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7th FairmOCint purse SOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Helens 1116 Miles Ealjc Jullc 15 192S 144 5 in 2sOTE Claiming price 1000 2ycnrohls and upward which hare not won since 3ray 9 3yearolds 108 pounds older 11 pounds INouwtnncrs since April 1 allowed 3 pounds in 1930 5 pounds since November 21 7 pounds Ind PP Horse We Rce AWtIlan 48214 30Plute Tij 100 140 5 10SX725 48214 2Gaineswood FP 107 147 5 108X720 108X72048158J 48158J 4Kntluisiastic AO 112 147 4 11L 715 7154S037 4S037 r Thistle BoyKP 105 147 C 101X710 4S214 11 Evergreen EvergreenQueen Queen Bbg 98145 4 101 705 47400 SMiles Prior FI 114 147 G 101X700 48103 Sifting SamllSbg 00 117 4 101 C93 Ind 11 Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan4S041 4S041 l Copper Son 3 90 090 0904S041 4S041 3Bec Jay M AC 101 149 3 93 090 CHec JP 112 150 1 104 G90 7 Mrs SnyderFP 109 149 5 10GC90 404S2 12 First DanceOma 103 1518 G 109XC90 48213 13 The CossackFG 111 143 5 101GOO The past performances ot the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFIn Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race B g 6 by Honeywood Lcnoro by Semproniui Trainer J A Carlock Owner H W Miller See Saturdays eighth Falnnotint chart JIaj2730FP l l41ft l41ftWaj2130FP 1C 110 1 5 71 7 GoodrichE 9 Parnell llOlnishLife 113UncieBoot 107 O Waj2130FP 1 ° l4SftJIayl730FP l4Sft 1C 115 1 2 4 7 GoodrichE S TkyCnel 112RobiuaSethl03AaVitalOO O Of JIayl730FP 1f f l53sjMajlSSOFP l53sj 10 110 G 4 7 731 GoodrichE 8 Hula 107 Elfrleda G 110 Punkle 110 O Oe MajlSSOFP 1 e 149 ft ftApt2630JWhe 7 113 2 1 GT GJ GoodrichE S Coy 113KthelGalUgor lOSBimthorne 113 O Apt2630JWhe 2 llGft llGftApc2130Who 6J 107 5 10 10 310 GoodIchE 10 Timekeeperll2Saragal09BghtFl1h 109 O Apc2130Who 2 I 117 ft 25 109 3 Fell GoodichE 7 TctraGlass lllMshlSeth 100lJ ssa 116 0 0itarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 36 6 674 7 4 5035 This year 19 1 2 17 GainCSAVOOd 1 OS B e 6 by Chicle alowa by Golden Sun SunLast Last work 137 12 515isl J Trainer M Banders Owner AT B Campbell See Saturdays eighth Fairmount chart chartMv2S303FP Mv2S303FP 1fo l47 4ft 5 107 1 2 21 2 PeggC 7 Son Ami 107 Classy 113 Tarnish 103 C C1IV23303FP 1IV23303FP 1 l45 ft 13 108 2 1 2J 2 PeggC8 9 BillylC8MatHuntcrl08MarcaAgnes 103 C CM M j2130 FP 3 l14 ift 6 110 10 8 7 7 CimcrakG 12 LuekFiece 100 Lounger 113SonAmi 110 C JLylg30FP 2 l19Viny 8 115 7 3 21 33 EdwardsC 10 Broomoney 110 Cuevas 110 Fasciste 113 C Hu2730 StJ 1 147 ft 28 113 4 2 53J 7 ° FcrmlnA 10 Laurie 108 Spurrier 110 Clarificr 108 C Hat2430St J IJ l57 l 12 111 444 G FermlnA 9 ParolcII 111 Margate 100 Fire On 11G