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THE GREATEST MONEY RIDER OF THEM AJLL AJLLJOCKEY JOCKEY ALBERT JOHNSON DAILY DAILY 1000 1000 ONE ONE HORSE HORSE A DAY A DAY NEVER NEVER MORE MORE SATURDAYS RELEASE GIVEN FROM THIS OFFICE ONLY Venezuela 262OWon 262OWonFRIDAYS FRIDAYS RELEASE GIVEN FROM THIS OFFICE ONLY ONLYBARITONE BARITONE 2378 WON WONW W TWENTYSIX HUNDRED PLAYERS CANT BE WRONG 5pl 5plTwenty Twenty six hundred players In the United States have subscribed to this service and are still with this service since its inauguration There must be a reason WINNERS W MONDAYS WINNER IS THE MEDIUM OF A WELL pg SW PLANNED SPECIAL p pThe The result of Mondays information will speak for itself I must ask every subscriber to this service to keep Mondays information a positive secret If all plays are kept away from the mntnel machines we should all realize 10 for a 2 MUTUEL CERTIFICATE Subscribe early All Horses Released from This Office Have My ApproTal and Are I I Wagered On by My Commissioners Throughout tlie Country I Office Will Be Open Sunday 11 A M to 4 P M MJockey Jockey Albert Johnsons Information for Sale at This Office Only OnlyCity City clients and frienls call in person Outoftown subscribers wire 10 by Western Union or Postal Telegraph INFORMATION KELEASED AT 10 A M DAILY ALBERT JOHNSON JOHNSON9J9 9J9 BROADWAY Flatiron Building Suite 508509 NEW YORK CITY