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7th Washington pnrsc 1300 Syearpias and upward Claiming Mon llS Miles tanaro June 2G 1029 150 4 95 951XOTE 1XOTE Claiming price 1800 3yearolds anil upward ivhich hare not won since 3Iay 24 3yearolds 108 pounds older 110 pounds Ind PP Horse AVt Rcc AAVtIlan AAVtIlan479G12 479G12 7Participate LF 113 154 5 111X725 480S9 5Scths Ballot FG 109 154 4111X720 48144 2 0nup LF 101 153 G 100X715 48023 8Mnster AceAVas 110 154 5 lilX710 480901 9BIack on AVhite AVas 108 153 C 111X705 Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 4SOS9 10 Bumpsie Ray AVas 102 152J5 4 110X700 47958 CIrena T CD 105 155 410CG95 410CG95478G9 478G9 ITreasurer Bbg 112 l54ii 11 111XG90 111XG904SM4 4SM4 3 Black Bart LF 113 l521s S 11CXG90 480272 4 Ralph Uartvn Uartvnstejn stejn AVas 113 154 C 11CXG90 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts PPStsParticipate Best Company Class of Race Participate 111 mBr Br g 5 by Morvich Penance by Sain Last work 145 5S l04ftL1J Trainer R Slomer C CMay27S07AVas Owner C Bidwill May27S07AVas 1J l5GHft 3 110 5 1 lh 2h CantonR C OF OFiaylG307CD FacnityllODnaSintalQ5IIuOnTimel05 O i iaylG307CD 1J 155 ft 96 105 9 3 S S10ts 10ts CantonR 11 R RJJayl3S03CD RayRuddy 105Congo II lODIreneT 105 O JJayl3S03CD 1 153 m lOf 10712 6 8 8 = CantonR3 i 12 i P PMaj cSSDnal07FireUndr 107PleSd 104 j O Maj l307Lex lfe 143 ft 13 112 7 4 5 = 1 571 HeigleR 9 31 31ApnSgSOLex Monticello 100 Onup 107 Honi Soit 112 O ApnSgSOLex fclll ft 9 110 8 4 53i 452 HeigleR9 9 9N 9NApc2330Lex Nevermore 110CaptainJS115Bnino 115 O Apc2330Lex fc l103ift S 110 3 5 Bi 57 HelgleR1 10 B BApnl930Lex BrckFlyerll2ShnsLadllOCaptnJS110 Oi Apnl930Lex 930Lex fc 111 ft ftStarts 21 US 3 2 a3 72 HeigleR3 12 P PgnLdiellSGisKhanllSLadyAVitt 108 O Starts 1st Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 2 This year 7 0 1 0 200 Seths 111Last Ballot 111 Last work 138 34 l22sl 3Iaj29307Was 1J l54ft 65 113 3 6 GtJ 5 Keiscrll 7 BansetlOjBumpsieRayllo Blewaway 110 O Maj23305Aur 1fg l52Sihy 1910 IDS 1 2 23 lnt DupuyM2 C RoxieAVcidel lOGTorch llOTheOrln 10G O j Mv2130Aur I70 l46sd 10 IDS 3 5 53i 5 DupuyM1 7 Cockrill 113 Leyland 113 Alto 113 O J Man lSOFG ll573hy 51 Ul 1 1 1 1 CimeraUG8 0 A regal 111 LaPaloma 112 Cisfield 112 O Ftb2G30FG l lj j l4Sl sl 2310 111 2 1 I1 1s CimerakG 10 CotBoyll2JimMcMonll2Seabrht 1081 0 F i20307FG 1fg l4Sft 145 109 1112 lnk RussellK 7 Cockrill 11G GrabBag 109 Finland 111 0 FtU10306FG li lS3 ft 4710 109 3 2 2 2 RussellK 7 Jack Horgan 111 Cisfield 109 Aole 112 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 43 334 2700 This year 11 522 4122 4122Onup Onup I f B m 6 by Upset Ornery Dy All Gold GoldLast Last work 149 34117ft JUO Trainer J Spencer Owner J Spencer SpencerMaj30307Aras Maj30307Aras 1 l53ft 1910 103i S S 10 S1S LcnnleAV1 10 Aviator 112 Otilla 102 Cottage Boy 107 O itajSGSO Aas 15 l55ft 32 110 4 4 2h 23 LandoltC3 G Dubric 115 Serajevo 115 Amilcar 115 O MV l307Lex 1 148 ft 21 107 9 G 2s 23 DePmaR5 0 Monticello lOGHoniSoit 112HoldFastl07 O Air2430 Lex I1 l47 ft 19 113 6 7 6 Gl DePmaR 7 YourPlayll2PcsMgrtl02TJpdsy 107 0 Octl8293Lat 1ft 200 ft 195 102 4 1 1 I1 NealP 8 Sharon 110 Son 110 Bashful Beau 110 O OOctl6297Lat Octl6297Lat le l46ft 12 104 9 8 10 1013 NealP 12 RylMgrl07CongoI1107ErvnSixtyll2 0 0Oct Oct 429 CD 1fg 14S ft 165 107 10 8 7 J 7 NealP 10 L lleLoul04LtleGneal07Lgchamps 107 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 14 321 3100 This year 4 0 2 0 300 Master ACC 1 1 1 1Last s 6 7 ar Master Erase by Atheling II Last work 139 38 41sy JJJL Trainer C N Freeman Owner C N Freeman Ma2S303Aras 1J 154 ft 6 110 4 1 lu 2l KctryjJ 5 Serajevo 112 Richu 110 Over Fire 112 O OMaj2130Aur Maj2130Aur 1J l557ift 39 109 9 4 3 I1 KetryJ0 9 Troubanova90TheoRedl03CagcBoy 112 0 0JLij1930 JLij1930 ° Aur I70 l52m 35 107 6 6 6t9 G7 KetrjJ 7 MissMrdl05IIhPyrll2KMeGmellia MissMrdl05IIhPyrll2KMeGmellialbj330Aur lbj330Aur 2 11 ft 27f 106 6 G 510 G7J KctryJT H Gibbons lOJBrtinswick 105WatchOn 107 O OJIaj JIaj G30Aur 2 116 hy 39 110 7 S Sts S 1 IvetryJ 8 SirJohnKlOSRoodles llOUigliPlaycrllo O OJuL JuL 8297AP ljl53ft 6 103 4 7 71 7 MorrlsR 7 BeaumontllOFireOnder lllHelenE 104 O OJuL JuL C29JAP 1 l54ft 61f 111 7 4 53 2l HalbertF 12 BillCsgravellOMiladyOlGrgcStack 111 O Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 7 0 3 1 700 This year 5 1 1 0 850 850Black Black Oil White 111 Gr h 6 by Grey Fox Ul Miss Eonald Bay Ronald Last work 147 1m l5Si ft J Trainer W Sims Owner R C Thatcher ThatcherMaj2930CD Maj2930CD lfg l4Ssl 3710 110 S 5 31 21 Fisherll 9 BigSandy HOLyBasil 105Friend 110 O OMvlG307CD MvlG307CD 1J 155 ft 23 105 4 7 7s DC2 BryantD 11 RayRuddy I05Congo II lOSIreneT 105 O OJuL2C297AP JuL2C297AP 1J 200hy 51 111 67 7 Gi JcnesR 12 TorchBoy 114FarAway lllPatField 101 d dJul Jul 1329TAP 1J 215hy SI 107 5 3 35J 31 Philpotll 8 SwtMdy97TomByrncl02Indnapolisl01 O OJuL JuL 429AP li 207ft 7 107 1 2 4s 4 MorsonR 7 FlrcUnrlOORHartstn 105TByrne 105 O OJuL JuL 129AP li 202hy 125 111 6 G 6 ° 6 BarnesE 10 SprFclixl02TrchBoyllOBlC ssrvel07 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 15 303 2900 This year 2010 200 200Buillpsic Buillpsic Iay 1 c 4 by Donnacona Miss Martine by Zeus ZeusLast Last work 1J1 12 52gd J J U Trainer L F OLeary Owner Lyda Mae Stock Farm Stable Mij29307Was 1J l54ft ll 115 7 4 3 2 MorsonR7 7 Bansct 105 Blewaway 110 Amilcar 115 0 JJj26300Was IJ l55ft 11 110 6 5 GJ 5ci CooperO C Dubric 115 Onup 110 Serajevo 115 d Unj22307Aur 1 14SH 22 10S 8 6 67 5 1 MarcumJ S MJMcNJrll2MelManl03BghMerlOSO Majl7307Aur 1fy 146 ft 10 105 G 7 G i 4 BoucherJ 7 GnlJkson OGTorvh 109BigChIcf IOC 0 0Majl320Aur Majl320Aur l ljl47ft jl47ft 11 110 G 5 431 3i LeylandJ 7 Torch 110 Faddy 110 Highllayer 110 0 0MajlO307Aur MajlO307Aur 1 201ft 6 107 9 5 4 2s BoucherJ 10 Faddy 108 Omrah 108 Formic 10G O OM M j 230cAur 1 150 31 71 105 5 6 43 2 = 1 BouchcrJ G NaniHaiilOGHazelDsonlOOMilarialOC O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Vcn Last year 30 1 3 1 925 This year 18 143 1 35 IreilC T 1 f B