Official Racing Charts: Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-14

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Churchill Downs LOUISVILLE, KY., WEDNESDAY, MAY 13. 1942-CHURCHILL DOWNS 1 MILE. Sixteenth day of nineteen-day meeting April 25 to May 18. Churchill Downs, Inc. Bahr gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Kuprion camera. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Central War Time. FIRST RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21, 1921— 1:23? and— 0 110*? 4 — 110, Purse 00- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-_. J J s J winners of two races since April 24. 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older, May 13-42— CD 122 lbs. Non-winners since April 24 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second. 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds %l Strt 23212 :GINGALL w 3 110 12 1 PJ li l2 l"i l5 CraieA J Klein 2 00 22952 HERE SHE IS w 3 10611 3 62 44 2h Vt U WeidamanF A B Hancock Jr 12 50 23102 SUPRINE wb3107 7 10 1431 U lj 3* PariseS F P Letellier 150 22875 NORSWEEP w 6 117 9 8 11 5i 52 5i 4i KnottK C A ONeil Jr 5.80 21329 ROMAN GYPSY wb 4 114 10 2 ty 8J 62 b3 5 WallaceG Miss Martha Ward 82.60 22875 PRESENT TIME wb 5 114 5 5 22 2 42 41 62 BrooksS H H Atkins +32.80 22511 LAUNSGO w 3 1064 3 9 W3 9i ?l 7i 7 HooperC Mrs George Ledermeier +32.80 22375iHI-CARL « 4 119 1 11 114 12 12 82 8 AdamsJ E Wyatt 20.50 22402 FOREST DO w 3 110 2 7 7h 74 94 91 92 LeBlancE Buckley and. Maybrier +32 80 22951 tKERNELETTE wb5114 4 12 12 U4U4 114 10* BodiouA C Underwood 1530 22551 BRILLIANT HOPE w 3 111 6 6 4h W 104 104 114 FallonML J B Brashear 89.70 23098 GAY NASH wb3110 8 4 5» 6h 8" 12 12 BortonW W E Smith 88 80 tMutuel field. Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :46*£, 1:12Ks, 1:26. Track fast. ■v r— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to j * GINGALL ?. 6.00 3.80 2.40 2.00 90 .20 Ml utuel Prices n hERE she is.. 10.20 u» 4.10 .0 SUPRINE z-40 _■ Winner— B. e, by Gino— Sun Edna, by Sun Briar, trained by B. Parke; bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST-2:094- OFF AT 2:12 CENTRAL WAR TIME. -_,- _. second and third drivine. GINGALL. alertly handled, took command Start eood from stall eate. Won easily ; at once, shook off PRESENT TIME after three-eighths and drew out steadily thereafter to win as hi» rider pleased. HERE SHE IS, a factor from the start, came determinedly when hard urged in the drive, SUPRINE the closing strides. SL PRINE, slow U , beein but could not reach the winner, though besting in worked wav up steadily on the outside and made a bold bid entering the stretch, then faltered. NORSWbt-f raced evenly throughout and had no excuses. ROMAN GYPSY could not better position under good handling and tired in the f.nal eighth PRESENT TIME forced the pace to the upper *u™- but failed to stay under punishment. HI-CARL, fractious at the post, showed little in the running. BRILLIANT HOFt ami-UAi Scratched-231WVePssepep. 109; 23205Little Kingpin, 110; 18961 Marbold, 114; 22476 Floy G., 114; 23103 Venetia, 105; 22085 Dissension Sir, 119; 23102 Hillfilly, 105; 21646 Okoole Maluna, 100 Overweight— Here She Is, 14 pounds; Suprine, 2; Launsgo. 