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FAIRMOUNT PARK COLLINSVILLE ILL SATURDAY MAY 31 1930 Failmount Park 1 Mile Nineteenth day Fair mount Jockey CInb Spring meeting of 19 days Weather clear Stewards J T Ireland and A T Spivey Judges J G Iteeder K Leigh and C Campau Starter G R AVingficld Racing Secretary J G Iteeder Racing starts at 200 p m Cliicago time 300 p nu AV indicates whip S spurs IJ blinkers Fig urs in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse end weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 106 Purso 800 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 11950 3Iay3130Fl third 63 Claiming price 1500 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 1000 Index Ilorses AWtlPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 480352OSSIE H v C 115 3 3 21 22 26 li G Cimcrak E McCuan 201100 47884 THE MON B 3 107 7 2 1 = 1 I3 I3 2 B Hanford J II Edwards 3T9100 3T9100v 4S0393DOMINA v 3 104 4 C 51 5 = 41 3 = G Fowler J Loiter 31G100 31G100A 48007 3GRIFF W A B 4 110 5 4 41 4i 5i 4h A Belyskl J O Williams 2S22100 47629 = TOLTEC V B 3 107 2 5 3h 3 3 = 5J E Goodich H AV Miller S12100 S12100v 47885 FORECASTER v S 120 6 1 G = G8 Gs 6 = D Dubois Mrs K Ramsey CSS100 CSS100WE 48041 DUXBEATH WE 7 1CS 1 7 7 7 7 7 C Pegs W M Cain 5328100 Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSOSSIE OSSIE H S 602 450 254 201 100 125 100 27 ICO ICOTHE THE MOON 448 286 124 100 43 100 100DOMINA DOMINA 280 40 100 100AVinner AVinner lr g by Towton Field Peace and Plenty by Uncle trained by E McCuan bred by Mr T JI Cross AVinner entered to be claimed 1or 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 206 AT POST 3 J minutes minutesStart Start bad out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameOSSIE OSSIE II gained rapidly after reaching the stretch wore down THE MOON and won with speed In reserve THE MOON raced into command set the pace to the stretch where he gave way readily to the challenge of the winner DOMINA far out of contention made up some ground to finish fast under severe punishment GRIFF AV had no mishaps TOLTEO tired in the final quarter FORE CASTEK away in motion dropped out of contention and was outrun thereafter DUNBEATII was always far back backScratched Scratched 4803C3King Bank 112 4S03S3IIead Cover 113 4803G Uncles Miss 108 40930 Gypsy Blood 110 48097 Matthew 110 4CG30 Fair Argument 112 47970 Betty Girl 93 41828 Frightful 113 113Corrected Corrected weight Forecaster 120 flQ9 AQ SECOND RACE 58 Mile Candy Queen June 24 1926 100 2 101 Juvenile rt Jdyj Purss Purse S800 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 650 second 3Iny3130FP second3Iny3130FP S100 third 50 Index Horses 4 Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 4 7 7 IT P CESS PEROXIDEw 10S 9 3 14 ic 1S 11 G Fowler J Lcitcr 2171CO 03 o 42 2n J Cavens J Bulluinff 1251100 51 32 2 31 ME Meys R C Stable 148100 TOO MUCH TALK TV 107 31 3h 52 53 4 R Cramer Black Dot Stable fl333100ALTOX fl333100 ALTOX M w 107 7 2 GI G G5 5s G Arnold Black Dot Stable t t243G100 44408 BILSOX TV 107 5 5 41 1 Ch 61 D Dubois B B Rice 243C100HASTY 243G100 HASTY PRIXCE TV 107 2 6 SI 71 71 7i L AVWtacre M E Casey 5162100 5162100JOTIAA JOTIAA TV 109 17 7 S3 S Sh W Kern Audley Farm Stable CS7100 CS7100WATTAHORSE WATTAHORSE TV lOSi G 9 9 9 9 9 L Geving Trailsend Stable 3062100 3062100fCoupled fCoupled as Black Dot Stable entry entryTime Time 23 47 101 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS PRINCESS PEROXIDE 634 368 282 217 100 84 100 41 100 100CIVOLLAG CIVOLLAG 946 338 373 100 69 100 100RED RED CHILI 242 21 100 100Winner Winner Ch t by Royal Canopy Pyroxene by Trap Rock trained by AV J Hughes bred by Mr P M AAalker AAalkerWENT WENT TO POST 235 AT POST 4 minutes Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving drivingPRINCESS PRINCESS