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BELMONT PARK NEW YORK N Y SATURDAY MAY 31 1930 Belmont Park 1 12 miles G 11 feet Fifteenth day Westchester Racing Association Spring meeting of 23 days Weather clear Stewards of meeting J E AVidener G II Bull and AVm AVoodward Steward representing tlio National Steeplechase and Hunt Association A H Higginson Judges E C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter George Cassidy Racing Secretary V E Schaumburg Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 1 0 p in W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates 5 pounds allowance 7 pounds MO pounds f C 3 Q 7 FIRST RACE 1 Mile Jack High May 24 1930 135 4 110 Hempstead Purse TcO JLo 6 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 sao 3Iay3130Bol sao3Iay3130Bol ond 200 third 100 Claiming price 2500 Index Horses A WtPPSt li Str Fin Jockeys O H C P S 47954 SANFORD wn 8 111 G S G = G 4 = 2 11 F Collctti J A Coburn 115 3 2 45 25 25wn 47828 LEMONADE wn 4 113 8 2 3h 31 3 I1 23 K Force Mrs B Starr 4 G 5 2 1 1wn 47G87DIM RAY wn 3 1061 1 G 5i D1 o3 31 3 A Fermin California Sta 5 12 12 5 2 2w 47223 ANGRY LASS w 3 1C4 9 1 71 7h 7nt 41 43 R LeischnAV L HernstadtOO 40 40 13 7 7w 47778 3 SPANISH w 4 111 4 10 10 10 9 5 G Roso E G Downing 31 31 3 75 35 48082 CHARMARTEN wn 5 114 2 9 9 8 S l 7i G G Ellis V Crano So o o o o 5J r 475083MARETTE w 3 101 3 5 4i 4ll Gl S3 73 J Bethel Middleburg Sta 12 13 10 4 2 48082 ROSEOMAR wn 4 106 7 4 2i 2U lh G11 S F Catrone R Narelle 30 30 30 12 G 47458 MORDROM wn 4 111 5 3 lh lh 21 9 9 D McAffeMrs M P Allen 30 50 CO 20 10 1047G88 47G88 EON w S 111 10 7 SJ 91 10 10 10 J Mann J Livingston SO GO 60 20 10 10Tims goodWinner Tims 24 49 114 140 Track good Winner Ch h by Sir Martin Affection by Isdor trained by G AV Coburn bred by Mr J B Madden AVinner entered to be claimed for 2300 2300WENT WENT TO POST 241 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third easily easilySANFORD SANFORD worked his way up steadily came to the outside of the leader entering the stretch and finishing gamely disposed of LEMONADE in the final drive The latter close up throughout had no excuses thereafter DIM ISAY came wide rounding the far turn was taken up and guided to the inside entering the stretch and closed well ANGRY LASS saved ground throughout and showed a good performance SPANISH dropped out of contention at the start ROSEOMAR and MORDKOM raced each other into defeat the latter pulling up slightly lame lameOverweights Overweights Lemonade 2 pounds Dim Ray 3J Angry Lass 4 Charmarten 3 Marette 1 4Qf OQ SECOND RACE Atout 2 Miles Fairmount May 29 1926 340 5 147 Twenty OJLOO fifth Running CORINTHIAN STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP 2500 Added 4 43Iay3I30Bel 3Iay3I30Bel yearolds and upward Net value to winner 3350 second GOO third 300 Index Horses A AAt PP St 3 6 9 12 Fin Jockeys Owners 40114 DARKNESS w 5 142 1 1 35 3 4 2 1 = Mr G BwkT Hitchcock 3 4 185 G5 3 478783MOHOLI w G 138 5 G 5 4s 3 I1 23 H Jeffcott Flyg Hse Fm Stl3 20 12 5 2 47878 MALVOISINE wn 6 133 2 2 2 2 2 33 AV Collins Eastld Fm St 115 115 75 33 14 4 7 G54 VALOROUS wsu G 137 4 5 43 5 5 5 4 F McGovnGreentrco Sta 1134 4 S3 35 354801G3tSTALKER 4801G3tSTALKER wn 4 133 G 4 1 1 1s 4s 5 P DonhueDorwood Sta 10 10 10 4 2 247858CRUMPLER 47858CRUMPLER w 5 131 3 3 Lost rider E Ball W F Hitt 55585 7lfl 7lflfAdded fAdded starter Time 351 Track good goodAVinuer AVinuer Br m by Snob II Thundercloud by Ogden trained by P Green bred by Mr J S Cosden CosdenWENT WENT TO POST 307 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVou handily second and third easily easilyDARKNESS DARKNESS was bothered repeatedly by the riderless CRUMlLER in the early running was taken back to clear him then moved up with a rush in the final quarter mile and drew away on the inside at the end MOIIOLI slow to begin moved into command with a rush on the final turn of the