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Oin r air mount rirse 80o 3ycaroIds and upward Claiming Jfy Dandy 34 Mile Splt 7 M28 lll3 108 108NOTE NOTE Claiming price 2r 00 If for less 2 pounds allowed for each S250 to S 1750 3ycuroIds 112 pounds older 120 pounds Ronwinners since 3Iay a allowed 3 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec 47855 3KINCSlORT Hav 10S 112 45173 OMcTinkle Dev 107 112 47975 7 Tlie Padre Haw 100 112 4C033 S Governor Seth Bhg 114 112 1124815S 4815S 2Xiclielson Hav 103 111 Ind PP Uorse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan47SSS1 47SSS1 1 Water Lad Haw 103 111 S 5 120093 1200934S15S 4S15S 4 Jar Mia 110 113 3 104 095 0954S212 4S212 5 Selection Lat 107 113 3 105XG90 48039 OPiirplc Robellav 110 114 3 95X090 4GC50 10Fair Argument Bbg 111 l13s 4 10CXC90 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFIn Jockey PPSta Best Company Class ClassB ot Race Kiugsport KiugsportLast B g 5 by Brown Prince H Alverda by Fair Play Last work 151 34120ft Trainer W Webster Owner C Bartsch Maj2330 FP 3 l14Vift 35 111 1 1 1J 1 J PcggC1 8 HVdLce lllLville IlGUcleBoot 111 C JL1730FP 2 llGsy 5i 115 3 4 3 3 DayW3 7 ArrogantllGPresidentSethllSClassy 11G C JlajlSSOFP 2114ft 32 107 2 G G10 G SwlgertT SwlgertTl 12SlistaLadll2JckCrainl07KatArms 112 C Mae 2305Hav l l45ft 1 120 2 1 1J 4 BryantD BryantDls 13 SanCarlos HlMartMalone lOSCrash 114 U IWx24305Hav ls 143 si 4 113 2 1 1 I5 BryantD 10 MartMalonelCSBaltimorc92SanClos 112 H rwU630JHav 3 112 ft 710 IDS 4 1 lh 1i ColvinA 7 Algol 111 Andrcsito 110 Charbuel 100 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4 1 0 1 750 This year 11 Gil 5762 McTinlde 1 1 1Last OB g 7 by McGee Tinkle by loved One Last work 149 34118gd J Trainer A Gaignard Owner C A Coyle r 330 FG 113 fcgd 6 103 2 5 7 7l ThtbodxH 8 Film 110ThcDigo 109 Black Flyer 108 A Dot2829JP 2 l16hy 11 108 2 3 3i 4 Tdeauxll C FstMissnl20GoIdnVoltl09Scotland 114 C D 1429JP 2113ft 28 109 1 3 2i 3 TdeauxH 7 Luckynitll4TSthrnrl09GornVoUllS C Dc 729JP 2 117 m 16 107 5 S 813 8 TdeauxH 8 MnsTryst lOlSalona HOBridegrm 110 C OctlG29Lrl 2 l15sl 13 111 3 3Au622295LB 4 V 7s HornG 11 Bramabiaull2MorsnnlOSBenishWay 108 C Au622295LB 2114 ft 125 10S 1 1 ° 45i QuillenC 8 Belmona 98 Fair Bob 99 Gideon 102 i iWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 213 213The 2400 This year 1 1r The Padre 1 1 r Br e 4 by Light Brigade The Nun II by St Frusquln Mij2730sFP 2 l12ft Gi 107 5 4 31 3 DayW 7 TheoRterlQjGncCiriotlOCStpdalelll C C330FP 330FP 3 l13 ft 145 11G 122 G10 SmithD 10 MyBeauty lOSJkCrain HSUdCover 109 C Cuju5305FP uju5305FP 3 l13Vft 14 113 3 2 4T 5 SheltonJ1 5 Genuine 1710 Water Lad 113 Jar 103 C CApr Apr SO Tul 