PEROXIDE racing as if much the best and showing the most speed sprinted into n long lead to win as her rider pleased CIAOLLAO close up to the stretch where he ran out with a loss of ground came again to finish fast RED CHILI had no mishaps TOO MUCH TALK showed a good performance though racing greenly ALTON M raced evenly BILSON quit Scratched Knights Call 107 Overweights Jotiva 1 pound Wattahorse 1 THIRD RACE 34 Mile My Dandy Sspt 7 1928 111 3 106 Purse 800 4QOXCI O OxJ xJ xJLr Lr 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third third3Iny3130FP 3Iny3130FP 50 Claiming price 3000 if for more 2 pounds extra for each additional 250 Index Horses A AVt PP St Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enuiv Odds Strt 47801 = ESSIE w 4 113 S 4 42 41 32 1 J Cavens Blue Star Stable 749100 47804 ULTIMTE VOTE w 3 106 5 3 348101s 3 33 4 = 23 T Swigert C Morris 1311100 48101s GENUINE w 7 113 2 2 2 2 2 3i G Cimerak Mrs AV J Potter Potterli 100100 47973 THEO ROCHERw 3 109 1 1 li I1 1 41 B Hanford B B Rice 244100 47888 THOMAS SETH w 3 103 G 7 51 53 5 51 AV Day Xugent Bros 1470100 47888 BRAAX THISTLE TV 3 105 4 8 71 71 8 Gl G Fowler K N Gilpin 4732100 43818 SUNSTROKE w 3 109 35 G 6 Gi 7 J Ford A B Hancock 3975100 47930 VANQUISH TV 4 114 7 6 S 8 71 S E Gclloni K AAolff 1239S100 Time 23 46 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS ESSIE 1698 632 324 749 100 216 100 62 100 ULTIMATE VOTE 1286 494 543 100 147 100 GENUINE 252 26 100 AVinner Br f by AAesty Hogan Pleasure by Manager AVaite trained by A J Pershall bred by Mr T C McDowell AVinner entered to be claimed for 3500 3500WENT WENT TO POST 305 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AAroa driving second and third the same sameESSIE ESSIE followed the pace under restraint responded gamely when urged drew away into the lead but had to be hard ridden to withstand the challenge of ULTIMATE VOTE The latter gained rapidly after entering the stretch was gradually wearing down the winner and probably would have won in another stride GENUINE in close attendance from the start tired when put under punishment TIIEO ROCHESTER had a good lead when his rider was forced to ease up due to the saddle slipping THOMAS SETH made up some ground The others were outrun 4QOtl f FOURTH RACE 34 Mile My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 106 North Hills O JL JLJ J Country Club Purse Purse S900 3yearolds Allowances Net value to winner winner3Iay3130FP 3Iay3130FP 700 second 150 third 50 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47804 GUIDE RIGHT WB 10G 2 1 21 2 2 = I1 B Hanford Mrs R Pollard 92100 9210047C84 47C84 JUDGE DIXOX TVB 109 12 I4 I2 II 2 = H Morgan F Seremba 761100 45877 BUB McFARLAXD TVB 103 45 5 48 Sh 3 C Ponce B Kane 219100 21910047C84 47C84 TRAAADO w 113 54 3 3i 4 4s D Smith Parkview Stable 1429100 48101 BLUE ASH WB 10G 3 3 4 5 5 5 H Schutte Audley Farm Stable 174C100 Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS GUIDE RIGHT 384 282 224 92 100 41 100 12 100 100JUDGE JUDGE DIXON 498 290 149 100 45 100 100BUB BUB McFARLAND 332 66 100 100Winner Winner B c by Sand Mole On Parade by Grand Parade trained by K Pollard bred by Mrs F K Hertz HertzWENT WENT TO POST 335 AT POST IJ minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon handily second and third driving drivingGUIDE GUIDE RIGHT racing as if much the best followed the pace to the stretch challenged JUDGE DIXON raced past him and won with speed in reserve The latter held on gamely after setting a fast early pace BUB McFARLAND far out of it made up some ground to finish fast TKAVADO was done after going a half BLUE ASH was far back throughout throughoutScratched Scratched 47937 Etonardo 100 394993Princess Delight 101 47C84 AVhileaway IOC IOCOverweights Overweights Bub McFariand 3 3Corrected Corrected weight Guide