field but was forced to take back when crossed by CRUMPLER and then held on well MALVOISINE fol ¬ lowed the early pace under steady restraint but could not get to the leader when put under pressure as she was also bothered by CIIUMPLEU AALOROCS was outrun early STALKER showed earlj speed and jumped well but tired badly A Qt A QCfe THIRD RACE 1 12 Furlongs Widcner Course Orissa June 4 1928 51 2 119 4tOJLO 7 Jersey Lilly Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Net valuo ti 3Iay3130Bel winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 3i Str Fin Jockeys Owners o n o P s BABA KENNY w 11G 3 1 I1 I3 I3 E Legere E R Bradley 4 41 31 8545 4 7 14 a FRIARESS w 116 20 G GHIGH 4 41 2i L Fator AV R Coo f2 15 15 6 3 HIGH SPADE w 11G 21 7 7r3CHICSU 2 2 31 AV Kelsay G A Cochran 31 41 4 2 1 17l r3CHICSU wn 11G 2 3 7l 3 41 J Eaby Ramapo Stable G S G 21 75 47857 BUBSY C w 11G 12 10 101 SJ 5 C Watters T M Cassidy 12 25 25 10 5 47507 LILLIE D w 116 19 11 11ANGRY 91 71 Gi T BolnescG B DIoguardo 50 100 100 40 20 ANGRY PLUME w 11G 24 13 511 51 7 D McAffeOneck Stablo SO EO 30 12 C 47857 2AVHISKER w 116 13 14 161 1GU 81 E KenndyMtpelicr Fms StG 7 G 21 75 75Gl 47857 DARK EDAVINA w 116 13 13 13TENT Gl G 91 F Collctti AV S Kilmer 10 12 10 5 21 TENT w 116 14 20 20472G4 17U 2117U 14i 10 E Steffcn R C AAMnmill 50 100 100 40 20 20II1 472G4 MISS MADELYN wn 11G 10 IS II1 101 Hi A RobtsnL E Keiffer SO 40 40 13 8 LOMA LINDA w 116 23 23 111 131 12 II Mcrtz Lone Star Sta f 0 100 100 40 20 AVAR AVIDOAV w 116 18 22 Si 20Si 11 13U G QnbushGln Rle Fm St 20 SO 30 12 G STEPDANCE w 116 7 1C 211 21 Hi M Knight J E AVidener 20 30 30 12 G 47857 HURRY ELLAN w 116 4 2 2wn 121 12 15 R LeischnAV L Hernstadt 50 60 CO 23 12 47915 FIRE DANCE wn 11G 11 17 22 22 1C3 J Bcjshak F Johnson CO 30 30 12 6 6IS1 47857 DUNGLOE w 116 17 21 21wn IS1 19U171 P Walls Mr Pembroke EO 50 50 20 10 47657 DIPPY wn 116 1 4 15 IS1 1S R AVkmanGrcentrce Sta 8883 85 8519l 47305 SMORYOUNG w 11G G 9 19l 17nt19l G Ellis B Block 20 40 40 15 8 45901 LADY IIOGAN w 11G 1C 12 12wr 13 131 20 L Schaefcr II T Archibald 15 20 15 8 4 47857 REDOUBTABLE wr 116 22 5 3 9 21 J H Burke J E Davis 20 23 25 10 G GHIGH HIGH PLANE w 116 9 19 20 20i223 J Inzelone AA R Coo f2 15 15 G 3 3DARICVALE DARICVALE w 116 S 8 8wn 23 23 23 F Catrone R A Fairbalrn CO 50 50 20 10 47189 DIS DAME wn 116 5 21 24 24 24 AV Harvey Shrt Grs Std StSO CO 50 20 10 10tCoupled tCoupled as AV R Coe entry entryTime goodAVinner Time 55 Track good AVinner Br f by Black Servant Betty Beall by North Star III trained by II J Thompson bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 336 AT POST 7 minutes I Start drivingBABA good and slow AVon easily second and third driving BABA KENNY displayed good speed from the start drew away from the others and had spotd in reserve at the end FRIARESS close up from the start ran a good race and held on well HIGH SPADE raced in the middle of the track and showed a good performance CHICIIU showed improve ¬ ment and finished fast BUBSY C finished with a lush LILLIE D ran well 4G fl tf Tk FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Jack High May 24 1930 135 4 110 Fiftyfifth Run oJyv ning WITHERS STAKES 5000 Added 3yearolds Net value to winner winnerIay3130Bcl Iay3130Bcl 26150 second 1500 third 750 fourth 350 AAVtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 4 8017 AAIIICHONE wn US 1 5 53 3 = 2i I1 1 R Wkmanll P AVhitney 110 1S 110 out 47776 SWINFIELD w 118 G 3 3h 41 41 4i 2l L SchaeferW J Salmon 15 SO 30 5 75 75wr J70533STARPATIC wr US 2 C G G 5s 5 35 AV Kelsay F E Brown 10 15 12 95 12 Continued on twenty irst rase BELMONT PARK PARKContinued Continued from third page 47053 MAYA w 118 5 1 21 2 3l 3 4s E Sande W R Coe t2 15 13 910 14 14478GO 478GO BLCIC MAJESTY IVE 118 3 2 1 1 1 = 2 58 J Inzelone AV R Coe t2 15 13 910 14 14478CO 478CO SARAZEX II VB 118 4 4 4h 5 = 6 6 6 P Walls Fair Stable 30 40 40 S S3 tCoupled as AV