Official Racing Charts: Narragansett Park, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-05

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OFFICIAL RACING CHARTS . ■ Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. ■ Narragansett Park PAWTUCKET. n. I . MONDAY. MAY 4. 1942— NARRAGANSETT PARK 1 MILE. Twentieth day of twenty-five-day meeting April 11 to May 9. Narragansett Racing Association. Puett gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by J. J. Jones Photo-Finish camera. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting 1941, .36. Current meeting, .36. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one horse. No field horses. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935—1:101 q /» r 3 — 111. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-L 2n y O J winners in 1942. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Claiming May 4-42— Nar price, ,000. Net value to winner 06; second, 75; third._5; fourth, 0. Index Horse* Kqt A Wt PP St V*. j Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds jj Strt lK9D*rLAG OR LAND watlll 10 1 lh ll l1 l"i TurnbullW A Gaignard Jr 9.95 19154 VULCAMUS wb5116 7 4 2 2i 22J 2"i MooreG I R Macomber 1.35 22669 HADA STAR wb 4 114 11 10 7- 14 P 3i AtkinsonT F H Trumbull 3.35 194892ORCADES w 6 111 It 11 W W 4i A3 Sronzall Mrs A Cooper 15.60 - 19444*MISS CO-ED w 5 106 8 1 5" 7"k 6l 52i ChaffmC Miss T Hanley 18.65 22580* BFA "ON STREET wb 4 109 5 7 8»M0 7»k U BrunelleD Mrs I. H Nimkolf 14.95 19489 DARK LFYFI. wsb5116 6 12 12 12 10i 7nk WestH I ¥ Bucklev 180 55 19293 WIKA wb5111 4 9 11 92 9J 81 Torresl. f Benabio 193.70 BMPBUCKETS wb4114 9 6 6" 5»k 5* 91 DabsonH Mrs J Burks 6.30 22765 tSHORT MESURE wb5111 2 1 3- •« 8nl 10h StrangeB J H Cornell 30.65 22801 tPFRNEI.I.F wb5114 I 5 9J Rh Hi 11* SnvderWE Mis* C Price 51.05 11052 F. MR TWINK wb4111 1 8 4kll» 12 12 MaschekF ■ 273 15 tApprentice allowance waived. Time. :23*5. :47, 1:12 5. Track fast. - Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , ID* FLAG ORLAND 21.90 10.60 4.80 9.95 4.30 1.40 M. utuci rncGS vulcanus 3.90 2.80 .95 .40 HADA STAR 2.70 .35 Winner — Ch. c. by Flag Pole— Orlan, by Actuary, tr.nned by A. Gaignard, Sr. : bred by Rrookme.ide Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:32J. OFF AT 2:33 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start sood from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. FLAG ORLAND bad good speed from the outset, met stubborn contention through the back stretch, drew clear and. hard ridden through the stretch, had enough in reserve to rope with the closing bid of VULCANUS. The latter forced the pace of the winner practically throughout and continued with splendid energy to the close. HADA STAR, slow to start, was rushed up fast on the outside approaching the turn from the back stretch and held on gamely during the stretch run. ORCADFS, outpaced early, made up a lot of ground during the last three-eighths. BUCKETS closed some ground, although unable to threaten the leaders. DARK LEVEL was going gamely in the closing stages after having trailed for the first half. SHORT MEASURE displaved speed dropping back during the last quarter. Scratched— 22845 Pan-Ernest. 116; 22611 Bobby Bunting. 114; 22839 Elmer, 116; 21876 Maegay, 109; 227612Ghost Queen, 111; 21549 Belmar Arra. 109. Overweight — Pernelle, 3 pounds; Fair Twink, 2. