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RIVERSIDE PARK KANSAS CITY Mo Saturday May 31 1930 Riverside Park 12 mile Third day Riverside Park Jockey Club Summer meeting of 33 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Steward L J Rose Judges E C Knebelkamp and B Held Starter A McKnight Itncing Secretary E C Knebelkamp KnebelkampRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m A mA Q O O d FIRST RACE Riverside Course O OMJ 210 feet moro than 34 mils milsaray31SOlJI aray31SOlJI Purso ECO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 325 sec ¬ ond 100 third 50 fourth 25 25Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight17S08 17S08 Juarez 103 1J J T Bates 1320100 132010017902sBycByeBlkbdlOG 17902sBycByeBlkbdlOG 22 J Sandoz HCO100 47993 John D 110 3i G Eamcs 47729 Scths Queen 102 4 L Logan 43187 3Play Hour 105 5k H R Riley 270100 47901 Littlewood 103 Gi W Dalzell 12iGO100 10929 Conceit 10S 7 J Wood 1950100 19501004740GIncubito 4740GIncubito 92 S2 R Mtgomery 4010100 401010042275Ormobaby 42275Ormobaby 93 9 R West 4110100 38127 Morro Castle 113 10 J Wise 5340100 5340100Time Time 122 Track fast 2 donations paid Juarez 2840 straight J1GSO place 020 show Bye Bye Blackbird 000 place 3SO show John D 2SO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Juarez 1320 to 100 straight 740 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Bye Bye Black ¬ bird 200 to 100 place 90 to 100 show John D 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner W H Askeys b g 4 by Elmendorf Bandera Belle by Clonmell trained by W H Askey bred by Mr W II Askey Winner entered to be claimed for 400 400Went Went to pest 231 At post 10 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 47SG33Hoatzin 113 4812GPorto De Oro 113 473G3 Kilby 103 47729 Levoy 107 479003Kaintuck 103 103Overweights Overweights Bye Bye Blackbird 1 pound Con ¬ ceit 3 Seths Queen 3 Littlewood 3 Morro Castle I 3 Ormobaby 4 4QOq F7 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs O StfaJ 3 Purss 500 3yearolds and aray3130M andaray3130M upward Claiming Net value to winner 325 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 48002 Colonel Winnlll 13 L Toamino 110100 47817 Blue Rose 103 21 H R Riley 830100 47779 Xondaga 311 33 C Eames 9CO100 9CO10043125Betrice 43125Betrice Morse 102 42 G McCormick SGO100 47910 Go Away 108 5ll C James 27SO100 27SO1004812GKin 4812GKin Folks 301 62 J OMalley 9CO100 47408 Highbridse 107 7 J Guerra 3S203CO 47025 Jf Jfburgh burgh Abbey 100 S10 J Sandoz SSO100 2G773 Casa Del Sol 10G 9 L Logan 3770100 Time 109 Track fast 2 donations paid Colonel Winn 420 straight 400 place 320 show Blue Rose 400 place 320 show Nondaga 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Colonel Winn 110 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place GO to 100 show Blue Kose 100 to 100 place GO to 100 show Nondaga GO to ICO show showWinner Winner E Tillers b g 11 by Sweep Droll by Dick Welles trained by E Tiller bred by Mr AV W Darden Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800Went Went to post 308 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the fame fameScratched Scratched 1GG15 The Runt 102 422272KanIana 10G 47811Juanita Green 103 41033 Coal Black Rose 9G 47912 Common Sense IOC 4732G Clodo mir II 102 Ilila 101 101Overweight Overweight Beatrice Morse 1 pound THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs J Purse 500 3yearolds and atay3130Ir andatay3130Ir upward Claiming Net value to winner 325 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 47994 Stroller 311 1 C Grnwood 300100 3001004344GEdna 4344GEdna Mae 101 2l R West G3IO100 G3IO1004G927Critic 4G927Critic 101 32 C Stranski 7SO100 7SO10047407Passenger 47407Passenger 103 41 H R Riley 500100 500100ell ell Evans lOo 5h G McCormk 13CO100 47122 Bobby Duncan 103 6l A Yerrat S40100 43284 Thistle Gold 10G 71 J Sandoz 4SO100 47130 Guy Clayton 103 Sl L Tarmino 10S90100 47405 Golden Locks 89 9 E Bernier 3SO100 423G5 Happy Hobo 30S 30 J Wood S400100 Time 110 Track fast 2 donations paid Stroller 800 straight 320 place 300 show Edna Mae 1400 place 820 show Critic 3SO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Stroller 300 to 100 straight 1GO to 100 place SO to 100 show Edna Mae COO to 100 place 310 to 300 show Critic 00 to 100 show Winner Miss I Daniels ch g 9 by Peter Pan Marathon II by Thrush trained by P V Dan ¬ iel bred by Mr C T Grayson Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800Went Went minuteStart to post 331 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched lS12GTvo Rings 99 4739S Daphne Bell 100 4812G Friendlike 100 37C39 Miss Brown