5th Thorncliffe, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-02

past performance

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5th Thorncliffe Eirertlalc Purse Parse 1200 3yearolds and upward upwardAllowances Allowances Cliaiming L June 1 1929 126 1 Mile 112 112The The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing1 record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Sonnelli 110 s y Conning Eleni by Greenback GreenbackLast Last work 144 38 37ft Trainer T H McCreery Owner Sewickley Stable StableJIaj27SOJTh JIaj27SOJTh 3 l13ft 41 103 3 2 21 lll MaibenJ3 9 TableTalkl03LpBack9SEverytime 113 A AJIaj JIaj 130Jam 3 l13ft 2 117 5 3 33 23 McXaeeR 11 AlarisBay 117LeonardB112Fatisue 117 0 0Apc2330sJam Apc2330sJam 2 l13Vft 15 120 5 6 5s 53 McNmeeR3 G Infinitus l OStMarcollDEvrytlme 120 A AOcLllC93Jam OcLllC93Jam = l12 ft 15 108 5 4 72 S11 MaibenJ 9 GunRoyal 114SiugeStar lOSSandy 110 H HAus3029 Aus3029 Sar 1 137 ft 10 105 3 1 43 51 McCoyJ 5 Cmstokeryl09CJnPryll0lcsTinall4 H HAng2229Sar Ang2229Sar jj 112 ft 8 110 4 2 21 2 McCoyJ 15 PassinsByllOInceptionllOFairyRinslOo A JoL 329 Aqu lfs l46ft 30 1061 7 7 712 71S McCoyJ 7 Frisius 105 Healy 115 Mel Fop 120 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 70 2 0 5 450 This year 3 1 1 0 S 950 950Belle Belle Of GoYnilS 108 B f 4 ty Campfire Pixy by Peter Pan PanLast Last work 151 1m l51ft JLVO Trainer G W Campbell Owner J J Farrell Jr Ma2730JTh gl27Ct 20 93 3 4 2i 11 PasseroJ 9 Gerard 103 Wellet 113 Talky 100 A Ape 330Bow 3 l12m 11 106 5 4 3 1 3 QuillenC1 C DDidUpsetll2PentLass lllRueful 103 A 6ep3029 = HdG 3 l13sy 2G5 113 4 3 331 3 RoseG 3 C Equation 107Toki 100 Sun Persian 117 C CJul23295Ham Jul23295Ham 1 148 m 115 B9 3 1 1 l3JHrnG 5 TakeYrTimel03ChangL109Bidble 104 A AJullO29FE JullO29FE 1ft 146 ft 10 95 2 5 51 4s CannonW 8 Attack 109 Boom 11G Troutlet 101 H JuL G295FE 1 l44ft 13 101 1 1 I 3s WllsonT 1 5 CIearSkyl07TroutletlOOContemplate 113 A Jun27293Ham 3 l12ft 23 100 6 6 7 71 1 7 1 WilsonT 7 Ly3IarielOSTUeathenl24Contplatell8 H HWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last t year 9 1 04 S 180C 1800 This year 2 1 0 1 1100 1100Br Sunvir 1 t Br g 4 by u uLast Sun Briar Olga Virginia by Celt Last work 125 12 51ft i1 TV Trainer T J Tlnelo IV normal TT T1 TTHf Jtij29305Tlif I l27 3gd 7 119 7 2 21 1i SlateF 10 Gerard 112 RedBriar 107 WaveTop 93 0 0Haj2230TWdb Haj2230TWdb 1ft l47 ft 31 113 5 2 23 3l SlateF C BlackCloudOOSnelboc HOUlverston 105 0 0Ma19SOWdb Ma19SOWdb 1 l50sy 8 110 1 2 Il Is SlateF3 5 MtSccll5BrkDmdlOSFireBgdel03 U UMajl730Wdb Majl730Wdb l l4Gft 3710 124 2 3 4 i 4s SlateF3 5 IIatboml09JudgeBarctl25Wrackelll09 C MajlO306Pim 3113 ft 81 10G 6 5 5 55i StevensF C Mud 110 Toki 107 Leucite 110 Uij 630 Pim 1 l44ft 95e 119 G 3 413 4 = l BejshakJ 7 ArmagdonlOOnotToddyl21Shmer 119 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 16 0 5 3 1500 This year 8211 2440 2440Elizabeth Elizabeth Bolla 108 Ch ff 4 by rlyins Squirrel Sunny Days by