f 4 by My Play La Recolte by Meddler MeddlerLast Last work 311 38 35ft Trainer B Ott Owner French Lick Sprinss Stable StableXaj2730Was Xaj2730Was l 143 grtll10 112 5 3 4 3 5 NcalP1 G Peach Rose 112 Easter 105J Otilla 107 C CJlajrlGSOCD JlajrlGSOCD 1J 133 ft 1310 103 1 2 2 3J NealP 11 RayRuddy 105 Congo II 103 Florhi IOC C Clfa10307CD lfa10307CD Ijj 149 ft 12 103 S 2 2J 2 NealP3 10 Crash llODolan 105Kentucky Ace 115 C COct Oct 929cCD 1 l47ft 17 10S 7 8 S1 7ei AndrsnA B S PctcrDixon lOlJem lOOPort oPlay 100 C COct Oct 529 CD 1j I4Sft 8 100 7 6 41 4 NealP 7 SthIandBoylOSMythl07GldcnWcst 103 C COct Oct 329rCD 1 147 81 99 9 9 9 9 SavagcJ 9 SdyShre 102NickCulop 115MissLeell2 c cBep3029 Bep3029 CD 1fg l4Ssd 1C 101 C 6 G G5J NealP 8 Boris 110 Yucatan lllThistle Star 101 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1C 3 3Treasurer 1 5 305G This year 301 301mBr Treasurer mBr g 11 by Ogdcn Rosabsl by Ormondale Treasurerjr Trainer R B Allen Owner J Dire jr r2430TAur 1 l53ft l53ftJlAj21301Aur 96 103 3 G S 9 MarcumJ 0 LongJoe 103 BlackBart 111 Formic 100 C JlAj21301Aur lfs l4SV gd gdJIaj 81 103 5 9 Sl 7 MarcumJ 9 Kamucla lllSalta lOaHazelDenson 101 C JIaj 130Aur IjV l49gd l49gdOctSO29Aur 3S 101 G 8 8 8 MarcumJ S Flunstcr IOC llintcel 101 Faddy 104 C OctSO29Aur 1J 201m 201mOcLll29 2C 10G 896 LandoltC 12 OpcnGoShntlOSMarengol03nopeless 104 C OcLll29 Haw Ijijf 150 sy 13 109 8 6 6 4 LandoltC 1 8 Juleel lOlVdVgcclOIKtyMullylOg C 10 109 3 1 MitchellM 8 BedfdDrm 109BurnooselOGFornovo 115 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 2 4 3 This year 3 Black Bart 1 1 fi B e 8 by Hand Grenade or War Fame Caro Nome by Orna OrnaLast Last work 140 31 l24shjr 1 1 U ment mentTrsiner Trsiner A 3 Plack Owner L D Odham OdhamJtyrSOSOWas JtyrSOSOWas 1J l53ft 14 112 10 10 S 5 = CorbcttC 10 Aviator 112 Otilla 102 Cottage Boy 107 C Jlajr2430Aur 1J l55ft C 111 C 5 3 ° 2 LcylandJ 9 LongJoe 103 Formic 109 Pat Held 1050 laj21305Aur Iff 202 sd4710 109 8 7 S S i LcylandJ 8 NaniIIwaiil03Tgraml03TomBncllO C JLvlG30Aur 1 l47 ft 11 113 10 7 7 J 4 J LeylandJ 11 MyMcrnKtfCoMenlinllOGKyBbe 100 C Jl jl330 Aur IjV l4Sft IS 110 8 10 9 Gi LcylandJ 10 OraralillOKyBabe 102MaryMcClain 103 C HajlO30TAur 1 201ft 5i 110 10 10 10 = 9 LcylandJ 10 Faddy 103 BumpsieRay 107 Omrah 108 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 39 This year 19 0 900 Ralph IfarteilStcin 1 1 ft B Ct 6 by sPanish ico II lady Dorothy by Helmet HelmetLast Last work 142 34 l19ft JLU Trainer W E Jones Owner J Heelan HeelanKaj2S30TWa3 Kaj2S30TWa3 1J l55ft 17 112 4 1 2i 2 LcylandJi 7 BusliMonKcrllOComniandl07Faddy 107 C JIaj G30Aur l4Shy 74 113 7 S S S MooreET 8 Marengo 103 Finnic 111 Lancer 103 C Ma2530StJ l 143 ft 30 111 11 11 10MO MooreET 11 RnRougelllSvtnSixtylOSPrincelylll C JlatlOSOStJ 3 115 ft 22f 122 1 9 G G MooreET 11 Lindy llSWarNymph 117Dashaway 103 C 6 li2S29LF 1 14 ft 19 113 765 5J MorsonR 7 Quibblcr 117Woodlot HOFHawley 118 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast ycr21 241 2023 This year 4 0 1 0 200