C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 612 3G55 This year 15 1 3 3 3279 3279Enthusiastic Enthusiastic 111 B e by Sweep Tiday by Broomsitck BroomsitckLast Last work 149 5SlOl7igd JLJL Trainer P I lycan Owner P L lycan Jiaj30305FP IjV l47sft 51 110 7 5 CJ 5 SwigertT4 8 EdReescll3SwecpNetll3SalutationllO C Maj2630 FP 2 l13ft 43 113 9 7 9 2 S PrgrassA 12 OssiellllGFoeMnnn lllJncAdele 102J C JI jl6303FP 1 l4Sft 225 112 6 7 S3 SwigertT4 S Bunthorne 112 Bearcry 100 Coy 113 C JtajlSSOFP = 114 ft 24f 1151212 9 7 PrgrassA 12 TheSh wOffl07HIghwayl07PatsyII 102 C AptlSSOTan 1 l52hy 106 2 3 31 3 NcalO1 5 ShastaNutl03AVlBankl03KkyUabe 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 1 0 2 GSO This year ID 312 1480 1480Thistle Thistle Boy 1 CA B s 6 ty Pataud Amelita by Scmpronius ScmproniusLast Last work 147 12 51ift lvQ Trainer J G Brown Owner J G Brown BrownJIay2S303FP JIay2S303FP lfe l47ft 7 112 2 4 53i 5e SmithD 7 SonAmi 107Gaineswood 107 Classy 113 C CJfcj Jfcj SOFP l l4GVif 14710 110 4 4 3s 43i SmithD C AVarNymph HOPotFull 103BccJay 93 C CJIjlG30FP JIjlG30FP 2 l15Vift 23 112 5 8 9 9 SwigertT 12 TlieMoonl01Cm gLadyl07KatArmslI2 C Ans 229Bbg 1fV 159 ft 175 113 3 4 3J 2 ° KnightM 7 NIIawaiilOGAdamsApplelllMcaralOO C Jul 25293Bbs 1fs 155 hy 115 109 2 3 3J li KnightM MO Paton 113 Kiyl 101 Sturdy Stella 102 C JuL 529FP 1 151 si 2310 113 5 5 3J 3 McyerM 11 FirstPickll3tStdySfalllMagicLightH3 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 1 5 4 1950 This year 3 3EvcrCTCCH EvcrCTCCH QnCCIl 1 CA f 4 by Over There Southern Queen by Sea King ± J ± Trainer AV E Sallee Owner W E Sallee See Saturdays eighth Fairmount chart chartMaj2G30TFP Maj2G30TFP IJ l35ft Cf 103 G C 55J 5 = MeycrsME1 11 OceanCrcntllOMclitnll3MatnnrtcrllO C JIaj2230FP lfe l48ft 29 107 8 6 5 i 4 MeycrsME S Coy 112 Tarnish 99 High Life 113 C Mai9304JP 1J 201 4sl 2S 103 9 10 1010i McysME 12 LausantllGScyPollylOSGrdmaG 103 C Man27307JP 1 149 ft 7 102 7 4 4J 33J MeysME 12 CorralBoss 107Pccp O 10S Adieu 107 C FclU9303FG l l471ift 30f 100 11 8 7 1 9 MeyrsMEs 12 BlkbrylOODnatinalOUChattahcheelOJ C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 1 1 2 5 925 This year 9 0 0 1 50 50Miles Miles Prior 1 A Ch St 6 by Torloisk Allspice by Cicero CiceroLast Last work 149 38 104 gd LV r Trainer E E Major Owner E E Major MajorMajlO303FP MajlO303FP Ijj l50ift 1C 114 2 4 5 7 i RoseM3 S ThtlcAriouslllFinlandlllFoctcr 114 C CJan23303FG Jan23303FG IJ l39sl 175 109 1 6 G G = RusscllIC 12 Force 109 Isostasy 114 Qulbblcr 111 t Jn 2SOFG 1J 202hy GJ 112 1 5 3J 2 LandoltC1 8 Thelluguenot 107Padonall2IIehukal 109 C Dcc2329 JP 1 143 ft 6J 112 6 8 10 J Sl LandoltC 12 Rmc andReasonll21ndral09Lcmnos 112 C Octll297Fr 1J 201 m S 111 2 1 4 1 33 RoseM 8 Clyde C 100 Punkie 103 Fetching 100 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 27 568 4G91 This year 3 0 1 0 5 150 150Sifting1 Sifting1 Saild 1 A B B by Sand Mole Carmen by Peter Quince QuinceLast Last work 133 1m l43 ft JVJ Trriner E Scovilla Owner E Ecovlllo Ecovlllo3Tay2930FP 3Tay2930FP 1 l43 ft 24 IOC 3 2 3 J 4 SwigertT S ThleSpylOSHassCcellOPbsLastlO C JLV2430FP lo l4GV ft 13 105 2 3 5J 5 J CimerakG G AVarNymph HOPotFull 103BeeJay 93 C Maj21306FP 21HVsft 20f 106 2 9 1111 = 3 GdrichE 12 LuckPicce IOC Lounger 113SonAmi 110 C Octl929FF ll45Vt 13 100 3 2 33J 93J CramerU 11 ColIeQueen 103 UIgliLife 111 Piute 109 C OcLl7293FP l l45ft 17 101 1 3 3T1 41 CimerakG 3 StarPrincel07AVillIank 1121tLoma 115 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 1 1 0 750 This year 3 3Copper Copper Son Q B by ntc Verde Megan by Hessian HessiantU tU Trainer A V Thomas Owner AV I Eohn EohnMaj2S30FP Maj2S30FP ioi44ft 61 101 9 G G = G GoodrichE 10 AVarNmphlOSPotFHm09PattiLouisel03 C Majr2130FP 2 l15ft 9 111 6 6 53 4 HanfordBi 10 Nelson 120MrctNdirm lOCSndlvg 111 C JIvl6306FP 2 lM56ft ISf 104 10 9 51 49i HanfordB 12 MyBcautyllOFallcnLeafll5KgBaiikll2 C Ftbl630Hav 2 l13Hft 75 105 8 8 65i 531 AustinM8 9 MurgPinesllOAVdyLonglOSAlamae 108 C Fcb 12C03Hav 2114 gd 5 103 5 5 532 3 AustinF 5 PerfectAlibillOTitleOaklOSLlerBy 110 C Kb 330Hav l l44ft 85 108 4 1 2 23 AustinM C FloONeilllOlGraniteDtlOSAVIIlrain 111 C J n23303Hav 1 l44gd 4 103 5 5 5 5 AustinM 5 LIerBnyl07P1ssM1gt9GlfcctAlibi 103 C Cf f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 2 3 1 1870 This year 7 Oil 220 220Bee Bee Jay QO B c 3 M y Behave Yourself Beauty Slave by Black BlackLast Last work 128 34118ft Toney ToneyTrainer Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby IrbyMaj2S30FP Maj2S30FP l l44ft 11 97 1 5 415 4 CallahanC1 10 AVarNmphlOSPotFiilll09PattiLouisel03 C ° c 1 ° l46ft 8 95 6 5 45 3 = CallahanC5 C AATarNymphllOPctFulll03ThistleBoy 110 t 2 l13 ft 47f 104 7 8 S10 7i DecamsE 12 FortcMnllOAVchwordlljKgHala 113 C 2lV ft 29 10S 11 9 8 S DeCamsE 11 Nelson JlSFigLeaf lOSThtleMarty 103 C Mai2330AC 5Jfl07ft 8 99 8 9 Sl 3 J DePcsoG 12 BIgBiIlTmpsnll2Seminolal07Changl07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 This year 11 0 1 2 22G 22GJlec Jlec 1 fA r P by Trojan Bella Desmond by Desmond DesmondLast Last work 149 12 54gd r Trainer L M Holmes Owner Mrs L M Holmes Maj23303FP 1 l45ift 7 113 3 7 Sl S3 Kellumjs 9 Billy lOSGaineswood lOSMntlliiuter 108 C Clfcj2030vFP lfcj2030vFP 110 i52liy UJ 112 G 1 1 21 Kellumjs 9 BearcryOSTwentyFiveSixtyOSPtlln 107 C CJLvlG30 JLvlG30 = FP 1 l48ft 40 117 2 G G 7o KellumJ1 S