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6th Thomclif fe pnrsc 1100 aycarolfls anil upward Foaled in Canada 1 116 Miles Claiming Qfoclc Orange Hay 31 1922 115 5 97 iNOTE Claiming1 price 1500 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 1000 3yearolds 101 pounds older 111 pounds Winners in 1930 3 pounds extra for each race won wonThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together wllh latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey PPSls Best Company Class of Race Fair Oil 1 j A Ch f 4 by Oil Man Fair Annie by Hawkswick Last work 139 38 l03ft L v vMariSSO t Trainer F Schelke Owner Thorncliffe Stable MariSSO THf 1 l53sl 1110 106 G 2 2 21 AimersT3 10 Spe of Ktyl01GcUklQ5NrsDing 109 C Maj2030AVdb lfff l54hy S 112 4 3 2 2 AimersT S GayParisianl24Spanll2SwtcslSong 115 C E p2729cWdb 1 l51gd 14 101 4 5 2 31 AlmcrsT 10 NatsDarr l09MaricGtyl09SeaKalelOS C Ecp2129AArdb 1fg l49ft 12 111 5 5 G3 C LeonardR 13 DanceCircle lllLlndsay 104Kitling 113 S Bepll9 Thf lje lISft SI 101 3 2 4 = 1 41 AimersT J12 MelrSpks99LdCdisanl09MterBbie99 C Eep 229JBB 1 l40ft 18 101 6 S 58 4 1 AimersT 9 Fy ofFatel02AVilhinalOSLdCdignl03 C Aug3129 = BB I l2Gft 8 101 5 5 6 5i AimersT 8 JewelKilll3DaisyFairl05AViliiehninnll2 C CAAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast AAon Slarts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 16 113 1280 This year 2 0 2 0 400 SjIlCre Of Beauty O Q h y Golden Sphere Belle Mahone by Ypsilanti II IILast Last work 151 58 l04ft Trainer E J Salt Owner Seagram Stable StableJfcjaiSOThf JfcjaiSOThf 1j l53i sl 9 101 1 1 I1 11 McGinisP8 10 FairOil lOOGleKock 105NrsDirg 109 C JIa2030AVdb Ifr I54hy3110 103 5 4 4 56 McGinnisP 8 Gay Parisian 124 FairOil 112 Span 112 C JIaj 1730 AVdb 1 l57Sft 2710e 112 7 5 1212 = MannF8 IS Aymond 117 AVhalcOil 117 Ichltaro 133 S Bop 25293Wdb g 101 ft 7 112 1 8 7 6J AbelA 12 Ay ordllOKingswayl20NuresEye 110 A AEepl393Thf Eepl393Thf g I29 gdl710 102 1 2 1 1 = 1 McGinisP 8 GrteRockll7BlueQu tzl04NresEyellO C AnS2229Dor 5Jfl07ft 125 101 4 4 54J 43 McGinteP 10 LyScth 104Flashg HCWgtuRose 112 C Augl729CP 5J f l07ft 85 115 2 3 4 1 3s McGinisP 7 WhileOilll5QuatraBrsll2Archpgoll2 A starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 2 0 3 5 1425 This year 3 1 0 0 850 850Ever Ever Hore Ol m y ovec Missing Link by Isidor IsidorLast Last work 148 lml537 ft JU t Trainer H Giddings Owner Mount Koyal Stable StableJIaj23306Wdb JIaj23306Wdb g l14 ft i 110 G G 5 = i 5 = 1 SlateF 12 SeaKale 112Sabana HOMaricGaiety 110 C Jtyl9303AArdb 2 l19sy 7 121 4 4 5 = 2 51 SlateF 12 Killing 119 Tipsy 110 Marie Gaiety 11G C COct Oct 793Duf lfK l55ft 16 103 2s CowanH 7 JyBwnl03PccCaroll02JIissMyld 112 C COct Oct 429 = Duf a 5 102 ft 7 99 4 HornG 8 Fine Lady 105 