Official Racing Charts: Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-05

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Tuesday, Moy : , v+£ - , ., u #*■*..■ *V4 - — i — i — i~~~~*~~~i Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1942, hy Trianflt Publications, Inc. . — ■ Jamaica NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, MAY 4, 1942-JAMAICA 1 MILE. Twenty-second day of twenty-seven-day meeting April I to May 9. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Puett gate used. Complete firmh of each race ronfirmed by J. .1. Jones Photo-Finish camera. ___ , — Steward Representing The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy Steward K Pr senting NM State Racing member of The Jockey Club GeorgeH. Steward. H. 0. Vosburgh. Visiting Commiss.on. Francis P. Dunne. Bu7 Racing Secretary and Handicaps, John B Campbell. Assistant Radrj, *»* » *••. **£■ Starter. George Cassidy. Judges. C. H. CorneWsen, Frank E. Kilroe and Joseph €- Kyle. Clerk of Scales, Paddock and Patrol Judge, Myron D. Day, . Albert Burlen. Assistant Clerk of Scales, Ndson Strang. Patrol and Assistant Paddock Judge. George Hyland. Patrol Judges. Walter Mara and Fmk tajh. Timer Dr. M. J. Da.r Supervisor of John Miller. Physician. Dr. Michael Spinrad. Track Vetennarun, Test and Chief Veterinarian of New York State Racing Commission, Dr. Jordan Woodcock. ~~ RadnTTtartTTtfcW p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers •Indicates five pounds aprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favontes, spring meeting 1941. .34, current meeting, .34. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one horse. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet. April 24, 1942— : 58— 2— 106. Purse Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Winners of two O O O C O ,500. 2-vear-olds. L L 7 D O nets, 3 lbs. extra; two races since April 8, 6 lbs. extra. Maidens May 4-42 — Jam allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner 75; second, S300; third, 50; fourth, 5. - Index Hordes Eqt A Wt PP St _ % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odc*jU_Str4 |22793*J0TUN «.114 1 1 V lJ 1* 5 DayW j W Dial J-75 22793 BLUE WHISTLER w 116 8 10 9 J 71 62 2* LindbergH P B Codd » 226623PERSISTENT wb 113 9 6 6* 4* 4* 3J ZufeltF L L Hagg.n II 6.S5 22673 BUDDED w. 116 7 7 8* 8* V V WrightWD J P Smith 3.95 22468 FLYING SON wb 116 3 2 2 J 2* «4 5 MeadeD If H Bern 10.80 22708=MAD TIME we 116 6 5 V 54 ■ _ PetersM Lou ,s Tufa no M 22754 EQUAL CHANCE wb 108 5 8 10 9£ 9* 7* MehrtensW King Ranch Sfb.UU 22387 NAVY BLUE w.lll 4 3 4b o"* 7* 8* JamesB t r.spen Oglebay 5.S0 22710 OUTCOME we 103 2 4 V 3* and 9» DelaneyR C, D Widener g~ GREAT HORDE w 113 10 9 7 10 10 10 RobertsonA Brookmeade Stable 01.00 Time, :23, :44%, 1:40. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , . JOTUN 5.54 3.40 2.80 1.75 .94 .44 M, utuel Prices p. blue whIstler 15.10 8.20 4.55 3.14 ,-8- PERSISTENT *■ , ,, . trained by G. E. Phillips; bred by w Mr. J. V*. Winner— Lt. b. %, by Universe— Eleison. by Livery, Dial. Winner entered to be rlaimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:44. OFF AT 2:06 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. JOTUN was sent into *mmand I at he start and displayed speed while saving ground, having something left at the end. BLUE WHlbTLfcK. from a slow start, improved his position and finished well. PERSISTENT made up ground in the stretch run. BUDDED lacked early speed and then came with a rush. FLYING SON, in near pursuit of the earlv pace, quit badly in the final eighth. MAD TIME showed an even effort. EQUAL CHANCE lacked •peed. NAVY BLUE, on the outside rounding the stretch turn,, tired. OUTCOME had a flash of early speed. GREAT HORDE was never a factor. , _ Scratched-225733 Regal Boy, 119; 22362 Plucky Ray, 111; 224ttWhat Not, 116; 22793 My Zaca, 116. Overweight — Great Horde, 2 pounds. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. King: Saxon, April 20, 1935— 1 : 10%— 4— 118. Purse 0 _ O C _ Q ,500. 3 -year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 126 lbs. Non-winners 2 *• since April 8 allowed 3 lbs.; in 1942, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,060; May 4-42 — Jam if for ,750, allowed 3 lbs.; if for ,506, 7 lbs. Net value to winner S97S; second. 00; third, 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds |1 Strt 22499 NESTONIAN wb 108 1 1 6h fr» 31* M LindbergH P B Codd 3.75 228333TELL ME MORE wb 117 2 2 l2 1J l1 2* MeadeD Miss F Robertson 1.90 22832*BATTER UP wi 111 8 8 5* 2* 2J 32 WahlerC Frances D Scully 9.20 22833 LOU ONEILL wb 113 4 4 31 4* 4* 4* StoutJ Paragon Stable 18.75 21402 ARTHUR MURRAY wb123 9 9 - 8 o* ll 5s JamesB Ken Klin? 10.45 22500 BALLYARNETT w 123 6 5 44 S2 51 b2 LaidieyO M Gordon 3.30 22543 COMPANY REST w 112 7 6 72 7* 8* 7+ ConleyR Mrs D K Kerr 8.95 21135 ALL WHIMS m 108 5 3 2* 3± 6li 8* ClingtnanD Edward M Johnson 16.55 17732 MOON MAN wb 113 3 7 9 9 9 9 RobertsonA Brookmeade Stable 37.5 Time, :23?5, :47, 1:13%- Tr"k fast- _. MJJ ,« r-tt Mutuels Paid— , OeMs * * MESTONIAN 9.54 3.94 3.N 3.75 .96 .50 LA M. ID *_._._. Mutuel Prices tell me more 344 2.70 .74 .35 BATTER UP 4.00 1-44 Winner— Dk. b. f. by Bostonian— Neshaminv, by St. James, trained by P. B. Codd; bred by Wood vale Fjrm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:36. OFF AT 2:37* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. NESTONIAN, from a slow start, improved liis position on the outside ?nd, under pressure in the stretch run, finished fast to wear down TELL ME MORE at the end. The latter was sent into command at the start, saved ground throughout and held on well. BATTER UP moved up with a rush rounding the far turn and then faltered neanng the finish. LOU ONEILL showed an even effort throughout. ARTHUR MURRAY was slow to start. BALLYARNETT had no mishaps. COMPANY REST was never dangerous. ALL WHIMS had no mishaps. MOON MAN was outrun. Scratched— 22446Stimstone, 114; 2-443 Pointing, 108. • Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 9.00. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE. Kin* Saxon, April 20, 1935 — 1:10% — 4—118. Purse 2 0 Q ™ A. ft ,506. 3-year-olds. Claiming:. Weight, 126 lbs. Non-winners 4 ■ u since April 8 allowed 3 lbs.; in 1942, 6 lbs. Claiming- price, ,000; May 4-42— Jam if for ,750, allowed 3 lbs.; if for ,500, 7 lbs. Net value to winner 75; second, 44; third, Sfl; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 226632ERIC KNIGHT wb 123 3 2 3 3" *j P| LindbergH P B Codd 2.10 22663*BROTHER DEAR wb 115 8 7 42 4* 3± 2n DayW D Mac Vean 18.35 j 21427 MAEPAL wb 113 5 4 2* 2 2J 3 MeadeD Sally Cross 18.55 | 223252*ISLE DE PINE w 110 7 8 82 8* 73 4 WahlerC* R J Randolph 11.20 j 22833 +RECOGNIZE wb 117 6 5 b2 51 tV* 53 BasileM J E Kenney 35.85 22577=*KEENE ADVICE wb 115 9 9 6»* ■ b± 5*» 62 ClinejnanD T H Heard Jr . 