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5th iSelmont OVidencr course Domino Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds 41A Fur Allowances Orissa June 4 1928 51 2 119 Ind Horse Wt Rec 47003 Mad Career Bel 122 55s 55s4S019 4S019 Bar Hunter Bel 117 52 47919 John Mill Bel 117 55s 55s4S0193 4S0193 Repentance M Bel 112 52i 52i47919s 47919s Zachary MBelllC 55V 55V47COG 47COG Chicleaf MBel 11C 55s 55s4SOS1 4SOS1 Blue Law Bel 111 57h 48079 Hock Reef Bel 117 54 47919 Street Singer M Bel 117 55 = Dorse Wt Rec AWtnan AWtnanBeau Beau Jolie MBel 117 543 113 090 090Gun Gun Play MBcl 111 5Sh 110 090 Satin Spinner M Bel 114 54 113 COO COOFriar Friar Bacon M Bel 113 59 m 113 090 090Black Black ami Blue 113 Wrigley Field 113 Beguile 113 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Mad Career I I H B ° 2 y Ma Hatter Cicuta by Nassovian NassovianI I ist work 151 58101 3Sd Trainer P F Dwyer Owner W J Salmon JLnj17303Bel 4Xfwc 52sl 30 122 5 5 5 2 41 SchaeferL3 SchaeferL3May 5 Equiposel22HappyScotl22Avarius 117 S May 6305Jam g l00ft 165 IIS 4 5 5 4 GarnerM5 9 Moronse 118 Westerner 118 Traitor 118 A 24305Jam g l024ift S3 113 5 2 21 Il MaibenJ1 7 BubblingOutllo ConcordllS TlieGenllS il Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 0 700 Bar Hunter B c 2 by Black Servant Bit of White by Sunstar May2S305Bel 4Jfwc 52 ft 15 117 1 2 I1 1i LcgcrcE 19 Aknahtonll7Repentancell7Gtury 117 M JIay24305Bel 4jfwc 51 ft 20 113 6 5 oi 5i LegereE S Up 120 Hibala 112 Aries 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 1 0 0 700 700John John 3II11 190 ch c 2 by John p Gricr Miu Maia by rair play Last work 143 58 l01ft Trainer T W Murphy Owner Greentree Stable StableMay2G305Bel May2G305Bel 4Jfwo 55 si S5 117 2 2 21 1 WkmanR3 7 Jiibilatcll7Zacharyll7StreetSingerll7 M JIdfl4303Jam g lOOV sy G 118 2 3 35 2 WkmanR1 8 PanetianllSChicleafllSSweepPast 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 1 1 0 900 900ReClltanCC ReClltanCC 1 1 Q Bl c 2 ty Sun rlas Follies by His Majesty MajestyLast Last work 147 3S 35ft JJO Trainer H McDanicl Owner G A Cochran CochranJfoy2S303Bcl Jfoy2S303Bcl 4Jfwc 52 ft 115 117 2 1 21 3i KelsayW73 19 BarIIterll7Aknabtonll7Gtbury 117 M JIay2l30Bel 4Jfwc 54 gd 85 117 1 3 lh 3 KelsayW1 9 StDonsonll7MkedBall 114lleSgell7 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 00 2 200 Zacliary 1 1 Q c 2 M by Zev Humbug by Marathon MarathonLast Last work 144 12 49ft LJLO Trainer J Lowe Owner Kaacocas Stable StableMay26305Bel May26305Bel 4U we 55 si 7 117 5 4 3 3 = FatorL3 7 JohnMilU17Jubilatell7StreetSingerll7 M MJIayl930Bel JIayl930Bel 4jfwc 52 m 6 118 9 7 10Ul FatorL 14 Ilelianthus HSGayPal llSBushman 118 M j Mayl730 Bel 4ifwc 54sl 8 116 4 4 4i 5i SteffenE1 11 Rldeaway llGChieleaf llGFervor 11C M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st Tnd 3rd Won WonThis This year 3 0 0 1 100 Chicleaf 11 B c 2 ty Ch5cl ° Flyleaf by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 143 58 lQltt ± U Trainer M Hirsch Owner Saga Stable StableMayl730GBel Mayl730GBel 4fwc 54sl 41 116 2 2 2h 23 ColtilettiF 11 RideawayllGFcrvorllGMineSwper 116 M JIayl4303Jam glM sy S5 118 1 1 23 31 WallsP 8 PanetianllSJohnMillllSSweepIast 115 M MMaylO303Jam MaylO303Jam g 59Hft 15 112 S 7 SiS = = WallsP b Eriiipoisell7VanderPool 125Chouettel25 S SHay Hay l303Jam Q UOliift 41 116 1 1 1 23 WallsP3 4 