Official Racing Charts: Narragansett Park, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-07

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Narragansett Park PAWTUCKET, R. I., WEDNESDAY. MAY 6, 1942— NARRAGANSETT PARK 1 MILE. Twenty-second day of twenty-five-day meetinq April 11 tn May 9. Narraqansett Racinq Association. Puett gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by J. J. Jones Photo-Finish camera. Steward Representing Rhode Island Administration of Racing and Athletics, Edward J. Fenelon, Jr. Stewards of Meeting, Sam C. Nuckols and Tom J. Thorp. Placing Judges, Christopher J. FitzGerald, Jr.# James Ross, Jr., and Howard Reynolds. Patrol Judges, Thomas A. Steele and Harry Fiske. Paddock Judge, Thomas A. Steele. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, Robert S. Shelly. Clerk of Scales, Christopher J. FitzGerald, Jr. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. "Indicates fiva pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting 1941, .36. Current meeting, .35. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one horse. No field horses. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935—1:10— 4 1 A i / 3 — 111. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-L. J U O O winners in 1942. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Claiming May 6-42— Nar price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 75: third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St hi. Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22763*CANTERUP wb 5 106 3 3 2i Z*J 2 l"k TurnbullW Millen and Haymaker 17.55 19443 SUN IDELE wb5110 8 1 PJ l2 ll 2i TorresL Miss A O Baldenecker 11.85 22394 PAPER PLATE w 6 112J11 12 6i 6i 4i 3J HowellR P Bieber 41.70 21370*EQLTSTONE wb5111 2 4 3i 3J 3»k 4 J BatesT J Whyte 150 22840 SPARROW CHIRP w 4 llli 7 ll 10"k 72 5J 53 SistoR W R Roberts 42 05 227612GHOST QUEEN wb7111 9 2 4i 52 61 62J AtkinsonT . Mrs S Orr 4 25 22839 UGIN w 9 116 5 7 9* UJ 72 7" McMullenG G T Hanm 6 60 227632*ARIEL TRIP w 4 105 12 10 1L 81 881 FinneeanJ H C Sandrock 6.95 22669 NOSPIL w 4 109 1 5 5"k 4J 9h 92| PiersonNL Luchka and Lubin 94 85 22762 HE SAID wsb 6 116 10 6 V WW 101 SnyderWE W-L Ranch 17.60 193363DAISY BOY w 5 116 4 9 8»k 9£ 12 lln DabsonH McRae and Roderick 55 25 22839*NO CLOUD w 4 109 6 8 12 12 ll 12 BrennanJ Mrs H E Coolidge 148 .90 Time, :23, :46, V.W/*. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , f Odds to ID* CANTERUP 37.10 15.00 10.30 17.55 6.50 4.15 M. UTU6I I riCCS SUN IDELE 14.00 10.60 6.00 4.30 PAPER PLATE 15.70 6.85 Winner — Ch. m. by Canter — Immernoch, by Upset, trained by L. Haymaker; bred by Mr. L. H. Drennan. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:32. OFF AT 2:32J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. CANTERLP, prominent from the start, was steadied along in closest pursuit of the pacemaker until reaching the stretch, responded eamely to hard riding and was along in the last few strides to wear down SUN IDELE. The latter, quickest to begin, opened up a good lead and, steadied along in front, made a bold attempt to stave off the winners bid, but was not good enough. PAPER PLATE, slow to begin, moved up steadily through the back stretch and finished with a rush. EQUISTONE. prominently placed, failed to better his position under hard riding. SPARROW CHIRP closed ground steadily in the last five-sixteenths. GHOST QUEEN was unable to reach the leaders. UGIN, far back early, was unable to threaten. ARIEL TRIP, away slowly, was outrun throughout. Scratched— 22761 Take It, 114; 22840 Claro, 111; 22224 Tetratown, 111; 22762 Sir Quest, 116: 18550 Vital Lady, 106; 22582 Count Cotton, 116. Overweight — Sun Idele. 