Probate 112 Asahl 108 C COct Oct l29 = Duf 6J f l27ft 7 100 G4J LongoJ S Melva Hose 107 Capitol 111 Tipsy 105 C CAug2793Dor Aug2793Dor 1 l46ft 1320 101 1 2 3 31 McGinisP 7 Thesisl05Salvathorn lOCKareAintage 98 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon 14 1 53 2000 This year 2 2gjin gjin T 07 Cht y tzwi am Canice by Bridge of Canny CannyLast Last work 144 31 l18ft J Jv v I Trainer J Boden Owner D Raymond RaymondMajSSSOThf MajSSSOThf lfs l53sl s 1031010 9 J 5 DawdyH3 10 Spe of BtylOlFairOil 10GGtePiOcV103 C WaJ2030IAArdb 1 l54hy 57 112 G 2 38 3 ° SulloveyM 3 Gayrasianl24FairOil 112SwtestSgll5 C ILJ gSOMam 1fs 148 ft 25 10S G 8 7 ° 10 = SullveyM 13 Aitamart 104BobShnonll7Lakelnd 117 C OctlS29 Emp l l47ft 30 110 S 10 10 il014 QnbushG 10 ColBrdlISSunItonrnl25IlshMoneyll3 C Octl529 Jam l 14K ft 60 105 2 6 5 1 6C3 QnbushC MG Crash llotteportrix HOFredWhilm 108 C OctI229Jam 1 l4Sft 0 107 2 13 12I51213 SmithF 15 SIrgtonll7SmSweeneyl05ColBoardl09 C Starls 1st 2nJ 3rd Won Slarls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 0 0 5 50 This year 2 0 0 I 100 100Sea Sea Kale 1 1 A B B 4 by Alasnam Sea Froth by Inferno InfernoLast Last work 147 34 l21ft J Trainer G Alexandra Jr Owner J E Smallman SmallmanJlaySOSOThf JlaySOSOThf g 128 ft 3310 114 2 8 G 3i TonrowR1 12 Aarsily 102 Bloomlip 113 Pandorus 100 C JJa23305AVdb 2 l14ft 11 11210 9 3 = 1 RobtsonA1 12 SabanallOMarieGaicty HOJewelKit 112 C JLvl9303AVdb 2 l19sy 20 118 9 11 1111 HarperAV 12 Killing 119 Tipsy 110 Marie Gaiety 11G C MaElG30Hav 2 115 ft 12 113 S 9 ScilOl SniderA1 12 EieLhmnll3TheoFyll3LstChge 113 C Marl530 = Hav 2 l14sft 10 112 5 6 5J 33 SniderA 12 TwoBilis 107WhileKnee 97Chantry 102 C Matll30Hav 2 l14ft 3 108 8 6 G3J 5 = J SniderA 11 Lew Black 103 Doncru 95Two Bills 103 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 26 552 54520 This year 17 143 1735 1735Granite Granite IlOClt Al B c 3 by Quartz Kock Mover of Men by Lovetie LovetieLast Last work 151 34117 = ft Lvo Trainer W Eussell Owner P Lamantia LamantiaMay2S30Tlif May2S30Tlif 1 Ic3 sl 10 1C5 3 4 33 3J SmithV 10 Spe of BtylOl FrOil lOCNrsDarg 109 C r730AVdb 1J l57ft 52 117 1C 12 14 14 KtsgerC 18 Aymond 117 WhaleOil 117 Ichitaro 133 S 0 = Wdb g 101 ft 35 115 11 12 12 9 J LittleH 312 AymondllOKingswayl20NuresEye 110 A 96Wdb 2 l15ft 49 125 8 8 68 63 MannF 11 Spearhead HSKingsway 124Aymond 11C S Eepl4294Tlif g l27ft 46 111 9 7 71J 75 MannF 11 Frccthkrll7AVhaIeOil 10SQaBrasl04 S EenlS Thf I l29gd 125 117 5 3 2 2 = 1 MannF S SofBnlylO BlueQutzlOJNresEye 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd on Last year 17 2 2 0 1760 This year 2 0 0 1 100 100JllSt JllSt ill Fun 100 Bt m 7 by McNcill Aprisa by Kismet KismetLast Last work 133 1 l8159ft LvV Trainer J Given Owner J C Fletcher Maj2930iTlif g l27 igd G4f 96 5 11 10 1 9 MadeleyF4 11 FairOrb lOOFrTlf n lOSCfireMaid 90 C Auc929sBB 1 l40ft 33 10S 10 10 lOSWJ MannF 10 DcoCclel05LdCdigaiil07MterBble97 C CAUB AUB 929 FE 1 l46ft 13 10G 4 7 7J 712 MannF 8 Wilgdnl03MUrBbiel01SstMajorl07 C CJul3029Hm Jul3029Hm l stcl53ft 15 S6 2 2 4J o PasseroJ 8 AlitaAllenlOlFenlitlOOMiddleTple 102 C CJuL2729 JuL2729 ° Ham 1 l36ft 18 99 Lost rider AimersT 8 Milaria 112 Lucent 111 Alito Allen 108 C CJuL25297Ham JuL25297Ham 1 tc l44m 15 109 696 6 2 MannF 9 Bioomtip 115 EverMore lloFair Oil 101 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 1 01 800 This year 1 1lamillgO lamillgO T 07 Ch m 5 ty McNo511 R ° yal Eea Brd y Galatine GalatineLast Last work 151 1m l4Sft Trainer J Whyte Owner J Whyte Whyteajr ajr SSOTlif l ls s l53sl G 107 7 9 1010 TonrowR 10 Spe of BtylOlFairOil lOCGteRocklOS C Pqi2129Wdb 1fs l49ft l2e 120 12 10 951 S ° J AbelA 13 DanceCircle lllLindsay 104KHling 113 S SEcp Ecp 229BB 14 153 fl 9 108 4 9 4 3 AbelA 9 PalCalhounllOBunlarisllODepositionllO C CADgl729LB ADgl729LB 1J l55ft 4710 100 S 7 71 7 HornG 8 Trieze 101 Thymon 101 Aloi 103 C CAngl229Ken Angl229Ken 1ft 200ft 1S5 S9 3 3 2l 1 = 1 HornG 8 RoekCandyl07Moses lOOEagerPIay 103 C CJuL3129JDev JuL3129JDev 1fs l5Sft 71 9910 8 10106J HornG 11 Everblue 102 Penguin 101 Keydet 112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 15 3 2 5 2060 This year 1 1Tipsy Tipsy 1 HenoJLUO f K B m 5 by Kingship Trash by Heno JLUO Trainer J Underbill Owner A L Wynston See Saturdays fourth Thorncliffe Park chart chartMayl9303AVdb Mayl9303AVdb 2119isy 4J 116 10 8 G32 2 = PhillinsC 12 Killing IlOMaric Gaiety HCOptical 118 C Oct 4293Duf g 133 ft 6 106 35i DugganR 8 Aversionll7KingCharlcsll2ltoiCnce 109 C Oct l29 = Duf 6Jfl2723ft 50 105 31 DugganR 8 MelvaKose 1071apitol 111 Innkeeper 105 C Bep27293Wdb 1jj loOV ed 15 109 7 7 G 5 3 FodenN 8 MterBbie 105FryofFate 112SoterialOO C Eepll29 Del 1 l5Sm 3910 107 33 LongoJ S CrepeSatin 112Eyclash 115BillyBeerliri C E pl2293Del l03ft 175 112 3 LongoJ 8 Pottery 115Loasidell5Gorn Answer 109 C WonLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 146 1140 This year 1 0 1 0 200 200IVillillgdoil IVillillgdoil 111 Br c 4 by Gauntley Wise by Bryn Mawr MawrLast Last work 133 1 l8204ft J J Trainer J Mee Owner G E Elliott ElliottJIaj29COThf JIaj29COThf 1J 2C9gd 25 101 4 2 41 432 RomanoT3 C LittIeScoutl04Thymonl04nkCandy 105 C Jfaj2030Adb 1fg l54hy 91 119 3 7 7 8 = = Littlell 8 Gay Parisian 124 FairOil 112 Span 112 C COct Oct 3295Duf 1j l5Gft 10 991 2 HornG 5 Gainesvdl07KmonaS1071AinenlallO C COct Oct 229Duf lje l35ft 7 99 2 HornG 7 AmenKalllWrackcenlOSBurnoose lllj C B n2S295Wdb 12 303ft 17 108 7 4 4 3 4 RomanoT 7 Beau of tlicAVestl20Attkl22Lindsy 103 S Eepl39 Tljf lJl53Jigd33IO 107 