Official Racing Charts: Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-07

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Official Racing Charts ________— Copyright, 1942, by Trlanglt Publications, Inc. . — Jamaica NEW YORK, N. Y.. WEDNESDAY, MAY S, 1942— JAMAICA 1 MILE. Twenty-fourth day of twenty-seven-day meeting April 9 to May 9. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Puett gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by J. J. Jones Photo-Finish camera. Steward Representing Th« Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy. Steward Representing New York State Racing Commission, Francis P. Dunne. Steward, H. 0. Vosburgh. Visiting member of The Jockey Club, George H. Bull. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, John B. Campbell. Assistant Racing Secretary, Julius Reeder. Starter, George Cassidy. Judges. C. H. Cornehlsen, Frank E. Kilroe and Joseph E. Kyle. Clerk of Scales, Albert Burlen. Assistant Clerk of Scales, Nelson Strang. Paddock and Patrol Judge, Myron D. Davis. Patrol and Assistant Paddock Judge, George Hyland. Patrol Judges, Walter Mara and Frank Keogh. Timer, John Miller. Physician, Dr. Michael Spinrad. Track Veterinarian, Dr. M. J. Dair. Supervisor of Saliva Test and Chief Veterinarian of New York State Racing Commission, Dr. Jordan Woodcock. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. "Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting 1941, .38; current meeting, .37. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one horse. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— :58 — 2 — 1060 Purse 1 fi £ Q ,500. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Claiming:. Weight, 116 lbs. 2 3 U J 7 Claiming; price, ,500; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 50 to May 6-42 — Jam ,000. Net value to winner S975: second. 00: third. 50 ; fourth, S7S. ___ Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 227102PROMINETTE wb 116 2 1 l2 lh ll| 1 WrightWD Mrs Louise Lazare 55 228833UHHUH wb112 3 3 3 J 3* 3i 2i RobertsonA H P Headley 4.95 22108 CAROLINE F. wb 113 8 4 2h 22 2°* 31 CrowtherE J Freedman 35.80 22396*CINEMA QUEEN w 111 9 5 44* 44 42 CouleN Harry Brown 233.10 228353RARIFIED w 114 4 2 6i TU M 5» GilbertJ J P Smith 15.30 215742BOSTONITE w 110 6 6 51 5 53 6s WallN Mrs A Pelleteri 8.20 MAYFAIR wb116 7 7 7* 61 7* 7* JamesB Vera S Bragg 10.40 TINA SANJOUR w 113 5 8 9 9 9 81 HuffWC J J McManus 9605 22757 STEEL QUEEN w 116 1 9 8l 8» 8i 9 ZufeltF Kenneth Murchison 71.95 Time, Mi :47Ji, 1:004$. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to * LA m I I • PROMINETTE Ml 2-80 2.36 .55 .15 .15 Mutuel Prices uhhuh 320 290 .«■ m CAROLINE F 5.90 1-» Winner— Br. f. by Roman Soldier— Vireinella, by Eternal, trained by W. O. Hicks; bred by Mr. E. Sachsenmaier. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:07. OFF AT 2:071 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won drivine: second and third the same. PROMINETTE displayed speed throughout and. entering the stretch, shook off CAROLINE F., but, while under pressure, was bearing out nearing the finish. UHHUH was under ureing in the stretch and finished with good courage. CAROLINE F. had early speed, but faltered in the stretch. CINEMA QUEEN moved up stoutly entering the stretch, was blocked at the eiehth post and was forced to take to the outside. RARIFIED showed an even effort throughout. BOSTONITE had no mishaps. MAYFAIR raced greenly and was never a factor. TINA SANJOUR and STEEL QUEEN were outrun. r Scratched— 22086 Halcyon Lass, 105; 22710 Battle Smoke, 116; 22883Sparkling Maid, 110; 22710 Picto-graph, 113; 22542 Love Venture, 113: 22542 Suffragette, 111; 22542 Nosined, 105; 22542 Pilatan, 110. Overweight — Uhhuh. 