4.05 22364 DENNIS F. m 117 2 b 7* 71 8* 7 JamesB F J Buchanan 4.70 22832 *FLYING INDLVN w 109 4 1 Ink jh 1-k 8 CouleN Mr? A Pelleteri 3.95 18968 MAECHIC wb 113 1 3 9 9 9 9 ConleyR E D Chadwkk 105.75 +Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :2V/b, :47J£, 1:13. Track fast. , — 2 Mutuels Paid — v , Odds to , 1 i _. ID • ERIC KNICHT 6.20 3.70 2.94 2.10 .85 .40 MUlUel I riCCS BROTHER DEAR 12.34 4.34 5.15 3.15 MAEPAL 7.94 2.44 Winner — B. g, by Tintagel — Raynham Rose, by Stimulus, trained by P. B. Codd; bred by Mr. C. A. Stone. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:04. OFF AT 3:09 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ERIC KNIGHT was under steady restraint in the early running and, when settled for the stretch run, moved up between the leaders and drew away in the final drive. BROTHER DEAR, on the outside entering the stretch, responded to urging and held on well. MAEPAL forced the pace from the start and had no mishaps. ISLE DE PINE closed with a rush between horses in the final sixteenth. RECOGNIZE had no mishaps. KEENE ADVICE ran in spots while on the outside. DENNIS F. propped at the break. FLYING INDIAN quit badly under urging. MAECHIC was outrun. Scratched— 22577,Hetens Boy, 126; 22833 Time Svelte, 103. FOURTH RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— :58— 2— 106. Purse 2 2 9 6 1 56°- 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. May 4-42 — Jam Hti vajuc to Winntr 75; second, 44; third. 54; fourth, S. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vs % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds II Strt 22793-BUSHEL BASKET B116 5 2 l2 l2 l1 l1* WrightWD Greentree Stable 2.30 22664 BOSSUET w 116 8 5 2* 2* 2 21 StoutJ Belair Stud 4.45 22664 DOVE PIE m 116 11 62 6* 53 3 WallN J H Whitney +6.70 HIDDEN ACE w 116 9 6 31 32 4- 4~* RobertsonA Brookmeade Stable 24.50 FAMOUS VICTORY B116 2 4 7» 7* o- 5* WestropeJ J H Whitney +6.70 22664*HARVEST HAND wi 111 3 3 4* 51 3h 63 CouleN G D Widener 3.50 HEADOVERHEELS w 116 6 7 5 4- 7« 7« JamesB I T Taylor 53.55 TWEEDY w 116 7 8 8 8 8 8 RodrigueiE W Ziegler Jr 61.65 22664 WATER PEARL «.116 4 Lost rider. MeadeD H P Headley 390 +Coup4ed as J. H. Whitnev entry. • Time, :23Ji, :47%, !*•%■ Track f,st- _, nJJ . «« --- Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to 1 Mutuel Prices JSvB"KET .:::::::: " JS S iM -- J DOVE PIE Entry 3.90 •» Winner— Dk. b. c, by Questionnaire— Measure, by Chide, framed by J. M. Gaver; bred by Green-tree Stable. WENT TO POST-3:37. OFF AT 3:S*£ EASTERN WAR TIME. . . . Start eood from stall gate. Wo_ driving; second and third the same. _r.c„_, BLSHEL .1C„_ BASKET aprmted t into •mmand and was rated aloug uader steadying restraint, then responded U urging in the stretch run and •mshed with good courage. BOSSUET was weU up from the start and was going strongly in the stretch nin when impeded by the riderless WATER PEARL. DOVE PIE showed a good effort »nd_™T„7Sj: HIDDEN ACE faltered nearing the finish. FAMOUS VICTORY closed well on the inside. HARVEST HAND • ... . . : . t __— — . _______——__. i T was oased back going to the stretch turn. HEMKJVERHEELS had no mishaps. TWEEDY wa* outran. WATER PEARL lost his rider at th* start, V_ ... -I . _•■■" «_* Scratch-HTfS Oevils Thumb, 114; 2_4f4 Seaward Baund, 114; _H44 J*niesl»n»ufht 114; Radw b.j_ Morale, 119. ___—-_—————— —— ——»——» ________——___———-————■ FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Siin*, May 9, 1925—1:42—4—106. Meridian Graded Handicap Class C. ,509 Added. 3-year-olds. 9 0 0 % ? May 4-42— Jam Net value to winner ,644; second, 44; third, 50; fourth, 44. ► Index Horses Eo/t A Wt PP St j tt % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Odds Strt 224S0SHIPS RUN wb!19 4 3 1* l3 V U l1* WestropeJ Ogden Phipps 1.20 22472AIR CURRENT wb122 1 2 2" 2s 2* 2 RobertsonA Louis Lee Haggin II 125 22712 BLUE GINO w, 112 3 4 4 4 3*P 3" CortG Mrs W A Crawford 4.95 22576 AI ETERN wb 111 2 1 3s 3» ■ 4 4 4 WholeyR A C Ernst 19-» Time, :24J/5, =44, 1:13, 1:39, 1:45. Track fast. - Mutuels Paid--, , Odds to » 4.40 2.30 .... 124 .15 .... 1 A . |D i SHIPS RUN Mutuel Prices „ air current 2.30 .... .«► .... Winner— Br r by St Germans— Los, by Bull Doe. trained by J. Fitzsimmons ; bred by Coldstream Stud. WENT TO POST— 4:14. OFF AT 4:16 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start *ood from stall eate. Won handily, second and third drivine. SHIPS RUN was sprinted into command after the break, but went wide roundine the first turn, drew away into a safe lead and was rated along steadily to the final eiehth. where he was roused and then was taken in hand in the final few yards AIR CURRENT was under restraint in the early running, moved up with determination, made a determined bid in the stretch and then hung badly at the end. BLUE GINO was outrun for the first part and was placed under pressure entering the stretch, but could not menace the leaders. ALETERN was bearing out ruonding the first turn and, when placed under pressure, could not keep up. Overweight — Aletern. 3 pounds. . SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MIXES. Sting, May 9, 1925— 1:42%— 4— 106. Purse 5 M- 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special weights. 9 9 Q A X May 4-42 — Jam xet value to winner 75; second. 00; third, 50; fourth, S. Index Horaw Eqt A Wt PP St % % Vl Str Fin Jocheya Owners 04A* Strt 22608. DOMINGO wb3113 6 2 P* I" I4 I5 I7 WestropeJ L B Mayer .75 226672GREAT RUSH wb3113 1 l Zl 2* 2* 2* 2* RobertsonA Brookmeade Stable 3.» 22544 OMASARI wb 3 113 3 5 V 1*3* P 3* ZufeltF W G McCarty 9.95 22838*SPALPEEN wb4118 5 7 4h Vz 4* 4* 4* CrowtherE J Freedman 4» TACOMA wb 3 113 7 6 7 7 7 7 5* WholeyR Mrs W E Boeing 18.60 22796-*GAY CHIC wb3108 4 3 6s o« 6« 5* 63 HildebrdtL Balcville Farm 8 21000 RAPIDAMINTE wi 3 113 2 4 3 5* 5*« 6s 7 RodrigtiezE J H Whitney 39.00 Time, :24, :47A, 1:12% 1:34, 1:44J6. Track fast — Mutuels °aid — , Odds to 1 2.60 2.34 .75 .34 .14 I n *-- DOMINGO 3.54 M. utuel Prices great rush 3.00 v* m .» OMASARI 3.40 -7« Winner— B. c, by Colombo— Oronsay, by Sansovino, trained by G. Philpot ; bred in England by Mr. L. B. Maver. WENT TO POST— 4:43. OFF AT 4:45 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. DOMINGO was sent into command after the start and drew away steadily to win with speed in reserve. GREAT RUSH, in nearest pursuit of the pace, had no mishaps. OMASARI failed to menace the leaders in the late stares. SPALPEEN showed an even effort. TACOMA went wide rounding the first turn and then finished well. GAY CHIC had no mishaps. RAPIDAMINTE was bearine out rounding the first turn. Scratched— 22667 Ambras. 