1st Fairmount, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-02

past performance

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PP norsc Wt Poc Pocllilortoii AWtIIan llilortoii FP 113 113 113IGQuceii 3 101 725 IGQuceii Whims libs 101 111 11117Cash 4 103 720 17Cash Play Al 105 112 4 105X715 S Fallen Leaf Bbg 110 113 6 103X710 3Xcllic Ballot liar 107 113 1134Tht 4 105X703 4Tht Major PP 30S 114 7 G 10S700 1 Watchword FP 115 1H 5 113 G95 2Goilen Orient OrientM M FP 112 1131 5 Georgia Ilcrset Was 1073115 = 4 105XC90 j GPh Delta Hav 105 l13v 0 105 X COO I PP Dorse Wt Kcc 7My Davy M FP 101 11356 9 Southland Kin KinM M FG 109 113 11310Oleman 10Oleman Sunshine Sar 110 114 3 107 X 090 12 The Badger Bbg 115 115 8 113X090 13 Marguerite MargueriteParkerMCD ParkerMCD 11C l21h 4 103 090 14Doctor GlennTij 11C 113 10 103X090 15llcury Sommers FP 303 114 114ISUncle G 103XC90 ISUncle MartinJP llljl17i 4 103XC90 1st FairmOUnt i nrsc SOO Sycarolds and upward Claiming QFy Dandy 34 Mile Sept 7 19181 ll810G ll810GNOTE NOTE Claiming price 1200 if for 01000 allowed 3 pounds 3ycaroIrts and upward which have not won since Slay 9 Sycarolds 112 pounds older 118 pounds Xonwln ncrs in 1930 allowed 5 pounds The past performances ot the hordes entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tt Odd Wt St StrFin Jockey IPSts Best Company Class of Bace Morton c ky orvck Yeggy Eaton by Andrew MortonLast Last work 150 34 l17sl r Trainer E McCuan Owner D Dcnham JUj27SOFP lU4ft lU4ftJLV2130FP 12 113 G 1 18f H 21 Cavcnsjs 11 Violin 1101 Itso 113 Hattic SctU 105 C JLV2130FP l13ft l13ftJLv2230 8f 112 5 4 9 93 9l Cavensji 10 TheMoonl07BettyUeanl09PanivanalOSJ C CG JLv2230 = FP l13 ft ftJUT1730FP 9 104 11 G G ° 815 GrccnC1 12 ForteMnllOWcInvordll5KsIIara 113 C JUT1730FP 2 l16VSsy 71 107 4 3 4 5 CimcraUG 7 ArrostllCPresidcntSethlllJKinsspt 113 0 Apcl930Beu 5 f 110 ed 32 106 1 1 1 1 EurneyD 8 LyChatn lOlImallat UOLdySting 110 A P 20C9KyP 5ifl09V4ft 6 113 11 9 9 9310t KecdonW 3112 BdieWrkll5KcntkyLadll5Obligell5 11 11G Oct3l29Emp 5i f 109 m mt 10 US G 7 71 S5J CatroncF 13 Flying Max HSTorrito llSBig Tee 118 C CWon t Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 This year 5 1 1 0 550 Queen Whims 1 103 flQ ch f 4 by byLast Master Robert Alice Arm by Honeywood Last work 141 3S 3Ssl JvO JVJO Trainer B S Sjra2930 Scoville Owner Scoville Stable jra2930 = FP 114 ft 4 4l041 1041 4 4 2 2 ° Cimerak CimerakJhj2330FP CimerakG3 U TeanncAdelel03Aftcrslovll3nades 105 C Jhj2330FP 113 ft 27 10G 4 2 23 2 CimcrakOct CimoraUG U IcFlore lllPcbblesLast lllCuevas 111 C Oct S29FP l14 ft Sf 103 S 11 11 11 CramerR CramerRScpLl729Beu 12 Frank 1071ckySwocp lOSChicoIa 110 C ScpLl729Beu llS hy 10 10G 9 91 XicholsJ XicholsJB 9 Dceawyl03MryWdsorl07Parisettell4 c cllf B 429 = DP 1140 ft llf 102 G 2 1 3J MooreV 12 Efeldee 109OurJoaii 102SethsBalIot 101 C 10 10G 11 11 10 91 Carroll W 12 lady Witt 103 Curdle 108 Facility 103 C id 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 