Official Racing Charts: Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1953-05-21


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I Official Racing Charts — — — PIMLICO _§j I Coovrixht. 1953. bv Trianele Publications. Inc. * BALTIMORE, MD., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1953-PIMLICO 1 MILE. Twelfth day of twonty-two-day meeting May 4 to May 30. Maryland Jockey Club. American Totalisator. United Starting Gate. Weather clear. Stewards representing Maryland Racing Commission, J. F. Flanagan. Stewards, Wilmer Brinton and Fred Burton. Director of Racing, Fred Burton. Placing Judges and Patrol Judges, Henry Erkkson, Frederick Farrell, Lando Bressan, J. M. Mackin, J. P. Ross, Jr., M. MacNelle and Stanley Gillespie. Paddock Judge, William Jennings. Clerk of Scales, Edward Dennison. Starter, Edward Blind. Racing Secretary and Handkapper, J. F. Colwill. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1952, .41; current meeting, .24. Percentage of favorites in the money, .65. Daily Double, first and second races. No entries or field horses in Daily Double. Mutuel take, 10 per cent State 4, plus daily license fee, track 6. • Five lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. | Seven lbs. claimed. A Ten lbs. claimed. W Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Confirmation Photos, Inc. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Squared Away, May 16, 1953-1:04-6-121. Purse ,000. 1 Q 1 3-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Weight, 120 lbs. 8*7 / O Net value to winner ,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. May 20-53— Pirn Mutuel Pool, 2,788. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Va Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 85512 HIGH TRAFFIC wb115 2 3 1h 1 1 14 W Hartack* A R Cremen 3.20 862202 STONE COLD w 115 12 8 3* 34 35 2j R Nash A G Vanderbilt 2 70 84926 GANYMEDE II. wb 120 1 4 2 21 22 3« R Root G A Garrett 6 40 85512* QUESTION FIVE wb120 10 11 H 7 6 4» B Mitchell A P Bovello 7 70 84844 KINGS CHRISTY w 110 5 6 61 5* 5 52 B Hewitt* G C Smith 45.60 85990 CHEMIN DE FER wb120 6 1 5h 43 41 6" F Ryant Mrs M M Jurgens 17 20 86653 SEZ I w 110 11 2 4" 6 84 73 A Tryon* Mrs M E Wood 24 20 864283 SEPT ISLE wb 115 7 9 dh 83 7" 83 C McKee Mrs R Firman Jr 4 30 78923 GUARNERIUS wb115 3 5 7.4 9 94 9" G Pappas Mrs L M Carver 54.40 85696 CLAIR DE LUNE w1W 4 10 112 1H 105 HH R Stein* Mrs J M Franklin 105.10 85510 YOU K0N LADY wb115 8 12 12 12 111115 R Arduini J H Van Wert 52.60 86220 T-BOB wb120 9 7 10 11* 12 12 N Shuk C E Buckley 43 90 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :48%, 1:07%. Track good. ,— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to — - .1 . ip,. /HIGH TRAFFIC 140 4.00 320 3.20 100 CO Mutuel Prices stone cold 4.40 3.20 1.20 n l GANYMEDE II 4.20 1.10 Winner— B. g, by Jeep-Hi Ada, by High Cloud, trained by A. R. Cremen; bred by Audley Farm. REACHED POST— 2:01. OFF AT 2:01 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. HIGH TRAFFIC was nicely rated while holding a narrow advantage into the stretch, disposed of GANYMEDE II. to draw clear and held STONE COLD safe. The latter was slow to respond while racing well placed. GANYMEDE II. weakened after pressing the pace of the winner. QUESTION FIVE wore down tired horses. CHEMIN DE FER could not keep pace, nor could SEZ I. SEPT ISLE failed to reach contention. GUARNERIUS was in close quarters along the inside leaving the backstretch. Scratched— 789164 Hit Bit, 120; Kentesta, 115; 85990 On Display, 120; 84052 Signor Sam M., 120. SECOND RACE 1 1-1* MILES. Noble Impulse, May 9, 1949-1:42—3-119. Purse ,500. 