Right IOC A Q6 fl FIFTH RACE 1 Mila and 70 Yards Anaconda Aug 27 1927 142 4 100 Mid TtO SJLA west Purse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to to3Iay3130FP 3Iay3130FP winner 725 second 200 third 75 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 iV Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48101 CHICLERO WE 4 108 1 2 1 = I1 I3 1 = 1 I3 M E Meys Mrs J Chesney 331100 3311004C84C3ORMONBIRD 4C84C3ORMONBIRD w 5 109 5 3 21 23 21 21 23 C Ponce Miss E F Fullerton 1753100 47874 EASR STOCKGSw 5 119 2 1 3 3 41 3 31 II Schutte Audley Farm Stable 52100 5210047770SULUXIU 47770SULUXIU w 4 111 3 4 41 5 3h 4 4s B Hanford Mrs R Pollard SS9100 47889 BY PRODUCT WB 3 97 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 W Day J G Dcmarest 2901100 Time 23 47 47s s 113 139 143 Track fast fastt t 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS CHICLERO 902 428 222 351 100 114 100 11 100 100ORMONBIRD ORMONBIRD 1581 330 692 100 65 100 100EASTER EASTER STOCKINGS 216 s 100 100AVinner AVinner B g by Chicle Fly by Day by Broomstick trained by J Chesney bred by Mr II P Whitney WhitneyWENT WENT TO POST 404 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving drivingCHICIEKO CHICIEKO sprinted to the front soon after the start set a fast pace under restraint and won with speed in reserve OHMONBIKD forced the pace under slight pressure and held on gamely at the cud EASTBH STOCKINGS taken under restraint in the early racing failed to respond when called upon ULUNIU raced evenly throughout BY PRODUCT was far back from the start startScratched Scratched 47880 Good and Hot 100 100Overweights Overweights Ormonbird 1 pound By Product 2 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Anaconda Aug 27 1927 142 4 100 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second aiay3130FP 100 third 50 Claiming price 2500 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 17938 JEM iv 4 112 1 1 4 4 3J 11 H D Smith G AV Ogle 823100 17938 SELECTION w 3 102 5 3 5s 51 G3 5t 2 II Schutte C Graffagnini 7G1100 4 7940 MARYDALE WB 5 105 478 S 72 G = 33 E Goodrh D R Riddle 21S100 475812 BOZO w 4 110 3 2 Ill2 I1 22 4 W Day Missouri Stable 994100 47974 LUCK PIECE WB 4 110 8 5 2l 23 2l 3 5 B Hanford J II Edwards 703100 70310047G87 47G87 BATTLER WB 3 IOC 7 6 33 S 4 7 G M Meyer Mullrick Stable 10S51QO 47938 HIGHWAY w 4 115 2 4 Gi GI 51 4h 7 J Cavens Blue Star Stable C01100 C0110048158ELOISE 48158ELOISE WB 5 102 G 8 7l 72 8 8 8 C Pegg W M Cain 751100 Time 24 47 113 139 144 Track fast fastA A 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNl BOOKING ODDS ¬ JEM 1850 1102 558 825 100 451 100 179 100 100SELECTION SELECTION 912 448 356 100 124 100 100MARYDALE MARYDALE 300 50 100 100AVinner AVinner B c by Friar Rock Cubanitn by Hessian trained by G AV Ogle bred by Jlr J E Madden AVinner entered to be claimed for 2r 00 00WENT WENT TO POST 433 AT POST 4 minutes Start cpod out of machine Won driving second and third the same JEM much improved followed the pace to the final quarter where IMS raced into the lead but had to ba roused briskly to withstand the determined challenge of SELECTION The latter badly outrun to the stretch gained rapidly thereafter and was going fastest of all aty the end MARYDALE far out of contention clcscd an immense gap BOZO quit LUCK PIECE tired after racing prominently to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 17803 Inca 107 107Overweight Overweight Battler 1 pound 4Q j O SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Anaconda Sept 3 1927 151 4 104 Purso 800 C5 C5u u JL O 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third third3Iay3130FP 3Iay3130FP 50 Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 3 pounds Index Horses AWtlPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48040ASPIX LAKE w 4 107 5 21 I1 I 11 1 E