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Chicago Business Mens Racing Association AssociationRoom Room 728 31 Knst Congress Street CIiicnRO III Race Course Hawthorne 111 111UNDER UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ILLINOIS TURF ASSOCIATION STAKES TO BE RUN AT SUMMER MEETING ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY JULY 12TH 12THSummer Summer Meeting 18 Days Autumn Meetir MeetirAUGUST Meeting 12 Days DaysSElTEMBER AUGUST ITIt TO AUGUST 23RD SElTEMBER 29TH Tl TO OCTOBER UTIt NOTICE THE HAWTHORNE GOLD CUP Weight for age will be run at Autumn meeting Sept 29 to Oct 11 Date of closing will be announced at a later date OFFICERS OFFICERSCHARLES JOHN C SCIIANK President CIIARL1 CIIARL1AL1JKUT CHARLES KRDTCKOFF Treasurer AL1JKUT SAKATII VicePresident CHAS AV BIDWILL Secretary JOSEPH A MUItPlIY VicePresident JOSEPH JOSEPHStewards A MURPHY General Manager ManagerJudges Stewards StewardsJOSEPH Judges JudgesH JOSEPH A MURPHY Presiding H P COXKLING MARTIN KATIIAXSON KATIIAXSONC JOSEPH McLEXNAN McLEXNANJOHN C F IIBXUY JOHN CAREY CAREYStarter Racing Secretary Starter StarterJOSEPH Patrol Judge JudgeIRY MORUISSEYAsst JOSEPH McLENXAN HARRY IRY MORRISSEY WM DOYLK DOYLK31erk Asst Racing Secretary Clerk of Scales ScalesCHAS Patrol Judge Judge1ANCIS CHAS J McLENXAN FRANCIS 1ANCIS DUNXE DUNXEAssociate FRANK OTIS OTISPaddock Associate JudgeCLIXTON Handicapper Paddock Judge Timer TimerE CLIXTON C RIIEY A E BLANCHARD WALTER GUMit STAKES FOR SUMMER MEETING ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY JULY 12 12Stakes Stakes Distance THE DistanceTHE HAWTHORNE HANDICAP 3riLESTHE For TlirccYcarOMs and Upward 1 11G 3riLES THE CHICAGO IIUSIXESS 3IEXS HANDICAP 3IilesTHE For TlirceYcarOlds and Upward 1 18 3Iiles THE CHICAGO JUYEXILE HAXDICA1 For TwoYcarOlds 6 Furlongs THE FurlongsTHE HAWTHORNE IXAUGURAL HANDICAP For ThreeYearOlds and Upward C Furlongs FurlongsTHE THE WIXDY CITY CLAIMING STAKES 3IilesTHE For ThreeYearOlds and Upward 1 11G 3Iiles THE FORT DEARBORN HANDICAP For ThrecYearOlds 1 116 Miles