4-year- l Q o °lds ano upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 122 lbs.; older, 123 lbs. Non-winners since 8*7 / I O JL April 15 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 26, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. May 20-53— Pirn Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 0,810. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt tt *j % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 862263 UNSINATUS wb6117 3 12 12 102 52 3 12 F Ryan 2500 Stemar StaWe 2 40 85791 TOY FOX w5120 5 11 7h 31 1* 1 22 D Gardner 2500 I Neuman 4 00 85991 SMARTY JACOPOwb5108 11 6 64 4 54 31 D D MitchTJ 2500 C Locklear 8 30 859943 B0L0 MACK wb7 117 7 4 3h 2h 2" 42 41 J A Reg uto 2500 Kay-Gee Stable 3.10 86345 BOUQUET BILLY wb 5 117 11 3 1" 1h 34 2* 53 T Barrow 2500 Mrs M Sarian 88.60 860964 LISTEN TO ME w6120 4 5 91 81 8r 7h 61 C M Clark 2500 Mrs M Byrne 10.30 85168 WILD TIP w5107 8 8 84 7 91 5* 7 R Stein* 2500 Mrs G M Auld 28.90 68966 FRRE JACQUESwb 11 117 2 10 115 11M04 6h 8 L Bauert 2500 H E Reesman 36.60 77663 GUN MAKER w b4 111 10 2 21 4 64 andi 9* A Tryon* 2500 J Glennon 62.60 86345 HI BOB wb8117 6 9 4 51 71 10* KM F D Rivera 2500 Mrs M McDonnell 63.10 85413 DEMAVEND wb7112 9 7 5 91 12 12 11 B Hewitt* 2500 G C Smith 14.60 85991 GREAT HOPE wsb9117 12 € 10 12 114 11* 12 W J Pasret 2500 A R Cremen *7 20 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Tune, :24%, :49%, 1:15, 1:42, 1:48%. Track good. r-H Mutuels Paid— , Odds U I _ • /UNSINATUS 6.90 4.00 3.20 2.40 100 60 M. utuel Prices] toy fox 4.40 340 120 70 1 SMARTY JACOPO 5.60 1.80 Winner— Br. h, by Arctic Star— Roisin, by Rosewell, trained by B. P. Bond; bred by J. McGrath Ireland. REACHED POST-2.29. OFF AT 2:29 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. UNSINATUS, unhurried while a trailer early, was well handled while improving his position and wore down the leaders during the final quarter. TOY FOX moved from just off the pace to attain command on the final turn, but was no match for the winner. SMARTY JACOPO raced forwardly placed, but lacked a response. BOLO MACK weakened in the drive. BOUQUET BILLY was unable to draw clear early and quit. GUN MAKER flattened ou tbadly. DEMAVEND was through early. Scratched-852434 Nick Bloom, 117; 86533 Sparkling Rock, 116; 85128 Imperial Pie, 117; 763424 Petrograd, 112. Doily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 4.80— Double Pool, 6,180. Official program numbers for Daily Double — 2 and 3. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS. Plntor, May 19, 1951— :59%— 2— 112. Purse ,000. 2 year-olds. 1 Q O Maidens. Fillies. Special weights. Weight, 116 lbs. 8*7 / 1 O J Net value to winner ,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. May 20-53— Pirn Mutuel Pool, 7,933. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 86091 DAISY RAIN w 116 10 3 31 21 1* 1n J Com best Thorncliff Farm 26.40 860914 TISH IE wb116 7 9 5* 3 24 23 N Shuk Manunda Stable 5.20 860912 SHORE LINE w 116 5 1 2 4h 43 3* M Caffrella A P Bovello 3 30 866523 BELLE STAR w 116 12 2 4h 54 3* 42 G Cardoza Flamingo Farm 5.20 LAURANNE w116 2 12 12 72 62 53 T Barrow M M Schwebel 23.50 MYTELASS w 116 4 8 64 6 7" 6"" C Bierman Miss D Palmer 13.70 SET THE TABLE w 116 11 6 Kh 102 82 74 D Gardner Mrs J Krieger 23.70 86652 BLUE COPPER w 116 1 7 9 8h 91 8"* J A Rlbuto R E Vogelman Jr 98.70 GOTTABEGOOD w 116 9 11 11* 11 102 91 R Nash A Cote 16.20 DRAV0B w 116 6 4 1* 1* 5 102 W J Pmore J J Rowan 2.50 85692 ALTRUDE w 116 3 10 8* 91 112 114 J R Layton Mrs A C Paul 84.80 CUP CHRYSTAL wb116 8 5 7h 12 12 12 C M Clark Mrs H K Molten 86.70 Time, :23%, :48%, 1:02. Track good. LA 1. in- /DAISY RAIN 54.80 21.20 9.40 26.40 960 370 Mutuel Prices] tishie 6* 4.00 220 