United Press News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1951-06-21


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UNITED PRESS 1 NEWS I BRIEFS Will Seize Assets TEHRAN, Iran, June 20. — The Iranian government has ordered its nationalization authorities to seize the assets of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, including installations, as the result of a breakdown in negotiations, an official spokesman said. New Construction Bill WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20. — Defense Secretary George C. Marshall today sent Congress a bill authorizing ,561,-262.387 appropriations for military public works construction in the U. S. and overseas. Beat Off Air Attack TOKYO, Japan, June 20.— U. S. fighters destroyed or damaged 10 Red planes over northwest Korea today in beating off the fourth and greatest Communist aerial challenge in as many days. To the south, United Nations ground forces in the eastern mountains hurled" North Koreans back across the Nangang River, 26 miles north of the 38th parallel, in a drive aimed at the east coast port of Wonsan. Marshal Tito May Get More WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20.— American shipments of "small quantities" of surplus U. S. arms to Yugoslavia indicated today that Marshal Titos government may get an even bigger flow of arms aid. No decision has been reached on sending Titos Communist, but anti-Russian country substantial aid under the Military Defense Assistance Program. Announce Amnesty TOKYO, Japan, June 20. — The Japanese government announced today its first sweeping economic and political amnesty since the war, returning approximately 67,-000 wartime industrialists, publishers and politicians to public life. The amnesty was expected to strengthen anti-Communist forces in Japan. Hits State Department WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20.— Patrick J. Hurley, former American ambassador to China, charged today that the State Department has "surrendered" American principles and embarked the nation on a policy of "appeasement." Call Delegates Home LONDON, England, June 20. — Britain called home its oil dispute delegates from Iran today and announced it was determined to protect British lives in the nationalized Iranian oil fields. Impose Martial Law PUSAN, Korea, June 20. — The South Korean government imposed an eight-day period of martial law throughout the republic today to prevent disturbances during the first anniversary of the Korean War. Civilian and military police were alerted for Communist-inspired outbreaks. Troops guarded the homes of government officials and members of the legislature. Indict 21 Reds NEW YORK, N. Y., June 20.— A federal grand jury yesterday indicted 21 of the high brass of the United States Communist party on a charge of conspiracy to teach and advocate the overthrow of the government by force and violence. Mac Wont Testify Again WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20.— Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur today declined an opportunity to present further testimony to senators investigating his ouster, but hit at what he called President Trumans "silencing" of those who recommended his dismissal.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951062101/drf1951062101_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1951062101_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800