Official Racing Charts: Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-07

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OFFICIAL RACING CHARTS L , Copyright, 1942, by Publications, Inc. _____________________________ Pimlico BALTIMORE. MD.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 6. 1942-PIMLICO 1 MILE. Ninth day of twelve-day meeting April 27 to May 9. The Maryland Jockey Club of Baltimore City. Westinghouse starting gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart camera. Steward Representing the Maryland Racinq Commission, William L. Harron. Stewards of Meeting, George Brown. Jr., and Thomas J. Healey. Placing Judges, Edward J. Brennan, M. C. Shea and John Turner, Sr. Patrol Judges. Carter Lee Bowie, William Doyle, Henry Carroll and J. Gilbert Haus. Paddock Judge, William Shewbndge. Clerk of Scales. John Turner. Jr. Starter, James F. Milton. Timer, William Jennings. Racing Secretary. Charles J. McLennan. Steeplechase Racing Secretary, Edward J. Brennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting, 1941, .29; current meeting, .28. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries go as one horse. .. _____ FIRST RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Hasteville, April 27, 1942— :52*s— 2— 110. Purse °00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special weights. 9 *? fl 7 A May 6-42 — Pim Net value to winner 00: second. 50: third, 00: fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 227232TR INGLE w 118 3~ 2 ll 1£ ll SchmidlA C T Chenery 8.50 HIGH BIT w 118 2 5 31 3_ 21 MannJ Brandywine Stable 65.05 22771 2CVMILI.E wb118 11 2h 21 33 RobertsP Christiana Stable 100 22723 TRIPLE SUN w 118 7 6 U 5. 43 TrentH Wm F Hitt 59.05 HO HIM w 118 4 3 42 6J 5J MaddenD A G Vanderbilt 15 221673MY MALLIE wb 118 11 9 83 7» 6* HaasL Gustave Ring 11.40 22723 WISHIHADAGAL w 118 5 4 J" 92 7* MoraH A G Burini 46.00 22848 CAN TIME w 118 9 10 10_. 102 8£ ArcaroE W W Vauehan 6.80 22209*COLLEEN M. w 113 8 7 5» 4» 9l RemerscdF H G Bedwell 13.70 22032 MILITARY GEM w 118 12 11 ll6 ll5 102 GonzlezMN Mrs E Derrico 180.55 22849*TOWER PET m 113 6 8 93 8. ll1 CampbellE Tower Stable 69.55 BUNNYS SISTER w 118 10 12 12 12 12 KeiperP E K Bryson 26.45 Time. :235, :47%, :54 i. Track fast. - Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to v 19.00 8.60 4.20 8.50 3.30 1.10 li , in* TRINGLE Mutuel Prices high bit 53.00 n* 25.M v» CAMILLE 250 " Winner— B. f. by Stimulus— Grade, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by T. M. Waller: bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. WENT TO POST— 2:33. OFF AT 2:33J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. TRINGLE took command under well when threatened and held HIGH BIT safe. rousing tactics, held swav under strong handling, lesponded The latter, well placed throuehout. was forced ■ triilc wide entering the stretch, came fast when straight :jm* finished strongly. CAMILLE saved ground throughout and tired. TRIPLE SUN made up ground. HO HLM lost ground and tired. MY MALLIE closed fast. CAN TIME was outrun. Scratched— 22849 Seventeen Guns. 113: Elizabeth K.. 113; 22771 Superlative. 113; Trigger Rose. 118. SECOND RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Air Master, April 29, 1942— 1:43%_4— 110. rs -t c Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners since March 2-3 5 U / J 3i Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners twice in 1942 allowed 3 lbs.; May 6-42— Pim one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00: second. 50: third. 