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AT BELMONT PARK PARKFIRST FIRST EACE 58 Mils AVidcner course Kower field Purse 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingFurss Furss 1OCO 130 F M Horse Wt Code Horse Wt Code CodeFly Fly Guy 102 1 Jimmy Jingle 109 8 8Decdie Decdie 10J 2 Jamison 112 a aZinn Zinn 115 3 Old Sport 111 10 10Impish Impish 100 4 Brighton 101 11 11Ronald Ronald Grey 115 5 Traumagnc 109 32 AVelsh Broom 312 G Kensington 109 13 13Xovena Xovena 112 7 AVee Drop 112 14 14SECOND SECOND RACE 34 Milo Main course Blue BluePoint Point Furse 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesFurse Furse 1200 200 F M MQuick Quick Step 110 1 Enduring 113 7 7Discolored Discolored 10G 2 Royal Light 1015 8 8Martis Martis 120 3 Polygamous li0 9 9Hacky Hacky II 113 4 Dunsany 113 10 10Tripping Tripping Toe 108 5 Buckeye Poet 120 11 Dunlins Son 113 G GTHIBD THIBD EACE 1 18 Miles Ethelbsrt Furse 3 3yearolds yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesPurso Purso 1200 230 F M MElecta Electa 308 1 Sun Falcon 105 4 4Flaming Flaming 103 2 Host 117 5 5Nicotine Nicotine 100 3 3FOURTH FOURTH EACE 1 Mile EaceUnd Handicap 3 3yearolds yearolds and upward 1200 Added 300 F M MHornpipe Hornpipe 117 1 Stormy Dawn 124 G GBrown Brown Brutus 105 2 Moine 105 7 Fair Ball 122 3 Maccdon 112 8 Chieatie 122 4 Sun Shadow 118 0 0Clean Clean Play IIS 5 5FIFTH FIFTH EACE 4 32 Furlongs Videner course Domino Furse 2yearolds Allowances Furse 1000 330 F M MMad Mad Career 117 1 Friar Bacon 113 9 9AVrigley AVrigley Field 113 2 Beguile 113 10 10Chitleaf Chitleaf 313 3 Repentance 113 11 11Gunplay Gunplay 110 4 Black and Blue 11312 11312Rock Rock Reef 120 5 Bar Hunter 120 13 13Xachary Xachary 113 G Beau Jolie 113 14 Satin Spinner 113 7 Blue Law 317 15 15Street Street Singer 113 8 John Mill 120 1C 1CSIXTH SIXTH EACE 1 11G Miles Sandspoint Furse Furse3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Furso 1000 400 F M MFlying Flying Start 105 1 Handy Man 109 7 7The The Tattler 114 2 Aimont 11G 8 8Xylophone Xylophone 113 3 Mint Sauce 121 9 Sanford Ill Comet 112 10 10Billie Billie Leonard 111 5 Seabright 115 11 11George George Da Mar 110 C