Goodich Huntingdon Stable C1G100 48103 PEBBLES LAST WB 4 107 4 1 33 31 21 h 01 c Pcgg AV M Cain 31S100 480 10 = OCEN CURRENT w 8 107 5 4 41 42 43 4 = 32 B Hanford C C Wright 177100 47911 THE COSSACK WB 5 112 1 3 11 21 32 3 4 = R AAhltkcr J D Grant 103G100 47941 LA PALOMA WB 4 115 7 7 G Gi o 5s 5 T Root J L AVilson 7GS100 48040 CIII55 TV 4 102 3 8 7 73 Gh G2 G1 C Edwards Parkview Stable 9102100 910210047G3C 47G3C PATHAX w 9 112 G G 8 8 8 73 78 A Prgrass Mrs B Wigham 5103100 48010 MERRICK WB 5 110 2 2 5 51 8 8 J Cavens King Brace Stable 771100 771100Time Time 25 49 115 141 154 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSASPIN ASPIN LAKE 1432 552 272 616 100 176 100 36 100 100PEBBLES PEBBLES LAST 494 274 147 100 37 100 100OCEAN OCEAN CURRENT 238 19 100 100Winner Winner 3 e by Aspinwall Lrdy of the Lake by Macdonald II trained by A V Thomas bred by Mr J II Ilossetcr AVinner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 505 AT POST 2 minutes Start drivingASPIN good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving ASPIN LAKE sprinted into the lead after going a quarter withstood a game challenge from PEBBLES LAST and drew away to win as his rider pleased The latter close up throughout offered good contention but was no match for the winner OCEAN CIHIUENT finished with a rush THE COSSACK save way after racing prominently to the stretch LA PALOMA sulked and refused to extend himself under severe punishment punishmentScratched Scratched 48103Thistlc Spray 103 4S037 Cho Clio San 102 4Q l3 A EIGHTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards Anaconda Aug 27 1927 142 4 100 O lJLra Purse 800 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winnsr 650 second 3Iay3130FP second3Iay3130FP 100 third 50 Claiming price 1400 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 200 to 1COO AAVtPPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys Eqtiiv Odds Strt 480373CLASSY ws 4 110 5 3 11 I1 I1 I3 1 R AAHiitker AV L Johnson 47941 EVERGRN QUENwB 4 112 9 10 9h S Sh 33 21 M E Meys AV R Bailee 47935 MAC FOGLE WB 4 112 S S 71 31 23 21 33 J Kellum Mrs L M Holnu Holnu47935ENDOR 47935ENDOR w 7 115 C 7 Gi 41 G2 51 4h L Geving O Viau 18037 = GAINESAOOD w 5 110 2 1 41 GJ 5h 4 S C Pegs V B Campbell Campbell4C407AArEBSTER 4C407AArEBSTER WB 4 101 3 4 51 2 43 G G B Hanford J H Edwards 481032 HAYESS CHICE w 5 113 10 G 10 10 S1 72 71 G Cimerak Mrs AV J Potter Potter47772RUFE 47772RUFE McCLAIN WB 4 107 4 9 8l 7h 7 72 = S8 S2 C Felix EE AVatson 18S8100 18S810047975PIUTE 47975PIUTE WB a 110 7 5 3h 9 93 9J 93 E Goodich H AV Miller 2S93100 2S9310047970TOM 47970TOM ORMOXT w3 96 1 2 2i u1 10 10 10 C Calhan M J AATialen 299G100 299G100Time Time 23 47 113 140 145 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID rEQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSCLASSY CLASSY 1280 720 553 540 100 260 100 179 100 100EVERGREEN EVERGREEN QUEEN 2170 1164 985 100 482 100 100MAC MAC FOGLE 482 141 100 100AVinner AVinner B g by The Porter Declassee by Hapsburg trained by L W Johnson bred by Mr E B McLean AAinncr entered to be claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 534 AT POST I minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving drivingCLASSY CLASSY racing as if much the best sprinted into the lead and easily held sway throughout EAEUGREEX QUEEN outrun to the stretch gained gradually thereafter and finished fast MAG FOGLE tired after making a game challenge ENDOIt well up throughout cave way when the real test came GAINESAVOOD had no mishaps AVEBSTER ran well HAYESS CHOICE showed a dull perform ¬ ance and was always outrun TOM ORMONT was done after going a half and was eased up in the stretch Scratched JMIScratched 479725Alma Vita 99 4S0403MarceIa Agnes 102 47975 Mrs JMI nyder 107 477CS Swoop 101 101Corrected Corrected weight Gaineswood 110