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THISTLE DOWN PARK PARKCLEVELAND CLEVELAND OHIO SATURDAY MAY 31 1930 Thistle Down Park 1 Mile Fourth day Thistle Down Jockey Club Summer meeting of 28 days Weather clear Presiding Steward J A Murphy Associate Stewards H P Conkling and W S Longee Judges E W Bury C McLennan and S Brown Starter J Milton Racing Secretary E AV Bury Racing starts at 213 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse cud weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 58 Mile Banter Aug 4 1925 100 5 117 Purse 800 2ycarolds 4QOOO tJ4x4 Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third 50 Claiming price price3Iay3l30Tdn 3Iay3l30Tdn 2000 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 250 to 1500 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48050 = GIBBYS LILLIAN w 115 6 5 5i Z 1i Ill1 1 J W Frye Mrs L Gibson 90100 48111 LADY SWEET W 10G 1 8 8 71 51 21 M Dupuy Mrs C Porter 48111 OFFICER w 109 5 6 647GGI 61 G 4h 3 D Bryant R Clark ClarkI1 47GGI BELBANE w 112 4 1 I1 11 2l 41 E Warden W Mikel Son Son3h 3h 3l 31 51 W Fronk E Lutz 4G257 FAIR MENT w 111 3 9 9 9 81 6 R Buckley H G Bedwell 2510100 48111 ANNES PAL iv 112 77 71 Si 9 7 J Berry R R Stable 3030100 30301001G507 1G507 PRIZE WINNER WB 107 9 4 2i 41 G Gk ° k Snt F Doherty S Louis 3120100 3120100473G4SOUTHN 473G4SOUTHN CLOUD w 114 22 4i 51 71 9 H Hay F P Letellier 440100 440100Tims Tims 24 49 102 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING BOOKINGGIBBYS GIBBYS LILLIAN 380 280 220 90 100 40 100 10 100 100LADY LADY SWEET 1020 500 410 100 150 100 100OFFICER OFFICER 480 140 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Thunderer Misty Morning by Peep o Day trained by A Smitha bred by Mr L B Combs Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 204 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingOIBBYS OIBBYS LILLIAN moved up fast on the outside afterrounding the far turn overhauled the leaders entering the stretch and drew away into a safe lead in the last eighth LADY SWEET closed fast and gamely on the outside of the others in the stretch and outlasted OFFICER The latter made a game bid in the final eighth and finished fast BELBANE set a fast pace until midway of the stretch then tired MAYES LUTZ showed early speed but stumbled opposite the final eighth post when tiring as did the others othersScratched Scratched 48111 = Svift Miss 109 109Overweights Overweights Fair Ment 2 pounds Prize Winner 1 Southern Cloud 2 OO SECOND RACE 34 Mile Baffling July 25 1925 112 4 118 Purse 800 3 4pfiT O 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third 50 Claiming price 900 Index Horses Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Oddr Strt 47280 NOT GUILTY w 5 10G 6 7 71 51 41 I1 D Bryant Mrs R I Miller 48114 GOLDN TINTED WB 5 ICG 74 11 23 1 2h M Dupuy E J Rollins 48114CWENTZ we 4 111 11 2 247313PADY 51 4 31 31 C Cogan Mrs J W Smith 47313PADY FLAHRTY w a 111 S 11 Snk 71 Ci 41 M Shalmer J Everest 47410IDEALIA wn 5 106 12 3 21 lnk 2 5 E Level Mrs V Cloud 48112RHUBARB w a 111 10 1 31 3 51 G W Ellswh L E Ruff Ruffll1 47089GALIANO w 6 S 111 1 12 ll1 10l 91 7k R Ross Mrs T Philli Phillips 47322 CHRYSLER w 5 3 11G 4 5 5WB 41 G 8l S1 J Futrell Mrs L Davis Davisgat 4G927BLUE AGATE WB 5 3 111 5 9 gat 9j 7 711 gj j pregun McDonald Nelson 4740G3SWIFT CURRENT w 3 3 1011 2 10 12 ll3 11 101 O Neel C Dollaway 48112FOLLOW ME WB 9 111 3 G 6 Si 10 11s L Cunham C E Davison 4 7367 AMIR WB S S 11G 98 10 12 12 12 M Wimmer D Franklin fField fFieldNOT Time 24 48 115 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVAL1 EQUIVALENT BOOKING NOT GUILTY 600 380 320 200 100 90 100 60 100 GOLDEN TINTED 760 580 280 100 190 100 WENTZ 900 350 100 Winner B m by King James Overcast by Vulcain trained by W A McKinney bred by Mrs B I Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 900 900WENT WENT TO POST 240 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameNOT NOT GUILTY moved up fast and gamely on the inside in the stretch and overhauling the leaders in the last sixteenth got up in the final strides GOLDEN TINTED raced IDEALIA into defeat and after forcing most of the pace held on well in the final drive WENTZ a factor throughout held on gamely in the final drive PADDY FLAHERTY came fast in the stretch and finished gamely IDEALIA fired in the last sixteenth after displaying good speed speedScratched Scratched 175G4 Sailor Maid 106 473C7 Pecora 110 4S1G9 High Prince 11G 4G410 Reighburn 111 48117 Maddenstown I1G 47G59 Chantry 111 111Overweight Overweight Swift Current 1 pounds AOf nA THIRD RACE 34 Mile Baffling July 25 1925 112 4 118 Pursa 800 3 4o Tc yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 650 second 100 third third3Iny3130Tdn 3Iny3130Tdn 50 Claiming price 900 V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 17458BUSINESS WB 4 10G 37 41 23 1 Il W Ellsrth L Mangan 160100 160100JGG78ONE JGG78ONE CENT w 5 11G 10 1 I1 I11 21 21 E Warden Mrs L O Sawyer C90100 48112 SIIORTY B 5 111 7 9 S 4l 3s Si C Frock M II Jordan 360100 360100181123LENNY 181123LENNY v 5 10G 1 G G1 61 5l 41 J Futrell W A Mikel 1510100 47517 ELIETII SULVAN v 3 1021 9 4 2l 31 4l 5l W Banski C R Miller 3220100 47322 VANDION A B 4 111 4 2 51 71 71 G D Bryant II Woolgar 990100 17510 SUN DANCE v G 11G S 3 3nV G ° k G1 71 F Herndez L Perez 1020100 1G894 J J BAMBRICK v 4 116 28 95 9 SJ S1 G Mthews Mrs W C Daly 3DSO100 3DSO100tSlRIG tSlRIG v G 107 G 10 10 10 10 9k F Douerty Miss E M Lanter 2490100 249010047051CAPISTRANO 47051CAPISTRANO WB 8 lit 5 5 7U SI 0 10 M Dupuy J Myers 1530100 1530100tSent tSent out in entries as Spring SpringTime Time 23 i 47 114 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING 1 1BUSINESS BUSINESS 520 420 340 160 100 110 100 70 100 100ONE ONE CENT 680 380 240 100 90 100 100SHORTY SHORTY 320 60 100 100Winner Winner B f by Pillory Belle Uonnld by Dark Ronald trained by W B Peniberton bred by Sir R T Wilson Winner entered to b churned for 900 900WENT WENT TO POST 314 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third the same sameBUSINESS BUSINESS moved up on the outside entering the stretch and continuing gamely drew clear in the last seventy yards ONK CENT displayed the most early speed failed to withstand the winners chal ¬ lenge but held the others safe at the end SHORTY began slowly gained steadily came through on the inside midway oC the stretch but tired in the last sixteenth LENNY gained some ground ELIZA ¬ BETH SULLIVAN and SUN DANCK showed early speed but both quit badly The others were outpaced outpacedScratched Scratched 17SC5 Theo Fay 110 47321 Foxmore 111 4G919 Torrence IOC 47210 Saturday Night 111 4C930 Billie March 111 47091 Tufli 106 470GS Broker 105 43940 Little Ilattie 106 106Overweights Overweights Elizabeth Sullivan 2 pounds Sprig 2 A COOPT FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Baffling July 25 1925 112 4 118 Purse 800 3 dtO dtOM M ft yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third third3Iay3130Tdn 3Iay3130Tdn 50 Claiming price 900 Indes Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 48049 BRIGHT FLASH w 3 95 9 4 2 1 1 1 C Cogan S Ross 150100 48051 = NIGHT CRY WB 3 108J 8 3 31 3s 2h 21 J Berry C W Mooro 310100 310100lit 48112 BRUSHING wn 4 11G 22 2248113KEKY lit 2 ° k 3 31 R Buckley Paradise Stock Fm Sta 12GO100 48113KEKY COLONEL w 5 111 11 7 7 41 41 4i J Futrell AV W Loney 1540100 3G225 ANTHA S w 3 102 3 5 5DAISY 41 51 G 5 M Dupuy J H Patterson G30100 G301005i DAISY BUCK w 2 102 1Q A 5i fil SI Ci 0 Nee L II Tubbg 1152010Q 4724G ROUGHNECK w 3 100 7 8 SJ S 71 R Ross J E Lewis t 47407 HAILSTORM WB 5 116 66 61 71 S1 S D Frogtte J McKeon 1110100 48049 3040100475G3BUNNIE FAIR GLOAV WB 3 10S 1 11 10 10 10 DJ M AVlmer H G Bedwell 3040100 475G3BUNNIE EAST WB 3 104 5 10 9l 9J 9 nO G Reeves F3 Brown 5250100 32 G803 BEDFORD w 9 116 4 9 Fell G Mthews H Hoffman t ttField tField Time 24 48 114 Track ftst 2 DONATIONS