Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Churchill, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-07

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CA/C CD/C PDA nCH U A Kl IMf* A DQ Worlds Leading Handicapper for Thirteen Years JYYLLI J V3 lM JVmJ M M M L/ I V*M I J Comment -:- Weights -:- Post Positions -;- Probable Odds CHURCHILL For Track Conditions See Box on Page 1 I ST RACE— 7-8 MILE. 2:00 P. M. ■ 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Prob. P.P. Horse. Wt. Mud. Odds. 8 FLY ME 118 X 2-1 17 TORANTAL 105 10-1 16 PETEE GENE 113 X 5-1 4 HOME FOLKS 118 X 5-1 7 DARBY DEMON 110 X 6-1 1 FAST START 113 X 15-1 2 BOBBIN 113 X 10-1 3 CORALIEB. 100 X 15-1 5 HIJOU 118 X 25-1 6 TRA-LA-LA 113 X 30-1 9 BURMAN 113 X 12-1 10 MERITORIOUS 118 X 15-1 II SANDERS 118 X 15-1 12 BABYTHERESE 113 X 50-1 13 HADADEAR 118 X 12-1 14 GAY NASH 105 12-1 15 BROWN SLAVE 113 * 25-1 18 FOUNTAIN HEAD 118 X 8-1 19 MASKED DUKE 110 15-1 20 PATROL FLIGHT 113 X 8-1 Fly Me. bred for the muddy going, stands out in the opener. Torantal rates the next best. Petee Gene will be closing gamely. OND RACE— 6 1-2 FURLGS. 2:30 P. M. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 13 PENWIPE 105 X 3-1 1 MISTLETOE 109 ® 3-1 4 TINDER GA L 110 5-1 3 ARROWTRACTION 114 * 10-1 7 LINGER ON 110 X 5-1 2 ALROSE 114 X 8-1 5 HIS HIGHNESS 110 10-1 6 SIDETRACK 114 * 8-1 8 CANTATA 107 X 15-1 9 SWEEP THROUGH 112 X 12-1 10 STUART B. 105 20-1 11 MOTHERS GIRL 105 X 15-1 12 STEARS 107 X 12-1 Penwipe is the most consistent of these. Mistletoe may prove tough to be over a muddy strip. Tinder Gal was an easy winner last outing. ORD RACE— 6 1-2 FURLGS. 3:00 P. M. ** 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 9 COMMENDABLE 112 X 7-5 2 WISE FIRE 107 X 5-2 6 SABRA 105 X 8-1 7 PRINCE GALE 112 X 8-1 1 GRIERS STAR 110 20-1 3 KATES KITTEN 107 X 30-1 4 SKATING FOOL 112 X 12-1 5 LITTLE SARAH 105 X 10-1 8 BESS PEP 105 15-1 10 CAL NAISHAPUR 110 * 12-1 11 STOP II. 112 10-1 12 DEEBA 112 X 10-1 Commendable should be first under the wire. Wise Fire is the main danger. Sabra may crash the pay-off. ATH RACE— 4 1-2 FURLGS. 3:30 P. M. 2-Year-Olds. Maidens. Fillies. 4 REWARDED 116 3-1 2 a-HARD DIAMOND 116 5-2 19 CHOP SUEY 116 3-1 6 I LOV BRIDGE 116 8-1 1 MISS MARFA 116 12-1 3 RUTH GREENOCK 116 10-1 5 BALLA TRYST 116 40-1 7 CHATA H. Ill 20-1 8 PROGNOSTIC 116 12-1 9 CAPTAIN RUTH 116 8-1 10 FAIRY O. 116 15-1 11 YELLOW POPPY 111 20-1 12 EDITH T. 116 25-1 !l3 b-FLINTEE 116 10-1 14 SUGAR FAYE 116 20-1 j 15 a-DIESEL SHOT 116 5-2 116 b-NEDOLA 116 10-1 I 17 SUNARIAN 116 30-1 ! 