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Ohio Notes * -. * ■ FORT MIAMI, Maumee, Ohio, May 16. Charlie McMillen, starter at Fort Miami, will leave here for St. Louis following the close of this meeting and will then proceed to Brush, Colorado, where he will dispatch the fields at the Memorial Park meeting which opens on May 24. W. B. Duggan, horsemens bookkeeper at the Maumee plant, will depart on Sunday. His destination will be Narragahsett Park in Rhode Island. Phillis Loblaw, secretary to Ed Keller; general manager of this plant, will proceed to the Bay State Raceway in Foxboro, Mass., following the end of the Fort Miami meeting on Saturday. Tom Daly, who handles the public address System at this course, will celebrate his ,natal day on Saturday May 17, final day of the Toledo Jockey Clubs meeting. Daly serves in a similar capacity at Atlantic City, Sunshine Park, and Delaware Park. He will leave for WUmington, Del. Sunday morning.