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TURF WEEKLY Single Copy 35c 10 Weeks 3 3For For Sale at All Newsstand and 20 N CLARK ST CHICAGO ILL ILLNEW NEW ISSUE OUT Dont Miss MissMONDAYS MONDAYS 500 FREE CODE WASHINGTON PARK May3101419 May3101419Here Here is a special that has been held up by the sharpshooters to get PLENTY LONG GREEN These people in the fourteen years that they have been doing business with us seldom miss and the price expected will be 18 for 2 in the mutuels mutuelsFor For cipher code on this special go to your nearest newsstand slip your newsie 35 cents the price of Supreme Flash Turf Weekly and see page 2 for cipher code codeISSUE ISSUE No 32 CLOCKERS WINNERS FLEETING FIRE 4418 WON SEA KALE KALESTAR 2345 WON STAR O MORN MORNSUNVIR 2242 WON SUNVIR 1540 WON POMPON 1110 WON AND MANY OTHER LONG PRICED WINNERS WINNERSSupreme Supreme Flash employs the highest paid staff at all TRACKS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY COUNTRYYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS PARLAY PARLAYFOOTMARK FOOTMARK 2595 Won WonWe We told you that these people would get shipping expenses Well the outcome Js sufficient proof proofTHE THE SECOND HALF OF THE PARLAY PARLAYESSIE ESSIE 1698 Won WonWell Well we fulfilled our promise to give to all our subscribers a WIN PARLAY that would pay about We told you to sock it IN good and strong on Foot Mark second race Thorricliffe and Essie third race Fairmount Park and let jour book ¬ maker have the ice bag on his head because he sure will need it itANOTHER ANOTHER LIMIT PARLAY MONDAY Heres where we knock over two more long shots One of these specials come from the same outfit that gave FLEETING FIRE 4418 WON at Fair mount Park Friday and we gave all our readers this LONG SHOT WINNER days in advance The other half of our parlay comes to us from the people that gave SEA KALE 2345 WON We tell you this to impress upon your mind that you are getting information informationWe We believe that it takes money to make money If you were to pay 100 for this parlay Monday we honestly believe that you would not be paying too much but SUPREME FLASH caters to all clients alike and the terms arc the same for everybody everybodyTERMS TERMS TO ALL 3 FOR THIS PROBABLE LIMIT LIMITWIN WIN PARLAY WHICH GOES TODAY TODAYMONDAY MONDAY MONDAYWire Wire 3 by Western Union or Postal Telegraph City clients call Time lost is money lost You cant afford to lose either eitherSUPREME SUPREME PUBLISHING CO 790 Broadway Suite 407 New York City