1 pound; Paper Plate. 11; Sparrow Chirp. 2i ; Ariel Trip, 1. Claimed — Equistone by W. Hodson for ,000. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1 : 10 £— O 1 A 7 3 — 111. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-x. J U O / winners of three races since April 10. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, May 6-42 — Nar us lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 10 allowed 2 lbs.; one race since then, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner 00; second, 75: third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22891 RANGE DUST wr 6 116 5 8 1* 4h lh Ink HettineerG W I Lunt 14.20 22718FLAMING HIGH wb 5 116 6 5 3J 3£ 3« 2 HowellR L Sambrot Jr 2 10 226753MUSICAL JACK wb 8 116 2 4 4« 52£ 2h 3" BalaskiL Gaffers and Sattler 8.70 22453IPRAIRIE DOG wb8116 9 1 2h 2« 4b 4J MooreG W Viano 4.10 22804 SHANTYTOWN wb5113 7 2 li H 5 5» MalearT C Lauck 6.65 228012SUN GIRL w 6 113 8 7 51 6 6J 6i SeaboG W E Collins 12.10 22802 ONE O ONE wb 5 116 3 10 83 8» 8* 72 AtkinsonT B F Lister 14.05 22585 MAR LE m 7 118 10 3 6l 7h 72J 85 JohnstonD S W Shapoff 18.40 22762 *STREET ARAB wb 6 111 4 9 9 9 9 9 FinneganJ H C Sandrock 13.15 22802*LIKE GREENCK wb 4 109 1 6 Lost rider. TurnbullW Coughlin and Hei/.ineer 29.75 Time, :23%, :46%, 1:11«£. Track fast. r-tt Mutuels Paid — , Odds to » LA M. I D - RANGE DUST 30.40 10.10 6.50 14.20 4.05 2.25 /VlUrUel I TICCS FLAMING HIGH 4.50 3.70 125 85 MUSICAL JACK 5.50 175 Winner — Ch. h, by Neddie — Sun Affinity, by Sun Briar, trained by Wr. H. Hartman ; bred by Valdina Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:00. OFF AT 3:01 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. RANGE DUST, steadied along early, began working his way forward in the last sixteenths and, saving ground into the stretch, gained a short lead when the early pacemaker beean tiring and, holding on stubbornly, outlasted FLAMING HIGH at the end. Ti»2 latter, on the outside while reserved back of the pace, moved up stoutly in the stretch and held on determinedly to the end. MUSICAL JACK, well placed throughout, continued with splendid energy to the end. PRAIRIE DOG forced the early pace, but failed to better his position when placed under pressure. SHANTYTOWN quit after displaying speed for a half mile. SUN GIRL closed some eround. MAR LE was unable to keep pace. STREET ARAB encountered some trouble while LIKE GREENOCK stumbled, losing his rider in the opening three-sixteenths and was unable to recover. Scratched— 22560 Ballast Reef, 113. • i1 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 86.10. THIRD RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Jackie D., May 7, 1936— :52*5_2— 109. 2 1 H f 9. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Maidens JUDO allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 lb. allowed May 6-42— Nar for each 00 to ,000. Net value to winner S700; second. S175; third. S75; fourth, S50. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 2267PSEA MARRIAGE wb113 4 9 4h lb It BalaskiL Tall Trees Stable 37oO 22764 SUNTEGRA wb 110 10 5 2J£ 2« 2i AtkinsonT Mrs W H Cane 10.85 22757 GLENOCK w 115 5 1 H 32i 3i NassiW Mrs F West 4.20 22764»SHARP REWARD w 107 7 8 6J 51 P BrunelleD Coldstream Stable 2.35 22558 BOOTS SHORTY wb 109i 3 2 7h 6h 53 SconzaH Reynolds Bros 10.40 20633 MOKANANNE w 109 8 7 5 72J 6£ JohnstonD S W Shapoff 107.25 22841 TIME WAS wb 113 9 10 93 8»» 7J GonzalezR D M Davis 47.25 22581!LADY BOB wb 113 1 3 3* 4£ 8J HowellR Mrs M E Boereer 10.00 227642 tBUZZIE JR. wb114 6 6 8J 92£ 9* McMullenG A L Carlson 14.20 *SIR LEON wb 108 2 4 10 10 10 DuncanR R W Collins 63.25 Time, :232£, :48, :54. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid — , Odds to k A j_ ID SEA MARRIAGE 8.00 4.70 3.60 3.00 1.35 .80 Mutuel rnces suntegra 8*0 *m 320 tm GLENOCK 5.00 150 Winner— B. c, by Granville— Port Weather, by The Porter, trained by L. ODonnell; bred by Mrs. D. C. Sands. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:31. OFF AT 3:32* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SEA MARRIAGE, well placed from the start, wore down GLENOCK for the lead at the eighth post, met stubborn opposition from SUNTEGRA while increasing his lead slowly at the end. SUNTEGRA had speed from the start and fought it out stubbornly to the close. GLENOCK went to the front at once and drew clear, tiring under pressure in the last sixteenth. SHARP REWARD, slow to begin and in close quarters early, was moving up on the outside when she was carried out beyond the middle of the track, then closed fastest. BOOTS SHORTY was unable to reach the leaders. MOKANANNE bore out badly midway of the turn and was unable to threaten. LADY BOB tired. Overweight— Boots Shortv, lj pounds ; Mokananne. 1 ; Lady Bob, 3. Claimed— Sharp Reward by White Star Stable for ,200. FOURTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Stagehand, Sept. 10, 1938— 1:49? 5— 3— 124. Purse A £ Q ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since 2*| J U O V April 10. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Claiming price, May 6-42— Nar ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, S175: third. 5; fourth. 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22845 CONQUEROR II. watlM I 5 4 22i 1* 1* 1 | DeLaraA A E Webber 2.95 22897 MULTITUDE w 5 116 3 1 2£ 4l 4"k 2h 2i JohnstonD S W Shapoff 2.90 227682ABYSSINIA wb 5 111 1 7 7h 6J 62J 4£ 3-*£ McMullenG Mrs G Preece Sr 6.30 22846-FRENCH TRAP wall 111 5 2 31 3" 3 31 41 AtkinsonT W Drees 2.70 22845 PETER ARGO ■ 6 113 6 6 5" 5£ 5* 5* 56 HowellR G L Weiss 10.55 22846 ROYAL CIRCUS wb5115 2 3 l2i l1 21 63 6"k SnvderWE Mrs T LoeK 20.40 22897 CLARION CALL II. wb 5 116 4 4 63 72 I3 I3 7«£ NassiW Mrs F West 33.60 22846 GRANDIOSO w5 113 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 DabsonH J Hoskins 25.05 Time, :24, :48%, 1:14, 1:40%, 1:53s. Track fast. Continued on Page Twenty-Three Narragansett Park Continued from Page Eight r- Mutuels Paid — N Odds to * 7.90 3.90 3.00 2.95 .95 .50 II * CONQUEROR Ml utuel n Prices ™;° ::::::::::::: 44° IS m 2 Winner-B. g, by Pharos— Victory, by Svvynford, trained by W. Donnelly; bred in France by Mr. J. E. Widener. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. - WENT TO POST— 3:591. OFF AT 4:00 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from .tail gate. Won easily; second and third driving CONQUEROR II. Up. .moving o out in the back stretch, took command when called upon and drew out o after straightening the eaders £ 5th "peed in reserve. MULTITUDE, prominent throughout and under hght "-ve he d on vv, hmg.y ABYSSINIA worked her way up the winner. in the closing test although never in a position to endanger ra uallv in the last three-eighths and fmished with good energy FRENCH TMF, -**-%££»£ while in close attendance of the pace, was unable to keep pace when placed under P/"ss"rw™X£ CLARION CALL 11. was unable to enter contention. ROYAL CIRCUS tired after three quarters. failed to threaten. Scratched— 22676 Franco Saxon, 116. Overweight— Royal Circus, 2 pounds. __— — — — — — — — — — FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1 :l0Yn— Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Allowances. - 3-111. Gaspee *» 1 3 o A U / n U Non-winners of two races other than maiden or claiming. Weight, May 6-42— Nar 116 lbs. Non-winners of two races of any kind allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 8 lbs. Net value to winner 1840: second. S210: third, 0; fourth, S60. ITx Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* % Str Fin Jockey, Owner, =Bgg 21879A1IXER wb116 1 5 U P li _ JohnstonD SWShapoff 10.05 2 22 AtkinsonT D F Harr.ngton 3.15 22WJACKS GIRL w 111 6 8 43 3* SpOWDER : BLUFF wb116 7 1 3 W 2* W SconzaH Reynolds Bros 10.75. 1.20 SiSaNMINTAN 4» 4«* SnyderWE M Walsh « 116 5 4 2* 3i SIDES IN w. 6 2 7 6»" 7»* 5- B RyanP Mrs L Palladino 9 35 OPACIFICATION wb 111 9 9 54 5" 6» 6*1 WimmerB Mrs K Smart 1220 leHRIMPIF w, 113 10 3 P 6* 7« 7», McMulLnG S,ravo and Petrucci 11.00 fflIIFRFF wbIH 8 2 Pi 83 82 81 BoyleJ M Stuart b7.95 SvSdINA FABLE w 08 3 10 9*5 9» 9» « M-«chAF F.obert Stable 98 30 85.45 10 10 SeaboG Mrs Haskos and Poolos ** 20577 ASK ME w 116 4 6 10 10 Time, _9H. :46Ks. •«• Track fast. /5 - Mutuels Paid , Odds to •»-—- 22 10 7.90 4.80 10.05 295 140 j M,vrp Mutuel Prices Eu*_:::::::::: - » " .5 Winner-B. e. bv Canaan-Hazel Spears, by Drastic, trained by M. Shapoff; bred by Mr. Leo J. Marks. WENT TO POST— 429 OFF AT 4:30 EASTERN WAR TIME. "an JoJ fZVstal. gate Won; second and third .driving. Mg* *andand*££?£* of the until the last,hs, went to the front MB* , _ "JJS Jft pace well withm himself at he end JACK S OIKL W«U pucea a tiring and, drawing clear, was going PO, VDER served for a half mile, saved ground into the stretch then finwrth splendid energy xt BLLJF «.« in the las ■ steadied eood lead and, a one, opened a took command at once, up j BRNMINTAN. hustled into contention from the start, was unable to keep pace the c " fiE hard ridden early, was unable to threaten. SHKlMrit IN IN was was unable unable to to reach reacn the leaders. icaae r . PACIFICATION, outmn therMfter. ALL tKLt. avvav BJeruy, w»» t— »«■ faded to enter contention. 108, 99=04 22584 ri„ Fly Tv Ty, 113 Hi. Easy, Scratched-Ended. 116; 22584 Bagaseen, 113; 22670Strolling SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14 1935— !__•*--X 1 -I 3-111. Bonnet Shores Purse. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and 2 3 f 0/1 1 upward. Allowances. Non-winners of 25 twice since October 15 May 6-42— Nar or ,500 in 1941-42. 