1 1450 This year 2 0 2 0 200 Cash Play PlayLast Br c 4 by My Play Lady Scattercash II by Santoi Last work 150 34118ft Trainer C R Anderson Owner P 0 Anderson JIaj24305FP 2 l14ft 17 113 7 3 4 = Gl ° HanfordB 11 ForecterliaBmoiieyllSKinKlIalma 113 C JLylGSO FP 2 l14Vift 30 117 7 G 9 12 PierceW1 12 MyBeautyllOFalIenLeafll5Kgl5ankll2 C OcLlS29 FP 2 l13 ft 2710 109 8 3 2 3s PevicJ 11 KgllalmalOSLkySwpiqiUnclcBootllG C OcLlG29FP 2 l137ift 5 111 G 2 21 45J PevicJ 9ThePadre 109ChicIero lOlnSmith 109 C C2J OcLll29 FP 2 l17 m 75 113 S 2 2J 1 cvicJ 12 Owl 114 Athey 103 Parisette 103 C CS10 OcL 929 29FP FP 2 l11sl 3 105 G 7 S10 5T MuloneyJ 410 Bocaratonell5SdleSkirtsl07Patsynl08 C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 341 5 3027 This year 2 Fallen Leaf 1 HS Br m 6 y H ° neywo ° Thistle Belle by Knight of the theLast Last work HG 34117 ft JvO Thistle ThistleTrainer Trainer 0 Johnson Owner Missouri Stable StablelUy3030FP lUy3030FP 2 l13 ft 2310 110 3 1 2 31 pcsgC3 9 ChsLadyll3SlandGiriniLyOXeil 111 C CJIay2S30FP JIay2S30FP gl13 ft IS 107 2 1 31 4 DuboisD 7 Coy 110 Ossie II 110 Le Flore 110 C CJhlGSOrFP JhlGSOrFP 2 l14Vift 15 llj 4 2 2 2s YerratA 12 MyEeautyllOKgBankll2CopperSon 104 C CJty Jty 1030 FP 2 l14ft 3710e 111 1 8 7i 7 GarrityP11 12 AWdlfellGJohnSpeedll3KatAms 118 C CAic2S30Beu Aic2S30Beu 5 f lOSft 175 107 3 2 2 1 YerratA1 7 Espinoza 105 Wega 102 Pan 109 C CAic2130iBeu Aic2130iBeu 2 I10sdl710 115 4 1 I1 lnk YerratA3 S Golden M105Efeldee 105SpringBud 103 C Ecp2429KP fcll2 ft 9 10S Gl RileyG 9 PntLomalOOBtyBmanJOSPcrriehonlll C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 3 0 2 2050 This year 6211 1000 Ifellie Ballot BallotJti3030FP 1 f Chl fl 4l by Ballot Nellie Worthineton by Glencairn GlencairnJLUO JLUO Trainer P W Wilson Owner J Knowles Jti3030FP 3 113 ft 13 109 G 2 5 53 FowlerG 12 Surseonl05KingIIalmall3ByBrins 103 C Jbj2830FP l13V4ft 1C 101 3 5 711 Gi FowlcrG 7 Coy 110 Ossie II 110 Le Flore 110 C Lv2330aFP gl1414ft 9 10G 4 G G G13 SwigertT 8 KinssportlllIlrdLeelllIouisville 11C C ajrluSOFP 3 l14ift 12 107 2 10 Sl 7 FowlerG 12 OssicIIlOOFrfgFirejlOSBtyBrons 104 C Jf 21305JP 2 116 si 19 103 8 C 5J U GianloniJ 12 Arrosantl09P6isonlTyl05MofsChoice90 C MotlSSOJP 3l21hy 12 111 3 G 4 3 GclIonlJ 8 GdSheprdllGJnSpeedllSTheAbhot 115 C 2 l14ft 43 110 7 7 2s 1 GielloniJ 12 KdWordsllSIUkAlice lOSSpstakes 110 C 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 2 36 52025 This year 14 202 1375 The Major 1 Q s G by Ormondale Miss Minerva by Black Toney Hast work 143 3S 37 37sft = sft O Trainer V Gallo Owner J Bnlluinj Jl r2930FP 2 113 15 103 1 3 23 2 = BradyT S Imperatorll2StormyPortllOIlosette 100 C 3U2030TFP i l52hy l52hyMajigso 16 112 2 2 791 7 CimeraUG1 9 Bearcry93necll2TwcntvFiveSisty 107 C Majigso Fp 2 uiaVsijy uiaVsijyJLvlaSOFP 61 113 3 4 7i Gl Cramerll 10 IJrmoney HOCuevas HOGainaswood 115 C JLvlaSOFP 2 113 ft 86 109 5 7 7l 7 CramcrRi 7 NiclirlsonlllRnsabildll3SrecpNct 9i C 