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Testifies Riddle Was Mentally, Physically 1 1 1WhenWritingWil I MEDIA, Pa., May 27.— The late Samuel D. Riddle, millionaire turfman, was "mentally and physically ill" at the time he wrote his last will in June, 1949, his former nurse testified. Edythe Mills, now an employe at the Elwyn Training School near here, said she felt Riddle was ill when she witnessed his signature to the will but she did not tell his attorneys. Her testimony was taken at hearings to determine whether contests to break the will shall be decided by the court or submitted to a jury trial. Riddle, owner of the famed Man o War, died in 1951 at the age of 89, leaving his ,000,000 estate for construction of a hospital here. His sister, Mrs. Homer Lee of New York City, and Walter M. Jeffords, Delaware County sportsman, are seeking the estate.