113; 22545 Rice Cake. 123. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Mad Play, Oct, 4, 1924— 1:49%— 3— 115. Purse 9 O C A ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 6 lbs. below 2 £ 7 O ** scale. Non-winners since April 8 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; May 4-42 — Jam one race, 6 lbs.; one race in 1942, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,209. Net value to winner 75; second. 00; third. 50; fourth, 5. , Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jj % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Qdds 226682*PISTOL PETE wb 6 109 12 6 114 1* l2 1«* DayW Mrs Godfrey Preece 3.75 228382IJVALDE wb8116 9 7 6 6» 5» 24 2* MeadeD Mrs E D Jacobs 2.60 226683*STRAWBERRY wi 5 109 13 13 12» 10* 8* 4± 3* CrotherE J Freedman 12.80 22368*IDA ROGERS w 5 106 11 9 13 13 10* V 42 HildebrtL Mrs J Wes*ler 10-60 22838 MIQUELON wb 8 114 1 2 2* 2» 21 V- and WholeyR I Peristein t64.70 22760 FLYING LEGION wb 4 118 7 5 4* 5* 4 6* 6° WestreJ M Pollack 3.60 22760 CORTEZ wb 5 114 10 12 10* 9* 9* 84 7* GrecoA Ralph Prisco W-O 22838--5BROTLER wn5119 213h3h3i5««83 ReoickJ B F Christmas 6.50 99999 COMENDADOR U. w 10 116 8 10 9»" 111 7* 9* 9* StoutJ Marcus L Freud 49.70 22578 LIBERCAISE w 4 113 4 3 ll2 12 123 ll2 10* ZufeltF Kenneth Murchison 15.95 22889 NOROTON w. 7 114 6 4 52 4* 64102 llh Rodue1E J Simonetti 910 22668 DAVTTT wb4113 3 8 % ¥ ll3 12* 12 LaidieyO Mrs M Colford 29.60 22794 KENS POP wb 5 114 5 11 8* 7* 13 13 13 ConleyR Mrs H Ditta 1%0 tCoupled as I. Peristein and Ralph Prisco entry. Time, :24J/5, :44%, 1:11%, 1:44, 1:53%. Track fasL - Mutuels Paid- , 044s t« s 9.50 3.70 3.24 3.75 .46 .44 kA. in • PISTOL PETE Mutuel Prices uvaloe 370 2* .* jo STRAWBERRY 5.34 1-45 Winner— B. e, by Petee-Wrack— Charred Ke«. bv Stimulus, trained by G. Preece, «r. ; bred by Mis. J. H. Garth. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 5:14. OFF AT 5:14* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall ?ate. Won drivine-. second and third the same. PISTOL PETE was sent wto command early and, rated steadily to the far turn, where he drew away, outlasted UVALDE in the final eighth The latter improved his position on the inside and entering the stretch was taken to the outside, then finished with eood courage. STRAWBERRY worked his way up from a slow beginning and finished fast IDA ROGERS began slowly and was outrun in the early stages. MIQUELON was well up and had no mishaps. FLYING LEGION raced evenly. CORTEZ had no mishaps. BROILER could not keep up. COMENDADOR II. was never a daneerous factor. LIBERCAISE had no mishaps. NOROTON was not persevered with at the end. DAVITT was in close quarters going to the first turn. KENS POP was outrun. Scratched— 22449 Hand and Clove, 109; 22132 Office H«ur. 114.

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