2 pounds; Rarified, 1. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. King: Saxon, April 20, 1935— 1:10%— 4— 118. Purse 2 1 fi A fi ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Weight, 6 lbs. below J U O U scaie. Non-winners in 1942 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two May 6-42— Jam races, 7 lbs.; one race, 11 lbs. Claiming: price, ,50f . Net value to winner 75: second. 00; third. 50; fourth, S75. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds tl Strt 225742LADIES FIRST wb 4 107 5 9 V- l3 1* l2i DayW W C Winfrey +4.70 228342KNIGHT CALL wb 4 113 2 3 U 3* 32 2« NevesR W G McCarty 14.95 22834MARY SCHULZ w 7 107 11 2 32 2£ 2i 3j CouleN Charles Stern 6.50 22610*BRITISH WARM w 4 119 4 4 6i 51 4* 4» WahlerC J Malone J6.65 22709 COUNT HASTE wb4117 3 1 V tt 53 5» ZufeltF M L Freud 18.00 22604 COCKEREL wb 5 115 10 8 71 72 61 6s WrightWD A Untermeyer 3.50 11213 LIVELYHOOD wb 4 108 1 7 8*J 85 82 7* McCrearyC Mrs E D Jacobs 2.35 22834*POWDERD HEELSwb 4 103 6 5 52 6* 72 8£ ClingmanD Mrs F M Gould +4.70 227593CARVALE wb 5 115 9 6 102 91 9h 9nk HuffWC Mansfield Stable 32.00 19323 NIGHTLAND wb 5 115 7 11 11 11 105 106 VercherT J Mundinger 85.10 C9885 GOOD HEAD wb 4 113 8 10 93 10» 11 11 MalleyT Mrs Kay Cantwell J6.65 tCoupled as W. C. Winfrey and Mrs. Frank M. Gould entrv; JJ. M. Malone and Mrs. Kay Cantwell entry. Time, :23, :464£, 1:12. track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — , Odds to * k A x. in* LADIES FIRST tEntry.. 11.40 5.40 3.80 4.70 1.70 .90 Mutuel Prices knight call 1120 tm ««• ;jo MARY SCHULZ 5.20 1.00 Winner— Dk. br. f, by Lad sman— Sweet Beam, by Sweep, trained by W. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. C. Putnam. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:38. OFF AT 2:38* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. LADIES FIRST was rushed up fast on the outside after the start, drew away into a commanding lead and was under urging throughout the final sixteenth. KNIGHT CALL raced forwardly throughout and outfinished MARY SCHULZ on the outside in the final strides. MARY SCHULZ. in near pursuit of the early pace, faltered in the stretch. BRITISH WARM finished well under urging. COUNT HASTE was taken in hand after the start and failed to respond when urged. COCKEREL was slow to beein. but finished well. LIVELYHOOD stumbled at the start. POWDERED HEELS was never a dangerous factor. CARVALE was outrun. NIGHTLAND was never a factor. GOOD HEAD had no mishaps. Overweieht — Mary Schulz, 2 pounds. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 1.50. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE. King Saxon, April 20, 1935— 1:10%— 4— 118. Purse / s -I ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Weight, 6 lbs. below 2n J U O I scale. Non-winners of ,300 or two races since April 8 allowed May 6-42— Jam 3 lbs.; one race since April 8, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner S975: second, S300; third. 50; fourth, S75. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 22797 SCOTCH TRAP wb 6 115 6 5 5* 31 24 1H LindbergH G W Peak +2.00 227973*SKIN DEEP wb5114 2 2 2and 2£ 3£ 2 » DayW D MacVean +4.15 22884*SELMALAD wb 6 114 3 6 63 53 43 3*4 WahlerC D MacVean 14.15 22884*HAPPY NOTE wb3105 1 1 l1 lJ 1» 43 ClingmanD Mrs A Crouch +2.00 22665 ABOYNE w 5 115 5 3 4h 4i 5» 5* WrightWD Mrs G C Winfrey 7.25 226653MAROGAY wb 5 119 4 7 7 7 6 6 ZufeltF Aberdeen Stable 7.45 22709COUPON w 4 120 7 4 3i 6* Bled. WestropeJ C H Trotter 185 tCoupled as G. W. Peak and Mrs. A. Crouch entry; JD. MacVean entry. Time, :23, ML 1:12. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to 1 SCOTCH TRAP tEntry.. 6.00 3.00 2.70 2.00 .50 .36 LA m. I D *_ MutUel PriCeS SKIN DEEP JEM* 350 450 75 25 SELMALAD CEntry 3.50 4.50 .75 1.25 Winner— B. g, by Claptrap— Scotch Bess, by Mackenzie II., trained by H. Crouch; bred by Mr. H. N. Gittins. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:09. OFF AT 3:10 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SCOTCH TRAP improved his position when entering the stretch and responded to pressure in the final drive. SKIN DEEP was a prominent factor throughout and lost ground entering the stretch, but outfinished SELMALAD in the final strides. The latter came throueh on the inside entering the stretch and finished well. HAPPY NOTE had early speed, then quit. ABOYNE raced well and had no mishaps. MAROGAY was slow to begin and was outrun. COUPON bled entering the stretch and was eased up. FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Sting, May 9, 1925— 1:42%— 4— 106. Purse Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners at ,500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 3 fi t 9 2 J U O Z one mjie or over since April 8 allowed 2 lbs.; at any time, 4 lbs.; May 6-42 — Jam maidens, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner S975 : second. S300 ; third. 50; fourth, S75. In.iex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22474*BLUE NOSE wb 108 4 11 9:i 9 ; 7* 4£ 1* WahlerC B F Coakley 21.60 22466 DEVILTRY wb 110 9 3 3* 2 i 23 tj 2J HildebrtL Mrs D N Frost 9.10 224993 CONNIE JEAN w 111 5 10 U 51 * 5s 3 ZufeltF Mrs D E Wolfort +.80 22796*BROVN GAL wb 106 2 2 1* I2 l1 l1 43 CostG E S Haviland 19.45 22337 TRAFFIC RUSH wb113 1 1 2" 33 31 6 52 JamesB Mrs E D Jacobs 9.20 22577 WHISCENDENT wb 113 10 5 61 6h 5i 3" 63 WestropeJ C S Bromley +80 227993*THE GENERAL wb 115 7 4 41 41 6h 73 72 ClingmanD Miss Jewel Heard 6.75 22833 INFERNO wb116 11 8 8J U 84 92 8 HuffWC A G Mich :8.90 22446*BREEZE ALONG w 111 8 6 5" 81 91 8h 9h CouleN J T Taylor 119.40 22337*SMART wb 113 3 7 102 102 lO3 102 10 * DayW R J Zipse 43.20 22663 NIGHT LASS wb 108 6 9 II" ll6 ll6 ll5 ll6 McCrearyC R M Casey 71.45 22832 RETINUE w 108 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 DelaneyR A G Mich :8.90 +Coupled as Mrs. D. E. Wolfort and Charles S. Bromley entry; ?A. G. Mich entry. fApprentice allowance waived. Time, :2Z%, :48%, 1:14%, 1:41 and 1:48%. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — v / Odds to 1 A a. in* BLUE NOSE 45.20 20.60 6.60 21.00 9.30 2.30 Mutuel rnces deviltry ».« 4.™ 3.90 105 CONNIE JEAN tEntry.. 2.40 .20 Winner— Ch. c, by Chicstraw— Caliente Lady, by My Play, trained by J. Gengler; bred by Mr. R. C. Owen. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:41. OFF AT 3:42 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BLUE NOSE improved his position steadily and, under urging in the stretch run, disposed of the leaders at the end. DEVILTRY, a prominent factor from the start, held on well to the end. CONNIE JEAN was ridden wide all the way. BROWN GAL had early speed and then quit. TRAFFIC RUSH raced well and had no mishaps. WHISCENDENT moved up rounding the far turn, saved ground and was not persevered with at the finish. THE GENERAL showed an even effort. INFERNO was never a factor. BREEZE ALONG failed to improve his position. SMART was bothered going to the far turn. NIGHT LASS was outrun. RETINUE was never a factor. Scratched— 22959 Nestonian, 111; 22833 Lupoba, 111; 22833 Rosy Dollar, 106; 21302 Aunt Millie, 108; 22799 Waddy, 118. FIFTH RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— : 58— 2— 106. Thirtieth O *J A a 1 Running YOUTHFUL STAKES. ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. AI-*. o V U J lowances. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 or three races May 6-42— Jam allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 7 lbs. Net value to winner ,200; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22886 RED SONNET wb119 12 4 Z 1* 5* l"* Breen.J G D Widener +45 22886 JOE BURGER wb 122 5 2 lh 2* 23 22 WrightWD Mrs Louis Lazare 16 75 22606 ALL HOSS wb122 4 6 3h 31 3»J 32 RobertsonA H P Headley +17 65 22886BULLPEN wb122 6 8 5J 6 J 6* 4* J PetersM Coldstream Stable 17 05 226642CORONA CORONA w 115 3 9 9* 8$ 54 5» NevesR W E Boeing 1610 225462GOLD SHOWER w 119 2 3 6* 4* U 63 JamesB Vera S Bragg 13 40 22283*BREEZING HOME w 115 11 10 I1 7 » 7* 74 RodriguezE W Ziegler Jr §14 80 224472STYLUS w 115 8 11 ll2 14 10* 82 WallN W Ziegler Jr §14 80 22961 HARVEST HAND wb115 11 8l tj 92 9h CouleN G D Widener +45 22664 BULLS EYE wb119 7 5 42 51 8410h WestropeJ L L Haggin II +17 65 228862HOOSIER WOLF wb119 10 12 12 12 Hi 114 Gilbert.I Mrs A F~ Sherman 14 40 22795 ALPINE ACE m 115 9 7 10l IP 12 12 EdmdsonS C H Jones 137.50 +Coupled as G. D. Widener entry; +HaI Price Headley and L. L. Haggin II. entry; §William Ziegler, Jr., entry. Time, :22%, :46, :59%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to n D*.:~~~ RED SONNET fEntry... 2.90 2.50 2.40 .46 .25 .20 M..l..sJ uruei rnces joe burger 7.10 5.10 2.55 1.55 ALL HOSS JEntry 5.90 1.96 Winner— Ch. g, by Balladiei— Sovietta, by Stefan the Great, trained by W. F. Mulholland ; bred by Mr. G. D. Widener. WENT TO POST— 4:16. OFF AT 4:17 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. RED SONNET moved fast on the outside afer the start and forced a fast pace, lost ground entering the stretch and, nearing the final eighth, was roused and wore down JOE BURGER in the final drive. The latter, a prominent factor from the start, saved ground and held on well"iinder severe urging. ALL HOSS was going strongly in the final eighth. BULLPEN closed with good courage and showed a good effort. CORONA CORONA saved ground throughout. GOLD SHOWER had no mishaps. BREEZING HOME was slow to start. STYLUS was slow to begin. HARVEST HAND was shuffled back after the start. BULLS EYE could not keep up. HOOSIER WOLF was fractious at the post. ALPINE ACE was shuffled back in the early running Scratched— 22546Four Freedoms, 119. SIXTH RACE 3t4 MILE. King Saxon, April 20, 1935 — 1:10% — 4—118. Flush-2 3 0 6 4. inff Purse- Graded Allowances Class C. Purse ,000. 4-year-*. J v o *t olds and upward Non-winners in 1942. Weight, 6 lbs. below May 6-42 — Jam scale. Non-winners since September 1 of three races other than claiming allowed 4 lbs.; two such races, 8 lbs.; one race, 11 lbs. Net value to winner ,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi. Vx Str Fin Jockeys • Owners Odds Strt 17583 DINT wB6110 2 1 ink 12 p jij jamcsB W C Winfrey 90 22502 NAVAL RESERVE wb 4 116 12 2 24 23 2* GilbertJ Wheatley Stable 3 05 18312 SPANISH DUKE wb 5 118 8 4 41 34 32 3"k PetersM R C Thatoiier 36 55 19531 BARRANCOSA w 7 113 6 8 8 8 63 43 RodriguezE Binglin Stock Farm 50 30 22797 MONDAY LUNCH w 4 113 7 7 7* 6* 4" 5* BreenJ Greentree Stable 5 25 22796 GAY WING wb 4 113 4 6 6J 5£ 5J 6 BasileM Lazy F Ranch 103 85 165342HARD JESTER w 4 113 5 5 5» 7h 8 72 McCrearvC W-L Ranch 7 55 22604 DEIMOS wb 5 115 3 3 33 4» 7* 8 WrightWD Mrs F C Rompel 53 15 Time, :23%, :47, 1:12%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to , fViUTuei rnces naval reserve 3.20 2.70 w .36 SPANISH DUKE 5.10 1.56 Winner — Ch. m, by John P. Grier— Quivira, by Display, trained by W. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. J. M. Roebling. WENT TO POST— 4:46. OFF AT 4:47 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. DINI was sprinted into command after the start and was hustled along into a safe lead, then was under slight restraint at the finish. NAVAL RESERVE, a prominent factor from the start, came again in the final eighth. SPANISH DUKE, closer up than usual, made a determined bid entering the stretch, then hung. BARRANCOSA began slowly and finished with a rush while on the outside. MONDAY LUNCH was slow to begin and was never a factor. GAY WING had no mishaps. HARD JESTER could not keep up. DEIMOS was not persevered with when he quit. Overweight — Barrancosa. 3 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Sting, May 9, 1925— 1:42%— 4— 106. Purse *s O ft a C ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 6 lbs. below d. J U O J scale. Non-winners since April 8 of three races allowed 2 lbs.; May 6-42— Jam two races, 5 lbs.; one race, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner S975 : second, 00; third. 50; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22837 GENERAL JACK wb4111 4 1 l2 13 V lnk 1" WahlerC John Hazza 2~!30 22837*LIGHT REIGH wsb 4 108 1 2 5 51 53 2* 2 * CouleN W G McCarty 25.35 22837 HOPTOWN LASS w 6 110 9 4 2h 33 31 4* 31 MallevT Mrs E Pinto 10.70 22574 DIXIE-MAN wb 5 117 10 5 4J 4h 4h 63 43 ZufeltF Aberdeen Stable 32.95 22465MIMSON BELLE wb 4 106 8 3 32 21 24 3 52 CostG R J Randolph . 23.40 22714*HERE AGAIN wb 4 116 11 6 6i 7* 63 5" 6" DavW A J Corrado 4.05 221002SANDY BOOT wb9114 6 7 8" 92 82 81 7J WrightWD J B Partridge 3.10 21462 BRIGHT GRAY wb 6 114 7 11 11 11 11 10* 8« MayT Mrs E J Madden 25.90 22610*MISS DISCOVERY wb 4 105 5 9 7s 6i 73 72 93 CrowtherE J Freedman 23.80 18702 ROMANIC wb 4 113 3 10 106 106 94 91 105 NevesR J S Summers 10.40 22794 COUNT DARGENT w 4 116 2 8 9* 8" 103 11 11 PetersM Meta D Wagnon 97.95 Time, :24, :48, 1:13%, 1:39%, 1:47. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , i A m. IB* GENERAL JACK 6.60 4.20 3.20 2.30 1.10 .66 MUlUel iNCeS LIGHT REIGH 2110 11.50 9.55 4.75 HOPTOWN LASS 5.30 1.65 Winner — Ch. g. by Jack High — Agnes Ayres. by King James, trained by J. Hazza; bred by Mr. J. L. Holton. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:15. OFF AT 5:17 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. GENERAL JACK was sprinteC into command at the start and was rated along under steady restraint, responded in the stretch run and just lasted. LIGHT REIGH came through on the inside in the stretch run and finished with a rush. HOPTOWN LASS was sent up on the outside entering the stretch and finished well. DIXIE-MAN raced on his own courage throughout. JIMSON BELLE tired under weak handling at the finish. HERE AGAIN was on the outside rounding the far turn. SANDY BOOT had no mishaps. BRIGHT GRAY was outrun to the stretch turn. MISS DISCOVERY was never a factor. ROMANIC was outrun. COUNT DARGENT had no mishaps. Scratched— 22837 Magic Key, 109; 22837*At Play, 109. Overweight — Hoptown Lass. 1 pound; Miss Discovery. 2; Count DArgent. 3

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