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OFFICIAL RACING CHARTS . Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. ■ ■ Sportsmans Park Sixteenth day of nine-teen-day PARK 1-2 MILE CICERO ILL WEDNESDAY. MAY 13. 1942-SPORTSMANS rneetin! , gnJW to May 16. Nat.onal Jockey Club. Bahr gate used. Harvey camera. Steward Representing Illinois Racing Board, William Hamilton. Stewards of meeting. JjJ. Graddy and W. R. Dahlstrom. Patrol Judges. W. Dav.s, R. Stubbs and W. A. Reagan. R P McAuliffe Judges. Al Nun and G Swain9 Paddock Judge, J. P. Gruber. Clerk of Scales. G. W. Morrow. T.mer, C. L. Trimble. Starter. G. R. Wingfield. Racing Secretary. Patrick C. Galliger. W indicates whip. S SPU.B blinkers. -Indicates five Racino starts at 2:15 p. m. Central War Time. pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting 1941. .30; current .36. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one norse. No field horses. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE Out of Chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934—1:00%— 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. 3-year -L 4—105. Purse 00. i • 4 A £ 5 4 U O 0jdSt 106 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. Winners since April 24, 3 lbs. extra May 13-42— Spt for each race won. Winners since April 24 not to be entered for less than ,250. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second. 25; third, S50; fourth, S25. _ Index Horses Eo/t A TpP St ft *s Str Fin Jockeys Owners gj* g Strt W? MartinG J Barrett 7 40 231793ARCHED wh 5 114 9 5 |f_j 23177*CHIEFS BOY wb6115 2 9 6* 22 * 2* RobertsonK CF Wagner 8.W 22081 VALDINA REBEL w 4 114 4 10 l» 4h 4* 3* SylvesterA Guerrera and Ross. 69.80 23176 +MILLMORE wb6117 11 4 H 3* f LoTurcoA C H IDursCh 2.60 S» 5* MacAndwD Pardee and Lilywh.te 35.10 22908 +RIZRAZ wb31084 6 I P 54 23177 C C CURTISS W.4U7 3 2 4" 6* *4 •• OrosJE Mrs E Oros TJ0 23028*GREY FLASH m 7 110 7 7 7h 84 8* 73 GillespieW J Flynn 4S.5U 22984FUTURE WINNING w 5 115 5 3 5" P 73 || GuerinE Caldwell and Burke 4.30 22909 SHARPSHELL « 4 114 10 4 10 9* f 9« JonesRJ K Mayer U 12975*STARVEISTA wb 3 1044 8 6 9*10 10 10 HigleyJ D J Gleeson 3.80 tApprentice allowance waived. T me. :24 5, :49. 1:02*5- Track 9ood- . « - Mutuels Paid — v , Odds njJ to , , . . -. . ARCHED 16.80 8.60 6.40 7.40 3.30 2.20 Mutuel Prices 90° 35° ":§s g« »*" :::::::: « Time, trained by W. L. Hoag ; bred by Mrs. L. J. Winner— Ch. h, by Monks Way— Fairy Rine. by High Hickman. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:18. OFF AT 2:184 CENTRAL WAR TIME. second and third the same. ARCHED, a forward factor from SUrt good from stall eate. Won driving; Treed front and, under drew away roundm, ; the r »he ;tart. to the entering the back stretch urging, he started to tire and just lasted to win turn, was forced to a drive in the final sixteenth when _*«•«*• CHIEFS BOY, alwavs within striking distance of the pace, moved up strongly entering the final eighth while saving ground and was wearing down the winner at the end. VALDINA REBEL well back early closed tronglv after reaching the stretch. M1LLMORE took command at the start, set the pace for a quarter, LSJnfSSSiS. Shir.ey C. 115; 23290Happy Winner, 109; 23178 Pitanoa, 114; 22735 Chance Lark, 101; 23297 2 Matchless, 104. Overweight— Riz Raz. 2j pounds: Starweista, 54- ____________ — — — SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE Out of Chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934—1:00%— 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-Z 4—105. Purse 00. *» • A f "7 5 4 U / 0ids, 106 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. Winners since April 24, 3 lbs. extra May 13-42— Spt for each race won. Winners since April 24 not to be entered for less than ,250. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 25 ; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j_ z* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds_Sl_StrH 23177*WWMOUR w 4 104 2 1 li 1" H l2 GillespieW Mrs H Parson 3.90 23032 REMARKABLE we 7 120 7 3 2* P 2 2* MacAndwD Mrs J Hayes 1.10 23179 HAL CURTIS wb5114 1 2 4i 4i 3» 3" AloneiV J K.bbe A4./0 18476CANTOVINO wb6104 6 5 6- 53 5; 44 HialeyJ A Gemelli 1640 23239 TU SCO wb6114 4 6 5* 64 6* 5» LitzbgerH Mrs G B Scallon 4»U 23177 FIVE FIFTY wb4114 8 4 3h 3* 4 6i OrosJE E E Irby 4.90 23084*STATION HOUSE wb3 98 9 9 10 8J 8* 7j PucciB Mrs C Lucas U5» 23181 JAY HEART w 6 114 10 10 V 9h 9* 8J SyhesterA C H Lorden 51d.SU 23028 PRETTY ROSE we 5 109 3 8 8* V- V 9-° HaycockMJ E R Morns 54.10 08394 TARDY JEST w 7 114 5 7 710 10 10 WhiteE E Pennington bl.lU Time, :2425, :49S, 1:03- Track good. , — S2 Mutuels Paid — , Odds to 1 9.80 4.00 3.40 3.90 1.00 .70 . • WAWMOUR kA , n Mutuel Prices rarkble ........... 3.00 .50 * Winner— Gr. f. by Wanoah— Pecey Amour, by Strathleven, trained by C. J. Martin, Jr.; bred by Messrs. Channel Bro~. Winner entered to be claimed for S1.0C0. WENT TO POST-2:49. OFF AT 2:49 CENTRAL WAR TIME. , third W ,...„„™.D AW M Ol R took t command a Start eood from s, ,11 gate. Won ndden out: second and his able to withstand a bold challenee from REMARKABLE going at once and, setting all own Pa,e, was down the back stretch, then, under punishment, came on. to win coing away in the final drive the latter, alwavs in closest pursuit of the winner, rushed up on the outside after gome a quarter and held on with mdcMiaH to the final eighth, then tired. HAL CURTIS, always in a contendine position closed gamely in the last quarter to get the show narrowly. CANTOV1NO closed some ground after reaching the final eighth while savins eround FIVE FIFTY tired after showine ome early speod. ffr*; l,aj,ra. ,M; 08268L,mitation, 107; 23290 Rentable, 115; 23290 Town Lace, 109; 232392Roman Descent. 115; 195283Hadalad. 114. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 05.00. THIRD RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS. Pollys Folly, May 19, 1932— 1:20%— 4— 106. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners - Purse 00- 3-year-olds. *i O A Q / 5 4 U O since April 24 of two races allowed 2 lbs.; one race since then, May 13-42— Spt 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,350, allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. , Indel HoTsTs Eqt A Wt PP St H M Str F.n Jockeys Owners 0ddy Strt 23084-*MADAM HIGH w 108 9 1 1»4 1" 1! 1* GuerinE F Sanders 2.40 123238 KEEKEE will 15 5h 4h 2* 22 LitzbeerH Mrs J Purpura A.UU BS07*RANCaLE «b102 I 8 8l 7h 5* 3* JteevesRW N Rasmussen 13.90 230B43-BOXIDA «■ 101 2 4 6 5s 3« 0» MurphyS Mrs J Wallace 24.40 22935*MISS VICTORY w» 105 8 2 SJ 3h 4i 5J HaleyT Mrs H P Bonner 7.50 229852GUEST STAR wbH4 6 9 9 9 7s 61 OrosJE Mrs M Weil 4.80 23238 COMEX wbUI 4 6 71 83 62 7in MacAndwD Clark and Hedde 32.90 23178-PERHOBO wb 1097 7 42 61 8 8 JohnsonWL C R Valentine 12.00 22820 "RATION wb108 5 3 2- 21 I., rider. HigleyJ W" F Mannagh 6.90 Time, :2425, :505, 1:172, 1:25%. Track good. , — Mutuels Paid — Odds to s 3.60 3.00 2.40 .80 .50 6.80 WADAM HIGH Ml utuel Prices n keekee 4.40 5* 1.20 j Zi0 6-60 RANGLE _ . Winner-B. f. by Higher— New Beauty, by Delhi, trained by E. E. Major; bred by Mr. B. A. Jones. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST-3:16J. OFF AT 3:17* CENTRAL WAR TIME. _-.«.-. xnru HGH sent i ,„ to «k. the Start gMd from stall eate Won easily; second and third drmne. MADAM was front at the start and. having much spe«l, drew awav into a long lead in the first half mile then held her advantaee to the end to win bv a wide margin. KEEKEE. WcC back for a quarter, closed steadily while nviM eround rounding the final turn and was going eamely at the end, but was no match tor the winner. BOXIDA raced in spots, but was never a daneerous contender. RANGLE closed much eroui.d in Ike final eiehth. HISS VICTORY tired after displaying good early speed. RATION was running ■ second place rounding the second tun- when she quit suddenly, throwing her rider over her head. Scratched— 23238 TaTes Boy. 106:23130 Choiceale, 106; 23292 Ribault, 111; 23084 Chic Prince, 111. Overweight Kticfcw, 2 pounds; Rangle. 