Olambala OlambalaLast Last work 148 3S 37ft JLwO Trainer C Holland Owner Mrs I E Holland Haj2S305Thf g 129 si 15 104 1 1 I1 2 PhillipsC3 G Babble93tSwatter 97Blackliamond 110 A May22303Wdb 3115V ft U5 114 6 4 I1 I1 LeylandA 10 WilhelminalOSCkyCpnlOOGtRk 1180 May20305Wdb 21lGhy 23 112 97 5 5 PhillipsC9 9 Martis 112 Babble 104 Crazy Coot 112 A Jlaj S30 Pim 3 l14ft 5 110 5 5 33 31 QuillenC3 8 AlwtonDollylCOFaiiBobl20FairOrb 107 0 May G305Pim 3 l13ft 29 110 3 1 533 6 PasseroJ8 9 ImaQueenlOCStupdousllOTcwIda lOli O Ape2330 = HdG 3 l13ft 20 108 1 5 10ill QnbushG 15 NaeBreeksllSraddockllOCharleyJSllS 0 Apnla30JHdG 3 l13ft 235 112 3 5 7 10 HanfordB 12 JIalolo 117 Folamile 113 Fair Bob 112 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 29 6 G 3 S G615 This year 18 3 2 1 2820 2820Black Black ClOUd QQ Blk c 3 by Black Servant Iwin by Dr Leggo LeggoU U U Trainer L Gentry Owner H C Hatch Jfc2230Wdb 1 l47ft 21 96 3 1 I3 1 RileyG RileyGMaj1930Wdb C Snelboc 110 Sunvir 113 inversion 105 O Maj1930Wdb l ° l50sy 85 101 3 5 4 1 5 3 RileyG 5 SunvirllOMintScc lloBlkDmond 108 H Apn2130 Lex 1 l44ft 1710 113 3 2 ln 1 RileyG1 RileyG1Apcl8303Lex 7 SuDown 117CenJkson 112RngSeal07 O Apcl8303Lex fc l10ft 1710 111 2 5 45i 2 = i RlleyG3 9 PatriciaAnn lOOSelection 112Dorita 100 O 3117m 145 110 1 3 21 ll TonrowR 5 VicksburglOGJustinal04Whileaway 108 A 21llft 51 112 3 3 3 3 MannF3 C nhFtlOGlLngJones 115RvlleBy 117 A 2 l13J4ft 115 113 1 3 31 11 MannF5 MannF5ll42m 5 WhileawyllOIIigliFootllOGregory 110 A FtbLl5303FG ll42m 18 103 1 2 2 2 ArnoldG 5 LightngJones 113Niatol01Cabildo 105 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 This year 14 3 4585 Scared o Nothin 3 c 3 by Wrack Tidings by Theo Cook Last work 150 12 32ft tMJ Trainer E P Summcrfield Owner E P Si Summerfield SummerfieldJTay27303Thf JTay27303Thf 2113ft 48 103 754 52 IIovardH 9 Sonnelli 105TbleTalk 103LpBlack 98 A Noi1229 Pim 3 l12ft 2S 117 8 Fell SlateF 9 BuckeycPoet 117SunFalcon U2Skirl 117 S SNo No G296Pim 2114 ft 29 109 7 G 7Ji 6 = 2 SlateF 8 Ned 0 109 Cullodcn 107 Swinfield 109 A AKoc Koc 129Pim 2 l14m 21 116 1 2 I3 1 = 1 SlateF 5 CneySweep HGPticular HSTopKkllC A AOcL2329 OcL2329 Lrl 2 113 Ed 51 109 3 5 5 5 QebaumC 7 Clilo Boy 107 SunCralg UO Cymbal 107 A Octl7293Lrl 2 lHsl 21 114 2 2 21 2 = 1 SlateF 8 SunCraig 110 MrSponge 114 Skirl 114 A AOctll293Lrl Octll293Lrl 3113ft 3 113 8 7 4 3 4s LeonardR 9 NitSignal lOSStSentimtllOCoIosl 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 13 3 2 0 5 2950 This year 1 1Little Little Gyp 101 y aI1an Alcock Gypsy Gold by Polymelian v vLast Last work 124 12 49ft Jv JL Trainer C C Hastings Owner C C Hastings ifcj24305Aur 5J f lOG ft 3310 l03 3 4 3 i 3i BoucherJ 7 Brk ofDnlOSMorsunl20FloodCtroll08 A Jlar2030sAur 2 110 hy4110 J03 1 1 I3 1 BoucherJ3 S BobRogerslOSLaBttclOOJkAlexer 113 O 3iv15305Aur I10 l4Dft 31 103 1 2 2 4i BouchcrJi 5 Tanist 108 Alto lllJackAlexander 108 O Marl230Aur I10 l45ft 145 107 1 1 G5i G AyraudR G SnCarrsl07Bridegrml0715bUgers 105 