1C 1091 C 6 10411 DcllJ1 12 GoldlldltlOGMysteriouslOOIiansOn 101 C 10 115 3 3 4J 33J CramerR5 12 Joellen 105JnGrnerl03 Vulnerable 111 C C2nd Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 1 0 1 850 This year 0 1 1 150 Watchword 1 1 Q s S by s Henry or Ormondale Eileen by Plaudit or Star StarLast Last vork 151 12 lSvsft O Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer J D Zarkin Owner J Goedecke Jr JrJL JL j2G30FP 2 l13ft S 110 3 2 752 9 JudyJ 12 OssiellllGFoeMann 1111neAdele 102J C C1U2230FP 1U2230FP 2113ift 33 113 111 = 2J JudyJ10 12 ForteMnllOKgIIalmall3Wdgain HOC HOCJfc2030FP Jfc2030FP 2 l18ihy 37 117 G S 8IS 8 Scurlockll1 8 ForecasterlOSStarchllOGdShepherd 115 C JLjl730FP = llG4sy 52 120 2 2 4 41 JudyJ 9 JackCrain lluToltec HOKobinaSeth 100 C CMAISSOFP MAISSOFP 2 114 ft 8S 112 3 3 43i 81 ScurlockH1 12 TlieShVOffl07Iliglnvayl07PatsyII 102 C MarlO30FP 2113 ft 2S 117 G S3 S16 ThomasII3 8 MryWinsorll5iagabaldll7Domina 101 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wnn Last year 11 This year G 0 1 0 S 100 Golden Orient SueyJLUO 10 e C M by ° en Masm YaliyTip by Chop Suey JLUO Trainer E E Leichleiter Owner R E Leichleitcr iiay2130 FP 2 l14VSft 20f 10G 7 7 8 8 Wlmmorn 12 IiiekPieco 100 Lounger llSSonAmi 110 C LV1330FP 2114 ft 24f 112 2 11 12312 = ° KernW 2 TlieShvOfn07IIighwayl07P tsylI 102 C Jun2S2S5Oma 5X f l09m G 112 2 3 4 4 ColvJnA 4 AcanTderlOOMissDpu99SpKlJyl04 A JuiL228 = Oma 2 117 m 8 100 4 4 4 4 = = ColvinA 4 latcGdlllGlstcrlllOOInaMaHa 107 C JuL1427Rac 2 l14ft 2 112 33 G11 G ScobieE1 9 Jollyltoy HOOneWay 110 IarFiir 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Georgia Herget 10 Ch f 4 ty BUnd EaSSase Leipsic by Eunnymcde Eunnymcdetast tast work 135 38 3S lt U J Trainer P L Castle Owner Mrs E Castle JU2330 FP l13ft S3 111 7 8 9 = 9 JudyJ3 JudyJ3l4Gft U LcFIorelllQunWliimslOGPebsIast 111 C Doc2G29JJP l4Gft G3 101J12 11 llill = s KenoT KenoTl14yssl 12 MsPrdiselOlJBgliMgrllOAshbnelOG C l14yssl 123 10G 12 12 12 = 12 ItenoT ItenoTl50sl 12Tlie Dago 120Celidon 120Kingsport 111 C Dec 323JP l50sl 103 104 9 9 8 8 RcncT RcncTl45ft alO FkllawleyllGSperFeHxlllQrnuiH 101 C OcLl929lFP l45ft 24 103 9 41 43 RenoT 10 PtLomal03BedfdSnt 107WaponocalOG C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year II This year 1 Plii Delta f A r Ch m 5 by Flittergold Mint Drop JL JLUO J fJ Trainer L W Hoberts Owner Wo Woodvale Farm FarmG3 G3 101 7 S S17 8 GoodrhE S ThleSpyl03HassCcellOPbsLastl07 C ir J2130JFP l ° l47ft 17 103 7 8 S1S 7s EdwardsC 9 AVarXph lOlMelita ICSTlieCossack 113 C Apc2C30 Whe Gl f 123 ft 15 107 9 5 53 4 LoganL 9 Blazoner 107 Lang 102StarryDawn 103 C C2fi Arc2430JWlio G5 f 123 ft 2fi 10G 7 7 64J 7J IoanL 30 KyCoIol lllnavPigiillGLastClfgell3 C ApclSSQiWhe 2 l19sy 7 103 9 C 53 Sl LoganL 9 KbcrtaL 102U115els lOOKkQnn 113 C C4i ApclCSOWhe Gifl25 m 4i IDS 3 2 Z 2 Lo anL1 10 SVJftCiirt991ibelOSABicnsingcr 113 C Starts 1st nd 3rd Won Stalls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 