ell 10G 43272 Northern Spy 101 47819 Bonnie Hughes 308 308Overweights Overweights Golden Locks 3 pounds Bobby Dun ¬ can 2 Happy Hobo 3 A O O Q FOURTH RACE Riverside dtOfc OCF Course 210 feet more than 34 3ray3130UP 343ray3130UP mile Purse 500 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 325 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 4G9293Sunolin 300 1 C Stranski 130100 47307 = Blazoncr 110 23 E Bernier 260100 260100413GlManipulator 413GlManipulator IDS 31 J Sandoz 1100100 47G95 Forbidden 110 41 L Logan 14901CO 14901CO42474s 42474s Velvet Van 10S 52R West 1870100 187010047902Facsimile 47902Facsimile 108 G4 J T Bates G90100 G90100479073Shasta 479073Shasta La 105 7i J Gordon 4SSO100 4 73G7 Midday 305 S2 G McCormk 1910100 191010047447Ima 47447Ima Gypsy 93 9 T McDmott 5020100 46972Liborio 305 10 L Tarmino 2910100 2910100Time Time 121 Track fast 2 donations paid Sunolin 400 straight 2GO place 240 show Blazoner 300 place 300 show Manipulator 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Sunolin 130 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Blazoner 150 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Manipulator 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner H C Rumages ch f 4 by Sunferencc Linolin by Requital trained by B E Rnmage bred by Mr E B Jacobs Winner entered to be claimed for 400 400Went Went to post 402 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 1S1S2 Sport 103 4S12G Canny Lady 10S 47S17 Lilliputian 113 47901 Buck Brush 103 40347 Archaist 103 Overweight rlma Gypsy 3 pounds Riverside Coursa J 21 ° feet more than 34 mile mileMaySlSOlM r MaySlSOlM Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 325 sec ¬ ond 1CO third 50 fourth 25 48001 390100174083Jof Runall 30S I2 H R Riley 390100 174083Jof 108 22 D McAllister 440100 4 7993 Black Prince 113 31 L Tarmino 110iOG 1241G3Clarice McClainlOG V C Grnwood 3220VG 39808Matilda B 100 5 R West 2050100 205010047912Frk 47912Frk Sumptcr 107 Cl S Lipiec JSilM JSilM3713G 3713G Ray More 11 71 J Wise 72601 4G933 Dixic Beauty 103 S2 T McDmott 400MCO 429G3Vibrator 308 9l G McCormk 520100 52010023249Nan 23249Nan McKiney IDS 10 L Logan 312010C Time 120 Track fast 2 donations paid Ritiiall JSO straight 320 place 240 show Jof 320 place 220 show Black Prince 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Uunall 390 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 20 to 300 show Jof GO to 300 place 10 to 100 show Blnck Prince 10 to 100 show showAVinncr AVinncr B W Sharps ch g 8 by Ruiinymcdc Micco by Star Shoot trained by B W Sharp bred by Mr A B Sprcckels Winner entered to be claimed for GOO GOOWent Went to post 431 At post 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same Scratched 1S001 Sir Albert 112 47322 Arabella 103 47912 Tom Hayes 10S 47SOS Goldie Green 97 Overweight Clarence McClain 1 pound 4Q f A t SIXTH HACE Futurity Course Ofcl JL 170 feet less than 34 mile mileNaySlSOKP NaySlSOKP Speed Purse Purso 600 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 390 second 120 third S60 fourth 30 47819 Crispie Seth 05 1 H R Riley 120100 18129Kalakaua 10G 2 J Guerra 650100 48127 3Thos Patrick 95 3J C Stranski 4SO100 t5G59Showcrs 99 41 E Bornier 8790100 48130 Unlucky 10G 51 J OMalley 5SO100 5SO100J8001 J8001 Chare McCroanllO G3 J Gordon 2370100 42977 Biddy Shipp 106 7i C Grnwood 10140100 37315 Foxy Seth 102 S L Logan 430100 430100Time Time 111 Track fast 2 donations paid Crispie Seth 440 straisht 320 place 240 show Kalakaua 2SO place 220 show Thomas Patrick 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Crispie Seth 120 1o 100 straight CO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Kalakaua 40 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Thomas Patrick 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner Mrs J R Cooks b m 5 by Seth Crispie by Hapsbnrg trained by M Allen bred by Mr II A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 1300 1300Went Went to post 503 At post 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Biddy Shipp 1 pound Thomas Pat ¬ rick 1 Showers 4 Kalakaua 2 Fjxy Seth 2 Seventh Race 7 12 Furongs FurongsHorse Horse Wt Jockey St PI Sh ShCome Come Along 107 Riley 400 240 220 220Confidential Confidential 108 Stranski 240 J ° Hesitation 302 Jones Time 136 136Off Off 331 Also ran Waponoca Smithers Nihil Eighth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Horse Vt Jockey St Pi Sh ShSuccess Success 10S Woodstock 43GO 13CO 880 880Master Master Bob 30S Riley 2CO AVhite Nose 110 Guerra 320 320Time Time 150 150Off Off GOG Also ran Blun Torch Settee Mr Whiskllnc Nixon Sporting Editor Arden Hot Dog