5S f l03ft 14 109 5H WintersII 8 FtWth lllBro tWindl07StyBondll2 A AK K 1829AD 2 114 ft 112 G 5 41 3i MayT 10 Bo tAVdlOSWclinrtllSDIeighfnlOO C CKorl429sAD Korl429sAD 5Jfl07gd 115 4 6 G J G i PrgrassA 8 Br o t WindlOCTmyLadl Kukui 111 C CKor Kor 729sAD DJ f lOSsl 109 3 1 1 = 1 PrgrassA G WhmntllSFortWlillOBde o tW107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 31 This year 4 0 0 1 Governor Seth 117 e y yLast ° Cutaneous by Farandole Last work 14S 58 l09Jft Trainer J L Wilson Owner J 1 Wilson JGuill30JP 1TV l47ft 75 112 8 4 3H 4i KnlghtM 8 RyKellerl07BhJrongerl07R Spider 107 C CJltt Jltt 530 ° JP l lfl47 fl47 ft 1C 111 1 2 1 J 2 J KnightM 8 Comet lllWh tlieTimellSBKernan 114 C CFA1230 FA1230 ° Mia l lr r l45ft 5 107 3 2 4i 5 MarcumJ 12 SignOff 113 Aviator 117 Tony Joe 111 C Cn24303Mia n24303Mia 3 l12ft 15 103 R 7 G5J 5 MarcumJ 12 Sixty HGMdensTryst 104 Repufn 108 C CDetl7295KyP Detl7295KyP 3 I14i4ft 4J 110 S G G14 3tl HarcumJ 9 TheTartar 119Sturdy lllColDrage 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 3 5 G527 This year 4 010 Nicholson 1 j pT Ch g 6 by Omond Miss Malvenia by Seth JL L O Trainer E Flynn Owner V H Perry 2 113 ft 3i 113 G 4 4 4n BelysklA 8 FrnsFirel08OtiIirieurll5alieSwOffl09 C 2 l18hylO10 115 3 4J 5 ° GoodrichE1 C WaterIidll4Selection 108Arrogant Hi 2113 ft 910 111 1 1 I1 I1 GoodicliE1 7 Ragabaldll3SvecpNet99LuckPiecel04 C 2 l141Sft 95 117 222 EdwardsC 7 UinateVolel04OtiiMieurll7Surgeon 104 C 2 115 sy 2 110 3 4 4 1 351 DaintyF C Estin 110 PaganLaddie 110 Guilder 105 C j 2 115 ft G5 10S 1 1 1i lk DaintyF1 DaintyF1Starts 5 PaganLdiell5ChleyJS103Trchconlll C Starts 1st 2nJ 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 G 3 1 4800 This year 13 253 2063 Water Lad 1 f 90 Br h 5 by J JLnst Meridian Water lady by Waterboy Lnst work 151 34119ft J LjJ iV Trainer B Ju JuJt Judge Owner Miss E F Fullerton Jt j2430sFP 2 l13ft 3 111 3 1 1 2 PonceC3 PonceC3Maj2130FP S ThsSethl05Selectionl02BwnThtle 103 C Maj2130FP 2 115 ft 125 116 9 8 7 i G PonceC3 PonceC3Mayl930FP 11 Sterling Silver 118 Jar 110 Eloise 108 C Mayl930FP 2 l18hylB10 114 4 1 1 I3 PonceC3 PonceC3JD C Selection lOSArrogant lluSurgeon 103 C JD jl5305FP 2 l13ft 4710 113 2 3 23 2 = 1 PonceC5 PonceC5Apt 5 Genuine 110 Jar 103 Sen Ruben 115 C Apt 730Bow 5l28hyl920 111 4 3 3i 33 FonceC3 FonceC3Apt 5 Macil 108 Aziz 100 Keydet 111 H Apt l30 = Bow 2 l12ft 18 116 G G Gi 6 = PonceC1 7 CogAir HCCrystalDomino 120Algol 11C C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 26 317 4450 This year 9132 1274 Jar 1 HA Br c 3 Runantell Patagonia HI by Magellan MagellanLast Last work 140 12 53br JLUrr Trainer E McCuan Owner Weque Stable StableJty3030TFP Jty3030TFP 2 113 ft 15 104 