PAID BRIGHT 100NIGHT FLASH S 500 360 S 260 150 100 80 100 30 100 NIGHT CRY 10DBRUSHING 340 280 70 103 40 10D BRUSHING 480 140 100 100AVinncr AVinncr B f by Bright Knight Flying Comet by Peter Pan trained by U S AVisbard bred by Mr C T Grayson AVinner entered to be claimed for 900 WENT minuteStart TO POST 345 AT POST J minute Start good and slow AAon easily second and third the same BRIGHT sameBRIGHT FLASH took the lead on the far turn and drew away into an easy lead in the stretch and won as if much the best NIGHT CRY a factor all the way disposed of BRUSHING in the final eighth The latter displayed early speed but tired in the stretch drive and was doing his best at the end KENTUCKY COLONEL finished well when clear in the last sixteenth and was going fast at the end BEDFORD stumbled and fell after the first sixteenth sixteenthScratched Scratched 17327JPrince Ronald 110 48112 Dingo 110 4S049 Efeldee IOC SG020 Gold Cord 100 4G737 Bush Buck 111 4S1C7 Lady Clmtterton 100 4S049 Doltaire 11G Overweights 11GOverweights Night Cry 3 pounds Antha S 2 Daisy Buck 2 Fair Glow 3 Bunnie East 4 4QOrtO FIFTH RACE 1 Milo and 40 Yards General Jackson May 30 1930 145 3 103 O Ooi oi v Purss 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 725 31ay3130Tdn 72531ay3130Tdn second 200 third 75 Claiming price 2000 AWtPPSti4 Str Flu Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 47613 VENEZUELA vr 4 111 412 = 1J 1 1 lh R Buckley J M Reetl 48053 GOTHAM vu61C9 2 C 3 3wn 4 = Si 21 2nk E Level 4G2053DARFUR wn 7 110 7 7 7 7w 7 5 4J 3J E Warden F II Jones 47749XANIHAAVAII w 6 109 1 3 l 3 2J y 4 J W Frye A Smitlia 48054BUCKY HARRIS wu 7 105 G 4 4 = 2 4 41 5 ° 57 C Frock J Simmons 4 7003 LENA M iv 4 104 3 2 6i 53 6 = 6 6 W Ellswh A Dufauchard 48049 BOND SLAATE w 6 110 5 5 3h 6 = 7 7 7 F Doherty Mrs W E Doyle Time 23 47 114 141 143 new track record Track fast 2 DONATIONS EQUIVALENT BOOKING VENEZUELA 100GOTHAM 2620 1520 720 1210 100 660 100 260 100 100DARFUR GOTHAM G80 420 240 100 110 100 DARFUR 560 180 100 100AAinner AAinner B g by Dominant Maracaibo by Spanish Prince II trained by J M Reed bred by Greeutree Stable AVinner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 411 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same AENEZUELA sameAENEZUELA displayed fine speed all the way but was under a hard drive in the last sixteenth to retain his slight advantage GOTHAM steadily improved his position and finished fast and gamely in the stretch DARFUR closed a big gap and was going gamely at the end NANIIIAAVAII had no excuses and tired BUCKY HARRIS ran well to the stretch where he ran wide and tired rapidly thereafter thereafterOverweight Overweight A7enezuela 1 pound 4O rj rjr7 r7 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards Venezuela May 31 1930 143 4 111 Purse jAd a 1000 3ycarclds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 7CO second 3lay3130T second3lay3130T Jll 200 third 75 Claiming price 1500 if for 1200 allowed 3 pounds Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strr 48055 = BUMPKIN w 7 109 3 C 6 = 5 1J 1J I3 D Bryant M Keileher 47309MORLEY AVI 3 103 64 43 3l 2i 2 2 E Level F J Buchanan 47832 = FINNIC AV 4 103 1 1 2 2nk 3 31 V M Dupny Mrs R L Rogers Rogersw 4 K 1 1 G DONTADOS w 3 101 7 2 3 4J 4 k i 4 W Ellswh S T Baxter BaxterWB 477793NA ZDAR WB 3 9S 4 3 1 1 5 5 ° 5s J W Fryo G J Fern FernWB 47750 FUTURO WB 9 109 2 5 5J 6s C 6 6s J Redding Mrs H Neal Nealw 4291G ATLA w 7 109 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 D Frogtte Mrs J H Nicholson Time 24 48 115 141 143 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING BUMPKIN 100MORLEY 500 320 240 150 100 60 100 20 100 ICOFINNIC MORLEY 460 280 130 100 40 ICO FINNIC 100Winner 280 40 100 Winner I5r g by Brown Prince IT Rustic Maid by Ogden trained by J C McAuliffe bred by Mr F Johnson Winner entered to be claimed for 1300 WENT 1300WENT TO POST 440 AT POST i minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVou easily second and third the same BUMPKIN sameBUMPKIN moved np fast on the outside o the others after rounding the far turn and taking command on the turn for home drew away into an easy lead thereafter MORLEY moved up into a contending position after going half the distance was no match for the winner but was easily best of the others FINNIC displayed early speed but tired after entering the stretch DONTADOS had no excuses and finishing tiring as did NA ZDAK ZDAKOverweights Overweights Morley 4 pounds Futuro 3 4Q OQ SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Vitamin July 20 1925 154 6 111 Purse 1000 O f faO aO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 725 second 200 third 3Iay3130Tdn third3Iay3130Tdn 75 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses AWtPPSt J4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48114 CHAIRMAN WB 6 111 4 5 5 3 I1 I1 1 = M Wimer H G Bedwell Bedwellw 47665FINNSTER w 7 106 2 2 31 4J 31 3i 2J M Dupuy II Kelleher KelleherVB5111 4 81 72i MISNOMER VB5111 5 3 2 = 1J 2 2l 3l R Buckley W S Hoist Hoistw 47411AARBLER w 4 101 1 4 6 51 41 i 4 W Ellsrth W J Marlma Marlmaw 48172COQUINA w S 102 6 C 41 6 o a1 5s L Cunham f E Davison DavisonWE 47248 BRIGAND WE 4 106 S 1 1s 21 6 6 6 D Bryant V A McKinn Time 24 49 115 141 154 Track fast CHAIRMAN 100FINNSTER 1620 800 420 710 100 300 100 110 100 100MISNOMER FINNSTER 420 280 110 100 40 100 MISNOMER 2SO 40 100 Winner 100Winner B h by Wrack Conduit by The White Knight trained By W V Casey bred by Mr H G Bedwell Winner entered to be claimed for 1C 0 0WENT WENT TO POST 511 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving CHAIRMAN moved up on the outside after making tlie far turn displacing MISNOMER in the lead and held the race safe in the stretch drive FINNSTEU was interfered with on the far turn made a resolute effort in the stretch and finished fast next to the inner rail MISNOMER took a brief lead after going the first half mile but tired during the final drive AVARBLER gained scnie ground in the badlyScratched last quarter BRIGAND set the early pace but quit badly Scratched 1S1C9 Panorel IOC 47029 Flying Torch IOC 47SG3 Lord Marmion 111 Overweight 111Overweight Coquina 1 pound A Q 1 T Q1 EIGHTH RACE 118 Miles Vitamin July 20 1925 154 6 111 Purse 1000 TCO AO 2 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 725 second 200 31ay31SOTln third 75 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses A AVtPPSt Vs Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48053 LONG JOE w C 106 1 5 3nt I1 1J I 1i E Level AV A Mikel 48117HAPPYHANLY w 4 111 3 C 5nt 2i 2 2 2 J Berry C AV Moore 48053 VALENCE 2 C1 C5 5i 4 = 31 D Frogtte A Smitha 4811 GSHASTA LADY WE 4 101 6 8 8 4 AV Ellswh Mrs J S Ownbey 4811CCAVALRY WB 7 106 2 1 4l 41 3 3 51 C Frock M H Jordan 3010100 30101004S117 4S117 ISAAC L w 3 106 8 3 I1 5 6l 61 Cnk M Dupuy E A Schwert 2120100 48053 DON T TVB 5 106 7 4 2 31 41 5 7h D Bryant X G Marlman OCO100 48117 UNCLE SI iv 6 111 4 7 7 ° 74 7J1 71 S J Futrell Mrs AV H Roberts 36SO100 36SO100Time Time 24 48 115 141 154 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING LONG JOE 380 320 300 90 100 60 100 50 100 100HAPPY HAPPY 100VALENCE HANLY 400 360 100 100 80 100 VALENCE 100AVinner 540 170 100 AVinner B g by Horron Carreno by Lally trained by AV A Mikel bred by Messrs Crommelin Gorham AVinner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 541 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AAon handily second and third the same sameLONG LONG JOE went into the lead near the far turn and retained a comfortable margin through the Btretch HAPPY HANLY made his move on the far turn but was no match for the ivluner though much the best of the others VALENCE finished resolutely on the outside in the stretch easily disposed of the tiring CAVALRY in the last eighth SHASTA LADY dropped far out of contention early then cloied a big gap DON T and ISAAC L showed early speed but tired badly