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A W t PP St *4_jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22975 IMPREGNABLE wb 111 12 5 T- 5 52 3J l"* ScoccaD Mrs R Feinberg 7.85 22770 VALDINA NIECE wb 109 11 4 21 tj 22 2h 22 LynchJ L C Hart 116.75 22812 PHANTOM PLAYER ws 114 9 6 4 ■ 42 4£ 62 3l KeiperP Mrs J B Bond 3.15 22975 G ALLACOURT wb 111 3 1 5* 7» 63 52 4" DeCamillisE Mrs R L Gerry 19.20 22599 DISCAR wb114 8 3 li l1 14 U 5« ArcaroE Mrs H S 7.20 22980 tZORRO wb114 1 2 10! 10! _■ 73 61 SkellyJ Elobee Farm 6.20 223543*TRIPOD wb 105 7 7 3| 3J 3J 4J 7» DattiloJ Mrs D B Miller 3.35 22462 UPROARIOUS welll 6 12 12 12 11J U 8i SchmidlA W P Chrysler Jr 14.70 22812*I.OCH NESS wsb 106 4 11 8i, 92 l| 9£ 9* CrawfordT Mrs V Leonard 8.55 22812*FOOT SOLDIER w 106 2 10 ll2 ll1 12 101 103 CampbellE Brandywine Stable 36.95 22467 MEADOW FUN w 106 10 8 6J 63 U 11J 114 TrentH H E Triplet 222.95 22975WALTER HAIGHT wb 106 5 9 || 8J 8i 12 12 GormanD Alan T Clark 62.65 tApprentice allowance waived. Time, :23?s. :48. 1:13%, 1:41%, 1:48i/5- Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to » li . in- IMPREGNABLE 17.70 9.30 6.00 7.85 3.65 2.00 Mutuel "rices valdina niece 48.50 19.00 23.25 8.50 PHANTOM PLAYER 4.10 105 Winner— Dk. b. g. by Alcazar— Lucky Pledge, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by H. Baker; bred by Belair Stud. Winner entered to be claimed tor ,250. WENT TO POST— 3:01. OFF AT 3:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. IMPREGNABLE, never far back and under steadving restraint until ready, moved forward under strong handling and wore down VALDINA NIECE in the closing stages. The latter, steadied early, responded to strong urging when wearing down DISCAR and was unable to withstand the winner. PHANTOM PLAYER went wide while racing forwardly and closed with a rush. GALLACOURT dropped back when in close quarters, saved ground throughout and finished well. DISCAR broke into TRIPOD at the start, established a clear advantage swiftly and held sway for a mile, then tired. ZORRO showed little. TRIPOD met interference at 4he start, recovered quickly to reach a contending position early and tired in the drive. UPROARIOUS and LOCH NESS were outrun. Scratched— 19279 Grandiloquent, 106. Overweight — Discar, 3 pounds; Tripod. 4. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 58.10. THIRD RACE 2 MILES. Bath, May 1, 1942— 3:49%— 4— 141. Forest Lore Steeplechase. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 2 1 H 7 £ J U / O 4-year-olds, 144 lbs.; 5-year-olds, 150 lbs.; older, 152 lbs. Win-May 6-42 — Pim ners since September 1 of ,500, 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,200 since September 1, if non-winners of ,500 at any time, allowed 3 lbs.; of 50 twice since September 1, 5 lbs.; of 50 twice since June 1, 7 lbs.; one race of 50 since May 1, 1940, allowed 9 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 50; second. S200: third. 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 8 12 15 Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22851 OSSABAW w 8 152 5 5 2« 2* 2" l5 l9 PenrodJ Louis B Mayer 1.25 22851 GOOD CHANCE ws9152 3 4 3* 33 3* 32 2i RobertsE Rokeby Stable 3.45 22851 +CADDIE w 5 149 1 2 5 5 5 f 39 ClemtsHW Montpelier 4.45 22679KIRCUS w 5 141 4 3 1* Is l1 2« 4* BrooksC Mrs George A Garrett 8.25 188893ERAN DE PERSE wb 9 145 2 1 4 43 P 5 5 RobyT Bayard Sharpe 5.15 tApprentice allowance waived. Time, 3:53. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to v 2.40 125 .60 .20 #- 4.50 3.20 OSSABAW LA I D Mutuel M. Prices good chance ™* jjj ■* 3; CADDIE 2.60 30 Winner— Blk. g, by Grandace— Eileen W.. by Knight of the Garter, trained by O. T. Dubasoff; bred by Mr. .1. P. White. WENT TO POST— 3:31. OFF AT 3:31 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from flag. Won easilv ; se-ond and third driving. OSSABAW. under steadying restraint for a mile, moved to CIRCUS when read v. battle! at the twelfth jump, then moved into command leaving the thirteenth brush and won easily. GOOD CHANCE, well back early, made up ground after leaving the fourteenth brush and finished well. CADDIE hobbled at the fourth and thirteenth brush while racing well back, took command under good held sway for a then made up ground on the straightawav. CIRCUS urging, mile and a half and tired. ERAN DE PERSE was outrun. Scratched— 09452 Mad Policy, 152. FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Shuffle Along, Nov. 3, 1923-1:42H-9 7 0 7 7 3 — 110- Purse °00. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. May 6-42 — Pim Net va|UP t0 winner S700: second. 50; third, 00: fourth, 0. *-: : -t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt ]4 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 22599-HAI.F CROWN wTl8~~ 5 5 5i 2J li 1* l1 ArcaroE Stable 1.85 22899-1 UlY wb118 2 1 4J 4£ 2l 22 23 BergM R K Mellon 1-35 22814 LITTLE MONARCH wb 118 8 6 6£ 5* 5i 33 33 KeiperP E G Hackney 7.80 22812- SEA SLAVE w 113 3 9 9 7h 6j 41 4* ScottRD M Seth 12.20 22899 CAUMSETT wb 118 7 8 7- PJ 74 5r 58 GzalczMN Marshall Field Jr 77.80 22017 W INTIME w 113 9 7 8h 8 86 88 6£ ClaggcttH M H Miller 210.25 BMPBUCKET SHOP wb118 4 4 2U 5j 73 74 HaasL Mrs Holland Potter 9.35 22850BAVARDIA wb108 I I 1* 1± 4J 6J 88 TrentH J F C Offutt 3115 22899 KANT DELAY w 118 1 2 PA I 9 9 9 CanningW M E Walker 113.10 Time, :23S. :47S, M*%i 1W%, 1:44%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to , 5.70 2.80 2.60 1.85 .40 .30 li , in* HALF CROWN Mutuel Prices copy 2.60 2.60 .30 « LITTLE MONARCH ru 3.20 .60 Winner— Ch. c, by Hyperion— Gwyniad, by Salmon-Trout, trained by J. A. Healey; bred in Eire by Lord Adare. WENT TO P0ST-4:01. OFF AT 4:03* EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. HALF CROWN, reserved early, raced into command on the outside, responded well when challenged, was put to strong urging after enter- Continued on Page Twenty-Three Pimlico Continued from Page Eight ing the final eighth and drew clear at the end. COPY, probably best, was pinched back on the turn, met interference again going into the upper turn, was sent to the outside approaching the stretch and tired after offering a bold bid. LITTLE MONARCH improved his position on the inside and tired. SEA SLAVE, fractious and away slowly, was in close quarters entering the linal three quarters, improved his position when clear and tired in the last stages. BUCKET SHOP and BAVARDIA had speed. KANT DELAY quit. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Mainmast, May 6, 1924— 1:10%— I 2 0 A 7 ft — 116- Purs€ 200. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. 4-year-J U / O 0idSj 114 ibs • 0ider, 116 lbs. Non-winners since April 12 allowed May 6-42— Pim 3 lbs.; since March 7, 5 lbs.; in 1942, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 2 Ibs. extra for each 00 additional. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; htird. 1100 ; fourth, S50. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22537*ROAD SCRAPER wb4110 2 1 1+ P li 1" GonzlezMN J W Y Martin 4.30 22724 MISS GOSHEN w 4 111£ 1 3 4£ 4J 4» 2* DeCamillisE Cedar Farm 1.30 22811HIGH COMMAND wb 4 114 3 5 3J 33 3£ 3" RobertsP Christiana Stable 9.90 22326 HANDY TOM w 4 114 5 2 2* 23 23 42 SchmidlA O S Jennings 2.25 22776 PETE JR. w 4 102 4 4 5 5 5 5 CrawfordT Cary C Boshamer 8.70 Time, __£, :46, 1:12. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to i i l ID* ROAD SCRAPER 10.60 4.20 3.00 4.30 1.10 .50 /yiutuei r rices miss goshen 2.90 2.40 .45 .20 HIGH COMMAND 3.20 .60 Winner — Ch. g. by High Quest — Con Amore, by High Cloud, trained by F. A. Bonsai, Jr. ; bred by Mr. J. W. Y. Martin. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 4:31J- OFF AT 4:32£ EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ROAD SCRAPER sprinted into a commanding lead swiftly, set a good pace while enjoying a fine advantage, tired in the last stages and outfinished MISS GOSHEN. The latter, well back to the stretch, was sent to the extreme outside and closed resolutely. HIGH COMMAND raced evenly and held on well. HANDY TOM, a factor from the start, tired. PETE JR. was outrun. Overweight — Miss Goshen, 2£ pounds; Pete Jr., 1. SIXTH RACE 1 3-16 MILES. Seabiscuit, Nov. 1, 1938— -1:56%— 5— 120. 0 0 n 7 Q Thirty-Eighth Running DIXIE HANDICAP. 0,000 Added. 3--. j U / y year-olds and upward. Winners of ,000 after announcement of May 6-42 — Pim weights, 3 lbs. extra. Penalty to apply only to horses handicapped at 120 lbs. or less. Net value to winner 9,275; second. ,000; third, S2.000: fourth, ,000. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *a % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22592 WHIRLAWAY vv 4 128 3 8 8 11 63 5* 1| ArcaroE Calumet Farm 165 22607-ATTENTION w 4 124 7 5 4£ 31 1* lh 2J MeadeD Mrs Parker Corning 3.90 226002MIOLAND w 5 126 4 2 65 6* 3l 4J 3h HaasL C S Howard 7.95 22600 CHALLEDON w 6 124 6 7 7* 7 5J 3i 4?J WoolfG W L Brann 5.90 22552 BEST SELLER w 4 114 5 4 lh 123 2h 56 YoungS E R Bradley 12.25 22903IIMPOUND w 6 110 8 6 5* 4* 43 66 610 MaddenD A G Vanderbilt 9.05 22774 AIR MASTER w 4 112 1 1 23 2" 7* 7 7* DeeringJ John L Sullivan 10.60 22903-SIR ALFRED w 4 115 2 3 3h 5£ 8 8 8 KeiperP E G Hackney 57.40 Time, :23%, :47?£, 1:11*4, 1:37*$, 1:57. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to ID* WHIRLAWAY 5.30 3.30 2.50 1.65 65 .25 M. utuei i rices attention 4.70 3.40 1.35 .70 MIOLAND 3.50 .75 Winner — Ch. c. by Blenheim II. — Dustwhirl. bv Sweep, trained by B. A. Jones; bred by Calumet Farm. WENT TO POST— 5:08. OFF AT 5:08 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. WHIRLAWAY dropped back after starting slowest of all, raced well back for three-quarters, picked up his field while racing on the extreme outside, responded to strong hand riding when wearing down the leaders, drifted out slightly when reaching the lead and was drawing clear at the end. ATTENTION, reserved early, movd into the lead on the inside, was unable to draw clear, was put to strong urging to hold BEST SELLER and tired near the end. MIOLAND, well back early, improved his position with a rush on the outside and held on well. CHALLEDON, well back early, raced forwardly on the inside, offered a strong bid midway of the stretch and tired in the last stages. BEST SELLER took command under hustling tactics, drew clear after disposing of AIR MASTER, drifted out slightly approaching th» stretch, came again when straightened and tired. IMPOUND held a prominent position for a mile. AIR MASTER quit badly after seven-eighths. SIR ALFRED was unable to keep up. Scratched— 22903 Filisteo, 108; 22398 Pictor, 122; 22828 Century Note, 112. SEVENTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Mainmast, May 6, 1924—1:10—6 1 0 ft. 0 — 116* Kackasa*11 Purse. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds. Allowances, O J O U x. Non-winners of twice other ,050 than maiden or claiming at May 6-42 — Pim any time. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of 50 four times allowed 3 lbs.; of ,000 since September 21, 6 lbs.; of ,500 since July 1, 9 lbs.; of 00 twice since May 1, 1941, or a race of any value since April 12, 1942, 12 lbs.; of 50 since August 15, 15 lbs.; maidens, 18 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Pads Strt 22728*SUNSET BOY wb 108 8 4 3+ 32 lh 1£ RemcheidF S W Labrot Jr 3l5 22538*COLUMBUS DAY wb108 6 5 6h 6 51 2 GormanD H C Richards 18.75 227283TOMLUTA w 122 3 3 U 42 4 32 ArcaroE T D Buhl 3.05 22728 HIGH CELERITY wb 109 7 2 lh lh 2h 41 KeiperP A H Schoen 6.10 227722BRITON wb104 4 7 7£ 73 72 5" Roberts! Millsdale Stable 3.40 225653*LIT UP w 103 1 6 52 5£ 6£ 6 CampbellE Mrs Veader Leonard 17.35 18394-PONY BALLET wb 108 5 1 2 i FJ 32 7£ SchmidlA Mrs R H Heighe 5.40 22566 MANY LANDS w 111J 2 8 8 8 8 8 DeCamsE Mrs E H Augustus 50.90 Time. :22?