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CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSThe The following charts were received too late for yesterdays early edition tf Qtl KA SIXTH EACE 1 11G Miles Lady Madcap May 24 1922 144 4 113 Memorial tOJLO Day Handicap Purso 1500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to ray30SOCD winner 1150 second 25950 third 148 Claiming price 5000 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Erjniv Odds Strt 480323HERRICK w 4 108 3 4 3J 21 21 Ill C Turk C E Hamilton 193100 179GC CHIP w 4 107 4 1 2 33 33 2J 2 K Russell Mrs E L Swikard 261100 26110047519DIXIE 47519DIXIE LAD w 3 105 5 5 5 4 4i 41 3 R Finnerty A B Lelellicr 343100 343100479GG 479GG DR PARRISII wu 4 112 2 2 1 Il 11 3 44 AV Garner J AV Parrish 621100 17474 MR DICK w 3 102 1 3 4 6 5 5 5 AV Cooler Oakland Farm Stable 1030100 1030100Time Time 24 i 49 114 139 145 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDB HEEEICK 586 322 No show prices 193 100 01 100 100CHIP CHIP 372 86 100 100AAinnor AAinnor B g by Ambassador 1A Lady Lovely by McGec trained by J Gass bred by Mr A B Hancock AAinner entered to be claimed for 0300 0300WENT WENT TO POST 522 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameUERR1CK UERR1CK racing in his best form alternated in forcing the cnrly pace disposed of DR PARRISII with a rush and holding on stubbornly stalled off CHIP The latter a factor from the start dropped back ns if through on the last turn hut came again gamely when straightened out in the stretch but could not get to the winner DIXIE LAD began slowly lost some ground and outfinished DIt PARRISII The latter began tiring after showing speed to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 47370Coral Beach 102 102Overweights Overweights Dixie Lad 3 pouids Dr Parrish 3 XjQfi ETlJ SEVENTH EACE 1 11G Miles Lady Madcap May 24 1922 144 4 113 Purso 4ltoJL 3JL 1200 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 5900 second secondMsiy3030CD Msiy3030CD 200 third 100 Claiming price COO if for more 1 pound extra for each 100 100to to 800 Inder Horses AAVtPPStli 2 StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 47931EArERBLUE w 4 103 S 5 G3 G1 2i I3 I4 J Ciiirch L Jones 01CO100 18031 CHATTER BLACKw 4 108 G 1 31 3i 3 2 2S L Jones J V Pons 20S100 48028 BROAVN FLASH vis S 110 1 S 8 72 4J 3 = 3i II Fisher Harned Bros 393100 47928 PCESS VIRGIXIAwc 4 103 4 G 5 5U aJ 4U 4 = AV Cooler F P Lctcllier S46G100 S46G10047931MARGATE 47931MARGATE w 7 li1 S 4 I1 lh Ci G 5 G Land Sercnata Htock Farm Sta E1G100 E1G1004S034 4S034 ORATOR wn 7 112 5 2 2 4 7i 7 G K Russell M Goldblatt 584100 48034 FLASHING GEM wi 4 113 399 S S 7l 1C Hffman R AV Collins 3471100 18028 AAIIISIC ARROAV wn 3 110 7 3 41 2 1 5 S3 AV Garner G V Barnes 925100 47928 LOUISVILLE LOU w 3 1C7 2 7 7h 9 9 9 9 R IJeperini F AV Bradsby 2173100 2173100Time Time 24 49 114 140 146 Track fast 2 MUTTJELS PAID EQtnVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSEVEEBLUE EVEEBLUE 2520 882 492 11GO 100 341 100 146 100 100CHATTEE CHATTEE BLACK 388 292 94 100 46 100 100BEOWN BEOWN FLASH 416 108 100 100AVinner AVinner Br f by Eternal Blue Jeans by Helmet trained by L Jones bred by Mr H S Gilbert AVinner entered to be claimed for 1800 1800WENT WENT TO POST 557 AT POST IJ minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AAon easily second and third driving drivingEVERBLUK EVERBLUK suddenly Improved lost ground while racing a good distance back on the first turn entered contention gradually but raced into a Ion lead quickly and wen with something in reserve CHATTER BLACK much used from the start suffered slight interference could not withstand the winner but outstayed BROAVN FLASH The latter began slowly saved much ground and tired in the final drive PRINCESS VIRGINIA tired in the stretch MARGATE quit ORATOR had early speed AVH1SK ARROW held the lead briefly approaching the stretch and tired badly in the final drive driveScratched Scratched 48033 Goodman 113 47130Susie Pal 103 47758 Ballot Brush 103 4S0303Ray Ruddy 110 47S7C Juel lean 103 103Overweights Overweights Everblue 3 pounds Chatter Black 1 Margate 33 Flashing Gem 5 Louisville Lon 2