888 7C1 CimerakG8 8 FrngFirelOSFOtiiMieurll5TheSwOffl09 C Ma24305FP G 109 8 7 7 714 CavensJ 8 ThsSeth 105WtrLad 114Selection 102 C 2130FP 3 115 ft 11 110 8 3 2 2 GarrityP1 11 SterllngSilvcrllSEloisclOSHighway 113 C 2 l13V ft 23 103 5 4 3 3i GreenC = 5 Genuine HOWaterLadllS SenRubenllu C JIarlO30FP 2 115 ft 7 101 G 8 43i G5 GreenCJ S M ryWinsorll5Ragabaldll7Domina 104 C Jlacll305JP 2 lll sd 23 118 3 1 2n KnightM 12 MissUseylOGMyEloiselllllinsTrue 113 C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year r3 13 1 110 1 0 875 This year 10 121 1013 Selection 10 B Cp 3 by Sul r8nlus Selective by Brown Prince II IILast Last work 1M 12 50ft i Trainer C Graffagnini Owner C Graffagnini See Saturdays sixtli Fnirmount chart chartJtv2630FP Jtv2630FP l l41 ft 7J 102 2 5 5i 5 MeycrsME 7 Morocco 315 My Scoop 111 Calome 103 C JIa24305FP 2 l135 ft 6 102 5 5 5 31 CallahanC1 8 ThsSetlil03WtrLad lllBnThtle 108 C Jtvl9303FP 2 l18hy 9J 108 6 4 3l 23 KcniW1 G WatcrLad 111 Arrogant HSSiirgeou 103 C CMaj16SOFP Maj16SOFP 2 lH43ft 71 113 6 5 410 4s Martini G UniateVotelllThsSeth 108Domina 108 C Apc2SSO Pim I70 l46ft 0 110 P 6 6T 4 McCrosnC3 7 JgeBtltl22BhveCashll2XaeBrksll7 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 711 7110 1100 This year G 0 1 2 239 239Br Purple Kobe KobeLa Br f 3 by Pagan Pan Purple Cross by Order Trainer i Kindle Owner W Cain La t work 147 58104ft w23305FP 2 l13ft 0 105 2 1 2J 4 ° PeggC 10 Fig Leaf 111 Perjury 107 Domitia 112 C 3t 29305St J SX f 108 ft 20 86 2 1 1J 2 = BoucherJ3 5 QenTowton 110JackIIowcl23Cleora 102 H Jtac2730 SLJ g l01ft 185 99 5 2 3J 33 RoseJI3 0 Guilder 109RodRack lOOBetty Ann 99 H 530StJ S 103 ft G3 103 2 2 23 53J RoseM 7 SprtHaIlahanl21JckCrainl21 Estin 121 C FA 230Hav 2 113 ft 5 110 5 2 3S 51 RlleyG1 8 Td1 AmpurllOTitOak HOWyLong 105 A Jaa2730IHav 2 l13ft 2 105 1 2 52 5i PasseroJ C Riv rForIstllOlftAlibilOSWdyLtgl07 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won r Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 210 1500 This year 10 d JL i YHU YHUFair Fair Argument 1 CR Cn B 4 by Fair Gain Argumental by Marathon MarathonJLvO JLvO Trainer R Pollard Owner Mrs R Pollard PollardApclG30IIdG ApclG30IIdG Vj l49gd C 109 G 2 I1 431 HanfordB1 C Arcgal 114 Prickly Heat 114 Voyagel05 C Aprll30 Bow l lf f l19ft 2710 107 13 9 GT 43J HanfrdB 14 SIiiderl07LteiiantII112RdCtslcsl07 C Apt SOOBow 11 158 si 7f 107 3 3 I1 21 HanfrdB 14 nAshbyl07jrtsJIIutcrl07Cisfield 107 C AI 4303Bow 2114 Ed 81f 1131111 7Ji 710 HanfrdB 14 Apostle llSDroanaLce lOSSaniboG 113 C dt2730lJP 1 l46ft 225 103 10 8 5lSi HanfordB 11 BlackAIice 105Bogan lOlTurfKing 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 16 303 2764 This year 12 134 1595