0 JLjlO305Aur 2 1W ft 135 103 2 3 3i 33 FryeJW C NoraD 103Charm lOSJacknaskell 118 A llaj S303Aur 3 l13 ft 8 98 2 2 2 2 FryeJW3 C Morsunll3Taddyvawal07FirstMionl04 H ILv lSOAur 3 113 Ed 23 100 3 3 4J 711 BoucherJ 10 JackHkell 103Tdywawal07NoraD 102 H Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 25 3 3 4 3758 This year 18 515 5 4200 4200Troiltlct Troiltlct Qfi B m y Soest Troutling by Phaleron PhaleronLast Last work 142 1 l8202ft O Trainer J Hutton Owner E H New NewM M r30305ThC Ijfj IMSHft G 100 4 4 43 31 PhillipsC1 G Gay ParnlOSShoreltlOGPerlapides 109 HI 3laj27305Thr I l2Gft 3310 100 8 5 3 i Z PhillipsC4 S StarCrest 93Circulet lllPerlapidea 107 A Jlv2430Wdb ll10ft Go 991 S 3 42 52 PhillipsC 9 GayParisnl02AymondllOPerlapIdes 107 3 S p2329 Wdb 1 l46ft 8 1001 1 6 6i 5 J QnbushG 7 MrGatyl20AttackllSBeau otWstlH S BqUO29Thf 1fe l4Sft 51 102 4 4 5 = 1 51 IIornG G AttacU10MrGtyl20Bu of tWest 109 H AnB30295BB 1 l37ft 10 97 6 4 3J 33 MaciverA 9 FireBrigadel07TrTimel03narvrdl07 A An5l429CP 1 l47m 1S5 100 1 1 2 21 MaciverA 5 Windsweptl08Bacpiperl05PatriciaJlll A Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rJ Last year 18 3 10 23G5 This year 3 Brunette Preferred PreferredEqx2S29Aqu mBr m 5 M by Black Servant Scrolia by Magellan Trainer J P Mayberry Owner J Arthur Eqx2S29Aqu a 2 406 ft 3e 138 4 3 4 4 MerglerC 7 IJcdSprncel34Mantonlan 147Hooney 145 II 6rpl729 = Aqu a 2 417ft 30 140 3 3 Fell MerglerC 5 Nomad 139 Byron 140 RigVeda 150 J L 129 = AP 2 l194hy 240 1061 4 8 S S = 3 SmlthJ 8 Eskimo 97 Miss Fire 07 Scotland 112 C Jnn24293Was 2 l12ft 60 110 2 6 5 1 5 SmithJ 7 Sixty 115 Scotland 117 CnptalnJS 103 C Jun1S29JWas 2 l13gd 17 106 3 4 6 53 SmlthJ GStwVotelOOFMllwd97WckerDrivel08 A Jun 829 Was 3 112 ft 179 109 7 5 5J3 551 SmllliJ 8 Tyrol US Scotland 118 Doctor Fred 103 C 3293Was 2 liKff 69 107 77 7 7 SmllhJ SmllhJ2nd 1 7 Tyrol 112 Sixty 111 niack Spot 100 C Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 SnclIjOC 1 Ch c 4 by Mackenzie II Airey by Bryn Mawr MawrLast Last work 130 34120sft U Trainer R W Mitchell Owner A O Weston Majr2230TWdb 1 l47Vift C 110 4 3 3 2 RobtsonA3 C IHackCloud OGSunvIr 113Ulverston 103 C Majr 230JPim 1 14G ft 3 113 7 C CJ 5 WkmanR 7 Colossal HOAziz lOlIUackPatricia 110 II Apc22305HdG I l44V ft 175 IOC 5 1 2 3 = J RobtsnA 7 SwtSentinrtl09FrBethll2iedBriarl02 A ApElSSOHdG 1 l49m 1G5 112 4 1 3 1 31 QnbushG1 C Wderaftl07BYkPatricia lOOSunvir 112 A AAprl5S05IIdG Aprl5S05IIdG ll45ft C 107 4 2 331 41 RobtsnA3 5 Star o Mnl07Ormnbirdl05GIossin 111 A ANoT1329 NoT1329 Pim 1 l52gd 12 106 4 6 CannonW G InccptionlOOCfExecutiYclOOSrcIierllO A AKoi Koi 5295Pim Ir l49gd 32 116 5 2 2h 2k WkmanR 5 FalrBcth lOSWatorLad 122FairBill 103 H Starts 1st Sail 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 19 232 2750 This year 5 0 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060201/drf1930060201_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060201_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800