113 5 7 7 J 7£ 8 8 74 HooperC Rov H Schwartz 13.70 22700 I MIGHT w 4 108 3 4 3h 62 52 72 8 LongaC Hanka and Smith 26.80 +Dead heat. Time, :24, :484, 1:14, 1:39, 1:52%. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , *i..4...*J D-.~~r. KA,"HI 2-60 2.60 2.60 .30 .30 .30 fViUlUGI I NC6S BURNING STICK 4.80 5.60 4.20 1.40 1.80 1.10 GOODANWARM 6.20 2.10 Winners — Kai-Hi, b. g, by Kai-Sang — San-Silk, by Danger Rock, trained by Don Jefferson ; bred by Mr. W. L. Lewis. Burning Stick, ch. h, by Cudgel — Lacewood, by Campfire, trained by C. C. Norman ; bred by Mr. R. James Speers. Winners entered to be claimed for ,750 each. WENT TO POST— 7:26J. OFF AT 7:27J CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; third the same. KAI-HI raced to the front before going a quarter, gave way to BURNING STICK on the upper turn, but came on again in the drive and was up to finish in a dead heat with the latter. BURNING STICK secured a good position at once, held a short lead when settled in the stretch and just lasted to finish on equal terms with KAI-HI. GOODANWARM, never far back, made a bold bid on the final turn, but could not reach the leaders when hard urged in the drive. MAD MACAW saved ground when outrun through the first half, was knocked back approaching the stretch, then finished stoutly when clear. FAY D. could not better her position when put to punishment in the final quarter. I MIGHT had early speed. Scratched— 22593Happy Khayyam, 112. Overweight — Mad Macaw, 3 pounds; Fay D.. 1; I Might. 3. TENTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21, 1921— 1 £S%— 2 O ft ft 2Vf *~~ 110 Purse .M0- 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. i- x. o O L. /z Non-winners since April 24 allowed 2 lbs.; since April 8, 4 lbs.; in 1942, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. DECLARED OFF.

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