1; Miss Victory, 4; Perhobo, 3J . C!aimed— Guest Star by Mrs. T. M. Pruett for S1.350. FOURTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932—1:26%— 1 A f Q 7—105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-j 2 4 U y winners of two races since January 7. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, May 13 42 — Spt 117 lbs. Non-winners since April 24 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00 ; second, S125; third, 0; fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St U Vx r * Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds g Strt 23089-COMMISSI7N w~7Tl4_7 2 4h 4 * 3s 1" MacAndwD T B McGrath 170 23132- PALL LEE wb 6 112 10 1 li ll l1 l3 22 GillespieW Mrs S Smith 4.10 23133-HAPPENED w 5 114 9 4 2 V 14 2h 3* TrombleyD R L Oldham 6.90 23133 -ROIDEF wb6109 3 5 § | 5* 5" 4h 4 GuerinE Whatley and Fogelson 14.10 22C17IMPEI!IAL JONES m 7117 5 8 3* S| SI and4 H LoTurcoA G Corbet 9.40 23179 LILLIAN ROTH wb7 104 8 9 |H| * 6»» 63 63 MurphyS Mrs F F Burrell 34.00 23133 CHRYSE3S m 9 109 4 3 7J 9* 8h 7* I2 FranklinE G Gilbert 67.10 231£*FALSWEEP wb5104 1 7 5« 6 I» 8i 8l RobertsonK Mrs C Willis 31.60 23088 DQNNAG1NA wb5112 2 10 10 10 10 91 l| HaskellL C I Dav.son 5.80 23177- t.MY GREY TET wb4111 i 6 8 8» 9*10 10 HaycockMJ Luciani and Henne 87.40 tApprentice allovxance waived. Time, :24/5, ■»%, 1:17, 1:31. Track good. Continued on Page Twenty Sportsmans Park Continued from Page Four r—%2 Mutuels Paid — , Odds to 11 * ID* COMMISSION 5.40 3.40 2.80 1.70 .70 .40 Mm uruel rrices paullee am zm m .* HAPPENED 4.20 1.1i Winner — B. g, by Banstar England — Siesta II., by Alcantara II., trained by P. L. Kelley ; bred by Mr. J. E. Widener. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:48. OFF AT 3:48i CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second ?nd third the same. COMMISSION, outrun for a half mile, moved up strongly on the outside entering the final eighth and, under a drive all through the stretch, got up in the last stride to win narrowly. PAUL LEE took command at once, set all the pace to the final seventy yards, then tired when the winner challenged. HAPPENED, a forward factor from the beginning, forced the pace to midway of the stretch, then tired. ROIDEF raced evenly and was never able to threaten the leaders. IMPERIAL JONES showed some earlv speed, then tired. Scratched— 18792 Grey Eye, 101; 22817 Estrellita, 109 23237 Gato, 114; 23179 Wicked Time, 114; 23179 Swing Leader, 106; 23136 Queens Barge, 109. Overweight — Falsweep, 1 pound. FIFTH RACE 5-8 MILE Out of Chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934—1:00%— o i i i a 4 — 105. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Weight, 120 lbs. £. j *f I V* Winners since April 24 of a race other than maiden or claiming, May 13-42 — Spt % lbs. extra. Non-winners of two races at any time allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 7 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ft % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23030 *PRINCE PUCK w 112 1 1 2l 1J l3 l2 HigleyJ Mrs jH P Bonner +1.30 23086*ARRIVE ON TIME wb 117 5 8 7« 5 21 23 OrosJE Mrs W Burke 2.90 22983*GABE w 115 8 4 1£ 2 33 32£ JohnsonEM Wm Mikel 13.80 22687 KING EPITHET wb113 2 6 4h 4| 43 41 LoTurcoA Mrs T M Pruett 99.40 LITTLETOWN w113 4 3 82i 82 6± 5 » LitzbgerH C Nuckols 10.80 23086MAY D. KAN w 117 9 5 32 62, 5* 6* HaleyT - Mrs H P Bonner +1.30 23131 SARACEN SINGER w 113 6 9 9 9 9 72 CarrA W F and C V Sparks 26.40 23131 *GREENOCKS COIN w 109 3 2 5* 74 7n 81 GuerinE Mrs A Gaal 10.00 228582 MILITARY SAND w 117 7 7 6J 5» 81 9 MacAndwD Funk and Roth 5.70 +Coupled as Mrs. H. P. Bonner entrv. Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24%, :50j/5, 1:04%. Track good. t — Mutuels Paid — v , Odds to N L A m. in* PRINCE PUCK Entry... 