3-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races of any value since October 15 allowed 3 lbs., one race of anv value since then, 6 lbs. Claiming races not to considered. Net value to winner 40: second, S210: third, S90; fourth, 0. "index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owner, g--=Q 11140-BULL BRIER wb 4 110 8 1 14 1 _ 1_ lh SeaboG B F Lister JJ 4.40 f22805HICOMB wb 4 113 2 2 3 V 2* 2"k HowellR Mr, R Campbell StnTLE BEANS w4111 6 8 fc» » 5* 32 MooreG Mrs L Palladino 2.25 £ ?S™ENS -..8115 3 3 2i J 4| J* DabsonH Mrs f 6. S 5» BrunelleD R W 19193*LONE SENTRY wb 4 105 1 4 43 C°s gg 1720 22674 tSUN PHAROS wb 5 112 7 5 8 8 T» » *"— J Peterson andCh,lds 196093ENGLISH SETTER wb 4 110 5 7 7* 6* 63 7«i BrennanJ Mrs E J Mont, 130.40 033913CARMENITA wb5109 4 6 M 8 8 Denn.sW Circle S Stable U.«J Apprentice allowance waived. Time. :23!i, :46, 1:11. Track fast. /5 Odds to — -j Mutuels Paid- Mutuel Prices K== - - 5:3 g J" 4 | W.nner-Br. c, by Bull Dog-Rose Eternal, by ErnaL trained by W. E. Collins; bred by Coldstream SU,dWENTT0 POST-4:58i. OFF AT 4:59 EASTERN WAR TIME. third the same. BLLL BRIER went to the second and stall Won dr.vme; SUrt eood from gate. withstood repeated early bids from ROUGH TIME, opened up a dear lead, but was front at once nis utmost at theTto hold HICO.mb safe. The latter, steadied along back of the pace w.s broueht to the outside in the stretch and was catching the winner B. ««**_"• •aiSTbLSfS outside and was fastest at the end despite bearing m. the go.r.g slow to -tart, moved up steadily on several to get to the fron but was unab e made ROUGH TIME forced the pace for the fust half, attempts to keep pace through the last quarter. LONE SENTRY was unable to threaten dunng the stretch dme. CARMENITA quit badly. Scratched— 14618 Wise Father, 112. Overweieht-— Carmenita, 2 pounds. _ — — SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935—1:41—5— 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-2 -5 H7- Purse ,000. i A *7 n i I / - winners of two races since April 10. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, May 6-42— Nar 116 lbs. Non-winners since April 10 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner S700: second. 75: third, S75: fourth. S50. | , index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jj g % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~ Odds Strt 22766 BEAU BRANNON wb 4 114 3 1 V l-4 Pi I1 £ gW I Bieb*r If, 227661DON MOSS wb7116 8 7 53 3, IP H l| SnyderWE Merry-Ho Stable 2.85 22979*HASTE BACK wb 4 105 5 8 6 6»i ** f H F.nneganJ Mrs F C Dunn 28.60 22897*CASH O BOY wsb7111 69 9 5 | 3"k 4i BrunelleD AGa.gnard 1./0 22893IPURCELLVTLLE w 5 116 7 4 32" 3* 5« 5"i BalaskiL J C Braswell 12.60 22721GALLANT ONE kb 4 114 2 3 P 4-i bH 6"k £* MalearT Mrs D Roberts 21.35 22617 BLUE CASTLE w 4 107 4 5 7»i Pi 83 7»k 71 SconzaH D F Harrington 26.45 9 9 8 8 AtkinsonT Tree Farm 13.40 22766 SATIN CAP m 5 113 1 6 P 22843 BONHEUR wb 4 111 9 2 4| P T» I 9 DabsonH Munyon and Downing 8.65 Time, :24, :48, 1:12, 1:39, 1:43|/5- Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to x 16.40 6.50 4.90 720 2.25 1.45 BEAU BRANNON _i , in Mutuel Prices x8£2bL ::::::: 38° iS A Winner-B. r. by Clock Tower-Madrigal, by Maintenon France, trained by P. B.eber; bred by Mr. E D Axton. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:26i. OFF AT 5:26* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out: second and third driving. BEAU BRANNON took command at once, drew clear and, rated along under slight restraint, withstood stout contention and, kept under brisk urging, dominated the running to the end. DON MOSS began moving up throueh the back stretch and held on determinedly in the final drive. HASTE BACK moved up gradually in the last half and continued willingly through the stretch run. CASH O BOY trailed his field into the bna?k *tretch and, while making up ground gradually, failed to menace the leaders during the closing drive. PL RCELLVILLL, prominently placed, faltered in the last three-quarters. GALLANT ONE. well placed early, was unable to keep pace during the last half mile. BONHEUR. piominent early, was unable to keep up. Scratched— 22766 Dear Yankee, 111; 22766 Burgoo Trail, 113; 22970 Siganar, 113. Overweight— Haste Back. 1 pound ; Blue Castle. 1. ■ EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935—1:41—5— 117 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners since O O ft *7 O L 6 U / J Aprii 10. Weight, 116 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, May 6-42— Nar allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second. 75: third, 5; fourth. 0. Inde* HorsTT" Eqt A Wt PP St % K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O5 S 22670 VALDINA GADGET wb 113 12 7 10* 4 5* 21 1"" DennisW W W Crenshaw 15.10 22716*DAISY wb106 8 12 »* J* 1H *4 * BrunelleD Mrs W W Adams 2.75 228032*TWO WAYS wb 106 5 3 t* l| P M P| CraigK V A Mayo 2.45 22832 MARNY wb 108 9 8 t| 5"* PJ P H PiersonNL G W Carroll 20.05 22715*PENOBSCOT w 103 4 2 P 6* 6 P_ 5| BatesT J Whyte 24.10 22803 DARBY DAGUE wb 113 3 10 11s P| 7nk 6» 62 AdairR R E Phillips 9.05 22619 DISPLAY STYLE wbHO 1 9 82 8* 92 7*i VI AtkinsonT F J Kearns 550 22800 MINE wsll3 10 1112 12 103 83 8:!i RyanP Mrs R L Palladino 34.20 22966 fMILL IRON wb 113 7 6 31 2 WW 9| SconzaH Reynolds Bros 9.15 22715 tPETO GINO wb113 6 4 2i 4»k || 91 10"J MaschekF W-L Ranch 26.60 22379*AMAZIA vv 106 11 5 P4I| llll2 114 **dh_ PLaudati 135.60 22670*HATFIELD GIRL wb103 2 1 P llnk12 12 12 FinneganJ S Howard 120.25 tApprentice allowance waived. Time, :24%, :49!s, 1 :14 , 1:41%, 1:45%. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to n li . in* VALDINA GADGET 32.20 14.20 6.00 15.10 6.10 2.00 Mutuel Prices daisy sw 370 150 m TWO WAYS 3.20 .60 Winner— Br. c, by Sortie— Gadget, by Ambassador IV., trained by H. Elston ; bred by Valdina Farms. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:55. OFF AT 5:56 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. VALDINA GADGET encountered tome interference going to the first turn and, outrun until leaving the back stretch, moved up gradually and, responding willingly in the stretch, was along in the closing stride to wear down th« faltering leader. DAISY worked her way up gradually, went to the front when TWO WAYS began tiring, then opened up a good lead, but began tiring in the last sixteenth and just missed holding on long enough. TWO WAYS showed speed in pacemaking, then began tiring in the last five sixteenths, but had enough left to hold MARNY safe. The latter moved up stoutly on the outside through the back stretch, but was unable to close any ground in the final quarter. PENOBSCOT, well placed, failed to make up any ground when called upon. MILL IRON, prominent earlv, tired. MINE trailed earlv and failed to threaten. Scratched— 22966 Caboodle, 106; 22716 Our Will, 116; 19385 Miss Anaconda, 108; 22803Zelleen let, 106; 22559 Crab Apple, 111: 22803 Macks Miss, 103. Overweight — Display Style, 2 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1942050701_8_2
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