Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-07

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W F F P ft P A n F H MAKiniPAPQ Worlds Leadin9 Handicapper for Thirteen Years J T Y L U T J J l#" UtU HnMUInr J Comment -;- Weights -:- Post Positions. -.- Probable Odds JAMAICA For Track Conditions See Box on Page 1 "I ST RACE— 5-8 MILE. 1:00 P.M. 2 -Year -Olds. Claiming. Prob. PP. Horsp. Wt. Mud Odds. 17 NOVEMBER 113 3-1 15 a-LONG RANGE 116 4-1 7 HER GUARDIAN 111 5-1 18 MAD TIME 116 6-1 1 MACS LAST 111 30-1 2 SWEET REPOSE 111 40-1 3 GREAT HORDE 111 30-1 4 SWINDON 108 20-1 5 EQUAL CHANCE 108 45-1 6 DOC COBBE 111 50-1 8 AGGRESSIVE 111 25-1 9 SCOUT REAL 113 8-1 10 BLACK MAGIC 111 8-1 11 PRANCE ON 111 12-1 12 GUEST MASTER 111 12-1 13 FELSWAY 111 10-1 14 a-LUCKY PLAN 106 4-1 16 ZAC 111 10-1 19 BOTTLE IMP 116 10-1 20 TINDELL 111 12-1 a-R. Lipson and B. N. Kane entry. November teas off slowly in last. Race previous rates the call. Long Range is at tops. Her Guardian is improving. OND RACE— 3-4 MILE. 1:30 P. M. ™ 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 5 RANCHO S BOY 108 X 3-1 6 STIMULI 111 * 4-1 7 TAXES 115 6-1 - ■■■■ii i i ■— -— , 12 ARIEL TOY 115 * 6-1 15 SUN INPLAY 115 X 6-1 1 DAN CUPID 110 X 10-1 2 MEADOW COURT 108 50-1 3 CAPT. JAMES 110 * 8-1 4 CLASSIC BEAUTY 103 X 10-1 8 HIGH LUCK 113 25-1 9 IRAN 113 20-1 10 STORM ORPHAN 108 20-1 11 BOBS BOYS 115 X 10-1 13 JEB STUART 110 X 20-1 14 HEATHTOWN 108 X 10-1 16 GENERAL DAY 113 45-1 17 ALLENTOWN 115 X 20-1 18 AERIAL FIRE 113 X 25-1 Ranchos Boy is ready to earn winning brackets. Stimuli looms the main danger. Taxes may surprise the talent. ORD RACE— 3-4 MILE. 2:00 P. M. ** 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 3 ROGERS BOY 108 X 4-1 8 RED WELT 103 X 8-1 7 HELEN SPOT 103 X 10-1 11 ISAROMA 115 3-1 10 FEROCITY 113 * 5-1 16 SHORTSTOP 115 X 6-1 17 DRUDGERY 120 X 6-1 1 SERGEANT BOB 108 X 50-1 2 SUN TRIAD 117 X 10-1 4 OFFICE HOUR 115 X 10-1 5 VALJOHN 113 40-1 6 PHARO TATTLER 115 X 20-1 9 BIG BOY BLUE 110 X 30-1 12 CLAP IN 115 * 15-1 13 BAZUKA 105 15-1 14 STEVADA 103 ® 20-1 15 MARJORIE S. 108 ® 10-1 Rogers Boy moving down a notch. Red Welt, getting in light, is the one to fear. Helen Spot is back in fine fettle. yiTHRACE— 5-8 MlEE 2:30 P. M. 2 -Year-Olds. Maidens. Fillies. 8 a-BRITTANY 115 8-5 6 a-TWIN LAKES 115 8-5 9 SONOROUS 115 4-1 3 ALAGNES 115 3-1 10 SPARKLING MAID 115 6-1 1 JERRY LEE 115 10-1 2 GAYKIS 115 10-1 4 DAIRY LADY 115 20-1 5 MISS PURITAN 115 15-1 7 SIDE ORDER 115 12-1 a-J. M. Roebling entry. Brittany is reported a speedster. Making , debut today. Twin Lakes only try impressive. Sonorous flashed early speed in last. CTH RACE— 3-4 MILE. 3:00 P. M. I • 3 -Year-Olds. Claiming. 1 ANYTIME 108 4-1 7 MERSA MATRUH 114 4-1 13 DRAEH 108 * 4-1 8 WAR MELODY 117 X 5-1 2 GUILE 108 10-1 3 HUBBUB 118 X 10-1 4 TOUJOUR 113 12-1 5 KINGS FEAST 113 45-1 6 ALCHANC 118 40-1 9 RIPOSTE 113 X 30-1 10 BRIANSAN 113 20-1 11 ZACAGRAY 108 12-1 12 EQUIPLAY 118 15-1 14 ERIC KNIGHT 117 * 6-1 15 WALLINGFORD 108 X 10-1 Anytime is capable of trimming these on best. Mersa Matruh rates very close off recent win. Draeh is in grand form. ZTH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 3:30 P. M. w 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 a-ARGONNE WOODS 115 X 1-1 3 a-PEEP SHOW 121 * 1-1 5 THE FOP 117 X 5-2 2 HYPOCRITE 114 X 4-1 4 EQUALIZE 93 ® 8-1 6 TRIMLY 109 10-1 a-J. H. Miles entry. t Argonne Woods stands a good chance to chalk up a triple. Peep Show is a capable stablemate. The Fop was overmatched in last outing. TTH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 4:00 P. M. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 9 UVALDE 117 ® 8-5 2 STRAWBERRY 109 X 5-1 10 RING STAR 113 X 10-1 3 BETTYS BOBBY 109 10-1 1 THRIFT 108 X 6-1 12 SLY TOM 108 8-1 4 HAND and GLOVE 109 X 12-1 5 COMENDADOR II. 117 X 12-1 6 FIERY STEEL 113 X 8-1 7 PORTET 114 * 25-1 8 LLAVIN 104 X 30-1 11 CONSUL 109 X 25-1 Uvalde, razor sharp after a careful prep, should enter the charmed circle. Strawberry may prove troublesome. Ring Star merits consideration.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942050701/drf1942050701_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1942050701_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800