4.60 2.60 2.20 1.30 .30 .10 Miituel rrices arrive on time 3.40 2.80 .70 .40 GABE 3.80 .90 Winner — Ch. g, by Port au Prince — Roman Beauty, by Missionary, trained by B. Hernandez; bred by Mr. C. D. Cobb. WENT TO POST— 4:19. OFF AT 4:22 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. PRINCE PUCK, fell up in the early running, forged to the front entering the back stretch and, under slight urging, steadily increased his advantage to win going away. ARRIVE ON TIME, slow to settle into stride, moved up strongly while racing on the outside rounding the final turn, finished gamely, but was no real threat to the winner. GABE took command going to the first turn, set the pace for a quarter, then tired when the real racing began in the stretch. KING EPITHET raced evenly, but was never able to improve his position. LITTLETOWN was never prominent. JAY D. KAN showed good early speed, then tired. MILITARY SAND was never able to reach a contending position and was tiring near the end. Scratched— Sun Bush, 110; 23086 Locked Door, 114; 23086 Flying King, 112. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Semester, May 18, 1932—1:46—3— 9411 105. Aurora Purse. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds and upward. Al-* 3 ■» I I lowances. Non-winners of 05 twice other than claiming since May 13-42— Spt January 7. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners of a race other than claiming since April 24 allowed 3 lbs.; one race of any kind since then, 5. lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 232412*T. M. DORSETT wb 6 110 5 3 1G l3i l5 1*1 l1 GuerinE Joe W Brown 1.40 232422*RELIOUS wb 4 113 4 2 34 2»» 2* 24 2* HigleyJ C H Dursch 2.60 23087 MOSELEM wb 5 120 3 1 6 51 54 3* 3s OrosJE Mrs Monte Weil 5.00 23242 BOBS WAY wb 4 118 2 5 4" 41 42 58 4« MacAndwD E R Moulder 10.00 231803*EVIL SPIRIT wb5110 1 4 24 3* 32 4» 52 HaleyT Columbine Stable 16.00 23034 *ALLEN JAY wb4110 6 6 51 6 6 6 6 IngessC B Hernandez 7.10 Time, :24%, :50%, 1:16%, 1:43%, 1:49%. Track good. r—%2 Mutuels Paid — v , Odds to * ki M. .1 D_:~._ T- M- DORSETT 4.80 2.80 2.60 1.40 .40 .30 fYlUlUGI I riCCS RELIOUS 2.60 2.40 .30 .20 MOSELEM 3.20 .60 Winner — Br. h, by Cohort — Michigan Girl, by Rire aux Larmes, trained by J. B. Theall ; bred by Mrs. Joe E. Brown. WENT TO POST— 4:49*. OFF AT 4:49* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. T. M. DORSETT, having good early speed, took a long lead rounding the first turn and, under mild urging, held his advantage to the final eighth, then had to be shaken up to hold the closing rush of RELIOUS. The latter, closest to the winner aftef going the first quarter, closed strongly rounding the final turn and was wearing down the winner at the end. MOSELEM, very slow to settle into stride, closed much ground in the final quarter. BOBS WAY raced evenly. EVIL SPIRIT tired after showing good early speed. ALLENJAY was never a serious contender. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Irish Image, Oct. 15, 1934— 1:55%— 3— 109. Purse *y o A ] O 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 112 lbs.; " *" • ™ older, 114 lbs. Winners since April 24, 3 lbs. extra for each race May 13-42 — Spt won since then. Non-winners since January 7 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M *A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23244 *WEE SCOT wb4108 3 7 6£ 5* 3£ 1* l6 HiglevJ Mrs H P Bonner HiO 23294-*EQUIOVAL wb 4 104 2 2 1* 1* 12 22 24 MurphvS A Jung 4.20 22783TOMS LADD w 4 115 6 3 3n 2n 23 34 3« LoTurcoA Mrs A F Laury 5.10 18002 EXTENDED w 7 113 7 4 4* 42 4£ 42 4s AlongiV W J Lynch 60.90 22738 +LYNER wb 5 114 4 1 2* 3* 55 5s 5" MacAndwD Funk and Roth 5.50 23035 *HALL1E wb6110 5 5 5* 66 65 68 68 IngessC Ruth Sidell 3.90 16561 JAY BIRD w8 111 167 7 7 7 7 HaycockMJ J H Murphy Jr 78.40 tApprentice allowance waived. Time, :24%, Ai%, 1:164£, 1:44%, 1:59%. Track good. kA..t..ssl D:/.