3 33fy z 1 1355 This year 17 231 51625 B c M by Hand Grenade Muriels Pet by Marta Santa 3fy Davy DavyLast 1 fQ VO Trainer B Suhr Owner B Suhr Last work 141 12 5 sl JIa2S30JFP 2 l13ft 28 104 5 2 3U2 BelyskiA 7 FtateMan2llOKgBkl05OresteII10l C M2230FP 2 115 ft 19 115 S 7 G i G9 PierceW3 9 Lemnos llSMorlana 109ThelIoon 107 C = PierceW3 12 SIistaLadll2J ckCrainl07KatArras 112 C 12f 112 7 10 10 9 92 107 6 5 55 G J LoumanH M2 HtyGirl lOOClirisPchenllOVindfnllO C JunlO23FP 2 l14ft lif 107 S 10 9s 10i BurnsT 12 Goodman 107IJednobe 102Danbaum 107 C C9J Ftb26233TiJ 5Jfl07ft 9J 110 G 4 31 71 J Parme 12 Consent 108 Our Joan 10S Yucca 107 C C2nd Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 This year 3 0 1 0 119 Southland Killtr I Ar7 Br s 3 M by Tryster Hasty Chick by Hastings HastingsJLv JLv I Trainer W E Bailee Owner W H Sallee SalleeJfoj Jfoj lSOFP 1 l4GV4ft 215 100 5 G G G MeyersME G WarNymph HOPotFulI lOSBcrJay 95 0 rr ln FT 3 l15f t 11 111 1 3 3J 3 MeycrsME10 10 Xclsonl20MretNdham lOGCperSon 111 0 liV l52sl G 108 8 8 712 70 DellJ1 8 MterSmovcrlOlStarlOlJBtBalance 99 O OKac Kac 130FG l lj j l51hy 5 105 10 1 1J Si CimerakG 12 Flapddlell4Cprsnell4LleMinisrll4 O Fdx2G30 = FG 2115sl El 112 3 5 6 S 4s DellJ3 12 FkPdtallOGfseStepl03MrSamvr 113 O OFcb2030lKG Fcb2030lKG Ifr l4Sft 11 110 5 5 5 5 DellJ3 G Gotolt 105 Monticello 110 Caramel 105 M MFeUll30FG FeUll30FG 2 l14J6ft 1S5 113 12 12 12151113 SwIsertT 12 Beekeeprl09Choristerl05BkdApplelOO 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 1 This year 10 0 1 2 f 27 Oleniail Sunshine 1 07 Ci C 3f ty lucky Hour BookLore by Chaucer Last work 139 58 109 Vshy V I Trainer W Mitchell Owner J H Edwards jraT2730FP 2 l15V ft 225 10S 3 4 4 Gsl HanfordB 12 Paniyanal09GeorgeVanSlllPIezalI 105 0 3IaJ2430FP 2 l14ft G 107 8 4 GJ 811 MeyersME 11 Forcctcrll3Bmoneyll3Kingnalma 113 O Jan3130llav 2 l15liy 85 105 3 1 1J 2 RileyG1 8 Tfldol lllKittyCat 109 Waponoca 111 O Jan2330IIav 1 l43ft 2 107 1 1 I3 1 IlileyG 7 Willrain 101 Battle 102GayIsabeau IOC O Jm20305llav I50 150 by 2i 112 1 1 1J 2 JudyJ1 G Gaylsabcau 107 Willrain lOSTheTop 101 O Janl730IIav 2 l13hy S5 105 Z 1 I1 I3 EdwardsC G MaSun HOCliftonsLass 105Laguna 97 O j nll305Hav 55 f l07 is l 2 107 11 LRider BurnsT1 11 Belascoain 105 Owl 115 Chester 115 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 This year 8 0 2550 The Badger 1 1 Q Clu e 8 ty star Master Bagdadine by Flint Rock Last work 148 12 49ft JJLO Trainer A J Pershall Owner Blue Star Stable 3taj2930sFP 3 l13ft 20 117 3 1 5 J 5 CaVensJ 10 WrnPcessl07Mortanall2Kg atAs 117 0 Jla2330 ° FP 3114ft 12 11G 2 3 511 5 KootT 8 KingsportlllnrdLcelllLouisville 116 O OMajlGSQCFP MajlGSQCFP 2 l14 ft Gl 117 2 3 813 91S HootT18 12 MyBeautyllOFaIleaLcafll5KgBankll2 O bg 2 l13 ft 2910 1IG 5 2 23 9T SandersC 12 Shorty 110 Buchon 110 Partake 109 O i jP 2117 si 7 113 6 4 3J 3s R Lamn 312 Go Away 105 Bolton 113 Kajaba 110 0 Mm 1295JP 2 l165d 135 113 6 4 3 4 C Sands 12 Uam 