18 FEALTY 111 8-1 0 ARIEL LADY 116 10-1 a-Shoestring Stable entry; b-M. B. Goff entry. Rewarded is accorded edge in a limit field. Hard Diamond is liked by the dockers. Chop Suey rates a money chance if he gets in. ! CTH RACE— 3-4 MILE. 4:00 P. M. • 3-Year-Olds. Fillies. Claiming. | 12 SUPRINE 113 ® 9-5 7 EPISTLE 105 2-1 i 5 BEAD 110 5-1 10 BIRD HIGH 108 4-1 1 STAR DANCE 110 10-1 2 SILK YARN 110 20-1 3 GALELKA 110 X 10-1 4 MISSMAHOOT 107 25-1 6 GLADACRES MARY 110 15-1 8 HILLFTLLY 108 15-1 9 GAY KIT 105 40-1 11 STAR MONARCH 113 X 12-1 13 FOREST DO 113 X 15-1 14 BLUE CHIP 113 X 8-1 15 FLAG LILY 110 X 20-1 16 MISS LETTTIA 110 30-1 Suprine finds the "off" track made to order for a winning gallop. Epistle is holding top form nicely. Bead is dropping down a notch. ZTH RACE— 3-4 MILE. 4:30 P. M. " 3-Year-Olds. Fillies. Claiming. 3 CHANCE ANN 116 X 8-5 1 OKOOLE MALUNA 113 5-1 13 MISS LEXINGTON 113 6-1 14 COUNTMEIN 113 X 8-1 10 IDA STRENG 110 4-1 2 AMERICAN BRIDE 110 45-1 4 RIVERLASS 110 20-1 5 MARGE ADVICE 110 35-1 6 ROSEMERE ROSE 113 20-1 7 EPICYCLE 113 15-1 8 TIPTOLATE 110 12-1 9 SYMMETRY 110 X 10-1 11 VENETIA 113 40-1 12 LADY JUDY 110 30-1 15 MY MYRI 113 X 8-1 Chance Ann should come right back for another. Okoole Maluna is nearing best ■form. Miss Lexington flashed early speed last start. 7TH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 5:00 P. M. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 8 KAI-HI 117 X 5-2 6 McGARVEY 113 4-1 5 MUCHO GUSTO 113 ® 5-2 1 MAD MACAW 107 X 8-1 3 TIPPITY 113 X 5-1 4 HUP NANCY 109 X 6-1 2 LITTLE MOM 105 X 12-1 1 7 ESSJAYTEE 113 X 10-1 Kai-Hi was never better. Looks good for another. McGarvey won oly try like a good one. Mucho Gusto is old but still capable of winning. OTH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 5:30 P. M. u 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 5 DANCING LIGHT 114 X 5-2 4 VIRGINIA ROSE 102 X 4-1 1 HAPPY KHAYYAM 113 * 6-1 11 MISS BONNIE 104 X 6-1 9 SURGEON DICK 107 X 8-1 2 PARI CALL 102 X 10-1 3 DUCK STANS 112 X 20-1 6 DARBY DEAN 109 X 12-1 7 BROWN STREET 107 X 50-1 i 8 SPARKLING HEEL 106 X 15-1 10 MELODY TONE 107 * 10-1 12 PAPALINDA 112 X 30-1 Dancing Light appears the solid horse in this field. Virginia Rose is capable of argument. Happy Khayyam is not out of it. QTH RACE— 7-8 MILE. Substitute. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 8 HIGH VOTE 113 X 3-1 13 TAKEN 118 X 3-1 1 GO HOME 118 X 4-1 9 SYMPHON 118 X 5-1 14 CLARCAROLE 113 X 6-1 2 THREE ACES 110 45-1 3 TENSLEEP 113 15-1 4 MONKS MEMO 113 X 25-1 5 BOOKIE Mc 108 X 35-1 6 QUERO GREENOCK 118 * 10-1 7 VALLEY BYRD 110 25-1 10 IN RANGE 118 X 20-1 11 KERNELETTE 108 X 35-1 12 QUEENIE 108 X 30-1 15 DOUBLE VALUE 118 8-1 16 FRANK L. 110 40-1 17 WINWITHME 110 45-1 18 CARLADE 113 X 40-1 19 HIZEKKO 110 25-1 20 MACKS PRINCE 105 X 12-1 High Vote fits the spot. Should lead throughout. Taken is sure to show improvement. Go Home, a good mudder, is not overmatched.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942050701/drf1942050701_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1942050701_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800