Bunthorne 112 Bearcry 100 Coy 113 C CMajrl3307FP Majrl3307FP 1 149 ft 31 118 4 3 610 5T2 KellumJ 8 Coy 113EthelGalliger lOSBunthorne 113 C CJfajlO30 JfajlO30 FP 1 l50ft 76 114 2 3 4 4 KellumJ3 8 Bozo HSSandyLady lOSStageStruck 113 C CMor2SC03JP Mor2SC03JP l lj j 155 m 46 111 G IS 12 12 KellumJ3 12 SpcrFelixlllGst ofHorlOSColSethll4 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 This year 12 0 1 0 100 100Mrs Mrs Slider 1 fjfi Last work 140 12 49ft JV Trainer W Phillips Owner G Mueninghaus j2730TFP ll44ft 62 107 4 7 9 9 = c JudyJ JudyJOctlG297FP 9 Parnell HOJlIighLife 113UncleBoot 107 C OctlG297FP lfg l47ft 9f 108 12 12 12 12 WilsonL WilsonLOct 412 Sunspec02rrospectlCCMysyBalllot 100 C Oct 72S FP 1 l15 iva 33f 107 12 12 1I11 RoseM RoseMBrplO29DP 12 DncleBootlOSTOrrnnl03BrngGIsllO t BrplO29DP 1 154 by 43 110 3 8 S S = GevingL GevingLstp 8 ConClublOSMsteWletlOSStcrral 102 C stp 329DP 1J l53 ft 37f 112 10 7 91 JudyJ JudyJA052S9IDP 11 ilolSIyhlll 112Lepanto lloValcnce 112 C A052S9IDP 1J l53ft 24 110 4 6 7 7 JudyJ 1 8 Cisfieldl03ErinGoBraghll5JcanBonll03 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 1 0 0 S 700 700First This year 1 First Dance 1 HQ ch h 6 6t ty y c Omar Khayyam Maidens Ballet by Celt J U J Trainer P L Kelley Owner Hrs H D Cox Angl329CP 15 l55gd 5 100 9 8 7T2 6 DouertyF 11 nighldChiefl02Hyflux93Treasurer 107 C CAuglO29CP AuglO29CP 1fg 152 sy 11 113 6 5 2l 21 MoneyJD 11 RlCharge 112Erelash 109Treasurerl08 C CADS ADS 129Kgs l l51sl 4110 111 6 = 5 GmvoodC 9 KgChIesll lMryMnt lOlNineSixty 101 C CJuL1923 JuL1923 Dor 1J l55ft 7 118 8 3 2l 2l JonesJ 112 IlirearlllOVernonllSTpeofDawn 101 C CJuL162D7Dor JuL162D7Dor 1J 155 ft 33 116 94 6J 4J MooreR 9 LyAlIumrlllIIpyJkllOKVtnLadllO C CJall329JDor Jall329JDor li 155 ft 15 109 9 7 Gi 6 J WilsonT 10 LadyAirurlOSOpenndllOHpyJack 10G C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 162 1305 1305The The CoSSack 1 CA B e S by Bucks Hussar Happy New Year by Santry SantryLast Last work 130 3S l04ft t Trainer J D Grant Owner J D Grant GrantSee See Saturdays seventh Fairmount chart 1 li l55ft 13 113 5 7 r J S DuboisD1 11 OccanCrcntllOMclitalloMatHunterllO C jxuu i I10 l47 ft 12 113 5 3 41 33 DuboisD 9 WarNpli lOlMelita lOSOcnCurrent 108 C M j1930TFP lj l501 liy IA 113 8 7 711 G MeycrsME 9 StgeStkll3neJlcCnll3SwcepXet 108 C Maj1230FP 1J 156 ft 11 112 5 G 7J 7 2 JudyJ 7 Lemnos 115 TrueBoy 110 Ed Kccse 110 C CDCC1129TJP DCC1129TJP l l57gd 9 100 9 9 9 7 EllswhW 12 Misnomer 111 Sentry Lass 91Coinmand 94 C An An2429IHaw 2429IHaw 1 206ft 12 101 9 6 6i 641 BryantD 9 WilllSank HCnara 98Alaba1aBound 104 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 0 0 1 100 This year 4 0 0 1 50