Whirlaway Closes Fast for Dixie Win; Shut Out, Devil Diver in Good Trials: Preakness Preps Indicate Fitness; Greentree Pair Sent Mile And Furlong--Apache and Sun Again Also Work Out, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-07


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Whirlaway Whirlaway Closes Closes Fast Fast for for Dixie Dixie Win; Win; Shut Shut Out, Out, Devil Devil Diver Diver in in Good Good Trials Trials Preakness Preps Indicate Fitness Greentree Pair Sent Mile And Furlong — Apache and Sun Again Also Work Out BALTIMORE, Md., May 6.— Shut Out and Devil Diver, strong favorites for Saturdays 52nd running of the 0,000 Preakness, were given their final distance tighteners for that mile and three-sixteenths classic of Marylands spring racing on the scene of battle this morning. The first rays of sun were peeping through the maples along Belvedere Ave. when trainer John "Mose" Gaver brought Mrs. Payne Whitneys "Fearsome Beau" to the hilltop strip. The Kentucky Derby hero was the first to appear on the course. After galloping once around, his exercise boy walked him up to the red and white striped stick-candy eighth pole and broke him away at an easy pace. Arcaro Snugs Devil Diver Steadied along all the way and cocking his tail in the air, much in the manner his ill-fated sire, Equipoise, was wont to run, Shut Out moved along in :241/5, :484/5, 1:15, 1:42 and 1:56%. Gaver flagged the winner of the "Run for the Roses" down as he neared the end of the back st.etch, after his charge had gone five furlongs. Shut Out entered the Derby fray more thoroughly tightened than did Devil Diver, who was not required to work quite as briskly this morning. Devil Diver moved over the same ground as his stablemate covered, a few moments later, before more than a dozen or so of Pimlico s hundreds of horses had been on the track. Minus his blinkers, but plus his regular pilot, Eddie Arcaro, St. Germans Continued on Page Forty-Four. i , t | Preakness Trials By Greentree Duo Pair Shows Fine Speed Over Nine Furlongs — Apache and Sun Again Also Work Out Continued from Page One square-set son romped through the nine furlongs in :24%, :493/5, 1:15%, 1:41*5 and 1:54. Arcaro had a snug hold on him throughout. A horse from another string broke off right behind Devil Diver as the bounding bay neared the five-eighths pole. The boy on this latter "breezer" seemed obsessed with some happy delusion he could beat Devil Diver to the finish mark before the stand and was driving his mount all the way. But Arcaro never let him within two lengths of his mount, while keeping the latter under restraint. A battery of sleepy-eyed cameramen were out to make shots of the erudite Gavers formidable Preakness hopefuls. The two colts cooled out well. Because of their prestige, Mrs. Whitneys colts were the most interesting workers of the days training hours. However, the fastest move was that shown about mid-morning by William Woodwards somewhat discredited Apache. "Fish" Tappen, Mr. Fitz right hand man, and jockey Jimmy Stout, paddocked the tall black colt, then brought him to the course for a run of one mile. The obscure Alcazars son was full of run all the way and went over the distance in :22%, :47%, 1:11% and 1:39%, easing up nine furlongs in about 1:54. "He could really run over this race track this morning," Tappen observed. "He was climbing in the Derby, and I believe hes going to go a whole lot better in the Preakness." Sun Again Likely Starter Ben Jones indicated after Sun Again *s mile this morning that Warren Wrights colt may fill his Preakness engagement after all. With Wendell Eads in the saddle, Sun Teddys flashy chestnut son unravelled a quarter in :23%, half in :483/5, and mile in 1:41. He went on out to a mile and an eighth in 1:55%. Sun Again was under a steadying hold all the way. Another Preakness aspirant to work was Mrs. Barclay Douglas Fair Call. His able young trainer, "Tweedy" Al Fletcher, sent him five furlongs in 1:01%. His first quarter was in :23%, and the half in :48%. This erstwhile plater was under a mild drive the last strides of his move. Colchis, Alsab, Requested and Valdina Orphan, who arrived on the scene of Saturdays historic conflict a day later than those colts breezed this morning, will have their final trials tomorrow morning, their respective trainers indicated today. The only revisions today in the probable lineup for the week-ends 0,000 "Run for the Black-Eyed Susans" was the withdrawal of the Foxcatchers outsider, Fairy Manah, and the possibility Sun Again will start. Fairy Manah has gone to one of the duPont Farms, outside Wilmington. Louis B. Mayers Domingo was to arrive this afternoon from Belmont Park headquarters, his connections being encouraged to start him by a recent Jamaica conquest in moderate company.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942050701/drf1942050701_1_8
Local Identifier: drf1942050701_1_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800