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935-l;10!f,-2 2 9 6 6 3— 111- Purse S1*000- 3-year-olds. Claiming;. Weight, 118 lbs. ™ * ** ** Non-winners of two races since April 10 allowed 2 lbs.; one race May 4-42— Nar smce then, 5 lbs. Claiming: price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner S700; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt T22557CASTLERIDGE mill It 1 1 4 1 | 1* 13_ SeboG~ F J Kearns 4.60 22716*LOVE NOTE w 103 6 10 10* 8* 2 2J BrunelleD S Garfield 24.80 227163*SHASTA MAN wb109 7 7 7» 7J 44 3" WoodsW J L Patterson 7.10 22559 AT ONCE wb 114 2 5 8* 41 3»i 41 SnvderWE Mrs H Philpot 31.85 22446 SCARCITY wb 1119 6 6 » 5h 5" * b SistoR J P Smith 49.45 22557 SHEMITE wbIIIII 8 5" 6nk 63 6-i McMullenG Green Pastures 28.45 22379*MILL IRON wB105 4 9 9* 10"-J 8 7=| ChaffinC Reynolds Bros 154.30 225592BRUTUS FOLLY wb116 3 3 3J 2* 7"k 8J AtkinsonT Pine Tree Farm 1.35 19485 VERY GRACEFUL wb 109 8 4 4 91 102 9-i Torresl. Miss A O Baldenecker 250.85 21254 CABOODLE wb 108 5 11 11 11 11 102 PiersonNL Mrs E Haughton 203.25 22673 MULLIGATAWNEY wb 113 1 2 2", 3i 9 11 StrangeB Mrs E H Beezley 3.45 19608 BRIGHT ACRE w»ll0 10 12 Refused. WestH " A Hullcoat 32.75 Time, :2325. :47*5. 1:13. Trade fast. , — S2 Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to v D.:-« CASTLERIDGE 11.20 7.70 4.00 4.60 2.85 1.00 M..JV .-.I UTUGI iNCcS LOVE NOTE 17.50 8.40 7.75 3.20 SHASTA MAN 3.90 .95 Winner — Dk. b. f. by Tintagel — Briarside. by Sun Briar, trained by E. Anspach ; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancocc. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 3:01. OFF AT 3:04 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stab gate. Won easily; second and third driving. CASTLERIDGE went into command at once, soon drew ilear and. rated along undgr slight restraint, was never seriously threatened, winning with speed to spare. LOVE NOTE bettered her position gradually during the last three-eighths and, saving ground into the stretch, continued with good energy. SHASTA MAN made up much ground duiing the last quarter and was going willingly at the end. AT ONCE moved up stoutly leaving the back stretch and continued gamely to the close. SCARCITY was unable to close any ground when placed to a drive. SHEMITE was hard ridden throughout. BRUTUS FOLLY unseated his rider at the start, followed along in near pursuit of the pace, but tired in the last three-sixteenths. MULLIGATAWNEY quit badlv after going a half. BRIGHT ACRE dwelt at the start and just galloped along back of his field. Scratched— 22715 Town Hall, 113; 22035 Accuse Me, 105; 22716 Mad Bunny, 103; 22716 All Crystal, 105: 22379-Tiara. 103; 22715 Montbars, 110. Overweight — Shasta Man. 1 pound ; At Once, 1 ; Scarcity, 3j ; Verv Graceful, 1. Claimed— Mulligatawney by R. H. McDaniel for ,250. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 88.20. THIRD RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Jackie D., May 7, 1936— :52*i— 2— 109. 2 2 9 6 7 Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special weights. May 4-42 — Nar N t vaue to winner 0q; seCond, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 227643TEA CLIPPER wb 111 7 7 53 1 * 1* BrunelleD Mrs Colin MacLeod t305 22717 BUS GIRL w 116 3 2 4i 22i 23i HowellR B Tuckerman 17 10 22717 SAMANITA wb 116 5 3 l°k 3»k frk MalearT S Briskin 59 60 *FAIR EVELYN w 111 4 1 2*i 42 421 DuncanR R W Collins +3.05 22717 FOND THOUGHTS wb 116 6 5 3"k 5J 5i AtkinsonT Mrs W H Cane 7.10 22717 BLUE EVA « 116 9 12 8* 8* 6]i BalaskiL J C Braswell 6.85 22717 MISINTERPRET wb 116 11 11 I3 6£ 7« JohnstonD S W Shapoff 167.25 22558 BELLE FEATHERS wb 116 2 9 6 * 7»| 8 MooreG A J Lynch 39.30 22717 CAMP BRILL w 116 12 10 10» 112 g* SeaboG E S Jordan 155.95 LINWOOD MISS w 116 1 8 9"kl2 10l BriggsM Miss Joan Beattie 61.20 227172VTCTORY PLAY w 116 8 4 111011 SnvderWE Miss C Jelm 1.25 22514 SWEET LUCY wb 116 10 6 12 9 12 SconzaHJ Reynolds Bros 20.35 tCoupled as Mrs. C. MacLeod and R. W. Collins entrv. Time, :23%, :47, :54. Track fast. kA..l...~ D_: .~~ TEA CLIPPER Entry ... 