105 Hippias 115 Uncle Boot 113 O Fetx2G29JP 2 l20 im 6 114 9 2 2l Il O Laldy 210 MacMasimll4Boltonl09JnyCampl l 114 O Of f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4 1 0 1 800 This year 3 3MargneritC MargneritC Parker 1 fVpT B f 4 M by Peter Quince Falco by Light Brigade BrigadeJLJO JLJO Trainer M Sanders Owner V B Campbell CampbellJIT2030CFP JIT2030CFP 2 1W y 129 11G 1 1 8 8 = 2 EdwardsC14 10 BtyBrVglllThelnaL105Emphc 114 0 Maj l295Lex fc l12 m 44 110 3 4 G GJ McDottL 7 SadallSMaryGardnrllOLion Heart 115 A fclllHft 174 105 8 8 WlO11 JonesL 11 CashPlay HODarkEagle 115Chalet 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 2 This year l Doctor Glenn GlennSen 10 Ch s 10 ty Dick Welles Floral Day y Nasturtium NasturtiumJL JL J ej Trainer G Nugent Owner Nugent Bros Sen a29DP 2 15 103 9 7 S 7s GarrityP 11 Houston 110 AVilliam P 113 Draba 103 0 = DP 2 l137sft 135 5 117 10 8 Si 8ai Resell 12 LkySwpllOPresidentSethlOjBrbonll 0 us 229 = Bbs 2 l13ft 116 Pulled up RoseM T12 Wmwold lllEIticlfbacirrll3Ainir 113 C JuL 2729 = Bbg 2 l13ft 3910 10 111 6 G 41 2l RoseM 12 OurIIuddyll3Arrogantll3StCecelia HOC HOCJuL JuL G29JFP 1 ISOHm 4310 10 111 4 4 4 6 JudyJ 9 Ittalty lllEdith Gray lllWar Grail 100 O OJuL JuL 222FP 2 lI3ft 7 110 1 6 5 1 451 ParmleeJ 12 MarjorySeth 112Mazzie lOOGoodman 109 O OJun2S29FP Jun2S29FP 2 lllHft 215 1C5 2 1 1J 2l FowlerG 7 RnthGoldllSMksBabylOSEGUger 113 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 0 5 2 5 1021 1021Henry Henry SommcrS 10 Cn s 7 Tea Cad y Serenata by Ornament OrnamentLast Last work 14G 38 3G7ft JUO Trainer W P Gaines Owner Murdock McQuillan McQuillanl2130iFP l2130iFP 2 l14f t 225 110 134 C DayW11 12 LuckPiece 100 Lounger HSSonAmi 110 0 Vl930FP rl930FP 3118Vtliy 2S 110 G 3 2h 2J DayW11 12 Emphaticl05Griff W llImperator 115 O lIaylG30sFP 21llV ft 33 112 12 11 lO lO DayW11 12 MyBeautyllOIallenLeafll5KgBaukll2 C OcllS29FP 2 l13ft 24 107 11 6 811 S11 HornF 11 KgUalmalOSLckySwplOlCashPIaylOO C COcU729FP Octl729FP 2 l13Hft 10 104 11 9 9i 75i CimerakG S12 LkyUrift lOSKgUalma 1100urBdyll2 0 OcLl223FP 2 I17hyl910 110 1 6 7 i G RootT i12JackUp 10G Waponoca 111 Medius 110 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 1 0 0 S 700 This year 3 0 10 100 100Uncle Uncle Martin 1 f fC cht S by Sir Martin Berryessa by Uncle UncleJLUU JLUU Trainer W C Daly Owner J W Shoisser ShoisserMa29SOFP Ma29SOFP 2 l14Vsft C2 112 S 10 9 9 HanfordB 10 TiuHat 112 JiniOrmont 109GriffW 115 0 OcLll29FP llGm S5f 103 6 7 9l 951 CramerR M2 ShortyO IHXIieBallot 102Chiclero 105 0 JuL G29 Rav CJ f l27ft 30 111 4 OMalleyJ 7 EmileFllGBavIeFronklOGPrnLady 111 0 JuL l29 = Rav a 3 57ft 54 113 G63 RiceJH 10 LIcSmiIell4KaceCrm J07UoseStrk 101 G Junl529Whe a 3 roSft S4 10J 5J1 BakcrR 7 Sol 117 Magnus 115 BudBud 112 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060201/drf1930060201_16_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060201_16_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800