100 1 SHORE LINE 3.60 .80 Winner— Ch. f, by Economical— Daisy Chance, by Peace Chance, trained by T. J. Kelly; bred by H. L. Donovan, REACHED POST— 3:00. OFF AT 3:00 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but LAURANNE. Wen driving; second and third the same. DAISY RAIN was always formidable and responded to strong urging to gain a narrow decision over TISHIE. The latter raced with the winner throughout and fought it out gamely. SHORE LINE was in a bit close along the inside when outrun for the lead and failed to regain the first flight. BELLE STAR could not keep pace. LAURANNE raced well after breaking tardily. DRAVOB held a slight lead for three furlongs and stopped to a walk. Scratched-84365 Ivachance, 116; 836653 Our Ace, 116; Reblue, 116; 85992 Midnight Call, 116. • FOURTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. The Pincher, Nov. 1, 1948—1:10—2—115. Purse "7 1 Q A 52,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 121 lbs.; older, 123 lbs. Non-/ 8 I O 4 winners since April 15 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 26, 5 lbs.; since February 15, 7 lbs. May 20-53 — Pim Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 09,061. Index Horses Eq t A Wt PP St tt Va Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 860924 MOOSE EYE wb5116 2 2 1« 14 15 14 J R Layton 2500 L K Riely 2.60 86092 ULA wb 7 113 1 4 32 2 22 23 W Hartack* 2500 J M Loeb 5.00 86069 BANDAID w 5 111 5 1 2h 33 33 3» P Grantt 2500 Mrs S Moleniro 26.00 86219 CAVESWOOD wb 4 116 6 9 5 42 42 4 C M Clark t 2500 Mrs M Brining 10.30 86342 WAC wb 4 107 8 10 10* 91 6 53 R Stein* 2500 E M Hydeman 0.00 85110 CHALLAGUERRE w 5 116 4 5 4h556C Givens 2500 Mrs E A Christmas 3.70 86092 SPEEDY DUST w 4 109 9 7 71 74 73 74 C McKee 2500 L Bowman M6.90 83604 SLAMARANTH wb 9 116 10 3 Sh 104 9 83 B Mitchell 2500 J Lynch 66.40 86219 MISS JUDEX wb 6 111 11 12 12 11 113 9j A Montiror 2500 Mrs I R Drechsler Jr 23.30 79067 TILE MAN wb 4 114 12 6 6* 6h 8 XK» N Shuk 2500 H and L Farm 5.30 85991 GONG GONG w4110 7 I 818103 113 D Gardner 2500 M Panzer 195.10 86089 MARYLAND MAN w 4 114 3 11 113 12 12 12 T Barrow 2500 M Reynolds 82.10 Timt, :23, :47%; 1:13%. Track fast. ki . ID MOOSE EYE 7.20 3.60 2.80 2.80 80 40 Mutuel Prices] ula 4.4o 3.40 120 70 iBANDAID 7.00 2.50 Winner— Ch. g, by Bull Moose— Eyeopener, by Reigh Count, trained by N. L. Haymaker; bred by L. Riely and J. A. Eyster. - REACHED POST— 3:26. OFF AT 3:26 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. MOOSE EYE rapidly established a commanding lead and was not threatened while winning easily. ULA raced forwardly throughout but was no match. BANDAID showed an even effort to hold the others safe. CAVESWOOD lacked a response. WAC was never a factor. CHALLAGUERRE showed nothing. TILE MAN turned in a dull effort The others failed to reach contention. , Scratched-OSOtJa Little Flossy, 113; 86303 Hay Mom, 111: 86221 Double Nk#, 116; 89693 John J., 111. Overweight— Wac, 3 pounds; Gong Gong, 1. Continued on Page Thirty-Seven PIMLICO Continue*/ from Page tight FIFTH RACE « FURLONGS out of chute. The Pincher, Hw. 1, 1948-1 :10V*-2-1 15. Virginia 1 O C Horsemens Association Plate. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-/ 8*7 I O J winners of ,600 twice at any time. Weight, 121 lbs. Non-winners of ,250 at any May 20-53 — Pirn time allowed 3 lbs.; ,925 at any time, 5 lbs.; ,600 at any time, 7 lbs. Met wlue to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 9,334. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 86224 SALLY CATBIRD wb118 4 3 2h 2J 22 1" R Nash L L Haggin II .50 85795 COVER OFF wb111 1 4 H 14 1h 24 W Hartack* Cedar Farm 5.10 86224 MUSCOVADO w 114 3 2 3J 3* 35 35 W J Pmore C G Fox 6.90 86145 VEXATIOUS wb 116 5 5 5 42 42 415 A Monteiro Pebblebrook Farm 5.60 856174 MOOSE DELIGHT w 109 2 1 45 5 5 5 R Stein* G E Curtis 30.00 Time, :22%, :46%, 1:12%. Track fait - Mutuels Paid- , 0*k to — n • f SALLY CATBIRD 3.00 2.20 2.20 .50 .10 .10 Ml utuel Prices! cover off 3.20 2.40 w .20 -MUSCOVADO 2.80 .40 Winner— Ch. f, by Alibhai — On the Level, by Sickle, trained by J. A. Kramer; bred by Greentree Stud, Inc. REACHED POST-3:51. OFF AT 3:51 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SALLY CATBIRD, within easy striking distance of the lead, was slow to respond to hand urging and was roused sharply nearing the end to gain a narrow decision. COVER OFF set the pace without serious opposition and held on tenaciously. MUSCOVADO retained her position in the running while weakening. VEXATIOUS was always far back. MOOSE DELIGHT broke alertly but was unable to retain the position. Scratched— 85424 Slippy, 114. SIXTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. The Pincher, Nov. 1, 1948-1:10Vi— 2— 115. Purse 7 1 Q C 52,800. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 121 lbs.; older, 123 lbs. Non-/ 8 I O O winners of two races since March 26 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 20-53 — Pirn Net value to winner ,820; second, 60; third, 80; fourth, 40. Mutuel Pool, 22357. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 1A B StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 868854 OUR TOPS wb6120 6 3 6* 54 3* 1n J Combest 5000 C A Poindexter 9.30 80494 ADAMANT wb7118 2 7 2J 1h 1J 22 6 Mitchell 5000 Mrs T M Waller 6.70 868852 THIRD ACE wb 7 120 5 5 3 2* 2i 3J D Gardner 5000 D G Neuman 2.10 86885 DADA wb 6 115 10 2 4£ 444442 N Shukt 5000 Elsmar Stable 6.90 825932 STAG wb5118 8 10 10 10 82 » T Barrow 5000 Duntreath Farm 4.00 85993 SURPRISE GIRL wb 6 108 4 6 54 64 62 62 B Hewitt* 5000 D M Williams 7.80 77563 LOCHY wb4116 9 9 94 72 72 73 G Cardoza 5000 Flamingo Farm 67.30 86186 PASING PARADEwb5120 11 1J 3* 5* 8* W J Pmore 5000 Mrs D S Winchester 19.20 84784 MANY GIFTS wb6118 7 8 P 8J 94 9f A Montrot 5000 E Samaha 25.80 85797 INANABOUT wb5 113 3 4 72 91 10 10 J Li Causi 5000 E S Voss Jr 36.60 Time, :22%, :46%, 1:13%. Track fast. fFive pounds apprentice allowance waned. j2 Mwtmli Paid — — Oddi to kA . , _ . /OUR TOPS .... 20.60 1160 5.00 9.30 4.80 1.50 Mutuel Prices I adamant 9.00 5.00 3jo 1.50 iTHIRD ACE 2.80 .40 Winner— B. h, by Bimelech— Bazaar, by Tetratema, trained by C. Troutt; bred by Circle M Farm. REACHED POST-4:19. OFF AT 4:19 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. OUR TOPS, hard held while forced to delay his rally, moved through when opening developed, drove to the fore and lasted while showing a tendency to loaf. ADAMANT raced PASSING PARADE into defeat, withstood the challenge of THIRD ACE and held on tenaciously in the drive. THIRD ACE raced forwardly but lugged in when roused in early stretch. DADA showed an even effort. STAGS rally came too late. SURPRISE GIRL weakened. PASSING PARADE was unable to draw clear early and faltered. Scratched-85993 Midst, 108; 85414 Bills Best, 118; 85993 Family, M; 15517 Repeat Mandate, 116; 86223 Motile Fagan, 111. SEVENTH RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Squared Away, May 16, 1953— 1:04tt-6-121. Middleburg Purse. -j n Q "T Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of two races other 8 / I O / than claiming since October 2. 4-year-olds, 121 lbs.; older, 123 lbs. Non-winners of May 20-53— Pirn ,925 twice in 1952-53 allowed 3 lbs.; ,925 in 1953, 5 lbs.; ,600 since March 26, 7 lbs. Claiming races not considered in estimating allowances. Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Nat, 24,519. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt % jj StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 75938 CINDA w4116 4 1 13 14 13 13 N Shuk J Shouse 2.30 86348 YAMA - wb 4 121 1 4 22 24 24 2 J Covalli C C Boshamer 10.60 86348 SWT VERM0UTHwb4121 2 8 54 33 33 32 J Lynch D Shea 5.40 865393 RARE KNAVE wsb 5111 3 7 8 4h 41 4« B Hewitt* G A Sacks 11.60 86539 RADICAL w 6 120 8 3 6* V 6 5J B Mitchell Mrs C 0 Schweitzer 5.80 867553 JACK THE GREAT w 5 118 6 6 7h 5J 51 6« W Hartack* W A Edgar a-2.00 865394 PENOCC w 5 123 7 2 3* 6* 74 75 J Combest t Mrs C A Lyons a-2.00 86755 ESMER0 w 4 114 5 5 4* 8 8 8 J R Layton J S Kroese 50.40 a-Coupled, Jack the Great and Penocc. tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, M%, 1:06ft. Track fast. kA . , _ . /CINDA ISO 4.40 4.00 130 1.20 1.00 Mutuel Prices] yama i.n 7.w 3.30 2» 1 SWEET VERMOUTH 5.40 1.70 Winner— B. f, by Occupy— Arden Lass, by Ariel, trained by B. P. Bond; bred by J. Shouse. REACHED POST-4:46. OFF AT 4:46 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. CINDA assumed command immediately, set the pace without a challenge and was being eased during the late stages. YAMA retained his position in the running, but failed to get to the leader at any stage. SWEET VERMOUTH broke tardily and was unable to threaten. RARE KNAVE was unable to enter contention. RADICAL showed nothing. JACK THE GREAT was outrun. PENOCC flattened out badly. Scratched-59307 In a Spin, 116; 847244 Kinsman, 123. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Chains, Nov. 12, 1948-1:50%— 3— 114. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and 1 O O upward. Claiming. Non-winners twice in 1953. 4-year-olds, 122 lbs.; older, 123 lbs. 8*7 /lOO Claiming price, ,000; if for ,500, allowed 3 lbs. May 20-53— Pirn Net value to winner ,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 37,395. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St V* VS % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 863494 DONNA B00RSE wb 8 115 8 9 7S 43 1h 1 tj 14 G Cardoza 4500 H C Boorse 5.70 862222 REVEILLE wb 7 123 7 3 4 1" 24 24 23 B Mitchell 5000 High Ground Stable 5.10 85699 REPRODUCTION wb 9 120 6 6 61 ■ 72 5J 3° J Parent i 4500 Mrs A Jensen 10.30 862223 FLAG REQUEST wb4112 2 7 4h 52 4* 3h 4 R Stein* 5000 S A Weidman 6.00 86655 ARTHUR PILATE w7 123 4 2 5 7J 8* 8452 N Shuk 5000 A J Wilson 1.90 86349 DOLLYS ROCKETwb6120 9 8 9 8h 6 7J 6"k A Monteiro 4500 Mrs M Holubeshen 30.10 85222 FIFTY-FIVE wb7120 3 4 34 34 54 6* 7h L Bauer 4500 P L Leydecker 24.20 85520 REPUDIATE wb 4 117 1 1 22 23 32 42 82 W Hartack* 5000 E Constantin Jr 76.70 85797 WHIRLG DOUGH ws 7 123 5 5 84 9 9 9 9 T Barrow 5000 W L Huntley 9.40 Time, :24, :48%, 1:14, 1:41%, 1:55%. Track fast. kA , 1 _, . /DONNA BOORSE 13.40 6.20 4.80 5 70 2 10 1.30 Mutuel Prices! reveille s.w 4.20 no 1 REPRODUCTION 5.20 1.10 Winner— B. m, by Pharanor— By Surprise, by By Hisself, trained by H. C. Boorse; bred by H. C. Boorse. REACHED POST-5:13. OFF AT 5:13 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. DONNA BOORSE rallied with a rush after a half-mile, wrested command nearing the stretch and drew clear to be an easy winner. REVEILLE disposed of REPUDIATE when ready, was almost immediately joined by DONNA BOORSE and was no match for that one. REPRODUCTION caught only tired horses. FLAG REQUEST failed to reach serious contention. ARTHUR PILATE showed nothing. FIFTY-FIVE gave way badly. REPUDIATE saved ground while racing with the pace and quit Scratched— 84089 Jitters, 120. Arthur Pilate claimed by Berkshire Stable. Attendance, 12,060; Total Mutuel Pool, 10,977.

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