14: Forest Do, 5; Brilliant Hope. 1. SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE. Yankee Notions, May 20, 1912— :59— 2— 113. Purse O O O Q _l ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. May 13-42 — C.D Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ___» Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0dds Str t REMIND w 113 2 2 1* U ll 1" CarrollW Mrs J Lowenstcin 80.10 22874 MABE MONDAY w 116 9 5 44 34 24 » BodiouA Louis Rowan JJJ 229992CAPTAIN ZAC w 116 6 4 64 44 34 Pj AdamsJ Mr I : Mrs T D Grimes .90 232063COUNTRY STYLE w. 116 12 11 84 84 64 4* GeorgeJ F P Letellier and L Johnstone 6.-0 22747 ED GREENOCK wb116 3 7 72 64 _j 5j LeBlancE Gladacres Farm t28.20 22704 MANGO w 116 5 3 54 J J J 2L!?2 7" PariseS J Fred Miles i«m 125.00 WOLF CREEK m 116 11 10 9* 9« 7h 231473TIMOCRACY w 113 10 8 24 23 42 84 CritchfieldC M A Waldheim 2.00 DRBY DIADEM « 116 8 12 12 12 lOJ 94 WeidamanF Darby Dan Farm KJB 22829 THAIN BREAK w« 111 1 1 WW 92 W HustE Mrs E Voynow -3.00 LOWER BROADWAY w 113 7 9 11* ll2 12 ll2 DyerJ W W Jones +28.20 PERFECT SCORE m 116 4 6 32 5» 114 12 BrooksS Mrs R Carruthen 28 A tMutuel field. Coupled as L. Rowan and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Grimes entry. Time. :224£, :47, 1:00%. Track fast. -. . REMIND 162.20 36.00 1280 80.10 17.00 5.40 M. UtUel UlUCI rriCeS I IIV-" MABE MONDAY Entry.. 3.40 3.80 .70 JO .90 90 3.80 CAPTAIN ZAC Entry.... 3.40 Winner— Ch f. bv Balladier— Smack, by Sweep On. trained by I. Lowenstein; bred by Mr. R. H. Farmer. WENT TO POST— 2:41. OFF AT 2:43 CENTRAL WAR TIME. andSV3 from stall eate. Won driving; second and third the same. REMIND raced to the front earlv shook off TIMOCRACY after three eighthhs and continuea eamely under punishment to withstand MBE MONDAY The latter, well placed and a forward factor from the start, came determinedly 111 the stretch and just missed. CAPTAIN ZAC, on the outside throughout, finished _«_■_* "ndV T,v. but hut" for the dme, the final turn, came out slightly line COUNTRY TYLE. low to beein and outrun to faifed ED GREENOCK was unable to threaten under good to better position when subjected to punishment. • and had no mishaps. MANGO tired. TIMOCRACY tired after forcing the pace to the stretch. nMJSSttaSand CL 116: 21480 Bolo El.a. 113; 22999 Luroid, 116; Sanduster, 113; Flying Kiev, 116; 23101 Captain Ruth, 113; 23283 Lord Win. 116. THIRD RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Gallant Knight, May 16, " ■ ■ 1931— 116]/5 4—114. Purse §800. 4-year-olds and upward. __ _. 2 3 3 9 5 claiming. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Winners, 2 lbs. May 13-42— C.D extra for each race won since April 24. Non-winners since April 24 allowed 2 lbs.; since April 8, 4 lbs.; in 1942, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, S50; fourth, S25. 1 Horses Eqt A Wt PP St _j jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners OddsJl_SU_C 230S9 HIS HIGHNESS wb 4 110 7 6 5" 44 2* l" WallaceG E F Bennett 2.30 23100 STOP II. wb 8 112 11 8 8* P 42 2* AdamsJ E Wyatt 4.80 22 3 U HaritosJ H M Collins 12. iQ 23051 MISS NUTMEG wb 5 109412 1 24 22752 JACK STING wb 9 112 5 11 12 94 J* V CkshankB J C and S H Ston. 16.60 22950 tST. CROIX wb5112 9 3 14 14 li and RichardJ Mrs F M Grabner 5.10 22951 TRA-LA-LA w 6 107 8 2 6 62 5» g ScurlockO H M Walker 700 23051 TALENT w.5112 6 12 1U 12 104 74 MontgryR E R Morns +1370 23100 CAL NAISHAPUR wb4111 3 10 104 10J 84 I* BurnsG J C Bent ey 3940 22876 FRITTER SUN w 4 110 2 5 32 34 6» 94 WeidamanF t Rachal tia.fU 227463VOILEE II. ■ 6 111 4 4 4h 82 11| 104 BodiouA Carter and Titus b.W 22953ROCKWICK m 5 107 17 7* 74 9» 114 HustE G H Stevens 130 16752 NICOGOLD wb 4 112 10 9 94 ll1 12 12 LeBlancE George Stempel fUM + Mutuel field. Apprentice allowance waived. Mutuel Prices -p,,.........,, » andm"J* Winner-B. c, by Ksar-Constant Wife, by Chicle, trained by W. Causey; bred by Mr. C. T. Fisher. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. - WENT TO POST-3:09. OFF AT 3:10 CENTRAL WAR TIME. .. . ,. . and third the same. HIS mru,,„cc HIGHNESS, well handled, Mart eood from stall gate. Won drivmg: second hisS steadily to the stretch, gamely when hard urged in the drive and, after disposing worked .came way up Tf ST CROIX Vd enouen left to withstand STOP II. The latter saved eround when outrun throueh the ?,rst half, slipped through on the rail entering the stretch and just faded to pt up MISS NUTMEG had nothtng left for the drive JACK STING far back final much used eneaeing ST. CROIX to the turn, and outrun to the final quarter, closed with a rush, but could not get to the leaders ST. CROIX took command before going a quarter, set the pace to the _«»__S th *«! f™ "a-v "J"1- half. VOILEE II. was doneearlj. first tired. FRITTER SUN quit after showing speed through the Scratched-23145 John Thomas, 110; 23051 Burston Manor, 114; 23099Alrose. 114; 23051 Hi Winnie, 105; 8577 Sunshine Boy li! ?! 23205 Sky Dog, 112; 17977F.yahead 112; 22345 Gnome, 110. Overweight— Miss Nutmeg, 24 pounds; Cal Naishapur. 1; Voilee II., 4. FOURTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21, 1921 — 1:23 — 4 110- ?urse ,000. 3-year-olds. Maidens and winners of one O ? *3 " Q A 2 3 3 O race. Allowances. Weight, 115 lbs. Maidens allowed 4 lbs. May 13-42 — C.D Net va|ue to winner 00; second. 00; thirds, 0 each. Index Hordes Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23052 n-AR vTllO 1 9 84 82 54 32 1J HustE C N Finch 2 90 23052-TERTIE wb11112 1 21 22 2a 2l 2«k BodiouA C Van Dusen 7.10 23210 tHALCYONA wbHO 9 5 4 4 I1 4 34 CraigA J O Keene 900 229552 fRADIO CRUSADE wb 105 7 4 54 74 64 64 34 RyanG R C Stable *M 22877 CLOAK wb115 2 12 9» 11J 10* 91 5" AdamsJ R C Stable ! 6-40 22876 HAICHOW wbUI 3 7 74 tV 8484 6J CarrollW J D Weil 23.30 232103MISS GLAMOUB wbUO 8 11 10h 54 71 7h 7" BrooksS Brown Hotel Stable 11M 22701 TED GREENOCK wslllll 2 4b 42 44 4» 84 LeBlancE Glad Acres Farm SBJM 22827 MISTER BIG w 111 6 6 31 3» 34 54 94 WeidamanF Max Burton b./W 23148 MERICANO w 111 5 10 ll2 94 9h 102 102 ScurlockO A N Gelb 37.00 23150 MOKABLUE ■ HI 4 8 12 12 11» 11« 11* GarnerW M B Go« 11J.00 22876 LAST BUBBLE wbIHIO 3 6410b 12 12 12 HaritosJ J G Elder J121 I» + Dead heat for third. Mutuel field. §Coupled as R C Stable entry. Time, :23, :46%, I.12J4, 1:263- Track fast. Continued on Page Twenty Churchill Downs Continued from Page Four r—%2 Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , 1 J . in* YAR 7.80 5.00 2.80 2.90 150 .40 Mutuel Prices certie ?.oo m 2.50 i.w HALCYONA 3.20 .60 RADIO CRUSADE Entry 3.00 .50 Winner — B. g, hy Stimulus — Spring II.. bv Ksar, trained bv C. N. Finch; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. WENT TO POST— 3:37. OFF AT 3:38 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and thirds the same. YAR saved ground when outrun for three-eighths, moved up steadily on the inside thereafter and, after disposing of HALCYONA, had enough left "to hold CERTIE safe. The latter raced in closest pursuit of HALCYONA to the final eighth, took a brief lead between calls as the latter faltered, but could not. withstand the winner. HALCYONA raced to the front early, set the pace until inside the stretch under pressure from CERTIE, then faltered, but lasted to finish oneqiral terms with RADIO CRUSADE for third. RADIO CRUSADE, in tight quarters until straightened in the stretch, came determinedly thereafter and was up to finish in a dead heat with HALCYONA for third. CLOAK, far back and outrun to the final turn, finished fast under punishment. MISS GLAMOUR, slow to start, was never dangerous. MISTER BIG displayed good speed to the stretch, then gave way. Scratched— 23150 Frank L.. 111: 22293 War Bam, 115; 22481 Diavoloman, 111; 22188 Zoroastra, 110. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21, 1921 — IdttM — 2 0 7 * Q 7 — 110. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Maidens and winners of one » * * race. Allowances. Weight, 115 lbs. Maidens allowed 4 lbs. May 13-42 — C.D Net va|Ue to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ft % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23148 ELBASAN wb 115 4 9 101 8* 7* 34 l]i AdamsJ W B Simpson 4.40 2282610P RUNG wb 115 12 1 4b 3l 14 V 22 WallaceG E and W Janss 4.70 226552DEAD LEVEL wbIIO 3 7 54 4* 22 22 34 RichardJ E K Thomas 1.80 23052*GRAND RUSH w 101 5 5 6" 9" 10* 92 44 RyanG W C Hobson 74.90 23000 CRYSTAL wbIIO 111 91 11s ll6 7h 52 GarnerW Dixiana 9.20 22877 LATE DAWN w 111 11 2 3» l» 6* 6* 6J PariseS J Fred Miles 117.60 23052 WHICH MAN wb 111 10 4 8* 6* 8h 5h 7h CkshankB McLean and Ryan +42.40 23151 WOODSMAN b111 6 8 ll8 104 9l 8* 83 BeasyH Tom Roach :4.00 14982 WIND WHITHER wb 115 2 6 22 2* 4and 4b 9* DyerJ B O Hickman 19.30 21896 GREAT WALL wbIII 9 12 12 12 12 11*10* CraigA J S Durnell 54.80 RUNNING SUE w 108 7 10 7h 51 5* 101 11« BrooksS Carl Allgeier +42.40 22407 DRIVER BOAT wb 107* 8 3 1* l1 3h 12 12 ScurlockO King Ranch :4.00 +Mutuel field. +Couplcd as Tom Roach and King Ranch entry. §Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :47, 1:12%, 1:26%. Track fast. r—%2 Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to n U , ID* ELBASAN 10.80 6.40 3.60 4.40 2.20 .80 lYlUlUGl I riCCS TOP RUNG 5.40 3.40 1.70 .70 DEAD LEVEL 2.60 .30 Winner — Dk. b. g, bv Islam — Albania, bv Bull Doe, trained bv D. Jefferson; bred by Mr. B. F. Whitaker. WENT TO POST— 4:07*. OFF AT 4:08* CENTRAL WAR tlME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ELBASAN, slow to begin, worked way up steadily on the inside, responded to strong urging when settled for the drive and disposed of the leaders in the final sixteenth. TOP RUNG, never far back, took command approaching the stretch and held a clear lead, but could not withstand the winner. DEAD LEVEL, well placed and a forward factor from the start, secured a good position in the stretch, but faltered in the closing stages. GRAND RUSH, shuffled back after the opening quarter, came determinedly when clear. CRYSTAL, far back and outrun to the final turn, closed stoutly to give a good effort. LATE DAWN was never dangerous and had no excuse. WIND WHITHER tired after forcing the pace for three eighths. RUNNING SUE could not keep up. RIVER BOAT set the earlv pace, then quit. Scratched— 23148 Counterbalance, 115; 22876* Clearmont, 115; 23282 Masked Duke, 111. Overweight — Running Sue, 2 pounds ; River Boat, 1*. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44 — 4—113. o •» •» q q Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-win- * * ners of two races at one mile or over since April 24 allowed 2 May 13-42 — C.D lbs.; any two races since April 24, 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *i jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23207 TATU wb114 2 4 74 54 22 l2 14 BortonW R Goose 520 23212 MAE H. wb109 5 1111 102 5* 42 22 AdamsJ S G Baker Sr 3.40 232122FIRST DRAFTEE wb 114 1 1 4h 6h 61 3h 3" CrkshankB Brown Hotel Stable 6.80 224772RED CIN wb 114 3 2 6* 3* 1* 24 42 BrooksS T Felice 5.10 22788 MORE REFINED w 110 4 5 92 8* 8* 7* 55 RichardJ H W Young 21.40 231453CAPTAIN FURY wb 114 7 6 2* 4* 4b 5h 6* WallaceG Stuart Hamblen 12.30 22998 PERFECTO PHIL wb 112 8 8 5h 2b 32 6h 71 CraigA David Straus +13.10 22876 SISSIE SMITH wb 111 10 10 101 91 74 8* 83 BodiouA S H and J C Stone +13.10 22878 GRENADIER wb114 9 7 lh 14 9* 9* 9* ScurlockO M B Goff 19.50 22952 BLUE CHIP wb 109 6 3 31 7 J 10* 106 108 WeidamanF R C Stable 46.50 229983SAY NOMORE wb 109 11 9 8* 11 11 11 11 JemasN Mrs W R Reid 4.60 tMutuel field. Time, :25%, :49%, 1:15"£, 1:40%, 1:47%. Track fast. in* TATU 12.40 6.40 4.00 5.20 2.20 1.00 M.. U1U6I iNCGS MAE H 4.20 2.80 1.10 40 FIRST DRAFTEE 4.20 1.10 Winner — B. g, by Byrd — Busy Fairy, by Busy American, trained by R. E. Goose; bred by Mr. J. B. Respess. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:36*. OFF AT 4:37 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily ; second and third driving. TATU saved ground while in hand for the first half and, after taking command in the stretch, drew out to win with something left. MAE H., slow to begin and on the inside, moved up boldly approaching the final turn, came with good energy when put to punishment, but could not get to the winner. FIRST DRAFTEE, in tight quarters through the - first five-eighths, came to the outside when clear in the stretch, but could not better position. RED CIN, under light restraint until reaching the upper turn, went to the front when called upon, but could not retain his advantage. MORE REFINED finished determinedly. CAPTAIN FURY was done after three-quarters. PERFECTO PHIL faltered after reaching contention. GRENADIER quit after showing early speed. SAY NOMORE was never prominent. Overweight — More Refined, 1 pound ; Sissie Smith, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. 2 O * Q Q Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claim-x, j J 7 7 mg 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since May 13-42— C.D April 24 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 2 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, b. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Va and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23104 +HUP NANCY w 4 118 7 9 9 7* 5* 33 P* CraigA C Leist 2~40 23145 +MY MYRI w 3 107 4 4 52 4h 2i 1* 24 ScurlockO Mrs W Crump 1.50 22882*1 MIGHT w 4 110 1 3 l1 P 14 2* 3* LongaC Hanks and Smith 19.10 21548 ALPOLLY w 4 113 6 8 82 82 72 5* 4* WallaceG Miss Martha Ward 106.70 227533CATALONIA wb6115 2 1 3b 31 V 44 54 AdamsJ G H Stevens 3.70 22085*DIANAPAT w 6 108 9 6 ¥ 51 62 62 62£ StricklerW Rivermont Ranch 41.60 23105 SPARKLING HEELwb 4 113 3 5 71 9 9 9 71 BodiouA Brown Hotel Stable 26.30 19878 HONEYBOO wb4113 8 7 64 64 82 82 8 McCoyJ C O Thompson 61.80 23105*MISS BONNIE w8111 5 2 2h 2b 3h 7b 9 AnifantisS D J Gleeson 10.40 tApprentice allowance waived. Time, :25, :49%, 1:15£, 1:41, 1:47%. Track fast. Dmao hup nancy 6M 360 320 2-40 * ••• Mi.f-.sJ utuei rrices my myri 3.00 3.20 .50 .eo I MIGHT 7.80 2.90 Winner— Ch. f, by The Porter— Nancy Dyer, by Archaic, trained by L. J. Keating; bred by Mr. L. B. Combs. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 5:03. OFF AT 5:04* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily ; second and third driving. HUP NANCY, slow to begin and far back through the opening quarter, improved her position steadily thereafter, came stoutly when hard urged entering the stretch and, after disposing of MY MYRI, drew clear. The latter, never far back, came to the inside on the final turn and reached the lead when settled for the drive, but could not withstand the winner. I MIGHT went to the front early, set the pace for three quarters md tired. ALPOLLY was never dangerous. CATALONIA tired after racing forwardly placed to the stretch. MISS BONNIE quit badly after racing close up for three-quarters. Scratched— 23002 Hermina B., 118; 230563Sign, 107; 23145 My Playmate, 108. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. O O A Q Q Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of u u a race at one and one-sixteenth miles or over in 1942. Weight, May 13-42— CD H6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j4 V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23051 EMPLOYER wb7116 4 1 l3 l3 1* l2 1] BrooksS C Stansbury 3400 23282J,PETEE GENE wb6111 1 2 2i 22 2* 34 2* StricklerW Carter and Titus 2.40 230582SATIN ROLLS w 5 116 9 4 11« 7h 5* 6* 3* ScurlockD Mr and Mrs D Nugent 8.00 230983MERITORIOUS wb 4 116 7 10 8* 8b 83 5h 41 McCoyJ C O Thompson 8.80 23058 DALLASITE wb 4 116 11 5 34 3* 31 21 5* LeBlamE Glad Acres Farm 16.80 22792 BOOKIE Mc w 4 106 2 7 5* 5h 7h 72 64 SandersF E B McAtee 53.90 231053DARBY DEAN w 6 116 12 8 10 J 6b 44 4h 7* WeidamanF Darby Dan Farm 1.90 23098*BURMAN wb 4 111 6 3 9h 102 91 91 8* HustE C N Finch 12 60 2300PFREE MONEY w 7 111 5 6 61 11* ll2 111 9* AnifantisS J Fred Miles 26.90 22831 MICHIGAN BLUE wb 5 111 3 11 4h 4* 6* 8* 102 BortonW F Thompson +17.20 21043*THISTLE BLUE w 5 106 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 1 RyanG Bensinger and Wilkerson +17.20 23150 HADA SAM wb 4 116 8 9 !» 9* 101 10 12 HaritosJ F Tyler +17.20 tMutuel field. Time, :24J4, :48%, 1:14, 1:41J4, 1:48%. Track fast. . ID* EMPLOYER 70.00 27.20 14.20 34.00 12.60 6.10 M. uruel rnces petee gene 4.60 3.40 1.30 .70 SATIN ROLLS 4.80 1.40 Winner — B. g, by Black Servant — Mexcala, by Hourless, trained by S. B. Ott ; bred by Mrs. Peter A. B. I Widener. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:32. OFF AT 5:32* CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. EMPLOYER took command at ■r once, established a good lead under clever rating, but had to bt hard ridden in the stretch to retain his advantage. PETEE GENE, well placed and a forward factor from the .start, came determinedly when hard urged in the drive, but could not get to the winner. SATIN ROLLS worked way up on the inside, responded readily when subjected to punishment and finished -fast. MERITORIOUS, in hand until reaching the stretch, came between horses in the drive and closed stoutly. DALLASITE made a bold bid entering the stretch, but tired in the closing stages. BOOKIE Mc had a rough trip. FREE MONEY showed little. MICHIGAN BLUE was done after a half mile. Scratched— 23289 Westerns Son, 116; 23001 Migal Fay, 106; 23099 Arrowtraction, 116; 23282 High Vote, 111; 23282 Song Spinner, 111; 230583Peter Tokalon, 116; 23098 Home Folks, 116; 23289 Galley Sweep, 111. NINTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction, May 21, 1921— l:23 /v— 9 As fl 1 4 — 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-*% 3 v I winners of two races since April 24. 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners since April 24 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. DECLARED OFF.

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