R Coe entry entryTime goodAVinner Time 23 4715 111 5 l38 5 Track good AVinner Br e by Chicle Flying Witch by Broomstick trained by T J Healey bred by Mr H P AVhitney AVhitneyWENT WENT TO POST 408 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingAVHICHONE good and slow AAon easily second and third driving AVHICHONE on the inside and penned in against the rail found room on the first turn was roused 1 sharply midway of the stretch turn moved up fast on the outside of BLACK MAJESTY disposed of f him and drew away winning with speed in reserve and was worked out an additional quarter mile SAVINFIELD raced well throughout responded to urging in the stretch and held STARPATIC safe in i the final drive The latter outrun to the stretch turn was brought to the outside and gained fast MAYA restrained back of the fast early pace established by BLACK MAJESTY showed fine early speed saved ground but quit under urging in the final eighth eighthScratched Scratched 17933 Caruso IIS 4S020 Dunsany 118 47137Kai Feng 118 f Q1 Cb t FIFTH RACE 58 Milo Widener course Distraction June 4 1927 5G 2 125 TcOLtlF JL Friar Rock Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Net value to winner 9CO second 3lny313035el second3lny313035el 200 third 100 Index Horses 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H 0 P S 47070 MATE w 116 3 5 5WE 4 3 = 1U R WkmaiiA C Bostwlek 3 32t 478G1 KNOAVLTOX WE 112 1 1 1WB 2t 2 2 J Eaby Ramapo Stable 5 S S 2 35 48019 OPPONENT WB 112 4 6 6WB Rancocas Stable C 4 47C89 7 089 = CONCORD WB 116 2 22 2 2WB in 11 41 AV Kelsay Newtondale Sta 1 1 710 15 out 48015 FLY GUY WB 112 5 54 4 3 4 5 P Walls S Harris 13 13 12 4 73 47305CRUSHD 7347305CRUSHD STONE w 116 6 3 5 6 C D McAffeC II Thieriot 13 20 20 6 2 2Time Time 101 Track good AVinner Ch e by Prince Pal Kallashandia by Ambassador IV trained by J AV Healy bred d by Mr A 0 Bostwick WENT TO POST 435 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVbn driving second and third easily MATH improved his position steadily on the inside finished resolutely under pressure and drew v away KNOAVLTON a factor throughout made a determined effort when called upon but tould not it withstand the rush of the winner OPPONENT finished gamely on the inside CONCOKD tired suddenly y in the final sixteenth FLY GUY raced througli on the outside CRUSHED STONE swerved over to o the inside when put under i unishmeht AQtGl SIXTH EACE 1 Mile Jack High May 24 1930 135 4 110 Brentwood Purs JtO J 7 f Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 3Iay3130Bel 2003Iay3130Bel third 100 Claiming price 5000 Index Horses AAVtPPStU Str Fin Jocteys 47530 STORM w 103 6 1 3 311 31 11 I1 L McAtee R X Gerry 2 21 21 4525 47459 AVU wn 105 4 4 61 5h 41 21 2 F Catronc 1 E Brown 21 133 2 45 25 47530 ST TUSCAN w 108 7 2 2 = 2 21 2 2l 4 41 Sl J Mann R A Smith 15 15 15 5 21 46875 BETTY BEAU iv 105 3 3 lk 1 11 32 4 E KenndyT J Beatichamp 4 7 7 21 65 48077 SUNNY MORN WB 103 1 7 41 411 6 53 5 R LeischnAV L Hernstadt 30 30 30 10 5 48077 DALY WB 110 2 6 7 7 7 6 6 F Colletli Mrs D Gideon S 12 10 3 75 47917 NIGHT SIGNAL w 100 5 5 5 6 5 7 7 II Quillen R Bradley 3 41 4 S5 45 Time 24 48 114 140 Track good t Winner Ch c by Audacious Spray by AArack trained by G M Odom bred by Mr R L Gerry AAinner entered to be claimed for 3000 WENT TO POST 500 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third easily easilySTORM STORM close to the leader but under steady restraint moved up fast on the outside entering the stretch disposed of the leaders and then outlasted AVU in the final drive The latter moved up when called upon finished resolutely on the outside and was going fast at the end ST TUSCAN forced the pace throughout and thea tired in the final sixteenth BETTY BEAU had no excusse and quit badly SUNNY MORN saved ground NIGHT SIGNAL quit to a walk in the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights Betty Beau 2 pounds Daly 5