BlueLawllGRosePetal 113GeneralAllG A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx WonxThis This year 4 0 2 1 500 500Blue Blue Law 117 r c 2 y ermans Prudish by Peter Pan PanLast Last work 14G 58 l07by Trainer T W Murphy Owner Greentree Stable StableMay29C05Bcl May29C05Bcl 4 fwc o4 hy 8 115 4 S 5T 41 KelsayW74 S Hideaway 118Fervorll4PrincePeter 113 A MiylOG03Jam g 591ift 20 117 7 S 71 6 McAteeL3 8 EquipoSsemVanderlool 125Cbotiettcl25 S May G30Mam i l00ft 165 118 1 7 1 6i McAteeL 9 Moronge 118 Westerner 118 Traitor 118 A Jlay l305Jam g l01ift 13 116 3 2 2 I3 McAteeL1 4 Chicleaf llGRosePctal 113GencralAllG A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 1 0 0 S 700 700Rocli Rocli Reef 190 c 2 y Wl erness Coral Bock by Trap Bock BockJL JL JLiW iW Trainer C Utz Owner Foxcatcher Farms Stable ray29303Bel 4Jfwc 54hy 12 US 4 3 41 Gi EricksnS3 11 GdnLegendlllHieawaylllGavPal 111 S May20303Bel 4Jfwc 57 m 32 118 133 431 EricksonH0 C Greatorex 113ConcordllSWesterner 118 A Mayl530 Bel 4Jfwc 541im 10 117 1 1 1 I5 RicksonHE 7 PcePcterll7Clrirm yll7Deinior 114 M Apnl530 = HdG 4J t 54ft 51 112 G 7 78i S1 BarncsE 15 Equipoise 118Sclioonerll2UncleSam 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 1 0 0 5 700 700Street Street SillgCr 1 1 Q Ch Cf 2 M y Far Kock Sweet Music by Harmonicon HarmoniconLast Last work 142 58 l04ft LO Trainer B Creech Owner W R Coe CoeMay2G305Bcl May2G305Bcl 4Jfwc 55 si 20 117 1 6 5 = 2 4 = InzeloneJ3 7 John Mill 117 Jubilate 117 Zacliary 117 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Beau Beau JollC 11 c 2 M by Bo 1IclIan Hurry tip II by Phoenix PhoenixLast Last work 147 3S 35ft J Tiainer N Tallman Owner Newtondale Stable StableMaj2S305Eel Maj2S305Eel 4Jfwc 52 ft 30 117 12 10 lO lO1 MallejT 19 B1arIIterll7Aknahtonll7Repance 117 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 1 1Gllll Gllll Play 110 B f 2 M by Man ° War Scoot II by Vamose VamoseI I ast work 144 58 l02ft JLU Trainer M Hirsch Owner M L Schwartz SchwartzMaySO30Bcl MaySO30Bcl 4Jfwc 55 hy 4llll 10 9 103 9 WallsP3 10 SummerDay 118 Chene 114 Risque 118 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdSatill Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonTliis Tliis year 1 Satill Spinner t tLast h c 2 M by White Satin TJlraada by Rabelais A Carter Owner Hosdalc Stable Last work 151 3S 37gd Trainer W May24305Bel 4Jfvc 514 ft 4oll4 7 7 S53 7 Harvey W1 8 Up 120 Hibala 112 Aries 112 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 Friar BaCOIl 1 1 Q c y rar ar Marcus arcus Mother oer Shipton pon by y White e eLast Last work 151 58 lOCgd JJ Magic MagicTrainer Trainer J P Smith Owner Mrs V Emanuel EmanuelJfej20303Bcl Jfej20303Bcl 4Jfwc 57 m S5o 113 G 5 G 3 G FronkW C Greatorex 113ConcordllS Westerner 118 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Tliis year 1 1Black Black and Blue 1 1 Q Bl c 2 M by Blacls Servant Marygrace by North Star ni niJLXO JLXO Trainer J H Stotler Owner Sagamore Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1 1 Q Br c 2 M by Sand Mole Louanna by luke McLuke J1O JLJLO Trainer W Kna Knapp Owner Mrs J D Hertz Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonBeguile Beguile 1 j Q Cllf c 2 M D Dublin Supercilious by Superman Supermani i nt nrt 151 58 l03Rd LJ Trainer E J Hodgson Owner Mrs E J Hodgson Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon