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AT THISTLE DOWN PARK PARKFIEST FIEST EACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingFurse Furse 800 215 F M Horse AVt Code Horsp Wt Code CodeBill Bill Lutz 110 1 Red Likker 10G 8 8Madam Madam Florence 110 2 Dark Ayrcss 113 9 9Black Black Iula 110 t Keneslmw 10S 10 Peggy J 115 4 Justa Queen 110 Blackwell 108 5 AVhite Mint 105 AVee Margie OS 5 Snooty 101 Mavro 103 7 Type S9 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Furso 800 245 F M MBoyish Boyish Bob 99 1 Gold Cord 01 10 10Sailor Sailor Maid 09 2 Bond Slave 101 11 11Brunswick Brunswick 110 3 Lenny 99 12 Bean Aspin 118 4 Ilnk Blossom OG 115 AVega 9 5 Sunday Clothes 109 14 Big Bill Tmpson 110 G Mcriwick 112 15 15Lord Lord Aulentine 110 7 Chantry 00 1C 1CAcrbcnn Acrbcnn 09 S Southland Chief 101 17 17Forebec Forebec 112 9 Purple Light 101 IS THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 800 315 P M MThe The Coach 105 1 La Belotte 102 5 5Irfaneh Irfaneh 115 2 Stupendous 103 C CMrs Mrs Foster 107 3 Captain J S 112 7 7Elstar Elstar 300 4 Prancing Step 113 8 8FOURTH FOURTH EACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Purse 1000 345 F M MLe Le Aoyant 310 1 Efeldee 105 G GAVrack AVrack Ray 115 2 Albert Blanton 110 7 7Lieut Lieut Mansfield 115 3 Tronbanova 98 8 8Dearborn Dearborn 110 4 Chairman 115 Salvage 110 5 McKim 110 10 10FIFTH FIFTH EACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward upwardClaiming Claiming Furse 1000 415 F M Brownie Smile 110 1 Yachtsman 115 G GInterior Interior 103 2 Freander 103 7 7Lafayette Lafayette 110 3 Twinkle Star 105 8 8Lower Lower Five 110 4 Thunder Struck 108 9 Fair Justice 105 5 5SIXTH SIXTH EACE 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming Furse 1000 445 F M MSalona Salona 110 1 Cockrill 111 4 4Sunny Sunny Saint 100 2 Xae Brecks 111 5 Bridegroom 100 3 3SEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards 3year olds Claiming Fursa 1000 515 F M MDoc Doc Conner 107 1 Margaret Flynn 107 8 8Master Master Samover 307 2 Xonenicer 08 9 9Spanflow Spanflow 308 3 Dark Sabre 102 10 10My My Lava 105 4 Billie X 103 11 11Godiva Godiva 103 5 Aicksburg 308 32 32Paqnette Paqnette 105 G Head Pin 103 13 13Morley Morley 103 7