«r WEE SC0T 620 280 2-40 18° 40 -20 /viuiuci 1 rices eouioval 4.20 3.40 1.10 .70 TOMS LADD 3.40 .70 Winner — B. f, by Espino — Sunny Lassie, by Sun Flag, trained by B. Hernandez ; bred by Mr. William Ziegler, Jr. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 5:17. OFF AT 5:17* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. WEE SCOT, very slow to settle into stride, moved up strongly after being steered to the outside going down the back stretch the last time around, forged to the front entering the final eighth and, having plenty left, came on to win as she pleased. EQUIOVAL took the lead soon after the start, set the pace to the final quarter, then tired slightly when the winner challenged, but, under a drive, came on to save the place. TOMS LADD raced well up to the final eighth, then tired and just managed to last to get the show. EXTENDED raced evenly and was never a serious factor. LYNER showed some early speed. Overweight — Extended, 2 pounds. EIGHTH RACE 1 7-8 MILES Out of Chute. Bosopi, Oct. 26, 1935—3:22—3 4 | i 1 9 -107. Purse ,100. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-*. j *f I J winners of two races over one and one-eighth miles since April May 13-42— Spt 24. 4-year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 112 lbs. Winners over one and one-eighth miles since April 24, 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of any race since April 24 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 20; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5; next four, 0 each. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi 1 Vand Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23183*ARDOUR wb 5 105 10 1 4« 3* 1* 1* l5 GuerinE E Kelley 6.20 22914 +TACHEONE wb 7 106 4 10 10 10 4| 3* 26 LerrTmonsH C H Dursch 4.90 23294 HENO LION wb7109 8 3 31 4» 2s 2* 33 HaycockMJ Mrs J L Oglesby 6.80 22914 LITTLE BANNER wb 8 104 5 9 93 9* 6* 65 4* FranklinE E H Adams 15.00 23089*POMPTON w4104£3 5 51 5* 34 4* 52 HigleyJ Mrs T Garner 2.70 23183*PROMPTO wb4105*7 6 7 6» 51* 5* 63 RobertsonK C F Wagner 7.50 23244*BOSKY DELL wb4105 6 2 2» 2» 82* 86 7* HaleyT Mrs H P Bonner 5.30 22988 JACKS PRIDE w 4 112 2 7 8" 83 75 7* 85 LoTurcoA M Whitebrook 16.30 23296 +CMANYMOR wb 6 1Q9 1 4 1 1* 9« 9« 9*° JohnsonWL E C Roth 148.90 232"96*FLUSHING wb 5 104 9 8 64 7* 10 10 10 GillespieW C E Lund 160.50 +Apprentice allowance waivj. Time, :25, :51%, 1:19%, 1:48/5, 2:16%, 2:46J4, 3:14]/5, 3:29. Track good. r~ XL Mutwls fH*—s i Odds to , 11 ■ I n • ARDOUR UM 0 4* 4.4t lit 120 1.M Mutuel ITIUIHWl Prices « tacheone *.* «w i.» i.« HENOLION 4.N I.N Winner— B. g, by Clock Tower — On Her Toes, by High Time, trained by E. Kelley; bred by Mr. Samuel D. Riddle. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:46. OFF AT 5:46 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. ARDOUR, well rated back of the pace for a mile, moved up when ready the third time around, then drew away as he pleased in the final half mile to win by a wide margin. TACHEONE trailed the field for a mile, then, while saving ground, moved up steadily and closed gamely in the final quarter, but was no match for the winner. HENO LION raced ki spots and made several attempts, but could never threaten the leaders and was a tiring third. LITTLE BANNER closed some eround in the final half mile, but could not reach a contending position. POMPTON raced evenly. BOSKY DELL showed speed for a mile, then gave up. MANYMOR set the pace for a mile, then dropped back. The others were never within striking distance of the leaders. Overweieht— Ardour, 1 pound; Tacheone, 2; Pompton. 24 ; Prompto, 34; Bosky Dell. 2; Jacks Pride. 5. NINTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Pigreon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932—1:26%— 2 7 A 1 71/ 7 — 1®5* Purse 00- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-* • 5 /2 winners of two races since January 7. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. Non-winners since April 24 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. DECLARED OFF.