Watkins to Serve as Steward During Charles Town Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-05


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Watkins to Serve as Steward During Charles Town Meeting CHARLES TOWN, W. Va., May 4.— Presi- j dent Albert J. Boyle, of the Charles Town , Jockey Club, announced this morning that the coming spring meeting, which opens j William Bell Watkins, of Berryville, Va., , would serve as association steward during y May 11. Watkins, well known in this sector as Master of Hounds for the Blue Ridge Hunt | Club and owner of Annefield, one of the show places of Virginia, succeeds Lt. Col. John F. Wall. ] The Virginia sportsman has served as the third steward here for the past three ] meetings and is well qualified for the [ position. ] Lt. Col. Wall is on active duty in Wash- ] ington and the author and breeding expert will be missed by the horsemen with j* whom he had become very popular during his tenure as association steward. A third steward will be appointed, fol- | lowing the usual procedure upon the ar- t rival of Thomas C. Bradley, of Lexington, Ky. Bradley is the steward representing 1 the West Virginia Racing Commission. a

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942050501/drf1942050501_3_7
Local Identifier: drf1942050501_3_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800