£, :464, 1:12. Track fast. 1 i ■ ID* SUNSET BOY 910 5.20 3.50 3.55 1.60 .75 /yiUiuei rrices columbus day 13.50 5.50 5.75 1.75 TOMLUTA 280 .40 Winner — Br. c, by Wise Counsellor — Kitty Williams, by Granite, trained by C. Sutphin ; bred by Mr. W. S. Threlkeld. WENT TO POST— 5:38. OFF AT 5:39£ EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily ; second and third driving. SUNSET BOY, under strong restraint while enjoying a contending position, was sent to the outside of the leaders on the stretch turn, forged to the front, then tired in the last stages, but withstood COLUMBUS DAY. The latter, well back early, was sent through the field for the drive, came to the inside of the winner vvhen inside the final forty yards and closed with a rush. TOMLUTA. never far back, went wide on the turn, then moved forward when straight and finished strongly. HIGH CELERITY, used up setting the pace, tired. BRITON made up ground. LIT UP was unable to keep ud. PONY BALLET, under strong handling from the start, was unable to reach the leaders and quit badly after five-eighths. MANY LANDS was shuffled back on the turn. Scratched— 228503Steel Beam," 100; 22567 Indian Sun. 105. Overweight — High Celerity, 2 pounds ; Many Lands. 4£. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Air Master, April 29, 1942— 1:43?5— 4— 110. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners since March 0 H Q 1 2 J U O I 3i, Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners twice in 1942 allowed 3 lbs.; May 6-42 — Pim one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second. 50; third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St li Vj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 22027 RECORD FLIGHT vv b 112 12 10 10* 6:s P 21 1» SmithE L R Diaz 24.10 22461 BILLS RITA w 101 5 3 4* 3* 21* lh 2* CrawfordT J P Jones 10.10 225393*IVA MAE wb107 4 8 71 5* 52 42 3h RemcheidF J L Friedman 3.95 22467 NORTHPORT - wbUI 2 12 12 10h 73 54* SchmidlA Howe Stable 4.50 22565 BRIAR GIRL w 110* 7 9 3l 42 6* ll 5l GzalezMN H L Straus 38.15 21983 PLAYADE »b111 8 4 22 1*J 1«J 3* 63 MerrittR J H Louchheim 4.65 22597 HEDDA GAB w 106 3 2 lh 22 3" 6* ll DattiloJ Lavann Stable 9.25 22812 HESSEY TIME wbUI 6 11 H« 8* 8* 8* 8* TrentH H H Singer 184.55 22975 FALSE PLAY wb117 1 1 93 9h 10* 9* 9- HaasL J H Stotler 2.90 22770 WHITE SEA w 106 9 5 6* 7h 9*103 10* CampbellE William Chew 36.00 22535 VALE DOVE wb109 11 6 b* ll6 ll4 ll4 ll5 ScoccaD H Virginia 139.20 22535 CURL ON wb114 10 7 8*12 12 12 12 RobertsP Liberty Lane Stable 159.15 Time, :23%, :47S- W%, l3t*f_. 1:48M - Track fast-_ i - in* RECORD FLIGHT 50.20 17.80 7.80 24.10 7.90 2.90 Mutuel rrices bills rita 9.80 6.80 3.90 2.« IVA MAE 3.70 .85 Winner— Br. f, by Jacopo — Grand Flight, by Mad Hatter, trained by P. Sanford; bred by Mr. E. Asburv. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 6:13*. OFF AT 6:14 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. RECORD FLIGHT, slow to begin and well back early, worked her way forward steadily, responded to strong urging when wearing down BILLS RITA and was drawing clear at the end. BILLS RITA, a factor from the start and reserved for three-quarters, was sent to the inside to take command nearing the final eighth, was unable to draw clear and tired near the end. IVA MAE lost much ground and finished stronely. NORTHPORT came from well back. BRIAR GAL raced wide. HEDDA GAB, used up in the pace, quit under pressure. PLAYADE had good speed for seven-eighths, then tired. FALSE PLAY was outrun. Scratched— 22544 On Loan, 111. Overweight — Briar Gal, 4* pounds.

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