7 7 7 5 MaciverA 7 Gylarisnll IWilirinal05MGaictyl02J C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 23 461 4065 This year 2 2Jfatlircs Jfatlircs Darling 1 OQ Br m G by KineshiP Dawte by Pontiac PontiacLast CampbellMa2830 Last work 135 34 1 125sy 25sy JUt7 Trainer D Garrity Owner W G Campbell Ma2830 Thf 1 l53 f = I 23 109 8 S 51 45 FodenN1 10 Spe of UtylOlFairOil 10GGtenoekl05 C Maj2330 AVdb 3 l14Vft 75 110 12 12 12 11 FodenN1 12 SeaKale 112Sabana HOMarieGaiety HOC HOCJbigSOnVdb JbigSOnVdb 2 l19sy 44 117 12 12 10 = 10 ° FodenN8 12 Killing 119 Tipsy 110 Marie Gaiety 110 C Oct2529Aur 1 l54hy 10 100 G 4 3 4 ReddingJ 6 S Olilla 112 MissSonrire 102 OnrJoan 102 C Oct2429 Aur l l51 m 13f 105 985 51 MayT 12 Hitter HSNuckolsBoy 1071olarSea 111 C Oct2129 Aur lje l47 ft 2Gf 10J 11 10 733 G l CimerakG 12 MJMcyJrllGTcherll4UydDalel09 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Last year 21 221 S 2020 This year 3 0 0 0 50 50Ferry Ferry Of Fate 10 WatercressLUU B Bt 5 by Kineship Final Shot by Watercress LUU Trainer E Pons Owner J J Burns BurnsApc2530 Apc2530 = Whe l01 ft 195 116 1 5 3s V Haym 11 SwtTidingslOJIristadosl07FrLegn 110 C Aptl830AVlio ifl17sl 13 111 G 4 7J 8 HayH3 9 ChcckmatellS PlezalllOO HoatzinllC C Api1230 = Wlie S l02ft 12 114 10 10 lOHlOJ HayII 10 ruchonlllBrdlbnelOOABBnsgrlll C J n2030 = Mia 1J 151 ft 25 113 4 5 10 11 = McGinnlsP 12 YrPlaylOCArchitectlOSJgeCavcrly 113 C J n 830Pom 1 l3Sft 95 113 433 4 McGinsP C Bozo 108 Toanna 113 ItolConfidcncc 108 C Jan 7303Pom 53 f l07ft 2710 113 2 3 H I3 McGinsP 5 Dumvorkin 103 Tariff 100 Vlniin 93 C Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last AVonLast year 13 221 1820 This vear 7 1 2 0 535 535Twenty Twenty One Shillings 101 Ch ° 3 Ml by Golden Guinea Star Berta by Star Shoot Last work 334 38 37iSv Trainer C W Brown Owner C W Brown BrownJIar2S30 JIar2S30 Thf 1 l53 Rl 59 10412 C 7J S1 RccdW 10 Spe of BtylOlFairOil lOCGtcRocklOS C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 Miss Gaiety II List work 140 lml47ft Jvt JvtMaj2S30 Trainer F Fox Owner Mrs E Glassco Maj2S30 Tlir lc 153 sl 37 105 4 5 5Hv20SOlAAdb 7 DugganR 10 Spe of BtylOlFairOil 10CGteRockl03 O Hv20SOlAAdb lj ljff ff l54yshy 39 118 7 6 6Oct 51 71 DugganR 8 Gay Parisian 121 FairOil 112 Span 112 O Oct 529 Duf J 133 ft 29 102 102Oct 4 CorbetlC S PyFlahyl03Jk ofCltibs 109AVpee 109 O Oct 129Duf 1ff l57ft 15 102 102Bnx2729AAdb 43 CorbettC 8 Cut Bush 111 Slnaste 107 Lannie 107 O Bnx2729AAdb 1J l571 gd 49 92 G 8 8Scp24S3AVdb 7 G Quillenll 9 AmcnKall3AAgMinstrel I13Carlino 102 O Scp24S3AVdb 1h l49 t 52 100 G 10 lOl 8 i QkbshG 11 Mnsheet 103MyMnt 107BsyJyne 100 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd StnrtB 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 25 This year 2