1.10 4.60 3.70 3.05 1.30 .85 fVUJlUGi I riCeS BUS GIRL 11.60 7.00 4.80 2.50 SAMANITA 17.60 7.80 Winner — B. f. by Boatswain — Tea Date, bv Lee O. Cotner, trained by R. W. Collins; bred bv Mr. R. W. Collins. WENT TO POST— 3:341. OFF AT 3:36 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. TEA CLIPPER, hustled along from the start, moved up with a rush straightening out in the stretch and, meeting a bid from BUS GIRL, drew out. The latter, prominent all the way, fought it out in courageous fashion during the stretch run. SAMANITA, hard ridden to get to the front, was unable to keep pace with the first two during the last three-sixteenths. FAIR EVELYN, quickest to start, raced forwardly throughout. FOND THOUGHTS showed speed, but was unable to close any ground during the stretch run. BLUE EVA, tardy in the early running, was going in determined fashion when too late. VICTORY PLAY was carried wide by SWEET LUCY midway of the turn and dropped back. Scratched— 22717 Bit of Sugar, 116; Camp Liberty, 116; 22558Convivial, 116; 22717 Valdina Sage, 116. FOCRTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10/5— 2 2 9 6 8 3—111. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. May 4-42— Nar Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds|l Strt 22767 TRIPPED w 116 8 1 li 14 14 1"* DeLaraA A E WebbeT 10.45 IRRESISTIBLE w 116 7 9 3J 2 2- 2* HowellR R W Collins 3.45 GALAFIRE w 116 4 2 2J 32J 34 3* MooreG J R Macomber 1.50 226702*VALDINA CAPTOR wb 111 3 3 4J 41 4 4J BrunelleD Flobert Stable 6.80 223483DREAM FOX will6 9 4 5i 5"k 51 5i BalaskiL W-L Ranch 13.40 22670ALEGRE will6 5 6 7J 7i 6*J b3 SnyderWE H Philpot 9.75 22670 MEYSAH wb 111 2 8 6» 6* 7* 7« DabsonH E C Eastwood 140.55 CAESARS dOWM will 6 7 8i 9* 8s 8 J McMullenG R Robertson 9.40 MM* BRIGHT FLYER w 106 10 5 9« 8J 9 9*» CraigK W Schwartz 200.10 00040 DUNKIRK MAID ■ 111 1 10 10 10 10 10 BriggsM Misi Joan Beaffie 16065 Timt, 34, :47, 1:12%. Track fast. Continued on Page Twenty-One 1 uesaoy, Moy 3, iytz BAI LI K AV Narragansett Park Continued from Page Seven r—M Mutuels Paid—-, , Odds to , I n TRIPPED 22.90 9.00 4.20 10.45 3.50 1.10 M. UlUel I TICGS IRRESISTIBLE 6.10 390 2.05 .95 GALAFIRE 3.00 .50 Winner — Br. e, by Sickle — Tripping Toe, by Polymelian, trained by W. Donnelly; bred by Mr. J. E. Widener. WENT TO POST— 4:03J. OFF AT 4:06* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won driving; second and third the same. TRIPPED went to the front at onre and. increasing his advantage when swineing from the back stretch, had enough left to withstand the bid of IRRESISTIBLE. The latter raced greenly and, away slowly, was rushed up fast on the outside, then moved along stoutly in the last sixteenth and was wearing down the winner at every stride. GALAFIRE raced prominently throughout though unable to keep pace with the first two in the closing test. VALDINA CAPTOR raced well placed all the way. DREAM FOX raced evenly. ALEGRE was unable to threaten the leaders. CAESARS CROWN, permitted to race along back of the leaders, failed to make up ground. Scratched— 22800 Loulang. 106. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:I#H— 3 — m, Purse ,000. 3 -year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. 7 7 Q % 9 ™ £" * O y Non-winners of two races since April 10 allowed 2 lbs.; one race May 4-42— Nar sjnce then, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PPSt %*~H Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22364 BRAVE SIR wsb 115 12 3 IH l1* 1* l1 BalaskiL J C Vidal 12.90 22715 GALA GRIP wb108 11 7 3 i 23 2i 2U GonzalezR Mrs S Smith 8.05 228002*MERRY MISTAKE wb 100 4 4 4»k 42 32 32J BatesT Mrs H W Jackson 12.70 22670 SEAMAN wsb 111 7 5 2h 3 4| 4" JohnstonD S H Fairbanks 95.10 22716 SHARPER wb113 6 9 71 6£ 5* 5* SeaboG E J Dever 1.00 226192NO DOUGH wb 110 9 11 102i V 6* 6*i PiersonNL Mrs E C Salsbury 5.50 226642BATIK wb114 2 12 llh 102 91 72£ SnyderWE H Stutts 17.40 22559*VALDINA JOAN wbIOO 8 1 5"k 5"* 72J 8J TurnbullW J Waterfield 10.80 17842 DILLYDALLY wb112 10 2 6*i 8| 81 9n DelpinoE Marsonia Stable 163.05 * 21948 BRIGHT FINISH w 113 110 9J 91 10£ 10 SistoR Mrs I K Mourar 33.25 19081 WHITINSVILLE wbHO 3 6 81 ll2 ll1 11* DeLaraA B F Lister 43.85 07179 RATTLING HEELS w 108 5 8 12 12 12 12 WestH W C Johnston 130.25 Time, :24, :47Ji, 1:13%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to , IH* BRAVE SIR 27.80 11.90 8.00 12.90 4.95 3.00 M. utuel r rices gala grip s.90 4.70 2« 1.35 MERRY MISTAKE 6.60 2.30 Winner — Ch. g, by Gallant Sir — Miss Begoe, by Bachelors Double, trained by J. L. Donovan ; bred by Woodvale Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:36. OFF AT 4:36* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BRAVE SIR took command in the opening strides, drew clear and, rated along under slight restraint, responded gamely when placed to pressure and held GALA GRIP safe to the end. GALA GRIP, prominent all the way, made a game bid approaching the stretch and, while moving up menacingly, failed to close any ground on the leader thereafter. MERRY MISTAKE closed willingly during the stretch run. SEAMAN raced prominently placed throughout. SHARPER, on the outside throughout, was making up ground slowly at the end. NO DOUGH made up some ground. BATIK was making up eround steadily at the end after having been outpaced earlv. Scratched— 22543 Cruiser. 108; 22716 Chassis, 100; 22377 Royal Shawl, 105; 22716 Betty K . 103; 1 22482 1 Up Jack, 116; 22619 Brown Dancer, 100. Overweight — Brave Sir, 2 pounds; Seaman, 1; Batik, 4; Dillydally, 4. Corrected weight — Gala Grip, 108. Claimed— No Dough by Mrs. M. E. Charles for ,000. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10/5— *y * q -j a 3 — 111. Purse ,100. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-x. Z y I U year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 112 lbs. Winners since April 10, 3 lbs. May 4-42 — Nar extra for each race won since then. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 70; second, 95; third. 0; fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St K, Vi Str Fin Jockeyi Owners Odds Strt 226752*CHALLANTE wb5105 3 4 2£ 1»» 1" 1U BrunelleD Mrs W W Adams 4.40 22675 TONY WEAVER wb5112 12 3» 3 2*£ 2*i AtkinsonT D F Harrington 8.35 22675 MY ELSIE wb 8 110 5 5 4* 62| 31 3"" DabsonH E C Eastwood 16.55 224153MILK PUNCH wb 7 113 7 6 6± S» 4£ 4»| HowellR Tall Trees Stable 18.60 22300 SIGANAR w 5 112 6 1 5» 8 71 5h PiersonNL H O Simmons 26.30 22766*HASTE BACK wb 4 105 4 7 8 13 8 6"k FinneganJ Mrs FC Dunn 42.30 22560 SUMATRA III. w 8 111 2 3 1« 2" 5J, 7J MooreG L Barker 1.70 228043ARGELLA wb6102 8 8 71 4J 6i 8 TurnbullW Merry-Ho Stable 2.45 Time, :23%, :46%, 1:12%. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , LA a. ID* CHALLANTE 10.80 5.40 3.80 4.40 1.70 .90 /VlUrUel I riCCS t°NY WEAVER 8.40 6.W 3.20 I.SO MY ELSIE 8.40 3.20 Winner — B. m, by Challenger II. — Grace R.. by Purchase, trained by G. Alexandra; bred by Mr. J. Shouse. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:04. OFF AT 5:05J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving : second and third the same. CHALLANTE liad speed from the start, met stout early contention from SUMATRA III., disposed of him and, meeting a determined bid from TONY WEAVER in the stretch, came out steadily in the last eighth. TONY WEAVER, lightly reserved * and close up early, moved up threateningly straightening out in the stretch, but was unable to go along with the winner during the closing test. MY ELSIE, eased back in the first eighth, moved up nearing the stretch and held on willingly to the close. ULK PUNCH began moving up on the outside when rounding the far turn and, looming up menacingly, failed to make up any ground during the closing quarter. SIGANAR, away fast, was unable to keep up. SUMATRA III., much used in racing with the winner, tired badly. ARGELLA, taken up at the start, failed to threaten. Overweight — My Elsie, 3 pounds; Milk Punch, 1; Haste Back, 2; Sumatra III., 1. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935— 1:41—5— 2 2 9 7 1 117* Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-*• *• * * winners of two races since April 10. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, May 4-42— Nar jjfl iDS. Non-winners since April 10 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Inoex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V*. % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22768*BESS B. wsb 7 106 4 6 ll2 4h 2** ls 12 BrunelleD L Sambrot Jr 5.95 22802 DRIVING POWER wsb 4 113 2 1 12£ 12£ 1* 32 2 HowellR Elm Stable 9.30 227683WINDSHIELD w 10 116 7 3 22 2 * 3| 2"* 32i BalaskiL A G Tarn 4.40 22722ROCKY MARGOTwb8108 8 4 5h 62J 4£ 4* 4| AtksonT Pine Tree Stable 2.45 22763 GOOD ACTOR wb8113 6 8 6£ 5£ 51 52 5 DeLaraA J Hoskins 4.75 22845 JUNCO wb 4 111 1 7 82£ 8"k 7"k 6* 6-| PrsonNL H Ross 13.40 22586 TOP STAFF wb6113 3 5 4 V 82 8* 72 SeaboG Mrs C Zoeller 27.15 22806 *NOODLES wb 5 103 5 9 9 9 9 9 8n BrennanJ Ber-Mar Farm 25.55 22513JCLEANING TIME wb6110 9 2 3»k 3£ C2£ 7 * 9 DabsonH J Y Christmas 10.80 Time, :24%, :W%, 1:14"5, 1:40f£, 1:444. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — * , Odds to , kA..t-..~ D.I/. BESS B 13-90 6-10 4-40 595 205 1Z0 fVlUlUGI I lICCS DRIVING POWER 9.90 6.40 3.95 2.20 WINDSHIELD 3.80 .90 Winner — Lt. b. m, by Sun Beau — Aromagne, by Allemeur, trained by J. Stillman; bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 5:32. OFF AT 5:33 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BESS B. moved up gradually throueh the back stretch to obtain clear sailing on the inside and, coming through on the inside of DRIVING POWER, gained a short lead and continued willingly to the end. The latter went to the front at once and, after opening up a good lead, was rated along under slight restraint, then made a determined bid to go with the winner when challenged and, while not quite good enough, outlasted WINDSHIELD at the end. WINDSHIELD, well placed early, continued steadily in the closing strides. ROCKY MARGOT, on the outside on the back stretch, made a mild bid nearing the stretch, but was held safe. GOOD ACTOR was pinched back in the first eighth and moved up nearing the stretch, but was unable to threaten thereafter. Overweight — Driving Power, 2 pounds ; Cleaning Time, 2. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935—1:41—5— O n Q 7 9 117. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-_ winners of two races since April 10. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, May 4-42— Nar H6 lbs. Non-winners since April 10 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22768 TWO O TWO wb 5 113 4 4 2J 2h 3Ji 3 lh HowellR B F Lister 13.45 22613 MAETRAN w5113 2 1 12£ l1 l1 l1 2* SnyerWE Merry-Ho Stable 5.35 22801 PEANUT LADY w 5 111 3 2 31 42i 4* «4 3h SistoR Mrs M H Charles 11.70 226152*CATOMAR w 8 106 8 7 7* 71! 6J 54 4 BrennanJ White Star Stable 6.55 226722?HAHEEN wb5116 6 8 51 32 2* 2* 51! WestH G Felkner 1.35 22586 PANTHR CREEK wb 8 113 1 3 8 8 8 8 6nk PrsonNL F P Jump 8.20 22718 GRAN COSA wb4103 7 6 4* 5nk 72 7«* 7i| AtksonT M MacSchwebel 16.65 225853ALLANVOOD wb7113 5 5 6Ji 61 PJ 6°* 8 StrangeB Mrs E H Beezley 10.20 Time, :24, :485£, 1:13%, 1:41%, 1:45%. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , 1 D_:_~.~. TW0 ° Tw0 28-90 9-60 6-60 13-*5 3.80 2.30 Mi. UlUGI I IlCCS MAETRAN 5.90 4.40 1.95 1.20 PEANUT LADY 6.20 2.10 Winner — Dk. b. e, by Clock Tower — Problematical, by Man o War, trained by J. E. Lister; bred by Mr. B. F. Lister. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:00f OFF AT 6:01 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. TWO O TWO, prominent from the outset and under slight reserve while in nearest attendance of the pace established by MAETRAN, moved up on the outside in the stretch, gaining command in the last srides. MAETRAN outran his field from the start, opened up a good lead and, rated along under slight reserve, fought it out stubbornly to the end. PEANUT LADY held on willingly in the stretch under hard urging. CATOMAR closed ground after racing far back early. SHAHEEN, slow to begin, moved up on the inside through the back

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